California Climate: How the politics of climate change are shaping the future of California

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Our new California Climate newsletter decodes how the evolving climate discourse is influencing policy changes, impacting industries and creating new opportunities in the Golden State. Don’t miss out, subscribe now. Debuting Aug. 14.

because climate change isn’t just a science story. It is, fundamentally, a political and policy story. And nowhere in America is this story playing out in more ways and at as fast a pace as it is in California. We’ll use this newsletter to make sense of how the California’s response to climate change is shaping the future – across industry and government and across politics and policy.

California is a state whose ambitious clean-energy goals inspired copycat laws across the globe and forced the automotive industry to accelerate its transition to electric vehicles. It’s where raging wildfires and housing sprawl threaten to create the costliest natural disaster in American history. It's where the effort to expand wind, solar and geothermal power generation is running head-on into capacity issues that may affect tens of millions of people.

Scoop-driven and always urgent, will give the definitive, 360-degree view of the topic, with reporting from every possible angle. It will arrive in inboxes every weekday at 6 p.m. We’ll make connections that stretch across industry and government and politics, and we’ll write with the sort of elevation POLITICO readers expect. We’re going to narrate the conversation among, and for, California power players. And we hope you’ll join us.


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We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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