Random blackouts leave 300,000 Victorians powerless | Sky News Australia

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.LilyDAmbrosioMP on Victoria's blackouts: Any loss of power, however brief, is a worry. People should be rightly disappointed that the power grid was not up to the task today. MORE: newsday


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RitaPanahi Hi Austarlin New passport

RitaPanahi I smell PR.

RitaPanahi Welding problems at Flamanville Nuclear Reactor : Construction started in 2007, the target launch date was 2012 The cost estimate is now up by another 400 million euros to 10.9 billion euros

RitaPanahi Why do the right people keep pretending that we haven't ever had the nuclear discussion?

RitaPanahi .RitaPanahi

RitaPanahi carbon emissions are baloney! I have asked friends questions like..how much of our atmosphere is CO2 ? is CO2 a pollutant? etc etc They have no idea!! and these are all educated middle class professionals. NO IDEA AT ALL. They just accept the current narrative. CO2 is plant food

RitaPanahi Nah I don’t think so... sorry...

RitaPanahi Mt Martha has room lets put it there

RitaPanahi Here we go again..Australians don't want Fukushima here thankyou auspol

RitaPanahi Solar power IS nuclear power- instead of reactor you use panels- store power in thermal salts, pumped hydro, batteries etc.

RitaPanahi Not much change out of $20B or 10 years to commission a nuclear plant. Solar, pumped hydro and batteries achievable earlier, cheaper and incentivise new burgeoning industry.

RitaPanahi Hey let’s get rid of coal it’s bad.......cheaply to other countries who will use it to generate power..... eco-hypocrisy sofknstupid.

RitaPanahi We did have a conversation. If we are not to spend all our time conversing we need to point out what (if anything) has changed since the last conversation. Maybe “revisit the idea with new information” is a better way of putting it.

RitaPanahi because the proposal has no merit ..on any front

RitaPanahi Where do sky find these nutters? Is there a weekly paper that just contains ads for nutters?

RitaPanahi Agreed!!

RitaPanahi Recourse rich is true. We need to control the ownership of the resources for the Nations benifit, not foreign ownership of multi nationals.

RitaPanahi Then we send waste to mars.

RitaPanahi Proven risks; ● Nuclear Power Plants failure ● service lifespan expire ● nuclear waste disposal issues. No brainer climate & enviornment!

RitaPanahi Zzzzzzzzz Rita Panahi

RitaPanahi Hi Rita. This is worth a read. .

RitaPanahi We dont discuss Nuclear power because peole dont want one close to their home. Would you like one close to your home Yep, so dont expect regional town folks to cop it.

RitaPanahi She just says things to stir up the pot

Ausshot3Dave RitaPanahi Yes. Why can’t we have the nuclear discussion

RitaPanahi Fukushima, Chernobyl poor examples. Very old, low quality builds. Current new builds are behind schedule, way over budget & in litigation. This is not low cost power. Hinkley in the UK needed huge Gov't subsidies to be near viable. Clean up costs in billions for US taxpayers.

RitaPanahi The reason their called right wing nut jobs is they are , the unknown cost of decommissioning a nuclear plant

RitaPanahi Every climate activist i know has been open-minded to nuclear at some point. Its limitations are economic. The expense. The opportunity cost of defunding renewables. The tech trajectory - comparing renewables ready now to nuclear ready in 15 years time. The emissions from mining.

RitaPanahi Every climate activist i know has been openminded to nuclear at some point. It’s limitations are economic. The expense. The opportunity cost of defunding renewables. The tech trajectory - comparing renewables ready now to nuclear ready in 15 years time. The emissions from mining.


RitaPanahi Solar on every new building, not coal. Coal is so 19th century. Stop the BS.

RitaPanahi If we owned the coal and could change more for it then we could have the best roads, the best hospitals, the best schools, and maybe then if there’s some money left over we could romance the idea of renewables. So much energy and resources go to make renewable power production

RitaPanahi Why don’t you do some actual research RitaPanahi

RitaPanahi Liberal propaganda show.

RitaPanahi Nuclear is not cheaper. The cost would be 2-3 times that of coal fired power. Government subsidies would be required to offset the cost and nuclear power would take decades to become operational if we started now. Does NOT help the immediate need. Ridiculous argument.

RitaPanahi Because nuclear is the most expensive form of energy? ...but you clearly wouldn't know that, because your remarks suggest pig ignorance on your behalf.

RitaPanahi I'm against nuclear...until there is a safe way to dispose of yellowcake my vote will always be NO!!!

RitaPanahi Because all nuclear (fission)= neutron source=inevitably toxic results. And all requires massive Gov subsidies and elimination of liability for toxics or accidents.

RitaPanahi “Opinions, not facts”

RitaPanahi Much easier just to have domestic gas reservations & much much much cheaper!

RitaPanahi Cheap? The external costs of burning fossil fuels ie coal are enormous. Highest carbon emissions, pollution, environmental damage, death of wildlife, climate change... It’s a shopping list of destruction! tabloidnonsense

RitaPanahi Because it’s unsafe. Three catastrophic failures out of ~400 reactors in the world. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima. If 3 out of every 400 seat belts failed, would that be acceptable to you? The radiation will be leaking for Millenia. nonukes auspol

RitaPanahi She's totally correct, she doesn't understand.

RitaPanahi Ok sure ..can we build it in your backyard ?

RitaPanahi Hello Sky news i just wanted to say that it would be great if you could have a panel consisting of Rita, Peta, chris kenny and paul murray on election night. Watches their faces would be irresistible viewing.

RitaPanahi Rita ... Rita ... you've been eating too many pumpkins again!

RitaPanahi So right Rita! Just had that discussion today. What the hell is wrong with our Government when we have the most expensive electricity in the world! Of course our State Government is hell bent on making life impossible for so many! Disgraceful!

RitaPanahi Exactly.


RitaPanahi Why are we still thinking about power sources that pollute and destroy. If the planet and us Whooccupy it to have any long term future we have to look to renewables.

MRobertsQLD RitaPanahi The logical choices embraced by the majority for medium term energy are clean coal and nuclear. The left oppose logic based upon ideology, the career and political opportunists cannot embrace the majority logic because of weakness. Time for democracy and common sense to prevail.

Ausshot3Dave RitaPanahi Maybe 30yrs from Fusion ITER And as with everything that China develops, Fusion will become the reality I’m with China COMMUNIST CHINA Numero Uno .

RitaPanahi Yep do it until renewable battery storage can give us all we need.. Or just get more renewables happening. I’m with you, fuck the coal power stations!👍🏻

RitaPanahi Or burn the coal instead of selling it to be burnt elsewhere which makes no friggin sense at all

RitaPanahi Maybe, just maybe, we have a little Sun, and Some Wind in Australia that could if somebody invented something to harness it, could possibly power the country !!!!!!!!! auspol ExtinctionRebellion ClimateAction

RitaPanahi did she say 'reliable power' when talk'n about coal!! hello!! victoria on friday just gone!! some ppl here lost power for 2 hrs on 45+o day!!!

RitaPanahi If you want to build a nuclear power station, there's nothing stopping you. AEMO_Media will gladly connect it to the grid but it would not be economically viable. Simple!

RitaPanahi Oh my god Sky News. Where do you find these numpties?

RitaPanahi But 98% of scientists say global warming is real! Like 99.99999% of scientists said the earth was flat, right Galileo?

RitaPanahi Lazer enrichment mini reactors (very small and safer) is an option. Always has been but politicians are too gutless too worried about political correctness rubbish

RitaPanahi 😂😂😂

RitaPanahi Where's this CHEAP power you speak of ?.....

RitaPanahi Because that would interrupt the footy :) Probably a bit late now for the GrandSolarminimum?

RitaPanahi There is an enormous nuclear reaction taking place about 9 million miles away, it's so big we are permanently tethered to it by the attraction of gravity. All we need to do is harness some of the power it floods us with every day.

RitaPanahi You stump up your cash for it then ritapanahi if you think it is such a great idea. $20bn and 15 years to build. Sounds like a smart solution to me. auspol

RitaPanahi Thank you for your uninformed opinion.

RitaPanahi We did, didn't work. Time to move on.

RitaPanahi We mostly export high grade coal that’s used for making steel, not thermal coal for use in power. Nuclear power isn’t getting cheaper and plants take at least 10 years to commission. The Switkowski review covered this comprehensively.

RitaPanahi Our latest energy expert and RWNJ columnist ? 🙄

RitaPanahi RitaPanahi never understands anything, the lights are on but no one's home. Not surprised tbh.

RitaPanahi Come live in Japan near a reactor and then maybe we’ll talk about nuclear power... Most of ours are being shut down

Melancholalia RitaPanahi Because , cough cough Greens

RitaPanahi If nuclear happens, Simon HAC will be right into it. $$$$

RitaPanahi Yet no support for such power be permitted in Iran? Oz not need nuclear power generation given its large existing available resources as noted by Rita. Oz should be spending its fiscal dollars expanding CSIRO Hydrogen development to ensure the competive lead Oz has is sustained.

RitaPanahi Small modular reactor.

RobMessenger2 RitaPanahi So this is the shit sky after dark feeds to its 18,000 viewers. No wonder they have to give this crap away for free on commercial channels.

RobMessenger2 RitaPanahi This bimbo doesn’t give a rats arse about future generations. Ignorant, bought & paid for mouthpiece for the obscenely wealthy. How does this wretched bush lawyer have an opinion broadcasted when millions of better informed Aussies could make a real contribution?

RitaPanahi Keep thinking like the Liberals Rita. Don't you just sometimes why their policies are so unpopular? I mean don't you get it? Renewables are the only way to go. And climate deniers or political parties that don't do a heck of a lot about climate change are dead in the water.

RitaPanahi Actually, Thorium based nuclear power is safe and cheap. Until then burn coal and plant more trees that absorb the carbon.

RitaPanahi Dim bulb Rita

RitaPanahi 🤣🤣🤣

RitaPanahi And the piles of radioactive waste created? Guess we'll leave them for future generations to deal with. Such a pity we have no other cleaner sources of power.....🙄

RitaPanahi Start up costs, maintenance, risk and waste removal is why.

RitaPanahi Cost. A 1500mW nuclear plant is $9billion and over 10 years to build, and power 1.1million homes. About $2billion would build the same capacity of wind, with battery storage in about 2 years. Never mind the risk, toxicity, and difficulties disposing of waste.

RitaPanahi Trash.

RitaPanahi It would be 20 years at the earliest, before a nuclear power station would be operating. Not to mention that it would be so expensive to build, who will pay for it?

RitaPanahi She is doing nothing more than muddying the waters. Obfuscation she may not know what it means or even be able to spell it but it's what TheIPA LiberalAus do. Keep changing the subject. Straight out of big tobacco play book give big coal time to divest their stranded assets

RitaPanahi What’s Murdoch distracting us from?

RitaPanahi At last a member of this generation has been enlightened. Nuclear power is recognized as a practical, inexpensive and clean source of energy. Today's nuclear energy production saves around 2.4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

RitaPanahi 'Quickly'? Look, just quickly, that is a stupid idea.

RitaPanahi Sunlight and wind are resources. Get lost

RitaPanahi too slow to build, too expensive, waste processing is an issue, but please go on and tell us why we need it...

RitaPanahi France uses 50% of its freshwater to cool its reactors. Australia already has drained its rivers for cotton.

RitaPanahi Thorium power if anything radioactive

RitaPanahi Because it’s a distraction from renewables coal and money laundering foreign power companies 🤔😂


RitaPanahi Who quit the liberal party today

RitaPanahi Because the likes of you and your conservative masters have proven you can’t be trusted. Our coal fired supply is in ruins after privatisation. Like you right wing wankers could be trusted with nuclear. Not very sharp this one.

RitaPanahi Because our Politicians do not think about the future they think about today just to stay in power.

RitaPanahi We had the nuclear discussion, although you're probably too young (or too dim) to remember it. It's not economically viable, and it's politically impossible.

RitaPanahi Because it's a STUPID discussion. Do your research before going on air.

RitaPanahi Why can't we leave all as is Nuclear is a risk renewable has proven it does not work as our deemed experts predicted. Solar not long term as been shown and batteries etc. go where? wind turbines proven can catch fire and not reliable. A country ruled by stupidity and pressure

RitaPanahi Yep we have already had this discussion. Next Rita can we look at high speed rail?

RitaPanahi Oh when companies start throwing money from their coal to Nuclear, of course they will. They just need2work out how 2get govt to pay for all that infrastructure & deals between sourcing and distributing resources they make money from. You know, those not existing in renewables

RitaPanahi You really need to get out your very small, reflective RW bubble occasionally

Talis72078421 RitaPanahi Great point Rita. But these globalist bedwetters hate common sense.

RitaPanahi If anybody wants significant emission reductions, stop selling Australian coal to foreigners

RitaPanahi Just another commercial station hack trying to make a name for herself. In doing so she really is making herself look quite dim.

RitaPanahi Your memory is clearly shot. We’ve had this discussion MANY TIMES! Q: How about nuclear power? A: It’s far too expensive & too slow to build.

RitaPanahi No wonder sky has such poor ratings. Really this is just crap.

RitaPanahi Too expensive, too slow, nuclear waste, not a vote winner, nuclear accidents. Is that enough resins not to go nuclear.

RitaPanahi We have such a backward government at present that having a discussion about our future power needs is beyond them. They have had six years and we are still no closer to anything.

RitaPanahi Chernobyl. Fukushima. Game over. Rita wants to preserve the rent seeker business model for her rich established friends. Rooftop solar is taking money from the rich Minerals Council and greedy power companies. Huzzah

RitaPanahi Shallow RE boosterism from greens overlook the rising costs of renewables as their grid penetration rises.

RitaPanahi Continued prosperity for Australia and the world-tick. Massive reduction in greenhouse gasses-tick....then nuclear is inevitable. Unfortunately Renewables can’t do it alone.

RitaPanahi Gees, I missed you mob. Great to see you all.

RitaPanahi Please put on an a-political expert to properly inform us, not a former bank clerk, politically biased opinionist. Plain silly programming.

RitaPanahi Thank goodness we have Rita, Peter, Paul, Andrew, James & Rowan on Sky News. Not much sense comes out of the media these days other than leftie fake news.

RitaPanahi Jesus, it’s obvious Sky “news” is in bed with the mining companies “ If not coal then mine uranium” is there catchcry. “Beds are Burning”

RitaPanahi Only time 'reducing emissions' is ever of interest or gets a mention by Ms. Panahi and other coal-loving conservatives, is when it can be used in a sales pitch for nuclear. It's about fogging more uranium and not the environment.

RitaPanahi Hi Rita. Australia does not have a nuclear industry so the accompanying chart from America will show Nuclear power as much cheaper than it would cost Australia. Perhaps by as much as a factor of three.

RitaPanahi It’s like these people just don’t listen

RitaPanahi A nuclear discussion ... imagine what myths and misinformation that would brin* forth in the media.

RitaPanahi Yes Australia needs to invest in nuclear-power. The rest of the world is buying our uranium to power clean energy. Why not use uranium here and build new safe nuclear power stations. Also build clean coal power stations as base load power needed for our growing population.

RitaPanahi Not cheap, not affordable and highly polluting. Who is this twit?

RitaPanahi Clearly, this woman lives under a rock! I suggest she follow simonahac .......

RitaPanahi NO NO NO NO NO. Fukushima Chernobyl says no.

RitaPanahi Sunburnt country chooses nuclear power? Can you even hear how stupid it is to ignore using renewable energy?

RitaPanahi Why oh why do we have to endure people intent on destroying the planet for money this commentator is given a platform to peddle her agenda.

RitaPanahi We’ve already had it. Many times. Where were you? Were you not paying attention?

RitaPanahi We export a lot of lithium too. Let's make batteries

RitaPanahi We first have to rescind this law that bans the use of nuclear energy - can anyone honestly see our political elites having the courage to do so?

RitaPanahi Maybe because renewables, including the cost of pumped hydro and/or batteries are already the cheapest form of energy and their price is trending down, why wouldn’t you go with them?

Peter217945 RitaPanahi The only way to go NUCLEAR

RitaPanahi Ask Toshiba why they just walked away from a multi billion pound commitment to building 2 nuclear power plants in UK. It explains very succinctly why we’re not having that conversation.

RitaPanahi You don’t need nuclear - we are power rich with natural resources, sun, wind, ocean - nuclear would take too long to come on line, too expensive and safety not assured!

RitaPanahi *Nuclear discussion had every year since nuclear power was a thing

RitaPanahi Maybe because a nuclear plant costs at least $5 billion, takes 10 years to build, comes with a huge security concern and storing its hyper toxic waste for the next 50K years is umm problematic And the alternative, renewables is cheaper, decentralises the grid and has free fuel

RitaPanahi Absolutely entitled to her view, but remember she has no quals in this or many other areas which has to be important as the area's pretty complex.

RitaPanahi Perhaps research the topic before commenting Rita! Research done already!! 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️😡

RitaPanahi Create a harmful waste that future generations will have to deal with. Think beyond your space in time Rita. In 50yrs you will be dead and forgotten, yet you want to make decisions that last well beyond your short, little life.

RitaPanahi BC no one wants it near there house. They need to be on the coast for water cooling with is highly populated & due to access to grid it needs to be near a major town.

RitaPanahi The only nuclear option I want is harnessing that big nuclear reactor in the sky - the Sun. Nuclear is way too slow to build and costs a fortune. And there is still no solution for all the waste. Renewables are cheap, safe and very competitive.

RitaPanahi Poor little rich Iranian girl wants to discuss Nuclear...

RitaPanahi Ummm renewables are cheaper and more reliable without fucking the environment

RitaPanahi It’s the dearest option.

RitaPanahi Really? Do you do any research before you crap on? Yes we have uranium, but 1) it costs too much to build a nuclear power plant, 2) it takes too long to build one and 3) the resulting electricity is too expensive!

RitaPanahi SKY has incredible ability to attract all sorts of lunatics, crackpots

RitaPanahi Exactly. We have a stable geology and nuclear would be perfect.

RitaPanahi Maybe because a nuclear plant costs at least $5 billion, take 10 years to build, comes with a huge security concern and storing its hyper toxic waste for the next 50K years is umm problematic And the alternative, renewables is cheaper, decentralises the grid and has free fuel

RitaPanahi Too expensive and too slow to rollout RitaPanahi or am I describing your lifestyle

RitaPanahi Now you’ve made it okay to say “Merry Christmas” again, you can write a ‘Dear Santa’ letter asking for a nuclear fission reactor.

RitaPanahi Costs for nuclear are off the scale Rita.

RitaPanahi Pay attention, its been had. Too expensive. Too slow.

RitaPanahi Because it's too expensive, too slow to build, and isn't cheaper than firmed renewables. Next.

RitaPanahi Because Rita, it's too expensive.

RitaPanahi Nuclear has been discussed and the pros and cons are well understood. The problem lies with your prejudice.

RitaPanahi Because we’ve had it multiple times and nuclear keeps losing out. It’s too expensive to build. It takes a decade to build a plant. Then, the power is expensive & can only go up. Then there are the decommissioning costs which are also enormous.

RitaPanahi If Morrison announce today he is building 2 coal & 2 nuclear plants for the betterment of Australians he would not only win in a landslide but that would also be his point of difference in an election campaign. And got out of paying Billions to the UN & EU

RitaPanahi Rita was delightful on The Outsiders this morning. I would suggest to Fox that if Peta Credlin doesn't wish to return they should let Rita fill that spot.

RitaPanahi Notwithstanding matters of cost, storage of materials, the potential for accidents, the biggest obstacle to going nuclear is that it takes a long time to build a power plant. So if you need power now, nuclear isn’t viable. Better to pursue renewables, storage etc fairdinkumpower

RitaPanahi I agree that once Generation IV reactors are ready we should have the discussion. ANSTO is assisting with research and estimates that would be in 2030-2040... Maybe we should give them more funding?

RitaPanahi She said it. 'pay attention to fear and not logic.'

RitaPanahi b

RitaPanahi It's the same here in the US. Nuclear is a clean and safe option! It's over-regulated to make it unattainable...on purpose.

RitaPanahi The climate is always going to change just like humans get old and die. Humans don't control everything on earth although some of us like to think we do.

RitaPanahi Stop it Rita, you are talking sense.

RitaPanahi The main benefits of nuclear powerare that is it more efficient than burning fossil fuels as the amount of energy released from uranium per gram is much more than that of fuels such as oil or coal; approximately 8,000 times more efficient in fact.

RitaPanahi Hey Bmac0507, why are you so mean to RitaPanahi? Can't you see how angelic she looks in this shot, with the light streaming down from the heavens?

RitaPanahi Can’t be serious about emissions with out nuclear. People who say it’s to expensive also want more subsidies for renewables. Reality is it should be both.

RitaPanahi No pvt company has seriously proposed nuclear in Oz because it is too expensive to build, insure and dispose of the waste. Do you seriously want our taxes to subsidise nuclear? And do you want the waste in your back yard or are you a NIMBY?

RitaPanahi ummm - this is why

RitaPanahi Rita is looking for straight line equation s.

RitaPanahi Power problems solved easily- just make all pro wind/sun supporters turn off THEIR air cons when it get to 40degrees - seeing as coal is so evil

RitaPanahi That’s why

deb2829 RitaPanahi Have to change the topic Ritanow Your Govt ,so poor!!!

RitaPanahi Rita, Rita why, this will be the worse decision you have made PR wise to go on outsiders. Career ending in the long term

RitaPanahi Because politically it’s death in today’s terms! Australians are uneducated about nuclear

RitaPanahi Sure & the nuclear waste can be stored at your house.

RitaPanahi Cost isn't an issue either as a small plant costs around US$25M and can be built in 5 years or less.

RitaPanahi Ask Japan about the nuclear option?

RitaPanahi What sort of costs are involved in providing nuclear power?

RitaPanahi ShellenbergerMD

RitaPanahi Because of the cost.........FFS

RitaPanahi Sure, as long as we can have a genuine discussion about renewables. While I've got you does the Federal Government contribute any funding to Sky programs that you are aware of?

RitaPanahi Terrific idea. We don't have tsunami here and in any case the European/US In-Vessel Melt Retention (IVMR) system is a key component in nuclear fusion in new plants. The USA have 60 working just fine..

RitaPanahi Bang tidy.

RitaPanahi Because nuclear is more expensive than renewables

RitaPanahi Or keep the coal here.... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

RitaPanahi Okay, Rita, whatever you say...

RitaPanahi Of course Rita will not say she is happy for all the nuclear waste to be brought back and dumped in Australia as well. You can’t trust this nasty woman.

RitaPanahi Rita, did you ever hear about Fukushima, Chernobyl, 3 mile island? Please educate yourself before talking nonsense!

RitaPanahi We did. It's not worth it. Next.

RitaPanahi I have no issue with nuclear but as it takes so long to establish, renewables are now Australia’s only option to move away from coal towards zero emissions.


RitaPanahi Isn’t Pine Gap run by Nuclear ☢️ power ? Qanon WWG1WGA

RitaPanahi I've already had a nuclear discussion. I lived near the Fukushima power plant when it had the disaster. I've seen what that did to the land, the people, everything...no thanks.

RitaPanahi Well it won't happen under the Labor govt Sky After Dark has almost certainly inflicted on us. Thanks for that.

RitaPanahi Bingo!

RitaPanahi So we exported 200 plus millions of tonnes of coal to third world countries, but can’t build a coal fired power station because of climate change, please explain!


RitaPanahi Too expensive to build and takes too long. Have you heard of economics Rita?

deb2829 RitaPanahi No mention of the air pollution it contributes too !!! At least Turnbull was more interested in protecting the environment !

RitaPanahi Then we have to decide where to storage the nuclear waste. Let's start with that item first.

RitaPanahi The 'nuclear discussion' has been going on since the 70's there is literally a wikipedia page dedicated to it.

RitaPanahi 1. We export coal to countries who are bringing populations out of poverty. We are not a nation requiring coal to bring itself into the first world. 2. Carbon credits would be required in order to make nuclear competitive with fossil fuels... so now subsidies are ok?


RitaPanahi That makes way too much sense..

RitaPanahi The reaction from the Greens & Leftwits will be nuclear in size, at the mere thought of using it for power generation. Let’s start the discussion!!

RitaPanahi Yes please

RitaPanahi Because we've had the discussion already. And unless you've got hundreds of billions of dollars lined up to fund it, there's no point having it again.

RitaPanahi She is dead inside

RitaPanahi Have you not heard of Fukushima?

Sharraki1 RitaPanahi stop exporting coal that solves the emissions problem and its us doing our bit

RitaPanahi Why don't we have the nuclear discussion? 'Because there are alternatives, and better alternatives at that.'

RitaPanahi First one next to your house Rita!

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