Giant Umbrella Tied to Asteroid Can Help Fight Climate Change, Scientist Says

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Mitigating climate change on Earth is such a dire challenge that scientists are seriously investigating every single option they can think of.

; not, perhaps, an absolute solution, but a stop-gap that would give us a bit of time to work on things here on the surface.

The problem is that the sail would need a fair amount of mass as ballast to prevent it from being blown away by the solar wind and radiation pressure, and for gravitational stability – and getting that much mass into space would be difficult and expensive. What, however, if the mass is already out there? This is where capturing an asteroid and tying a parasol to it emerges.would reduce the total mass of the shield and counterweight to just 3.5 million tons.The L1 Lagrangian is a point of relative gravitational stability generated by the interaction between Earth and the Sun. The gravitational pulls of the two bodies balance out in these Lagrange points to minimize the amount of adjustment needed to stay in that spot.


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