Peter Dutton acknowledges he made 'poor taste' joke about climate change in the Pacific

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Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has again been asked about a quip he made in 2015 about rising sea levels, saying he is 'as human and as frail' as other people, while Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley suggests some women turned away from the Liberals because they did not believe the party was focused on their lives.

Mr Dutton's newly-elected deputy, Sussan Ley, said she planned to visit and speak to women in seats the Liberals lost to hear from them about what the party needs to do to win back their vote.and said the new leadership was determined to win back their trust.

Sussan Ley says she wants to sit down and speak to women about the issues they see with the Liberal Party.


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Who cares….Australia is DOOMED !

Oh okay ABC as long as he said sorry for everything 🤡. Shit human…

'I think that women didn't hear much of what we were saying'. No, but that certainly heard what you weren't saying!

Enough about him already! How about more articles on the Prime Minister of Australia?

Dutton could rename his coalition - the IPTP ('In Poor Taste Party')!

Does anyone actually believe that Pedu is sincere?

I wouldn’t even call that in poor taste. I wouldn’t even call it a joke. I was a metaphor.

What about duttons candtruct rort. 1.3 billion.

Fundamental behaviour change is worth more than any apology. Let see if a leopard can change its spots.

When your 'taste' buds are akin to those of a carrion eater should we be surprised?

That was not a joke. That was a display of who he really is.

TheShovel nails it


He realised it only now? Very quick, isn’t he!!

Pretty sure the joke is that Dutton is what the Liberals see as a credible leader.

Go away.

He is seriously unelectable!

But he is so cuddly!

ItaButtrose’s ABC providing strong support of rehabilitation of far right LNP leader’s image. ThisIsNotJournalism ABCPropaganda & nobody at the ABC was willing to put their name to this shit.

Will Susssan please stop lovingly looking at her is pathetic.

It’s just so easy to say sorry after you got caught, but so much easier not to say anything in poor taste in the first place. This goes to Dutton’s character which has always been very dark

It's apologizing for being called out when applying for a new job, he's not sorry.

Yet it’s the only time I’ve seen him genuinely smile. RatPack LiberalBoysClub

Someone made a poor taste joke about some form of apologist and got sued - should Australians sue Dutton…? 🤔 auspol - or are some ‘jokes’ ok and some not…?

Jeez don't hang back, get them both on every week on breakfast news! After all, didn't they win the election?

I wish the MSM was. All we've seen on the media is more of these lnp losers. Nothing on what Penny Wong has achieved nor PM Albanese- they can't even refer to him as the PM! What was Accomplished by Penny Wong's on her first week on the job was awesome. But nothing in the MSM?

Spudhead Dutton leaves a bad taste of swear words in my mouth!

Not interested in any attempt by Dutton to reinvent himself Not interested in Sussssan Ley or Littleproud or any of the OPPOSITION. Please report on the work the government is doing and stop wasting tie on has beens and wanna bes

Dutton acknowledges he is a cunt and quits politics. That’s the headline I want in referee Dutton. That and only that.

Too late. You've shown time and time again your appalling racist views. Your cruelty re the refugees + 2 Aussie born little girls. No a leopard doesn't change his spots as we told Morrison!

Interestingly all these apologies have only risen now that Dutton is the opposition leader. How meaningful are they really 🤔

Thanks Liberal Broadcasting Company. He said it. Period.

I think it was a bit more serious than that. It showed a lack of concern, by a gov minister from a major polluting country, for a deadly problem the islanders face.

PeterDutton is poor taste personified.

No one cares about his superficial and forced admission. Politicians say anything to save skin

Albomoronic is poor taste. Got makeover while PM ran the course try. Albo is a toxic fool.

ABC beating the bipartisan war drum to stir up the normies. Meanwhile, the ALP doesn't include ScopeThreeEmissions in their emissions reduction target. I mean, I feel far more insulted by the ALPs pitiless HumanCausedGlobalWarming mitigation mandate than any word that spud said

...mislabelling HumanCausedGlobalWarming something pseudonymous like 'climate change' whilst pressing deniers to fess up for wrongdoing is something...

Nah ,he's a gutless cowardly grub who attacks people from behind the fence ...the Murdoch/msm cohort say he was a hard man, b..s..t , all he did was follow Morrison into the sewer directing compliant federal law enforcement agencies to do his dirty work

yeah, coz having a laugh at someone who's home is threatened by your selfishness is as Australian as Vegemite. I vote the Member for Transylvania no longer be heard.

yeah, coz having a laugh at someone who's is home is threatened by your selfishness is as Australian as Vegemite. I vote the Member for Transylvania no longer be heard.

No:3 of the 10 apologies required by Bully's Anonymous.

Problem is the 'jokes' are how he really thinks. Political makeover or not. Still the same grub he was 20 years ago. Just as disingenuous..

Clearing the decks eh? PeterDutton_MP why stop with a few ill judged comments and get into the meaty stuff such as sportsrorts

Trying to wipe the slate clean all these years later. Because he wants something...

The only people who'd think what Dutton said was a joke are racists.

Does that mean he regrets it and takes it back? Has he changed his opinion? Or is he playing us for fools?

Sure he does...

Look at the female gaze!

I'm so sick of hearing about Dutton! Good grief

Correction: Peter Dutton acknowledges he was caught making a poor taste joke and will now apologise for it.

'when they show you who they are first time, believe that'. Gees ABC, your meek reporting of this is sad. Please remember, you don't need to fear an LNP govt now.

What about the undemocratic bastardry of shutting down debate on the floor of parliament dozens of times. “I move that the member be no longer heard”. Was that just a bad taste joke? LNPNeverAgain

The way things are going for TheBrusselsSprout, this might be the shortest Opposition leadership ever. (I hope so.)

And that was the only one we heard because of a lucky moment. Imagine the rest we haven't heard. Dutton has poor character and it goes all the way to the bone!

Will we get a bloody story for each and every mean, nasty, racist thing he has said over the past 9 years?

Abbott, Turnbull, Morrison, Dutton. The LNP are a poor taste joke. 🤷

I think will need to get over the endless number of 'gaffes' that PeterDutton_MP has made over the years. He is on a path to behavioural correction but his personality shines through

People show you who they are when they don't know you're listening to them

No shit. As always with the Libs, too little and far too late

ICAC FederalICAC LNPCorruptionParty Corruption. Lest We Forget. Never Again.

He did - but he meant it. Therein lies the problem for HerrKipfler

We are going to be here a while waiting for notmyABC to run through all of monster Spud's indiscretions to try and clear the waters for this deranged human. Bad luck, we will never forget what Mr 'He said, she said, and anchor babies' says.

Sure!!! Who are you trying to convince? 🙄

try as you might, you just cannot polish this turd

The abc needs to stop trying to ram this narrative down our throats.

Yoohoo! Justin Stevens!! Labor won! They're the government now. How embarrassing that you haven't realised yet. ABCYourBiasIsShowing auspol DoBetter ThisIsNotJournalism

Only sorry because he has to explain his remarks & appeal to more than his disillusioned base Not sorry because he was wrong

Has he apologised about this before now?

Oh pleeeeze! Can you just stop with the Dutton 'I'm a changed man' propaganda BS. We all know he's a hard RW ideologue with no compassion or empathy and no amount of media white washing will convince us otherwise.

PeterDutton_MP I can’t even see what was funny? What was the joke ? What where you laughing about ….please explain sitdownboofhead

I don’t know how people can listening all the crap and nonsense he talking I don’t waste my time

ANOTHER ABC propaganda article trying to play down Voldemorts evil character. 'He's a good boy, really' MediaRoyalCommision

here is my 'apology' to go along with my 'new image'



stevemiles65 The voters gave the L/NP a clear mandate to sit down and shut up!!!!!!!

And poor taste by ABC trying to rebrand him.

We want to hear about all the positive news coming from our newly elected Labor government and his his team not the potato that is into petty, puerile, personal politicking. FederalICAC now ABCYourBiasIsShowing

If media are going to be reporting all Duttons apologies/shapeshifting we will be inundated daily...😩😩😡😡

Bring in ICAC tommorrow, the Liberals will lose another dozen seats by Christmas , including Cook and Dickson?

If only he had tasted his words before he spat them out :

lol you're gonna have to run a lot of these articles

Too late. 👿

lmao nice try

He didn’t actually apologise. Just said he, like everyone else sometimes said something in a joke. Anyway can we stop talking about him and all the rest of the losers. My new rule is ONLY to talk about the WINNERS. The future. The successes. To hope and positivity.

Only now, quick to realise.

You don’t have to do this

Poor taste is making this monster leader of the Libs and the token female, Susan Ley Deputy! lnpmassivefail LNPCorruptionParty ICAC now! auspol

And yet still doesn’t apologise

'Peter Dutton acknowledges he made 'poor taste'' - here fixed


Why would anyone respect this man after his actions over the last 20 years?

And Penny Wong has fixed a lot of the damage caused by that in WEEK ONE. I seriously doubt any Pacific national leader will accept this apology...the original joke was a window into Dutton's dark heart. His return would put us at square one. ABCYourBiasIsShowing

He laughed' and thrived emotionally', he is another uneducated fraud just like Morrison'.

Why us Duttin getting so much air time... it's seriously getting ridiculous

too little, too late. imho. he's just a creepy, menacing, suck-hole trying to re-make his crappy image to gullible people. I'd give him 5 years to change his thinking and another 10 proving he's changed.

Could he possibly acknowledge that that comment set the pacific island nations on the path to an association with China?

Regardless - even if it was a joke, it still shows what an uncaring fool he is.

hey, remember when you were a respected news source? do you miss those days?

Too. Late! It. Was. Deliberate. There’s no coming back from that!

michaelpurvis64 So it's water under the island? I don't think so


It wasn’t a joke though. It’s a snide comment made under his breath towards Pacific Island leaders, that has racist undertones. This man is not fit to be leader of any party, let alone the country.

B* Me

Peter Dutton can change easily words but can never change his sarcastic evil personality that will stay with him for life. Liberal party now dismembered nothing good left only few corrupt politicians and most cunning corrupt leader.

Looks like Peter Dutton has learnt more about himself this week, than any other week since 1970! TheresPlentyMore

Is ABC being paid by Dutton to do his PR?

Watch the ABC coverage and rank encouragement of PeterDutton over next few weeks. They’ve boycotted Labor, or should I say instructed to give them no time. Dutton needs to be investigated for his wrong doings, not given credibility. auspol Australia

Bit late. Meanwhile what are the government doing and not these irrelevant fools?

Why is ABC continuing to sprout this b-s!? He can’t walk back 20 years of politics. Why are you helping him? 🙄

So Dutton's trying to row back from all his cruel, dismissive remarks labelling them as poor taste jokes. That's perilously close to the cowards cop out, 'it's only a bit of banter'.

Yeah he might be sorry that a mic picked him up telling the joke but that doesn't change his actual mind set and how he actually judges other people like a cop!! Assessing every person's character as if they were a suspect!!

Peter Dutton really just a Queensland cop.

This man is actively dangerous for our national security

A poor taste joke that goes against Australian values and opens the country to national security risk. Very poor character and judgement. Not leader material.

Nice one Pete, you came out of the blocks flying, trouble is your flying backwards as people can see right through you.

No he doesn't, wait till he proves it his words mean nothing and you lot don't bother pointing out his character has been consistent for 20 years he's been in parliament

PeterDutton_MP now admitting he's not the man his wife married. He's 'changed'.

Which has had lasting impact on our pacific relationships… and enabled opportunities for China in our region

That epitomises the problem, conservatives dont take it seriously. Liberals think that destroying our one and only home is something to laugh about, and Nationals said that they need to START looking at climate policy. Conservatives clearly STILL dont grasp what the elction said.

He’s just one big mistake. He will not change he’s arrogant and hopefully will lose his seat next election

A 'joke'? No, Dutton is The Joke. This racist crap pile will NEVER be PM. We cannot inflict this arse on our region.

About to be

Too late Lurch......we know who you are

He is poor taste

Can you please shut up now & report on the government?

Not poor taste according to our Pacific neighbours. Completely unpalatable. Like the man. BTW are you aware that Labor won the election? Just you haven’t opened up a lot of positive conversation. Dutton however…..


So He's fixed up his appalling history of 'unwitting mistakes' now, or is there more to come?

We remember. DuttonDressedAsLamb DuttonDeadAsMutton to me 👿

He can GFH!!

Does that make it right

Our ABC now acting as an apologist for an ex Government Leader

This series of LNP articles are getting more & more embarrassing, do better.

You could write a book about all the distasteful things Peter Dutton has said and done...he is a very unlikeable and disingenuous person.

It took 6 years for him to realise that did it?

JUST STOP IT ABCaustralia ‼️‼️‼️ Stop trying to rehabilitate Dutton’s image. To paraphrase the great Maya Angelou “When someone shows you who they are, believe them!” Report on actual government news and business. Do 👏 better 👏

In power: monster Want power back: less of a monster Back in power: he’ll be a monster QED. Enough. Please stop.

Poor leadership skills

News?..coz we all heard it so it was undeniable!

Seems there will be a long list of excuses for what Dutton has said in the past, it's going to be amusing watching this fool destroy himself.

Is anyone going to point out that no pacific island has gone under? 🤔

The way he is going, he’ll be absolved of all his sins by Wednesday.

Peter Dutton sure is getting in early to distance himself from the toxic mess of… [checks notes]… Peter Dutton.

Write about Susan Ley. I'm more interested in the person that'll likely challenge Dutton for leadership six-eight months before the 2025 election.

Only now, PeterDutton_MP?

And I'd say that making him leader was also in poor taste.

'I'm as human and as frail as anybody else.' So why the cruelty?

Ok now do a story on how the fossil fuel industry captured the Australian government, ditto corporate media etc. Happy to assist..

So that makes it all better does it ? You effing lot are no better than Nth. Korea broadcaster!!!

What’s his self appointed nickname? PEDU?

Enough of the saturation Dutton coverage. Let’s focus on Labor’s majority and what they have achieved in the first week …

''I'm as human and as frail as anybody else.' Oh well, I guess that explains his cruelty to refugees too.

Green potato.

'Human' lol

So the LNP has gone with this guy and a woman who had to quit for being dodgy with her expenses?

Perhaps this would be quicker if Dutton just released a blanket apology for everything he had said or done up until this morning.

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