Family ties were big part of Hunter Biden brand, former Burisma official says

  • 📰 Reuters
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Hunter Biden gave the impression to executives at Ukrainian energy company Burisma that he had leverage because of his father, Joe Biden, and sold those family ties as part of his business brand, a witness told congressional investigators.

released by the Republican-controlled House Oversight Committee on Thursday, former Burisma board member Devon Archer said Hunter projected an "illusion" of access to power when he was at the company nearly a decade ago and his father was U.S. vice president.

"Given the brand, I think he would look to, you know, to get the leverage from it," he said. "A lot of it's about opening doors, you know, globally in D.C. ... and then obviously having those doors opened, you know, sent the right signals." At one point, Archer told investigators Hunter Biden "called his dad" when Burisma executives appealed for "D.C. help." But Archer added he had only heard about a call from another Burisma official, who said "we called D.C."


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