One of a kind opening ceremony: 5 memorable moments

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Paris — Boundary-breaking, genre-defying and unprecedented: the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics got the 2024 Summer Games underway with a pulsating energy and unique show that will never be forgotten.

Here are five memorable moments:The uninvited rainOpening ceremony mastermind Thomas Jolly, a renowned French theatre director, had carefully choreographed every minute of the festival along the banks of the River Seine.But there was one factor he could not plan for -- the weather. The opening ceremony had the misfortune to take place as heavy summer downpours descended on Paris even as forecasts showed days of hot sunny weather ahead.

The famous music however was given a new electronic touch that set the tone for an evening that sought to put a new twist on classic French culture.As the teams began their parade down the Seine they were serenaded by an accordion player -- dressed in the obligatory French outfit of beret and blue-striped T-shirt -- precariously perched on a bridge.


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