Russian gas deliveries to Europe halted for three days

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Energy Energy Headlines News

Russia has halted gas supplies via a major pipeline to Europe.

The outage for maintenance on Nord Stream 1 means that no gas will flow to Germany between 2am this morning and 2am on Friday, according to Russian state energy giant Gazprom.

In Germany, inflation hit its highest level in almost 50 years in August and consumer sentiment is projected to hit a record low for the third month in a row next month as households brace for higher energy bills. Yet Russia has also cut off supply to Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Poland completely, and reduced flows via other pipelines since launching what Moscow calls its"special military operation" in Ukraine.

However, he said the continued supply of natural gas to Ireland has not, to date, been reduced or interrupted as a result of the war in Ukraine. The reduced flows via Nord Stream have complicated efforts across Europe to fill up vital gas storage facilities, a key strategic goal to make it through the winter months, when governments fear Russia may halt flows altogether.


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EamonRyan you never help our people and when you try it is to help them out of a problem that you in fact caused in the first place and you still dont help them Mr Ryan, green agenda is lunacy with questionably facts to back it up from scientists who have been paid to say what u want

“Equipment breaks”, that sounds like the old “there is a glitch in the system” telecoms companies used to use when they couldn’t explain things

Your full of it EamonRyan

EamonRyan Why won’t he answer this question

He has his own black outs, snoozing when he's supposed to be working. Anyone else would be sacked for such behaviour.

EamonRyan Will this government be happy when so many people die from the cold this year?

The Poverty Party

Probably the most hated man in Ireland.

This Government need to have a policy for different fuels HVO which will replace kerosene Hydrogen which can be injected into the gas line All above have a lower carbon footprint At least nobody will experience fuel poverty or need to excessively retrofit windows,doors etc.

when you have a do nothing government more interested in lining their pockets than looking after the country yes it's's just like the housing crisis they can't help pays them not to.


Must invest in a kerosene lamp...

Absolute muppet

COLCIreland My seat to DublinProtest on 24th September is booked EamonRyan you need to listen to the people of Ireland. defectiveblocks mica pyrite PaddysArmy WeStandWithPaddyDiver PaddyDiver4 micaactiongroup MayoPyrite ClarePyrite LmkActionPyrite

Last year I did exactly what the Green Party wanted. I had a heat pump installed in my house at a big expense. No more coal or wood burning like they wanted. This winter I won’t be able to afford to run the heat pump with the cost of electricity if there is electric to run it

I have a joke here and a poke for fun but I have to be honest Eamon Ryan really gets on my nerves big time . I'd even go as far to say he's dangerous, I wouldn't trust him to light birthday candles on a cake,mind you he'd probably ban that too if he could.

Rotten to the core !

Ukraine has notting too do with it a cop out thats all it is

We all know what the energy companies are doing. They are all putting up their prices in expectation of the budget

We could burn peat though couldnt we, ya feckin chancer. Christ almighty we have some twats in the Dail but this fella !!!

Eamon Green, Renewable Energy Ryan is sticking to his Green agenda in spite if what we the citizens fsce this coming winter. What happens to those on direct debit payments to their energy companies, one bill will more than likely wipe out an account, don't think Ryan cares.

You own 95% of ESB, take 95% of the profit and offset that against the cost rise

A boy trying to do a man's job

Is it time for us to collectively head to Dublin and sack these people or do we all have to be starving first?

Gazprom are doing maintenance...they have said this but keep blaming Russia for every fcuking trick.....Monsters

Because You and the Government Failed to act upon 2017 Report about Shortages. Disgraceful

Picture this folks. In the depths of December with snow falling outside and temperatures below zero your electricity will be cut and blackouts will be commonplace. You will check updates on your social media platforms whose data centres in Ireland will face no such blackouts..

One word come to mind when you listen to this clown SPOOFER

One forgot to add

A few days ago he said power cuts were highly unlikely. Who changed his thinking in those few days?

This mans policies of net zero are the reason we have to pay ridiculous amounts for our energy..

Ah Eamon Ryan-agenda contributor (as much as yourselves RTE).You all are fed by the same pair of hands from Davos and from the same Swiss pocket. People will realise sooner or later that united they have the power over their energy bills Ireland do not comply.

This is about nothing but the Green agenda, he said it he is rubbing his hands with glee at the prospect of been able to tell people how to fuel ration


Thanks to your objections to LPG terminals, turf sales, etc we'll do well to survive a harsh winter. How do you aim to keep yourself warm Eamon?

Peat plants

This man hates ordinary Irish people and he’s not the only one.

You have caused more expense on the Irish people! YOU

When you run hot generation plant hot and cold to back up intermittent wind generation you wreck it. It is probable that most coal and gas generation plant is close to being wrecked. As a result of your policies.

Lies, damn lies, more than enough of his cycling in garda cars , has he told us any truths ? Oh the road to Foynes is necessary as it will link a major port to the national road network. Limerick to cork is not worth it anyway go green tea drinkers

Great time to have an electric car.

And you need a pay rise?..... your A joke

Absolute disgrace to his country, another WEF shill puppet. Vulnerable citizens will suffer and our elderly who cant keep the heat on due to costs may even die because of his ineptitude. He needs to be held accountable.


We are sheep it is so obvious what is happening load up people our government are a absolute disgrace and they have put my family in harms way my family are now more vulnerable than ever and I won't let that happen they don't care about us get ready be prepared

If only we had a source of fuel and power plants to burn it in , we could make electricity ourselves . Oh wait now . 🙄🤔🤔🤭

If only we weren’t so reliant on 🇷🇺 There was a time we were self sufficient or close to it . What happened there Minister

Ireland. fordnation

Similar answer to peoples luggage going missing , there's no guarantee you'll have better holiday than your suitcase will , he can guarantee though , he won't be around after the next election , off into the Sunset with John Gormley , then the next Muppet takes over

The Irish are going to pay big . WBrettWilson brianlilley GasPriceWizard

None of this has anything to do with the war in Ukraine, it’s a direct result of greenparty_ie EamonRyan policies aided & abetted by fiannafailparty FineGael closing power plants, not importing LNG or building nuclear. Politicians have created this mess.

We are paying over and above for a service, I for one will not accept anything less than a full service. It's the acceptance of everything up until now that has us in this mess we are in.

EamonRyan is a traitor to this country. We could have had security of energy but for his ideology which is holding the country to ransom. Won’t sign off on LNG or exploration, DeValera reincarnated who wants to take Ireland backwards.on your heads MichealMartinTD LeoVaradkar

They've no idea how expensive it's going to get Reckless support for war leads to death, destruction, wrecked countries, wrecked economies, wrecked lives Supporting UKR until the last drop of their blood. Of course UKR wants to fight! EU should be pushing peace NO MORE WAR

With that statement surly time for him to resign / be sacked notfitforoffice

I'd have more confidence in a trained chimp than this balloon in charge

EamonRyan It's your fucking job to ensure there are no blackouts. If you can't do that then find a job that you can do and get out of politics.

Cannot wait for the next elections


Who the fuck voted for this


They propose to money out of or right pocket to put it into our left.

Ryan has been pushing industrial wind turbines on peat bogs in Ireland for 20 years. 300 wind farms later we are using more fossil fuels than ever because the more intermittent wind on the grid the more gas is used. Blaming the war in Ukraine for his bad planning is pathetic.

Storm Leinster house


And pile on more Carbon taxes

Jack up the prices, make people dependent on the state. F**k your new world order!

Nuclear power

Installation of electricity generating wind turbines & solar electric panels onto houses should be supplemented by zero% government finance with repayment terms over 10 to 12 years. This could increase national electricity generation capacity & reduce electricity grid demand.

How is this man still in goverment Joke of a country

The man is a genius. One of the best we have

No, EamonRyan not support. Price caps are what’s needed support makes the rich richer price caps make it affordable and no one profits from pain. Oh you could also turn the power stations back on well if you had a brain you could.

Go back to sleep Eamon ,

A scaremongering waffler, VoteThemOut

These WEF Rentboys want everyone living on government handouts, so they can force you into the next medical trial or lose your handouts until you lose your home & starve to death.

Looks like someone who’s constantly on the sauce.

Also our government gave away all the natural gas offshore also we haven't a plant 2 extract the natural gas in Ireland it's a bloody disgrace... Would have enough 2 power Ireland 100 years or more

Alls I heard there is the government don’t have the spine to prevent excessive capitalism. Maybe a citizens arrest of those who make the most profit is needed for endangering lives of the population

Btw rte & , you have enabled this BS - and understand this - it IS BS .No Questions allowed , no holding any of these idealogues to account, just virtue signalling on an epic scale on behalf of your new religion. It's a damn shame and you own plenty of it

EamonRyan MichealMartinTD LeoVaradkar wewantanelection

A total and utter useless

Time to fire this guy.

LIAR .They were completely 'avoidable' EamonRyan . Vladimir Putin DID NOT DESIGN IRELANDS ENERGY POLICY .

What energy alternatives? Turf? This guy is beyond parody.

GombeenGovernment These large energy bills would have been totally avoidable if we had a functioning government, with the interests of the Irish people as part of their mandate, and not virtue signaling to some elitist, globalist entity such as the WEF!

Data centres anybody?

2/2 The other issue here is having electricity cost based on gas prices. So apparently SSE is 100% green? How can that be when there is no wind and no sunshine? But when there is 'green' energy available why is the cost of that linked to a gas shortage from Russia and a war?

What alternatives? Coal? Peat? You will always need back up to any 'green' energy. Where is the back up? Where is the storage? (NIL). There is no plan and there is no investment. An aimless war that has nothing to do with us. Shame on you as a government. 1/2

EamonRyan good advice won't pay the bills bulshit coming out of your mouth what a waste in government greenparty_ie rtept cblive twip TonightVMTV

Stop. Supporting. Data centres.

Unavoidable is a weak cop out 🤷‍♂️

He is a 🤡, he would rather see your granny die from. Hypothermia. Then use peat . Election now

“Everything” will be done? Really? Everything? Even restarting the two power plants we shut down?

Strange, you were able to promise 1bn in spending for Ukrainian refugees, but suddenly we have nothing to give irish families in this emergency? Is it because giving Irish families a break wont give you the brownie points with your EU masters?

It's incredible watching all these conspiracy theories play out

We could burn Turf only for this Fool

Come on media do your jobs - get sleepy EamonRyan on his breaching the property laws in his many houses. Probably 4x4s outside the houses also. No politician merrionstreet will go hungry or with electricity this winter

Financial support? No thanks I don't want to be beholden to the govt. Give the financial support to the energy providers on condition they lower prices.

Does “doing everything” include reopening the Lanesboro and Shannonbridge generating stations, one of which only opened in 2004 ?

How can gov financial support as they produce nothing? Printing more money will make inflation worse.

So, let me get this right...we can throw billions at refugees, but will willingly let businesses collapse and households have electricity blackouts this winter? Poor people will freeze and not forgetting the carers of disabled families struggling. GOVERNMENT WANT A RECESSION.

Data centres. End of story.

Changing his tune.Who cares if there is blackouts sure we will be all in bed not able to afford ESB or Gas

EamonRyan Not fit to be a TD yet alone a TD Buffoon 😕

How is this going to work in practice? What discussions are being had with business whose staff now work from home? Anyone talking about contingency plans?

If a single person freezes to death this winter the blame lies squarely on the Greens, FF and FG. Between homelessness, carbon taxes, power station shutdowns, health system meltdown and massive cost of living increases its hard to believe it was all just incompetence by them.

Absolute bollocks.. all brought about by the greens and that excuse for a human.. too intent on lining his own and his families pockets

EamonRyan & the greenparty_ie will destroy this country with their ludicrous policies. Hopefully the electorate will punish them & their coalition partners at the ballot box.

Tax the massive 70%+ rise in profits of energy companies ESB, Bord Gáis, Energia & SSE Airtricity! SIMPLE.

All predicted, and all part of the Great Reset.

Time for a General Election

Like anyone believes a word he (plus his 10 advisors) say 😠

We need a change of government now and a policy that challenges the climate change. As far as I’m concerned climate change is lies.

Stop charging fucking VAT would be a good start

He should resign with an immediate effect.

Financial support my ae. Stop the capatilast profiteers. Financial support comes from the public in the form of taxation. Jasus I despair.

...sorry! but 'are U people'(just taking myself 4 Xample) on mor or less [€200 disability allowance] a week. DAMN RITE U're not!!!!! 🤔🤔🤔😞😞😞😞😞😠😠😠😠🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 U all hav mor cash dan ye can even spend; PUT U-R-S-E-L-F IN MY SHOE./

Other ministers in EU solved the problem already EamonRyan

Financial supports for energy bills is the exact same as the HAP system, tax payers money going to corporate energy companies/landlords

Pretty sure they're fairly avoidable for Ryan. He's so out of touch with the people of Ireland.

So his told us all that come winter the equipment is going to break and blackouts will happen. 🤦‍♂️

Perhaps the people should refuse to pay. If they want to destroy the country let’s have it and none of these politicians will I’ll survive. Our new government can re-write legislation and scrap their pensions. We can scrap anything we want. Be warned, Pravdas will also go.

The free electricity allowance needs to be increased. My mother is my carer & we get it, we’re dreading the end of this month because we don’t know what our portion of the electricity bill will be or how we’re going to pay it

How about opening the power plants you closed? Since it's a 'wartime emergency'

Our virtuous government / EU is doing similar to what Gorbachev did impoverishing it's people for idealism 'This man may look smart but in fact is stupid.' Deng Xiao Peng on Gorbachev after their meeting

He’s really like………..

Maybe they can just stop giving money to Ukraine?

How is this man leader of anything, absolute 🔔end

if you were doing everything you could to avoid it, you would have acted at the very least last winter. You are a useless waste of space in other words. your words are empty and meaningless.

Sack this clown now!!!

Never mind blackouts it’s knocked out that thing should be

This WEF muppet doesn’t care about Irish people in hardship or struggling families. All he cares about is pleasing Klaus his true master if klaus wants the Irish to freeze this winter It’s Eamon’s job to make it happen. These WEF politicians have to go. 🤬

I for one, have tons of faith in this guy.....

I demand a vote of no confidence in this man, not by the corrupt political scum, but from the people of Ireland. Who is with me?

annetted1234 There absolutely should be guarantees of no blackouts. It is a failure of government if there are blackouts. Simple as that.

Not good enough EamonRyan I want guarantee’s that I will have affordable energy prices and no blackouts. That’s what I expect from you and this government nothing less is acceptable.


ryanout RyanisaTurnip

SEAI grants are significantly less than advertised for people to retrofit their homes and adopt solar and heat pumps. Government loans are still not available for people to avail of. EamonRyan and greenparty_ie don’t care about people or climate change!

Quit ur bullsh…….t

Another rat...this world is only for a short time but the next is for eternity

So blaming Ukraine energy on the rise long before that war

We'll hold the government to account he said, he's a proven liar.

Its your fault why did ye close the 2 power plants in Longford and Offaly its all yer fault greed greed all the time

another tool

Nice tan Eamon see you’re enjoying climate change

Guarantee this gob$h1t€ still gets paid.

aighne_kearney ENERGY CRISES? senatorkeogan JohnBoweActor mlmcnamaratd ronanmullen mattiemcgrathtd catherinegalway ocallaghanjim roisinshortall claredalymep _ichr Niall_Boylan paulmcauliffe FatEmperor GBNEWS BillyRalph Iobey10 SaraHaboubi1 dr_morrissey IrishTimes

Sanctions going well I see?

Europe are buying up all the wood. Just fairly recently Germany has now jumped on board hacking down trees in their droves preparing for a cold winter. All of Europe is well ahead and well prepared. Ireland is not!

Nope, does not make sense that energy companies profit at our expense during a crisis, they can stop it, they choose … again, to support corporations and not the people who elected them

The government could do a lot more instead of blaming the war in Ukraine. These hikes were forecasted well before the war.

Shouldn’t you have thought of “gas as a weapon of war” before you geniuses decided to side with Ukraine?

Sounds about right

Why do you hate the less well off, Eamon? People will be forced to choose between heating and food this year, but sure climate change I guess.

Just because they have to doesn't mean they will do it. Madness!!

Global warming More ppl will die of the feckin cold than any global warming

See and read a lot of comments on here.Mostly the same narrative,but..lads and lassies,things will not change and,will get worse,under this government.They need to be physically removed from office(whatever way possible)They are destroying Ireland and our people.We outnumber them

Bugger off, state propaganda

If everyone falls asleep like Eamon during working hours we will reduce our energy costs.

Eamon Ryan is not fit for office

A dangerous fanatic.

He looks and sounds like he’s pissed

Blackouts will be a nightmare. Whatever about not power in the house we can light the fire. Unfortunately business will have to send us working people home without pay.

Better unplug the electric car so greenparty_ie EamonRyan

Doing Everything would be building fossil fuel power stations and ending the evil anti human climate change lies. I cam feel 1789 coming for Eamon and his fellow anti human zealots.

2+ years ago the tinfoil hatters told you this would would happen, what a prophetic bunch they are..

He's policies will have caused the black outs. He's doing the work of Davos. He needs to go.

🤡 🤡🤡

This winter? My last electricity bill went up 60% to the extent that I'll have nothing left after it and other bills are paid next week. And its still summer. If they rise any further its gone to be a choice between feeding the children and keeping them warm & clean.

In mechanical and facility management there is a thing called ‘PPM’, which stands for ‘planned preventative maintenance’, a very basic way of maintaining potential issues on a reoccurring basis, our inept government should go back to basics and learn how to run a building .

This cretin needs to resign

This is all by design people. The great reset in operation.

How about addressing it with the suppliers BEFORE people are charged extortionate rates

So.. what exactly is he doing to help? Are we filling our gas storage from kinsale/ barryroe/ corrib fields? (Presently zero) Are we reopening peat power plants? (Even short term) Opening LNG plant? Nuclear? Renewables? No..? 🤦‍♂️ FineGael fiannafailparty greenparty_ie fail

Why are the Greens so adverse to the most green energy out there, Nucelar? They would rather sacrifice the people and Ireland natural habitat to fields of wind turbines and solar panels know how much carbon is needed to make, run and recycle them when their life is over.

What an absolute 🤡 just listen to the what are garbage that comes out of his mouth with Ukraine , Energy crisis , go plant some lettuce in a window box can’t listen to him anymore.

is this the time to talk about the new green policies :)

He is almost giddy at the thoughts of it. Well don’t for turning more people off hybrid and electric cars

What's the name of the company that deal with getting rid of vermin?The Dail is infested with rats!

Every time he opens his mouth he manages to infuriate people, hopefully he won't get a chance to be Leader of the Country like the other 2.

Ah yeah keep threatening us,last year it was the fake pandemic now it's this,who the fck do you think you are.

Advice that's going to keep people warm and fed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡

Germany and France nationalised entertainment companies, German re opened coal plants.

Fire up the old coal and Pete generators that were decommissioned .

I wouldn’t trust this clown to run a school tuck shop. He’d run out of crisps

Another fkn spoofer. Plenty of money to help Ukrainians, plenty of money for all types of nonsense. But none for pensioners and poor people who’ll freeze this winter.

The ukraine war didn’t shut down peat fired generation stations in Ireland or block permission for LNG terminals - EamonRyan IS the problem

No blackouts in this pricks house I'd say...

No word on the diary ?

How long more Are people prepared to put up with and listen to this Shyte.....

Turned your backs on god 🤷‍♂️

How about the Govt take control over the Energy, take back control and cap it

EamonRyan - Large energy bills are not unavoidable. Large energy bills are easily avoidable once your ludicrous 'policies' are interrogated & proven fantasy. You are causing an EnergyCrisis & EnergyPoverty in Ireland with your 'green' 'policies' - the people will remember

Because equipment breaks

They can be mitigated if price of electricity is based on generation cost and not on the cost of gas. sseireland has no business increasing the price of electricity as it claims its power is 100% from renewable sources. EamonRyan

Same WEF script, throughout the western world. How do they sleep at night?!

As well as the fear of prices on an upwardly scale, now we need to worry will it switch on , that will be one way to save money.

Maybe stop inviting all and sundry to come and live here thus creating more demand on limited resources?

What a waster. Last week he said, he'll keep the lights on, this week no guarantee. Where the he'll are the opposition TD'S gone. Not a word from any of them. Probably paid to keep silent. No more than any government, this government does not give a shit about the people,A Mess.

He must even be embarrassed at his incompetence. Resign. Stop blaming a war that you support. Nordstream is not empty, just lower capacity. We have no functioning government.

Re open the turf power stations! The Germans are reopening their coal power stations! What's the point in having a green environment if we are all dead with the cold!

I think I speak for all of us when I say we need to take action: 1. Grow chillies. Make tae. Add chillies. Chilli tae! 2. Darkness falls, light soy candles for the kids to do their homework or your wife to prepare food. 3. Wear an extra hemp jumper. We can do this!

EamonRyan …and the NIMBYs who blocked hundreds of wind farms are now whining about high energy bills. Well done.

Lads....its the politicians causing all of this. FineGael & fiannafailparty & greenparty_ie . They're letting this happen without pushing a finger towards solutions. They hate us and want people to die

Worry not people. They have plans to get it all sorted by 2030. Eamon Ryan knows what he's doing. And we know who he works for

Maybe start limiting the many data centres around the country's electricity usage. Likewise did anyone think of the potential supply issues with adding 10s of thousands of electrical cars to the grid?


EamonRyan Resign

Ireland needs more energy independence. It has more than ample opportunity to supply its energy needs from wind, solar and wave power.

Protecting people 🤣🤣🤣🤣 These pricks are actively working to harm people. Get them out DAFAQ

aighne_kearney Just imagine trying to heat this cold damp house with mould on the walls property rented by kerry County Council countykerry and a written statement saying that they are satisfied the house is up to standard for letting not true why is no one held accountable?

Worse than useless this government is...

What a useless turd 💩

What an absolute joke this guy is

poverty would be avoidable if rich feckers weren't profiting off of exploiting the regular people

A proper piece of shite , test it again Ryan,maybe he will give another government contract to a family member ,he should be behind bars with his coalition partner child groomer friend,or maybe it’s a Green who knows not like it’s a story

One thing is absolutely guaranteed though, he wont be reelected in the next general election. Hes a posterboy for any aspirational poltical careerists, if he can do it literally anybody can. People really do deserve better at a national level.

Please someone explain why the cost of electricity and gas is extortionate without just saying War in Ukraine - can Gov break it down for us - unit price at point of purchase, unit point at point of sale, dividends paid to share holders, etc.

Make love to stay warm. Go to bed early. Save electric feel great

Would love to get a hammer to this blokes head

You know you're losing when in 2022 you state that 'everything would be done to avoid blackouts...'

There is no excuse for any country to be low on energy supply when there is practically infinite energy being supplied by the Sun. Our country should be littered with solar panels and turbines. Catch the fuck up guys.

So this lad is going to help with good advice, wear gloves, sit close to each other, this sort of thing. Inspirational

Maybe stop allowing the massive data centers to use so much of our energy.

Why can't we all just plug extension leads into themselves, causing an infinite loop of electricity? C'mon people, i can't think of everything

We depend on Britain for 70% of our gas for electricity and domestic use this winter....The rest from Corrib field....Need to be nice to the Brits...


‘ I promise that the people who caused this mess which includes myself and my coalition partners Leo the leak and Mehole Martin are the right people to fix this problem but until then look at Ukraine!’

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