Fact-checking Kamala Harris on U.S. energy production

  • 📰 PolitiFact
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Energy Noticias

Gas Prices,Foreign Policy

Republican candidates often criticize Democrats for throttling the U.S. energy sector or blame them for high gasoline pr

Overall U.S. energy production is at a record high, and, by some definitions, the U.S. is energy independent.

The Energy Information Administration, a federal office that tracks energy statistics, found that in 2019 — when Trump was president — the United States became a This mismatch keeps the U.S. from simply using its own crude production to serve all of its domestic needs. Changing the mix of refineries to accommodate U.S.-produced crude oil would be expensive and take years to complete.

"To be self-sufficient means you produce everything you need," Finley said."On a net basis, that is true for the U.S. in recent years. But to be independent means that what happens around the world doesn’t matter to you. That is absolutely false." "While the U.S. produces more energy than it consumes, it remains closely connected to — and dependent on — global developments," Finley said.. However, in that fact-check, of former Vice President Mike Pence, we did not also address the claim Harris mentioned about record-high energy production, which she was correct about.Harris is correct about overall energy production being at a record high, and she is correct that the U.S.


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