Climate change threatens Canadian security, prosperity, warns stark spy agency brief | CBC News

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Climate change poses a profound threat to national security and prosperity, including the possible loss of parts of British Columbia and the Atlantic provinces to rising sea levels, CSIS brief warns.

Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service David Vigneault, right, and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, left, wait to appear before a parliamentary committee on Monday, Feb. 6, 2023.

A CSIS says climate change will give rise to a host of new national security threats.

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kristaj_04251 So there wasn’t one fact in that story, not one. “Models show” “likely” = not science . The best though “ there will be no moment where this threat will crystallize and reveal its self” . No it won’t ClimateCult ClimateScam DefundCBC

Yes, ground Blackface Hitler’s private jet

Wasn't this the same agency that warned us about the Chinese trying to 'meddle' with the last few elections? Clearly that was false, so how can we trust them now? 😬

No it doesn’t you alarmist losers. Go report on Justin Trudeau and the missing $660,000,000,000.

You're climate scam won't work. Plymouth Rock is a prime example of sea levels not rising an inch in over 200 years CBC is done

Its a scam. The rich ger richer, the poor much poorer and the middle class gets exterminated.

What a crock of crap. Climate change will be gradual & is caused by the natural aging of the sun. Don’t listen to ripoff artists who want want your money.

How will the sea levels rise? When ice takes up more volume then water?

This is news? What the fuck did they think was going to happen on a warmer planet?

Fake news


defund the cbc...let that sink in

Im surprised actually allows comments on here

More fear-mongering by the CBC 🤦

I recommend The Decline And Fall Of The Human Race. Amazon books.

This is another bunch of bs

Take some initiative and do us a favour by turning your lights off.

The world will be fine. Climate change is not happening The WEF is happening and governments control !

I smell bull shit

1.8mm/year rise is about as scary as a cloudy day.


Coming from a credible source like the CBC 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣💩🐑😂🤣

There are no rising sea levels.

We’ve been hearing this since at least the 80s. Move them inland.

Global warming is a hoax! Corrupt liberals is real!!

FO you paid liars

Also , CSIS claims a circle has 4 corners.


I’m so terrified of a 1mm per year rise in sea levels. My ankles might get wet before I turn 90.

Most of the CO2 Emissions and methane are coming from Trudeau's mouth. If he would only keep his big mouth shut it would help reduce ghg in Canada.

Well those clowns in Ottawa should go to Venice Italy and tell them that sea levels are rising because they can hardly use the gondolas in the canals. They should also let Nancy and O'bama know that so they can still get out of their sea front home before they wash away.

In a 1000 years

This makes ZERO sense

This is Onion level comedy

The boy who cried wolf comes to mind. CBC is now just satire, the producers of material for comedians. A pathetic govt mouthpiece that spews a constant stream of rubbish.

CBC did a coast to coast apology tour, and said in essence 'trust us', Trudeau announces a 'Ministry of Truth' Canadian style to fight misinformation. Well if the shoe fits, wear it!! Worse liars ever. Karma is they are both going down in flames.😂😂


If ALL of Canada sank into the ocean it would have 1.5 percent effect at most.

Can you quote which scientists have backed this claim…there are many that you are not advertising or reporting their perspectives. Might be time to rebrand to OSR News - One Sided Reporting News!

The climate cult! Keep telling the lies and keep up the propaganda.


You can’t be serious!

If climate change were valid, politicians would cease jet travel, beachfront property would be the cheapest, and industrial soy farming would be replaced with mandated community gardens and backyard chicken ownership. Totalitarianism packs a heavy a carbon footprint.

The CBC poses a national threat to the mental stability of all Canadians… and anybody generally in hearing radius. clownnews

The fuck you say?

sidljon Obama bought Atlantic ocean front property. Did anyone tell him or his advisors of the danger? He even installed propane power backup.

How true

After getting in trouble from Trudeau for leaks, CSIS comes out with this.

This would be a good joke if it wasn't so disturbing. Ocean levels increased as much during the first half of the 20th century as they did during the 2nd half. And Arctic ice levels have increased since their low in 2012. Where is CSIS getting the data?

Stop assisting the illegals Aliens coming to this country. Climate problem dealt with

Ban all agricultural, all internal combustion engines, and all other forms of pollution outside of breathing. That way we can save the world.

Defund csis….. offices should be low income homes.

Csis is a criminal organization , just proved it.

This is ridiculous. Sea Level rise is the easiest to debunk climate-related nonsense. ClimateScam Sea level is measured hourly all over the world and show no increase in rise rates over the last century. Here are the monthly averages for BC.

I remember when we were told in 1980 we would be flooded out, yep, water level on Vancouver Island hasnt changed in 43 years. Keep drinkin the koolaid folks, the dumb ones at least!!!

Biggest hoax on earth. And CBS is part of it.

no it doesent stop


Those 2.5 millimetres sure do scare the hell out of some people.

The real threat to national security & the mental & physical well-being of Canadians are corrupt governments, institutions, politicians, corporations & BigPharma. And our complacent media that allows this to continue unchecked.

Stupid CBC. When the fault breaks off, yes BC and Vancouver Island will be affected. maybe even The Okanagan Valley will be completely flooded. Has nothing to do with climate change. I can’t wait for you people to lose your funding. All CBC does is gaslight people and scare kids

I would be more concern the rising levels of alarmist ridiculous propaganda repeated without having the understanding nor competence.


is the rcmp going to investigate

cant wait till you clowns are defunded. lying fear mongering communist scum. no media should be funded by government

Something in underwater, that's for sure.

Have you ever heard of something so ridiculous, do people really believe this kind of silliness. The climate has no effect on anything of the sort such stupidness TrudeauCorruption

How does it threaten national security? Another scare tactic by the loser govt

What a crock. Seriously. What an absolute CROCK. Read something by legitimate scientists who are NOT grubbing after government grants to sustain themselves. Your sources are corrupt, CBC. You are owned by the Trudeau Liberals. DefundCBC

I think CSIS has proven that they are incapable of anything at this point. And trust me, what's coming is not the classic flood. Read your mythology and learn something about this world. Quit wasting our time.

What a bizarrely juvenile interpretation & summary of CSIS comments, the full article & implications relative to issues of security & prosperity of the past. Are these areas of potential security concerns? Yes. Are there always areas of potential security concern? Yes.

How does the volume increase if the volume is already there


'violent extremism from people who want to speed up climate change solutions' i.e. Bureaucrats and nutjobs gluing themselves to roads, spray painting art. 'those more interested in preserving their current way of life' i.e. regular folks pointing out flawed modelling, the earth…


Lmao! When I was in jr. high, I remember the fear mongering being taught about acid rain and that Vancouver would be under water in 10 years. I was excited I would have closer to the beach. Still waiting….

You better warn David Suzuki because he lives on the ocean. 'F🍁cking embarrassing'

blah blah blah it's CBC 🗣


Bull! 💩


You'll deserve your fate for lying to the people on behalf of the regime.

Wow the namebunchanumbers bots are out in full force with the stupid Plymouth Rock meme. The rock was moved, geniuses. Also, the CIA and every credible intelligence agency on the planet sees climate change and the millions of refugees it will cause as a serious threat.


Amazing how the bots and trolls swarm to these kinds of stories. If you go by these replies it looks like climate denial is widespread but it is not

Where are these “rising sea levels”?

Sea level rise is theoretically probable but it’s not a given. Trust the science & government but ignore what you actually see. The government can’t solve homelessness, covid, health care, the school system, etc. but they can fix the climate with more money?! 🤡 plymouthrock

Come on. What kind of BS are they trying to get us to believe now?

How do you people sleep at night, having to dish out a steady diet of bs Serious question.


What they are really telling you…

Lies, brought to you by the corrupt and loyal cbc.

So if Canadian Press has the report, let's see it. Is the CP summary misleading, or will we have to rely on CSIS whistleblowers to point it out?

I would challenge anyone to prove higher sea levels


What a load of baloney. Oh yes I forgot it is the CBC reporting

So the covid fear campaign is over!

What a crock of st. How come the elites are buying beach front properties. Cbc really is the worst of the worst.

The only climate disaster warning in the past fifty years that approaches the truth is when Florida warned against building glass sided multistory buildings near the coast. The warning was that hurricanes and the associated tornados could damage them and provide dangerous debris.…

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.' (Genesis 8:22, ESV) The earth will not be destroyed by God, by us, or anything else. So walk on the grass, shoot a deer and drill for oil. Climate change is a hoax.

OMG.... it's the experts!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 BS

trudeau and his political views of climate change to tax canadians into oblivion threatens security and prosperity there i fixed your headline to match reality

Loaf of bull. The east and west have sinking for so long they are still there. Mmmmmmm

CSIS at the beck and call of trudeau and now attempting to forecast the weather instead of looking into the corruption of a dirty PM.

I call BULLSHIT!!!

Come on! Stop buying this. Can’t you see governments are scared that the people have more power than ever now? They are using a issues like this to ensure their place. You are sheep. Yes, we are better off without anarchy but we don’t need lies to ensure it

I see CSIS is trying to change the subject

Any climate change proposals presuppose that technology will never advance to the point it can do something about it, only that we must stop now. If we develop active carbon capture in the future we will eventually strip more CO2 from the air than we produce.

An Liberals wouldn’t want to lose the voters that live in those two specific areas

Let me guess, we need more taxes and bigger government.

Yea ok, I'm on it!

CBC is nothing but a government propaganda outlet. Nothing is true that they put out they only publish there slant with half truths and what the government allows them. The CBC is no longer a credible news source.


WEF propaganda BS

Why would CSIS — The Canadian Security Intelligence Service - be involved in ‘climate change’? What are you going to do, sanction it? defundcbc

Sincere question. Has Canada kept statistically meaningful (dating back 150 years +) records of sea level measurement from both coasts? Is there any empirical evidence to date of sea levels rising above the mean?

During the Financial Crisis in 2009-10 and COVID in 2020-22., there was a massive reduction in man-made CO2 yet nothing changed. CO2 is NOT the issue!

Such Bullshit! So the Liberals can predict the future now. Hmmm. they didn’t predict inflation too well did they. Has anybody asked the question, “ If you reach Net Zero and temperatures continue to rise will you admit you were wrong and that you wasted Billions of dollars”?

Like after the end of the ice age? Someone might want to take a look at the historic sea levels that existed….

California shouldn't exist anymore... yet here we are


Bullshit. I’ve lived 200 feet from the Atlantic oven for 30 years, nothing has changed with respect to ocean/tide levels.


Good. Hopefully it's all rich peoples waterfront homes


Checks notes. The Obama’s bought a massive property directly on the water…

The biggest money grabbing scam in human history.

Does anyone really believe this BS. Cbc let's focus on China.

How does climate change pose a threat, and how are humans controlling Co2 enough to cause it? I mean, before humans, the levels were way higher due to geological events. Did those events stop or something? Lololol

lol nope

Just gonna leave this right here…..

I call bullshit.

Now CSIS is doing weather? Who works for that organization?!

The sea hasn’t risen yet in spite of decades of fear mongering


Why does it feel like they got a rise in pay to say that?When did these guys become experts?Maybe to shut them up about the China thing.

Csis should stick to the cloak dagger stuff!!

BS Alarmism and leftist propaganda


There is absolutely NO evidence that ocean levels are on the rise. If there was, the climate activists would be all over it. There is nothing out there.

We don’t trust or believe you anymore! DefundTheCBC

Whatever. Look over there! A distraction!!

CRST SAKE , Wasn’t the West Coast of the USA and other islands supposed to be under water by now, We heard that in the 70-80’s lately I hear we have 10to 12 years left ClimateScam

We’re we not all supposed to be underwater by now?

Defund CBC


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡the amount of lies in that one heading....

So many experts

I didn’t know CSIS were METEOROLOGISTS?


Disagree, climate change will help Canada become a very powerful nation. Why is the USA so powerful? Weather is a big part of it imo. You will see. The USA should pay Canadains for putting up with climate change non sense.

Why is CSIS commenting on climate change. What a load of BS.

LOL... in 1979 they said sea levels would be +20 feet by yr 2,000. Show me the peer reviewed science not the political science chasing a milti-Trillion dollar UN-IPCC cherry picked fantacy of politicians chasing unlimited wealth!


Everythings a national threat, except bad government....

I’m worried about climate racism. It keeps me up at night.

Taxing people won't fix that. Climate change is a natural progression. Stop reporting propaganda DefundCBC

Ha ha ha so funny No one is buying your bs anymore. Wait until they realize you lied about the shot. Wound not want to be you soon.

So Canadia's Wish ordered spies are now weather and climate experts? Good fucking joke!!

Who actually believes any of this nonsense anymore?

All lies.

Your 'reporting' is absolute garbage and fear mongering. So gross.


Saskatchewan First Act can prevent PM Trudeau from using environmental excuses to stomp all over SK’s constitutional right to develop its resources. He’s determined to frustrate Ottawa’s plans to pit province against province-


Good way to get off the China subject

Not true.


Garbage. And if anything happens, you initiates it.

The CBC and liberals pose a profound threat to national security and prosperity…..

The day that the CBC is totally disbanded will be a great day for Canada. DefundTheCBC

CBC Fake News full throttle today.

Propaganda alert 🚨 your fav traitor in chief signed 44

I'll believe in rising sea levels when Obama sells his water front home.

CBC’s new religion climate change. Let’s take the funding from cbc and put it to CC! Bet they would change their tune real quick!

What in the world does this have to do with CSIS? I guess most of us don’t even know what the purpose of the organization is?

Can someone please explain to me, logically, how climate change threatens Canada's national (political) security? So now water is a nation and political threat?!

If you were a real news outlet you would question that report thoroughly, weighing both sides. Of course we all know the climate lie cannot stand up to even the lightest scrutiny and is why your bias is beyond proven.

You put a photo of the third biggest liar in Canada on the headline photo and expect Canadians to believe you. We are being governed by children!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 The movement of millions from the global south to the north should, according to the I.P.C.C, be Carbon-ageddon for the Arctic according to the IPCC, so why are they endorsing it?.

The words 'climate change' is just another saying for 'higher taxes' to support something that will never happen!

The insane amount the liberals have raised the tax will prevent this. Nothing going toward prevention, just the fact that we pay it will stop it

Oh my! Where can I pay more taxes so our government can hire more diverse but non-contributing bureaucrats to fix this

Fear fear fear, control control control


Such bafoonery

Well the corruption is everywhere. Welcome to communist Canada

Plymouth Rock hasn't been submerged yet, nor has it changed in 400 years. Get BENT HOSERS


Sea levels haven't rose an inch anywhere.

JJJ80723924 Again with the bull?

every government funded entity has environment in their mandate so statement to be expected. that plus the fact that they get free reign to disrupt even though foreign funded is the cause CSIS TheJusticeDept JustinTrudeau

FFS! Trudeau wants CSIS to re-direct attention...


Sea levels have been rising for thousands of years, well before the Industrial Revolution that started contributing to climate change. Taking more of my tax dollars to put forth the illusion that anything we're doing will contribute anything to fighting climate change is a waste.


This has to be parody 😂

We should listen to CSIS about climate change but not election interference?

What rubbish. NOAA sea level trends show that at the St John NB tidal guage, there’s an annual sea level rise of an eye watering 2.13mm per year.

😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂. Black stone must be Lookin to buy cheap ocean front .

Plymouth Rock has something to say about this

Nope sea level the same.. climate the same... temps relatively the same... . Maybe you should check the climate again... seem it's Hot hot Hot!!!

If people would just take the time to learn about the ongoing magnetic excursion (our poles are moving) and weakening faster...and understand that there is nothing we can do about it but prepare ourselves. WE are NOT the cause of climate change!! The earth is cyclical!

...and we need billions to frighten you more!

What about the other CSIS report?


Liberal funded propaganda

As Christine Anderson would say, ‘Mr. Mendocino- PLEASE SPARE US YOUR PRESENCE!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO DEMOCRACY!!!’ JustinTrudeau marcomendicino AndersonAfDMdEP cafreeland AnitaAnandMP RosieBarton althiaraj

If it really did, rich people wouldn't be building their homes on the beach.

Misinformation Our national security and prosperity is under attack by our very own government under the leadership of TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada.

hahaha, the bs never ends with this clown media!

Can I please leave my 15min city to see grandma?

Love the way the CBC is trying to aid Trudeau and the Liberals to use Climate Change to change the channel on the Beijing interference in our elections, next they’ll start talking abortion and gun control. IMO I want a full blown investigation into the Communist in our elections!

Fake news

Government poses a profound threat to national security and prosperity

Why do the elites own houses on the water?

What was the climate like prior to The Little Ice Age?

Ever noticed when you have a glass of water with ice in it and when the ice melts you still have the same amount of water in your glass? Yea………..

TrudeauMustGo What is Trudeau waiting for? Activate the Emergencies Act, freeze bank accounts and detain innocent true Canadians as political prisoners.

Absolute rubbish pandered by no scientific politicians for there own nonsense agendas. Let’s stop the BS now!

DefundCBC defundliberals Absolute joke. It’s -24 here….in March. Piss off with this crap.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🐂💩 DefundCBC for spreading this mis/disinformation. Climate crises are huge money makesr! Why stop now?

Haven’t watched cbc in years. Liberal shills.

CSIS has become a political tool of the Liberals. This is garbage.

CSIS drank the kool-aid! CSIS has lost sight of what the heck it should be doing!

What bs. Threat to security? Is climate change a threat to the security of India? China? Africa? Do you think people in these countries care about climate change. They just want to know where their next meal will come from.

Why did it take a CSIS whistleblower to warn us of Chinese Communist Party collusion and government officials accepting money from the CCP? We need a criminal investigation. State paid media running cover for, and changing the conversation for government is also concerning.

They started predicting the infamous rising sea levels in the 80’s and both coasts should have been under water 20 years ago. Instead, nada! The seas will boil too! I guess it’s happening the day after the day after tomorrow?😂

We are sitting on the cyclic Rock, which is cycling around a cyclic solar system, in which it is cycling around a cyclic Galaxy, in this ever living universe! Are we so arrogant thinking that we are destroying it? Laugh my ass off

The richest people in the world still get mortgages in the same place they tell us water levels will destroy in the next 5-10yrs

How is this not considered fake news and not fact checked? These lies are dangerous elonmusk Twitter

Possible..possible... really.. PEI 'lost' 10% of its land area with the last subtropical storm ..Fiona2022 ClimateActionNow

Defelction from what's really going on in Canada. Another great piece brought to you by CBC on behalf of the Liberals 🤣

No, it doesn’t.

The biggest threat is CBC with its lies and propaganda

Bull cookies!

As others have said before … when China and South America start to participate in making the planet “greener” then I’m in … until then …F off .

The New World Order's cancerous evil is mankind's biggest threat.

Yeah ok. All of a sudden sea levels will rise. C' do you expect us to believe that Smh

Fun fact: An infinity$/ton carbon tax in Canada for 100 years will have an unmeasurable effect on the climate.

The only threat to Canada is liberal government


Lies lies lies, keep lying. The world is waking up.

And yet the elites continue to buy ocean front property. Someone should tell them 🤔

BC and Atlantic Canada are liberal footholds...

Even the PM ignored CSIS when they said Chinese Interference, now they want us to believe there's a thread in something they know 💩 about. Oh no, the east coast is going to go under, what happenedto all the taxes Canadians paid it didn't solve the climate change🙄 Threat🤣

How much did that BS report cost us taxpayers?

Imagine all the money we can save by defunding CBC and CSIS.

I call bullshit.....

But yet no insurance companies have a climate change clause in their loans nor is anyone moving the residence lines away from the ocean hmmm

See B.S. is at it again. The most credulous journolists in history...

I guess you elite pricks better hurry and buy up more oceanfront property before it's gone then..


And then wonder why noone likew CBC anymore. It's not even a strong worth writing

This is utter nonsense.

Never mind climate change! The Canadian spy service should do their job so we have no more chinese interface in our elections. The RCMP should do their job and arrest the people who are involved in it.

Climate change is caused by urbanization. Cities have higher temperatures than suburbs. Just on the edge of Austin, Texas, the temperature can be 2-3F lower than in the city.

More CBC propaganda and BS paid for by Justin Trudeau and the traitors in government. End all carbon tax of any kind. Eliminate the filth and rot in government, elected and unelected.

Redirection from liberal corruption, lies and incompetence. Presstitutes spew complete bs to help cloak China's election interference. What about Tides foundation, WEF infiltration, Democrat Party and what about a tweet from Obama? elxn

Blah blah bullshit.

We are all broke you sick fuks

17,000 “official” deaths from mRNA, yet they worry about this nonsense 🤔

Maybe focus on real security issues like china’s interference in elections instead of this bogus item. We are so a joke. The CIA is probably having a chuckle as is Russia and China

You know fewer and fewer people believe this, right?

Scare me harder, daddy. 🙄🙄🙄


Canada makes 1.6% of all global Co2. If we dropped to 0.8% there would be millions of people starving not working. And nothing would effect global warming or 'climate chsnge'... concentrate on pollution reduction efforts and technology via innovation and positive incentives.

What a pile of crap 🤣🤣

Sh** news from CBC funded by a sh** government JustinTrudeau . Who do we believe?

So this CSIS brief matters, but the one regarding Chinese interference in the Canadian federal election doesn’t!?

The sad part is........people will read this fear mongering horseshit and believe it. Do you honestly believe that our world is close to extinction because of climate change? If so, then you are currently riding the greatest conspiracy theory of them all.

Bend over they are going to f us hard in the name of climate change.. more control more taxes lock downs.. our kods will never experience the freedoms we once had and these liberals that blindly trust thier government are 💯 the problem.

And just like that liberal media goes from China interfering in our elections to distract the fools with climate change DefundCBC TrudeauMustResign

Climate change hysteria is total bullsh!t

Trying to justify another tax hike by fear mongering?

No, Governments over reaction to climate change is a threat to Canadas prosperity.

Wolf wolf

Here we go Round 2 the Climate




Ffs what a load of bullshit

Looking forward to when CBC gets all its funding cut. Good riddance.

Bull S*hit. Climate change/ Global Warming/Global Cooling, whatever you are calling it this week is an INDUSTRY. BIG Money is being made and the propaganda machines are in overdrive. Obama recently bought an 8 million dollar mansion by the ocean in Martha's vineyard. Stop the BS.

Lol definitely not a distraction from the election interference. Climate change has always been a CSIS issue lol

This is what it says It talks about climate zelots and their extremism👇

We are currently lossing massive amounts of shoreline in Ontario and have been for years. The government doesn't care and won't do anything to help

And CSIS has nothing better to do than comment on climate change? I thought they were an intelligence agency. Not much intelligence in what they're selling this time!

Doom grifting for over 50 years.

No, it does not!!!!! Only politicians and activists hold to this. Honestly, the same people who gave us covid lockdowns are spouting off about this. Take whatever they say with a grain of salt and follow BjornLomborg at once!!!

😱 oh nooooo

Be very cautious Canadians…if it’s not one fear the “experts” are trying to shove down our throats it’s another one…..they like to keep us paralyzed with one fear or another while they wreak havoc

I’m glad we don’t have to hear about mass protests against corrupt governments in Europe. Please tell us more about imaginary sea levels being the main threat to humanity.


Total bullshit

No such thing as climate change, it’s called climate taxes , cuffs are coming for the stinky it’s

How do I ensure that my tax dollars no longer allow this fake news propaganda exist?

You liars.

What happened to China posing a threat to Canada?

China bringing more coal plants online...


Odd that separate news organizations have the exact same headline... almost like this is a coordinated distraction.


It has been snowing this year in Southern Cali... Yet they claim the Earth is heating up? Clearly, they are liars.

I think we have more pressing CSIS-related news to talk about you Liberal cucks.

Lol! What have you people been smoking? This nonsense is easily disputed sea level rise has slowed considerably in the last 12000 years, it blows my mind that CBC doesn't even consider that they are going to get faceted check it's people still take CBC seriously.

While Elites buy oceanfront properties🙄

Good thing they’ve been wrong for the past 50 some years and the sea isn’t rising then

If Mendocino is on the Committee, well, you know all you need to know.

Rising sea levels only affect the rich who choose to live next to the oceans.

Rising level that we are still waiting for. Since 1980.

a parody acct, right?

What a joke cmon cbc stop the bullshit

Who threatened Canadien security is mafia member Mendocino Italian nMe ignorant , and Trdo French ninority from line at hospital for nostrils surgeries after Covidovic

Can’t ever take these people seriously. It’s a disorder!



I’ve seen no evidence of actual rising sea levels.

Climate Brainwashing...

CSIS is losing credibility thanks to the Libs. First down went the CBC, RCMP, now CSIS. We have the CCP inside, outside, around the corner, across the Pacific, the Atlantic, in the southern hemisphere and CSIS is warning Canada about weather!! Investigate climate change scam.

We won't stop until we get back to this era.

No. Like covid. It's what people begin to do in the name of the religion that matters.

What a load of baloney.

You know what poses a profound threat to national security and prosperity? Election interference by foreign governments. LiberalCorruption

DefundCBC Enough of the fear porn! DefundCBC

Climate propagandists

Do you know what planet this is? Well it isn’t Venus

Hahahahahahahahaha. OMG.

It looks like they are teeing up to seize some more emergency powers. Brace yourselves.

Ok.... hippies....

OMG! Sea levels have been changing for millions of years. BUT LIEBERALS love to spew misinformation amongst the ignorant the Gullible.

Climate change? You mean Liberals.

We were supposed to have no snow in the usa in 2000

Before that happens Florida will be under water so we will have lots of time to prepare just watch what happens there if the billionaire start to move then worry

LOL.. so I've heard...for the past 30-40 years...still waiting on those losses!

The people are waking up to this bull

Ha!!! Yet billionaires keep buying oceanfront properties. 🤷🏼

Controlling and limiting production/consumption (i.e eliminating capitalism), and reducing population has been on the communist agenda long before the climate change hysteria. Convenient that the only way to stop climate change is to pursue the same goals as the communists.

Acid rainglobal warmingclimate change Anyone want to guess what the next chapter will be? Atmospheric Armageddon. . Ohhhh scary stuff!!

Bald faced lies.

HOW long have I known this. Capitalists want to make everything they can,and let us poor people starve to death,I would love to put them on a native reserve 2heñ the salmon are all gone,Who should have been doing the teaching?

CSIS has an opinion on Man Made Climate Change? What’s next…an opinion from the producers of the Cooking Channel?

Canadians can't be taken seriously

Replace 'Climate Change' with Justin Trudope. CBC is DONE once they're PP'd on!

Let us know when Vancouver airport is flooded!

They've been telling us for decades how sea levels are going to rise and drown us all...while buying up beach front property.

Plymouth rock. Look it up.

how does it feel to know you guys are the clows of media for spreading this BS Liberal propaganda?


It's our own fault 🤣 👇

If Atlantic Canada ends up underwater, who will cash all the EI cheques?

So when the spy agency said climate change is an issue you jump, but when they say there has been CCP election interference you sweep it under the rug.. gotta love the lib media

Fear porn. We are sick of this shitshow.

Then why are they building high rise in Miami Beach fronts

Climate Scam. Climate Communism. Bull 💩

Didn’t they also warn us about Chinese interference in our elections?

When are these sea level rises due to start? 🤡

If this were true , banks wouldn't lend the money for waterfront property to be purchased. Too high a risk. Do better


Hahahaha shut up you Communist Broadcast Company. Keep pushing your far left agendas lol. Global Warming rofl

CBC is known for fake news. Disgusting

Sea levels aren’t rising, and we’re trending into a cooling period of lower sun output, with geomagnetic anomalies. All natural.

Who will lead us thru this crisis? A king perhaps.

Carbon dioxide is plant food. We can only hope that CO2 levels rise.

While David Suzuki has a house on the beach! He doesn't believe his own words!


hahahaha hope Vancouver sinks away and Ontario gets nuked.

Taxpayer funded lies.

No such thing as a climate.

Yes, it's inevitable. The Earth has always evolved. It's more like in what time frame so humans can adjust to the changes. You're never going to stop the Earth's advancements.

CBC. All lies and Liberal propaganda. Nobody believes your bullshit anymore. Why even bother?

CSIS? 😂 You just run with any garbage they feed you 🤡

More government BS

In that case, please sell all of the land that you expect to lose to me, for a dollar. That will be pure profit for you, since the land will shortly be underwater anyway.

No reasonable person believes a word of this nonsense. It was leaked that 'climate change' would be the next fear mongering campaign after the pandemic was no longer useful to control people. Enough with the fear mongering.

Please ask Mark Mendicino how humans contributed to the ice age 🤡 CBCblows CriminalBroadCasting DefundCBC

I smell... Propaganda..

Wow CBC. That darn reporting the facts gets quite the reaction and trolls 🥴

Left wing climate Nazis are a threat- says csis

Again.... you prove you are nothing but complicit tax-leaching !diots working for a foreign agenda. DEFUNDcbc

Fucking liars.

This will continue until the blood of tyrants and pedophiles water the tree of liberty


😂😂😂😂 you are kidding right…

Man made climate change theory is bullshit

🤡🤡🤡 All lies, this is becoming a cult.

China burns coal and spies on Canada and Canada taxes carbon and spies on the climate.


Rising sea levels What a crock of CBC bull sheet!

CimateCrisis ClimateBrawl

Bill crap all of it

If that's true, why do all the wealthiest people continue to buy properties on the shores and why do lenders continue to fund shore line purchases? Hint: they are not telling the truth.

No. “Liberal” policies based in a lie of false consensus threaten all of those things.

Dont worry British Colombians. Earth is round and spins so fast. If your sea level rises it would be the same everywhere.

Climate hysteria poses a serious threat to life on the planet the people that are pushing it want everyone dead and most fell for it shame on cbc propaganda channel

Stop talking about it and PROVE IT, post a peer-reviewed study substantiating your claims... In the mean time, there are THOUSANDS of scientists signing petitions stating that the climate change narrative is the biggest scam in the history of man...

'…modelling shows the potential loss of significant parts of British Columbia and the Atlantic provinces to rising sea levels and flooding.'

So CSIS leaks election interference but publishes some hysterical nonsense about climate change? Who's running that ship?

So tell China the bc mainland fell into the ocean and lower the housing costs and give it back to Canadians?

I guess people better start selling their ocean-front property now to those climate-deniers, or risk losing a considerable investment, huh?

canada makes up less than 1% of the worlds co2 output....

Fake News Cbc... TrueDope's worthless, taxpayer-funded, fearmongers, overpaid hyenas, lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut, the putrid armpit of the murky, stinking pipes of the worthless, utterly corrupt, SewerStream Media, Enemy of the People. Cbc true character:

Replace 'climate change' with 'government media' and you're on to something

Canada the 🤡 show. Just make sure you have an escape route.

and the climate nazis are literally lying. There is no rising oceans. CO2 is need for plants to grow. The global avg temp is still lower than the average of the last 500,000 years.

Then stop sending BC coal to China. China continues to build Coal fired plants. Eliminate a NET Zero plan. NET 0 allows big companies to still pollute just as much as they did yesterday.

Looking to scare canadians into allowing more rights and freedoms to be willingly given up? Liberal, socialist, tyranical bunch of cunts

That old chestnut. They told us the same thing in the mid 90’s, late 90’s, early 2000’s and every 6 months thereafter. Paper straws and carbon tax will save us I’m sure.


What a load of bull.

Climate change is a global issue. It is absurd to protect Canada from the threat of climate change. Deal with climate change needs the cooperation of the world. Cooperation needs mutual respect. We should accept the vision of the shared future for mankind.

Ah climate fear porn!!!! Be very afraid.

Once you hit ratios like this, maybe it’s time to start understanding that the public doesn’t find your news credible. No trust. That’s bad.

I wonder who put CBC up to blabbing this garbage, blackface perhap's

Lol, CSIS should worry about China. We are still waiting for California to go underwater. Was only supposed to happen what 20 years ago?

sea levels aren't rising, the beach is in the same place it always was


BS BS BS BS BS BS CBS News is 🤡 News!!!

Yeah sure, did they commit to a timeframe when this might happen like algore did almost 50 years ago which we’re still waiting for his predictions to come true.

COVID caused crime they say. 3 months ago, A Large storage at StorageMart 127st.NW EDM broken in,stuff value 34k+ stolen. If you need a news story, follow up with this one. I have all the details for you.

It's hard to think of a country that would benifit more from warming than Canada greening the tundras

😂 ya ok. Much like all cbc reporting. 💩

Oh, so that’s what CSIS is about. I get it now. Thank you DefundCBC 😂

You mean like the two waterfront home David Suzuki owns?

Wow what a pile of crap your peddling

Probably causes heart attacks too

CBC.. Did Justine call you up and pay you to a piece not concerning him... report an in depth column on his narcissistic leadership instead.. make yourself useful and expose some truths and get to the bottom of Canada's worst prime minister

Imagine believing this fluff piece

Man made climate change is a hoax.....

What a joke 🤡

Trustes news in lying!

LoL 😆 🤣 😂 😹 Really?

Completely made up.

Is that why ocean side property is so dirt cheap

Defund CBC....Somehow it gets more pathetic and sad everyday

More fear porn

CBC ......Lies

Do you think anyone is buying this bullshit?


What the fuk does csis know about climate science, fuk off and arrest trudoh TrudeauChineseAsset

This is what our intelligence community is up to? 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🥴

You Commie pigs are a disgusting disgrace to Humanity and our Country Of Canada, wrong side of history is the only thing you will ever be recognized for. You’re nothing but Communist scum, just like your boss trudeau. It’s so sad!

More bullshit when will this horse crap end. They just keep pushing. These liberals must be stopped.

It’s hard to believe you get away with saying this kind of stuff cbc you are evil plain and simple

We are not the country that is the problem!!!


Anyone that believes this should sell their beachfront property. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 Exactly that’s what I thought

Wow the legacy media must have gotten their marching orders again to start spreading climate fear. The propaganda is fierce today.

Garbage 'journalism'.

nothing to see here .... oh look, a migrant is stealing your job! taxes taxes taxes!


The headline should read 'The Climate change narrative and agenda is a threat to Canadian security'.....there! I fixed it for you

Molanchavich a book

Climate hysteria

I love this. Keep up the radical agenda. People are waking up due to the desperate insanity that is palpable in all these lies.

Every time I flush my toilet the sea level rises 🤷

Totally totalitarian bullshit.

Tell us now how much oceans levels have risen in the last 100 years. How is that beach house of Obama doing? This is all BS. Pieces to look to justify the next Carbon tax increase in less then a month to pay for liberal raises and all their garbage policy. Fact


This is just another Liberal distraction. Mindless banter trying to move the focus away from our Chinese Pm

Show us the rejected mortgages from banks for properties on lands that you say will flood.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 DefundCBC ClimateCommunism TrudeauMustGo GreatReset

If the seas were going to rise so much, then why are banks still giving morgages for homes in low lying areas.

OMFG. You government sponcered propaganda machines sure love to TRY and instill fear into the population.

Bureaucrats been locked up in their basements on Zoom for a little too long, apparently


People dumb enough to build cities/house within inches of sea level are not people we need moving forward.

WTF... I've travel extensively around the globe. I've seen first hand landmarks that have the exact same water levels today as they have for the last 100 plus years! STOP the fear mongering BS!

What utter nonsense!

Lol, THIS is what CBC reports CSIS says. Hilarious.

Maybe tell that to Barack Hussein Obama.

BS, sea level rise has been dead linear for hundreds of years, it’s the result of coming out an ice age.

Fake narrative.


Huge exaggeration & drama. You guys are turning realities into agenda based, profit driven & suspicious projects. When rookie journalists promote profiteers who are backed by unscrupulous politicians, saving the world is the farthest thing on the agenda.

Man made climate change is a hoax. Prove me wrong.

😉 China maybe but not climate change

Ban private jets.


Sea level hasn't risen in 100 years!!!

Maybe if we raise taxes 400% we can save ourselves….

They LIE daily

Keep telling 'The Big Lie'.

5/17/20: Watch & Share The Real FACTS & DATA on Climate Change Global Warming from 31,000+ Scientists who do NOT believe the Fake News Medias & Cult Like Climate Alarmists

7/1/22: Data DISPROVE Climate Change Global Warming. COMPLETE SATELLITE RECORD for the GLOBAL AVERAGE The trend continues the 1.3C per one hundred years steady increase since the ”little ice age.” (

1/18/23: Climate Change: Global Temperature. Note the Graph shows that Global Temperature went DOWN in 2020 & 2021 by about 0.2C

Where’s Global Warming?2/3/23: What is the coldest wind chill ever recorded? Mount Washington hits all-time low. A wind chill temperature of -106F (-77C) was clocked and projections warn that it could still get colder. Colder than Planet Mars -65C

1/29/23: Scientists Struggle to Understand Why Antarctica Hasn’t Warmed for Over 70 Years Despite Rise in CO2

I’m amazed at how people are buying this. Listen to some podcasts with intelligent people, the 26,000 year cycle isn’t preventable. We’re in the cooling part of the 13,000 years…it’s strange how much proof is at our fingertips and this is nonsense.

HahahahahHaha 🤡

Oh God, you are still going with the rising sea levels baloney..... It's comical now.


What a load of pure garbage

What a scam. Another slow news day at the Taxpayers funded CBC. If it’s a threat to national security the Turd 💩 should enact the emergency act.

More ndpliberal propaganda fake news from cbc again!!

Dear CBC I think you'll find that half of England should be underwater now as per IPCC report published with 100% certainty back in the late 90s. Me thinks its fine there. Are these 'experts' willing to put their lives on the line? If wrong you can kill us? They have no faith

Don't forget to add that it gives you COVID.


So the top dogs at CSIS are jumping on board with Trudeau’s BS hey? Time for those leaks to continue and gut the organization

2030 is the goal Prepare for lots of fear-porn about the weather.

There is a real risk that we are facing the world’s largest famine in human history this autumn and we shouldn’t be messing with the food supply.

Forgot about Trudeau's bribes from China already?

A message brought to you and paid for by our political leaders!!!

Liberal government is the biggest threat to all Canadians,time for change TrudeauMustGo

Straight bullshit!

Stop it already ! Hoaksters

More Liberal Lies!

It’s a scam. I think you have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe in man made climate change.

What are you people on 😳😳

😂🤣😂🤣 I can’t believe people fall for this.

I notice none of the uber rich are selling the beach front property. I'll start to worry when they do. defundthecbc

Then why are so many new mansions getting built on the coastline?

You guys can go suck the polluted air and choke on it! Bunch of bullshiters!

Ha ha what a joke. Hard hitting journalism there CBC

Read the comments cfib? Nobody believes this Horseshit. Yet there you are accepting the govt imposing more taxes under the guise of a 'carbon tax'. When millionaire narcissistic politicians lead by example, people will follow. It's pathetic to believe these DISHONORABLE liars.

no it does not. stop.

It’s a scam. I thing you have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe in man made climate change.

Here’s the Liberal CSIS diversion…

Defund CBC!


Fear porn

Then why do buildings keep being built in Toronto? Why would banks give mortgages to anything below a certain sea level near water?

Why are oceanfront Realestate prices still going up? I guess most folks don’t believe the climate change threat. Or that climate change is caused by people vs the sun , volcanoes and other natural phenomenon.

Communism and election interference is more of a concern for me.

Why the most expensive houses in these provinces are waterfront properties? Rich people must be ignorant to upcoming Armageddon.

Climate change is real and there is NOTHING we can do about reversing it because China doesn’t care, India doesn’t think it’s fair etc. Etc. So even if we shut the lights and live in caves it’s going to happen so might as well live our lives as it happens.

This liberal government is too much. Now deflecting from China scandal to BC falling off the planet.


Tax me, it will solve it

What a load of bullshit!

It's all a hoax.. just an excuse to mandate control over its people.

CSIS also warns of Chinese interference. Are we gonna tax that too in the hopes it will stop the problem? 🤔

Enough already! The climate has been changing for billions of years.

Here's my green response to CBC horse 💩

The greatest threat to Canada's security is Foreign interference. Climate change is at the bottom of the ladder at the moment. No matter how much the CBC would like to deflect the interference from the Chinese. This is indeed 1 on all Canadian's thoughts at the moment!

Does even know they are saying things out loud?

Just for balance 👇

And these clowns at CSIS are in charge of our national intelligence security. Sounds like a bunch of millennial twats isolated in their own ideology. We need clear minded people in this role who don't have some woke unproven agenda to push.

Yes but we still have to borrow subs to go North.

Yeah sure... whatever you say... I'll believe the guy who created the weather network first... he says there is no climate change...

CBC believes what CSIS is saying about climate change, but refuse to believe what CSIS is saying about their boy Trudeau.

The lies about climate change are what is negatively affecting everything

There is no such thing as climate change. The Oceans have been rising for years and no one is going to stop it. And not your fake climate change



All lies. Just like CBS “debunked” the lab leak theory. No one trusts any paid mainstream media propagandists.

What bill shit


Scientists have been warning about this for a few decades!

NOBODY BELIEVES THIS!!!!!! CBC pushing govt agenda once again

bullshit. defund CBC

What utter trash from CBC. Where do I sign the petition to defund these clowns?


Guess any narrative can be bought these days huh?

Once again the fake news media posting these identical stories within minutes of each other.

LOL “possible” nonsense


Has anyone seen Al Gore recently? Didn't he get like a Nobel Prize or something for telling us in 2001 that in 2014 NY would be under water & kids would have no idea what snow is? Oh, and he bought $8.9 M beach front property in Montecito in 2013.

Omfg. Can u stop with this climate change bs? Go tell everyone that has a lakeside/oceanfront property to move...good luck with that . Climate change is the biggest scam ever! The plandemic was 2nd

Erosion happens

And this is why you should be defunded. You have become a tabloid. And a bad one at that!!!

Trudeau is more a threat than anything else right now. Doubt the liberal owned media would mention that though.

Stay in your lane.

More important than climate change is the blatent foreign interference in 2019/ 21 political nomination processes & 2019/ 21 federal elections. CSIS advised the PMO of the interference & the PMO decided not to protect Canadian sovereignty. The PM & MP's implicated must resign.

God we need more and better reaction buttons than a heart on Twitter. I need at least an incredulous and a ROFL emote.

Don’t worry! Trudeau will raise the carbon tax and we will all be saved! So thankful 🙏🏻

Unfortunately, there are people that will believe your utter nonsense. Many of us know you're lying through your teeth

You guys need to look at the Plymouth Rock.

OMG CBC you are pathetic

Actually the zero evidence to support that anymore and there's more evidence to prove that it's not a danger to us. The same government that silence people from talking about covid are the same people that are silencing climate change scientists. Facts

So now they want t to believe CSIS

CBC how can you believe and spread this shit? All you leftists do is fear monger on issues you have no control or power over, and never will, you people are not gods. The climate has been changing since the beginning of earth itself, live with it in harmony.

Nothing is more of a threat to national security and prosperity than the deprivation polices the government is trying to force on Canadians, but let's go ahead and increase the carbon tax to pay the government to shuffle money around, that'll totally help. 🤡🤦

We better fly all over the world in private jets to let everyone know. Tax the struggling poor more




So when are the sea levels going to rise? Shouldn't New York and Vancouver Island be under water by now? Al Gore predicted in 2008 the sea levels would rise by 20 feet.. Are you just trying to deflect from Trudeaus affair with the CCP..

Total bullsjit

Uhm the sea levels haven't risen.... Climate change is natural and nobody can predict what will happen.

Complete and utter nonsense

Haha 😂


It seems CBC, the liberal mouthpiece wants Canadians to stay poor. The arctic shipping lanes being opened up will make Canada a lot of money. Just like what would have happened had Canada provided Germany and Japan with natural gas when they asked….

When the wealthiest Elites on this Planet start dumping their beachfront properties at bargain prices, then I will be concerned about rising sea levels !!!

This is why rich people have at least 1 home on islands.

Another shit story brought to you by cbc

The WEF climate change agenda poses a profound threat to freedom, prosperity, and national unity. As Obama, Bill Gates... all buy oceanfront property, people are becoming aware that we are running a scam.

Well good riddance BC,it's only going to hell in a hand basket anyways.

Wait!… Can CCIS be trusted….🤷🏼‍♂️

FFS, which one of you really smart people can control the Sun? That’s what I thought!

Mainstream trying feed this lie to us over 20 years now. BS. This is nothing other than climate communism!

No. It’s the liberals plain avoidance of chinese interference.

“rising sea levels”? Where? Not in Vancouver. Not on the east coast. You to could do that journalism thingy where you check claims for factual accuracy Try it sometime.

So we’re believing CSIS again?

CSIS should focus on Trudeau's corruption..

ClimateFear ClimateHoax ClimateScam Canada Ottawa Toronto ldnont FactsMatter ⬇️⬇️⬇️

This is a lie

In order for propaganda and a military psy-op to be effective, people have to believe it. It’s not working, people see right through you.

Hopefully only the parts that vote ndp

CBC needs to start something with that girl that just got fired, or like whatever, then start a new channel in Antarctica. Ya. I think that would be super duper.

, all lies.

CSIS? You know about them now? Should we listen? You must be a parody account.

If this were true then all ocean front properties - wouldn't be insurable - would also drop drastically in price Stop the CBC lies

Oh my. Will Justin invoke the Emergencies Act on the clouds? A threat to national security is very very dangerous. About as stupid as this claim.

This is conspiracy theory nonsense.

The liberal government poses a threat to Canadian security, prosperity, and health.

What a crock. Revolting display of trying to separate people from their rights.

As a Canadian citizen. We all know this Is Not true. CBC spreading lies again



Masks work, Eggs cause sudden death, End of the world within 6 years. It has been settled.

Oh FFS. The threat to prosperity is thinking we can change climate by spending vast sums.

IS THIS A JOKE.....Its funny how the big banks still insure and mortgage waterfront properties world wide.....

Yes and our borders will keep other countries climates out when we get to net zero.

Is CBC still doing news?

And yet ocean front property remains highly sought after by the elitists while pushing their climate agenda on the working class. Defund the CBC.

Propaganda Lies! Lies Lies! WE DONT BELIEVE YOU!!

Shut up

Is CSIS now employing climate scientists?

Liberals must be down in polls ‘cuz Dear Leader has been caught with hand down in his pants…again!


live in Ontario so the sea can have Alberta and BC. I am ok with that.

I can’t believe a word you say CBC, significant parts of BC will be under water come on? Did Justin help you write this? Why would we now place credence in CSIS when last week you were diminishing their election findings. Defund the CBC!!!

Didn't realize folks at CSIS had degrees in physics and climatology! MyBad

Stop! Nothing is going to distract us from Trudeau’s China scandal. Nothing.

CBC be like...

This is beyond ridiculous. I predicted the next “plandemic” would be a climate emergency, but come on, who the hell is going to fall for this 😂😅

Full on TruAnon attack today. Massive channel changing. Telford and abortion now climate catastrophe. Again. electioninterference CCPelectiontampering TrudeauCorruption

jordanbpeterson I’m wondering if Plymouth Rock is under water yet after 400 years? ClimateScam

Been saying this for decades and yet nothing

The defunding of the CBC can’t happen soon enough. Calling itself a “News source” is laughable enough!!

Who actually believes this shit?

More taxes should stop it

What a load of crap.

If that were true you wouldn’t be able to get a loan or insurance for coastal property no?

Fake Alarmism news...

CBC has become the Fox News of Canada! Pushing such BS you and CTV both really need to be defunded! We are all so sick of this total climate BS

No it doesn’t. It’s all propaganda

Why do these left wing scare mongers never show us the science Let other professions read and publically debate the research? In 2009 Al Gore said 75% of the Northern ice caps would be melted in 5-7 years. IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! pierrePoiliviere


What a bunch of Bull!!!

I Don’t believe this BS! Gov’t trying to scare us again. Lied so much and so often in the last 5+ years…who would believe this?

Not as big a threat as our own government is to Canadians. JustinTrudeau is the biggest threat to all Canadians, he lies, creates division, ethics violations, and approves of election interference.

Doesn’t really appear to be the case at all.

Been hearing this propaganda for years they are always 100% Wrong. 1st it's an ice age. than its global warming now its climate change

This is craziness. They expect us to actually believe this

To improve global greening and crop yields we need to get atmospheric c02 to around 1000ppm. Carbon is our friend 🥰 Carbon is what makes all life possible on this tiny litte rock we exist on.

The same 'experts' that were wrong about literally everything. Nice try.

Csis also warn about Chinese infiltration on election for trudeau. Where was the headline for that. Cbc news. Not a valied source within canada.



Why don't ya just tel the climate 'it's racist and a misogynist and to go home' worksfor every other aspect your involed in

Love how you state this as fact. CBC is no expert on facts.

Shut the hell up.


Communist China and Trudeau colluding to undermine our elections are also a profound security risk to Canada.

So you say.

Oh no...... The only thing we can do is live in tents downtown doing drugs and pay more tax.

Here is the problem. By far the worst emitter is China. Thanks to progressives like Bill Clinton who welcomed them to the WTO and offshored our jobs to cheaper jurisdictions with lax rules like China. We can't even manage Chinese air balloons or election tampering.

Our media poses a more significant and immediate threat. Please quit.

What are they trying to distract from? Oh that's right JustinTrudeau & liberal_party are compromised & are helping the CCP to the detriment of Canada🇨🇦. CBC tries to cover for them. DefundCBC

LOLLLLLL more distractions

How about all the land that will be open up to the north


I call BULLSHIT!!!

Wow!! If that's true, how do people get mortgages to buy multi-million dollar homes on BC's coastlines? That seems like a big financial risk for money lenders and home insurance companies.

In a million or two years we’re going to reach a tipping point. Panic NOW or pay the price.

What a load of crap.

Again with the lies aye New lies every day. Today climate, tomorrow covid. Always a new scam isnt it? And still on the government payrole with billions

Lol. Propaganda outlet.

CBC News trying to 'inform' it's citizens.

Based on their hair being so flat, and improperly shadowed, these two people were photoshopped in and no one is working on this, as the article more or less suggests.

It’s all guess, now that CSIS WARNS, Let’s talk geopolitical issues which they disclosed many years ago. Certain religious groups that typically would have more than 2 children and wives and how it will affect the country. The change in western civilization

Piss off. Didn't Gore say by 2020 the coast would be under water or some shit like that?


Absolute bull shit

If they truly cared about the Environment they would ditch the senseless carbon tax and do things that actually make a difference. Liberal politicians like Chris Bittle censor / Delete comments that provide valid suggestions and point out fallacies in the tax. Virtue signalers!

Oh BS!


CSIS warns that fake climate change is a Liberal PLOY to suck truckloads of taxpayers money. 🛑 Do not trust Trudeau. Do not trust ANY Liberal. These are WEF puppets, focusing on more taxes, higher taxes, to support their insatiable appetite for Canadian taxpayers money. CBC says

Wolf!!! Wolf!!!!


People believe CSIS if it helps their cause, (foreign interference in our elections) but try to discredit CSIS when it goes against their cause, (climate change). You can't have it both ways people. Either CSIS is full of shit or they're not.


… and that’s why we need more illegal immigrants.

The only comforting thing about this is the number of people that can finally see through the bullshit!

C = comical B = Bullshit C = Central

Rising sea levels

So sick of your BS reporting.....

CBC News. One giant hoax in action.

Rising sea levels? Historic pictures of light houses and the statu of liberty reveals there is no sea level rise.

like covid and those very little number of deaths. Propaganda style !

When Cities, Towns, are built on flood Plains millions of years old? Why would sane Citizens build there? Common sense not Climate Change! Time to get a real job!!!

This is nothing but unhinged fear mongering--- cdnpoli com

Is the CBC trying to distract the public from the real message from CSIS. Chinese funding of politics for their mutual and illegitimate benefit and the costs borne by the citizen.

I call BS on CBC

Liberal Men are suffering from Climate Change no doubt. Maybe they should take more experimental covid injections.


CBC is nothing but a propaganda machine, spewing bullshit


Blah blah blah blah .... We've heard it all before. You know what they used to do to prophets whose prophecies never came true?


Ridiculous shit

“Justin Trudeau poses a profound threat to national security and prosperity…” - there fixed it for you CBC

Absolute garbage talk. Climate change will only impoverish you without and climate problem. Your taxes will rise so will the rhetoric

So to pivot away from another JustinTrudeau scandal, supported by NDP & theJagmeetSingh it’s time to roll out the old faithful Climate change, abortion and next week gun control,

The profound threat to national security comes from unrelenting illegal border crossings - time to wise up and deal with real issues

no - Please read - Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate Third by S. Fred Singer (2/2021)

CBC 🤡🖕🤡🖕🤡🖕

No it doesn’t.

Oh no! They're leaking again!! 🤣

Debunked bullshit.

Lies...pure, does anyone actually believe this Liberal Government has he ability to keep anyone 'Safe'? The report writer is a Quack. Follow the $$$.

Reported for Misinformation. is enemy to the People of Canada. A demonic pit of lies and Liberal propaganda. Shame on all of you.

Mao's fake news to undermine 'intelligent'(?) service

I live a block from the ocean. Been in this town my whole life. The sea HAS NOT risen in my 54 years. Climate crisis is a lie.

These people are all liars. They all need to be jailed

Lmao, weve been told this since i was a kid yet i keep going back to the island for visits and to my surprise the water is still the same level, go figure.

Yes 🤡CBC, look at how much the Halifax harbour is under water after 60 years of ‘sea levels rising.’ Atolls gone too. Or not. Muppets.

Lived on the water 45 years... hasn’t moved an inch

My but you are desperate to protect your lord and master!

As soon as the wealthy start abandoning their lavish ocean front homes, I’ll consider this information a threat.

No evidence of rising sea levels. California is the new Sodom & Gomorrah. Perhaps it'll fall into the sea soon.

Yeah, this is not true.

Is climate change code for China?


I bet it doesn’t say that at all. POTENTIAL risks are there based on LPC prodding, but neither CSIS nor any canadian government body actually knows the climate past 6 months. This is therefore more propagandist spin by the TrudeauChineseElect mouthpiece.

Holy defund the CBC already


Fear mongering. Giving children climate anxiety jordanbpeterson

I would be embarrassed and ashamed to have to make such stupid statement

What the hell are we paying these people for?

Fake news

Keep spewing the lies

Canada is only responsible for 1.6% of global ghg emissions. If our entire country was to sink into the ocean tomorrow it would make exactly no difference in the issue. Go run this story in Asia somewhere where the origin of your so called “climate change” exists.

Prove it

The Liberals and their outlets pose a profound threat to national security and prosperity in ALL of Canada. There’s your headline!

No more waterfront properties for rich folk?

This has to be true if CBC says it is

The same CSIS who's director was appointed by Trudeau, who is now on a witch hunt for the whistleblower that has further uncovered Chinese interference in our elections, that one?


Ah, okay. 🥴🥴🥴

Guess he has been given his script. The Liberals have now infiltrated CSIS.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Pathetic lies over and over.

The only thing posing a threat to our National security & prosperity is JT & LPC

Since when does the Liberal government listen to CSIS especially in regards to Climate Change when they condemn CSIS in regards to Chinese interference?

So the invisible enemy is at our gates? Huh?

Here is our national security risk

Wow WHAT hyperbole LOL

Well if CSIS is coming up with this info I guess China was a farce all along🤦🏼‍♀️

What happened to Chinese interference? TrudeauChineseElect

China pisses a more profound threat to our national security. What are we doing about THAT?!

CSIS now investigates the climate? I smell bullshit.

No it doesnt. The greatest threat to our security is the insane over reaction to this made up crisis. Banning fertilisers for farming and intervening in energy markets is a far far greater threat.

Ever heard of chicken little?

Covid is over, Ukrainian is boring , we’re back to climate change .. full circle ⭕️

Holy shit, tell me the China scandal is scaring the shit out of liberals without telling me. This ones a classic deflection move. I’d say it’s an insult to liberal voters but they’ll no doubt buy it.

Excuse to push their agendas. Climate has been changing for millions of years. With or with out humans

Since when is CSIS the climate police?

'Intelligence' should no longer be used in CSIS' about page.

What a minute…. CBC said to not take CSIS serious about election interference when it has to do with the liberals, yet now we are supposed to take them serious 🧐 🤷🏻‍♂️.

The climate grift is all about retaining power and the transfer of wealth


The world governments are completely corrupt it seems

National security? Maybe, if we don’t take proper action. Prosperity? Unequivocally false.

No. No it doesn’t.

Must be time for a diversion

None of the current crop of political parties will do anything about climate change. You (cbc news) knows this and so do we. Stop the gas lighting

Lol 😄 😆 🤣

This is lunacy. More scaremongering. Just relentless lying.

Right...and dinosaurs are returning

Didn’t we hear this in 1980s?




The only solution is eliminating reliable energy and food sources, while empowering and enriching government entities Safety™️

Nothing is happening with sea levels. All the climate change chaos creators are using 'modelling' to predict change. People are so bamboozled by the fancy modeling projections that they have no clue that the modeling is only as accurate as the 'scientists' want it to be, ie. lies


Oh what ever will Justin Blackface do when he can no longer surf at Tofino?

202,000 views, 500+ comments but only 90 likes. I think that speaks volumes on how to feel the room on the topic lol


Climate crisis = another way to tax the people, that is all.

Cbc get lost. Bulk up the Blackface fool liar crook Fidel Defund cbf

So SCIS is a climate change agency now ? They can’t even stop the spread of misinformation or the political interference and now they’re climate scientists…wow !!

Here we go another timely diversion from the primary issues such as Chinese interference in the elections, the COVID scam and persecution of peaceful protestors. Trudeau has told his paid Muppets to immediately come to his aid! Liberals the masters of subterfuge and conspiracy

We don’t have a climate emergency we have a corruption emergency...

Lies lies and more lies. CBCpropaganda

Department of CSIS and Climate Change. Lol

Liberal one sided media doing what the furror says in hopes of deflecting attention of the Beijing influence..

Thought CSIS was set up to watch for terrorists and enemies of the state? Now they are in the weather business? Great reporting CBC

Climate Change = Fools Tax

If climate change was going to raise sea levels so soon. Would all the elites have beach front property ? No that’d be dumb, think they might know what’s happening? I’d say so, if they stop flying on their private jets 3x a week I’ll start riding my bike

Imagine believing in a climate change emergency in 2023

This is bull

Absolute bunk. Shame on the goof in CSIS that pushed that crap.

Here comes more fucking taxes! What do you suppose we comply with now cbc JustinTrudeau we know you pay for cbc to push your agenda


Canada's PRAVDA causing unfounded fear and alarm

Really. Not in our lifetime. Let's deal with all the here and now issues your government has failed at

Nobody would care about the loss of parts of British Columbia. We could lose the whole bloody thing and hardly anyone would notice. It's not like BC has any useful function really.

Does anyone actually believe this?

Climate communism

Then why do all the rich people & property developers build on the waterfront.

Good God enough of this bullshit

I just saw this same article, on CTV. In lockstep, the mainstream media comes together to push a new narrative. Trying to bury the stories about the Liberals, China, & election interference? It's too preditable now 😕 Canada cdnpoli 🍁 ClimateEmergency ClimateChange? 👇


Fine, start taxing the crap out of billionaires first and have them hand in their jets. First do that. Then we can talk.

If it was true that climate change is going to cause a rise in sea levels why does the government still issue building permits on the water front and why do wealthy climate experts all have ocean front houses

Yeah... no.

More irresponsible journalism… what a shock

Climate change is bullshit. Just another tax


Yep. Head for the hills.

Lies upon lies. This ClimateScam is the next control strategy after Covid. There is climate change as there always has been. There is no emergency and like the overboard Covid response it will be economic devastation if not resisted


You just can’t write enough of this crap. Fear MONGERING. Not unlike the PLANDEMIC - yes I said it. Far too much evidence to support the mass psychosis of the lockdowns, jabs and face diapering. End the climate emergency crap.

If the seas are rising, why are banks still lending money for these sea side properties? How about Insurance companies, they are still providing insurance. The seas are not rising and Man Made Global Warming is a hoax

…and so the liberal governments proposal is to take guns away from people?

You mean these kinds of rising sea levels? 🤡🤡🤡

I wonder if the replies are going to be filled with RWNJ snowflakes who believe in Noah's arc, but not climate science?

So why are banks still mortgaging $1M+ coastal properties. LIES


And hair loss.

What a crock !

Justin is the risk to canada. Our security, prosperity, and profit from foreign interference - climate change is not the issue given there is no climate emergency

CBC please do a piece explaining why sea levels do not appear to be rising as scientists have predicted.

Yet rich continue to buy costal properties. For millions of dollars. If it was an issue that wouldn’t be happening

Better tell the Obamas, Oprah, Bill Gates, and any other celebrity/deep state cronie because they own real estate on the coastline. Climate change = hoax

The only thing posing a threat to our country is you and the idiot you parrot.

Give me a break. Trudeau and Singh are the only national security threats in Canada.

Yeh: Look at the squirrel,Canadians. NEVER MIND CHYNNA.

Thank GOD all of our straws now deteriorate immediately to cardboard mush after 3 seconds of use, and our 33cent 'resusable' polysynthetic grocery bags are saving the day!!! 🙌🙌 🌍 savetheearth

Fergus probably thinks climate change is a form of foreign interference 😆

Yeah okay.

Is this satire?

Such bull. Please Talk about real news that effects all Canadians. Not this climate farse

I got to call BS on this. As for security and prosperity, terrorist singh and CCP owned trudeau are a far greater threat to Canada!

With all the water replacement which we create with all of human infrastructure! We direct all of our rain water, sewer water, and sanitary water directly into our rivers, streams, lakes and oceans. What do you think is going to happen to sea levels?

Trudeaus new nickname is Climate Change

I’m more worried about an earthquake in bc than the ocean maybe rising an inch in the next 1000 years

I don't know which is more delusional. The belief that humans can effect the climate or that humans can control the climate. Unless we can control the sun's activity or earth's orbit we can't change the climate.

LiberalBullShit StillNoClimateEmergency StillNoClimateCrisis CBCPropaganda


Is it sea rise or land subsidence? How much? And how do you know? I'll wait for the scientific research you used to determine that. truth

There must be some great deals on oceanfront property coming up

At this point nobody believes them any more.

Specialy farming! 🤡

Just as 'climate change' does not cause sudden deaths, it does not threaten the nation's security. The singh/trudeau govt is the biggest threat to national security and prosperity! Forget about their lies on floods in BC.

You spelled 'climate Marxism' wrong..

Climate change does pose a threat to humanity and there's not a thing anyone can do about. Humans didn't create the hylocene inter glacial period and we are not going to stop the beginning of the next iceage.

Even the grade 2 kids realize … if you melt a glass full of ice … you get way less than a cup of water not more. So with the ice fields melting … uhmmm … yeah.

Then why do the Jews buy Atlantic beach house property?

This is called changing the channel. Anything to get CCP interference in Canada out of the headlines. Seems to be a full court press.


defund the cbc

Come on guys man-bear-pig is coming. I’m super serial.

Climate change deniers are truly afraid of admitting the truth

🔻WARNING🔻 Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda


Rising sea levels you say, uh oh someone better tell the Maldives to stop building airports at sea level.

No surprise CBC is complicit in spreading Globalist American Empire propaganda.

I call BULLSHIT.... What is wrong with overcoming climate change with human ingenuity, instead of more taxation and more control?

I live in a flood plain on long island sound. Why has my flood insurance gone up. Why are banks still offering me a 30 year mortgage. Why no speed limits on cars, trucks or ships. Ban the sale of SUVs, putting more tax on jet fuel. All would imediately lower CO2.

climatescam. Weather has been unpredictable ever since time, how is today any different? You can't use a storm, hurricane, or snow event etc. as climate change, that's bullshit. Science is forever changing, there's absolutely zero proof. They use words like 'could happen'

Oh for pity’s sake CSIS & TrudeauGov have to get more creative with deflection! CSISFailure TrudeauChineseAsset

😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 How to know your government and their lies are unserious. Pushing China preferred green schemes on the West. cdnpoli Not to mention the JustinTrudeau appointed head of CSIS already proved his capabilities and lies at POEC

CSIS employs a lot of climate experts, do they?


April fools isn't for another couple weeks

We're more concerned about China pulling Canada strings then this climate change scam 🤷🏻‍♂️

Stick to finding out who in Canada was involved in election interference. Climate change?!!! Really?!!’ I’m starting to understand why we can’t get clarification and facts. Whistle blowers where are you? We need your help!!!

No it does not. 🤡s

The Al Gore affect. Utter Bullshit.

No, I don't think so.

According to BC gov’t scientists, sea level at Vancouver is rising at 4cm/100 yrs. Pretty sure we can cope.

As I understand it, plate tectonics is a greater threat to sea levels than climate change could ever be.

I'm just curious... Should we listen to THIS CSIS brief? Our Prime Minister ignored previous you know...

Laughably false. These nonsensical declarations are exactly why people are losing confidence in our institutions.

Fake news. Shame on you, propagandist !

The same shores my grandfather went to visit in the 1950s in WA on the coast in in the Puget sound are the same beaches and parks I still go to. Same shore line and same water level today. Stop your insanity

The spooks are on to it. Yay!

Your network is trash You have been so wrong so many times the world laughs at you daily

Careful folks, they are going to use this total nonsense to restrict and control your lives and make life more expensive. Get mad at people you don't know and never will know, like myself, for constantly harping about it, but facts truly don't care about your feelings.

This hoax is causing a profound affect to our national security. It’s also allowing the government excuses to launder our own money and blatantly act like criminals. I’ve had enough of this absolute garbage propaganda.


Wealth transfer scheme by Politicians with nothing to legislate.

push goebbels propaganda often there cbc? you also are just blatantly lying...

Then why do the elite continue to live in and purchase sprawling sea side properties?

Please stop spreading false narratives. I know, in that case you are out of a job, because that's your core business.

Cool. I have some soon to be ocean front property in Saskatchewan to sell to the Liberals. Hello? Anyone? Why aren’t they buying it up? Do they not believe this is happening? The TV says it’s happening.



If I was Xi I would push the climate change propaganda. Push the fear. It is to his strategic advantage to have his enemies (us) sacrifice their industrial capacity, energy security and economy in the name of climate change.

Absolutely lies, lies, lies! Fear mongering base on Bullshit Climate Change!

defund cbc

💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 🤡


Just. Not. True.

You should be embarrassed. Maybe the author has never left their mother’s basement, but surely, someone signed off on this garbage. Then you act surprised when no one find value in your existence.


Wer glaubt den Dreck? WHO beliebes in this shit?

There goes trusting CSIS.

Let’s scare the pants off people so we can shape their behavior! When can we release the next climate scariant?

We're out here getting the data ourselves these days. Your li


I never thought I'd live to see 1984 become a reality

In Denmark they are taking farms claiming 'Nitrogen' is evil. Fun fact, N2= 78.03% of the air we breath.

Is CTV doing your research, or is CBC telling CTV what to report?

Got a spot maybe 5 ft above sea level no change in 30 years

Foriegn Election interference (on domestic soil or abroad) and political interference (domestic or abroad) pose a larger threat to national security.

Every time a Katie op-ed appears in the CBC an angel gets its wings.

It's OK to call BS on the climate cult. It's good to protect the planet, but let's not lie about it.

If Canadians are dumb enough to not see how this government (and all governments around the world) are leveraging faux climate change to circumvent OUR rights...then WE do not deserve to retain OUR right to complain later....

So these are the people responsible for protecting Canadian elections? We're all f*cked.

More and more issues are being tied to national security why! Because then they don't have to talk to the people about it.


It's politically motivated climate change policies that threaten Canadian security and prosperity, not climate change itself. The politically motivated threat is aided by government sponsored MSM such as

More worried about liberals than anything related to the climate.

CBC spin!! The threat was actually identified a “geopolitical and policy issue” and the polarizing narratives dramatically increasing. In turn, that could fuel the potential for ideologically motivated extremist activity 'across the traditional left-right ideological spectrum.'

Quebec flushing their toilets into the St Lawrence is more of a concern.

Guys, I'm from the east and there is ZERO indication of 'rising sea levels' in the almost 40 years I've been on this planet! Quit letting their fear rule your lives!

Canada should just leave then. Go find some other land to set up shop and leave us Natives alone. Canadian prosperity = Native Genocide and worker exploitation.

ClimateAlarmists are doing more damage to society than ClimateChange ever will.

All lies

They’ve been saying this for almost a century. Why are the people promoting this buying up all the waterfront property then? Actions speak louder than words.

Oh no, the sky is falling. Just complete bs

This is a tactical release of information to divert public attention from CCP influence on the government. Think about it - the report is from 2021. CSIS doesn't release information without federal direction. CSIS is supposed to investigate foreign subversion. This is propaganda.

Get fucked. Prepare your headquarters to be turned into low income housing.

Good thing we got lots more land…

I have been hearing the same nonsense for 30 years. Non stop fear mongering from tabloid media.

Pile of BS. I've heard this BS for 60 years when I was 10 years old and every 10 years since, and that it was going to happen in subsequent 10 years following! Laughable at best

Next phase of the agenda. Climate alarmism to push 15 min cities.

LMFAO. Better move inland, then.

What about actually our election security?

So how come Oceanside real estate is still SO HIGH! How come insurance companies will insure these “doomed” properties? How come banks will still fund these supposedly moronic insurance companies? Or is it that nobody actually believes this will happen and the money proves it

Did Markey say that?🤣😂


Two Biggest Scams in Earths history; 1 Climate Change. 2 Corona Virus.

Between extremely low or high solar activity (storms on the sun),sun-spot activity global temperatures either rise or fall.Then there’s the warming of sea-surface temperatures do to increased underwater volcanic activity, NOT only the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Problem is - sea levels aren’t rising.


LOL it does not pose a threat to national security. It does pose a threat to prosperity however if we continue to give our money away to globalists. This garbage from the CBC is a pure lie!

Absolutely pure rubbish

I wish the possible loss of the CBC was included in that report.

3. Cont. Followed by Bill Gates, a American ‘business magnate and investor’, turned philanthropist and environmentalist.

Please, for the love of god!! Don’t believe these scumbags and their fear mongering!!! They want to control every aspect of your life and they are trying to use a fake climate narrative just like they used Covid!!!

The only threat is the CBC

'Climate Change' = total $ making scam 🤡

bwahahahahah loss of parts of BC......loss of prosperity, how about the loss of prosperity by banning ICEs? trillions in job killing off oil and gas you're effectively removing 30% of Canada's economy. (which we know is the plan all along)

I think that the Chinese interference in our elections is a threat to national security. But I guess you didn't believe that CSIS report. Do some real journalism!!!!!

1. I see all the msm in Canada has their marching orders for the day as this is on all feeds. 2. The gov doesn’t gov e a shit what csis says so why do you and why should we? 3. There is no climate crisis no matter how hard you try.

Uh huh


Bread $4.29 a loaf where I live. Ask me if I care about climate change.

Did we seriously think sea levels would stay in the same place for eternity? Evidence suggests they will rise & fall continuously over time whether humans are here or not.

Complete lies.

Show some prove where the sea is rising. You can't!!

What, specifically, qualifies CSIS to provide this insight? Genuinely curious.

Prove it

Pure 100% bullshit from the propaganda arm of the Liberal Party of Canada. DefundCBC

Let's just leave out the part where Canada will have some of the most viable agriculture in the new world.

More the Chinese interference?

You know what poses a profound threat to national security and prosperity in Canada. Election interference from China in the last two federal election. It's ok if you follow a real news story once in a while. I know you depend on liberal funding, so you have to tow the line. Sad.

China poses a much more profound threat to national security! Any investigative journalists up to the task on that? TrudeauIsDestroyingCanada TrudeauCorruption CanadaIsBroken

Talk to China and India leave Canadians alone.

Ok brah

CSIS is monitoring foreign weather interference now.

Sounds great

When fid ghis come up and how?

all the politicians and top CEOs who have purchased oceanfront property will tell you catastrophic flooding is iminant, this time, for real. .

Funny how many people believe the csis report about china election interference, but don't believe a csis report about climate change and call it propaganda. Which is it? Is csis to be believed?

Yeah full distraction mode from the government owned news network

This is the definition of fear mongering.

oh no runaway! runaway! lets get scared...defund

I find it ridiculous that climate change has anything to do with national security. Old Trudy and his criminal environmental are really reaching on it being a national threat.

This is ridiculous. They been saying the same thing since the 70’s. Give it a rest.

But the Liberals in Quebec running an illegal border crossing for 6 years hasn’t been. 🤡

One would think then that the carbon tax would be pumped back into the environment by way of various projects and technologies since this is such a serious issue. That's not happening. It is simply put into general revenues to be given away to Ukraine.

Such lies

O Lol. Let the bs continue. Same fear porn said 30, 20, 10 yrs ago. There is no climate Schellenberger said, Apocalypse Never.

Ohhhhhhhh ok. Obama the climate warrior bought a 27$million oceanfront home cause he was so worried about it. Al Gore in 1999 told me the ice caps would melt and flood the world. Who is buying this shiit anymore anyway?

After decades of global warming/climate change, the sea level still hasn't reached the rock that these low lifers live under. Take your hoax and shove it!

So when exactly is this rising sea level supposed to start ? From what I can see with my own eyes, the sea level on the BC coast is exactly the same as when I was a kid 50 yrs ago.

Hum.. no!

The good news is that, historically humans and life in general thrive during warm climate periods.

Oh wow, its is a real coincidence that this story is coming out now right after all the collusion with China allegations. 🤦 I’m guessing the Liberal appointed head of CSIS has been given his marching orders by Justin Trudeau to quickly move on from that “unfortunate” leak.

If people actually believed any of this idiocy waterfront property’s would be a dime a dozen.

Climate change is a lie

Cnut and CSIS gonna hold back the tide.

Repetition is first rule of effective propaganda

Lol. CCP PLA interference is more of a concern.

This leaves every person of moral decency unflinchingly cold.👇

Next Bond movie ....climate change flick

中共又灌臭气恶心本人,中国人支那猪真它妈的低贱人种! 才会有中国共产党邪恶反人类政权!

CBC rolling out the climate fear mongering deflection strategy.

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