Invasive species report outlines costs, solutions for world governments

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An international organization has produced a report on alien invasive species which says the global problem costs billions of dollars annually and is, in some cases, being worsened by climate change.

The executive summary of the report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services was approved over the weekend in Bonn, Germany, by the organization's 143 member states.

"Canada's got a fairly solid reputation. Most provinces have an invasive species council, for example," he said in an interview from Bonn. The report found the global economic cost of invasive alien species exceeded $423 billion annually in 2019, with costs at least quadrupling every decade since 1970.

He says the emerald ash borer, an Asian beetle, has had a serious impact on ash trees in Quebec. That affects Canada's Anishinaabe peoples, who use the malleable wood for making culturally relevant items. "For me, it points to the reciprocity of this. It's not just species coming here. It's species going out and affecting the rest of the world," Stoett said.

Solutions in the report include suggestions to help governments deal with prevention and biosecurity at borders. It found eradication of invasive species has also worked in some locations, especially when their populations are small and slow-spreading in isolated ecosystems such as islands.


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