China's Belt and Road energy projects set for 'greenest' year -research

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BEIJING : China's overseas energy engagement in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries in the first half of 2023 was the 'greenest' in terms of project type since its start, according to new research published on Tuesday.According the report from the Green Finance and Development Centre (GFDC) at Fudan

BEIJING : China's overseas energy engagement in Belt and Road Initiative countries in the first half of 2023 was the"greenest" in terms of project type since its start, according to new research published on Tuesday.

"If we continue at this pace, 2023 would be the year with the largest green energy investment," GFDC Director Christoph Nedopil told Reuters. However, the initiative has been accused internationally of supporting the development of environmentally damaging energy and infrastructure projects, as well as saddling developing countries with unsustainable levels of debt.

The GFDC did note that in January Pakistan approved a 300 megawatt coal power plant to be built by China but it was not included in the tally because it has not reached financial close.


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