Experts Share Climate Change Concerns As Election Looms

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Climate Change Noticias

General Election,November,Kamala Harris

Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, a leading international expert in weather and climate, was the 2013 President of American Meteorological Society (AMS) and is Director of the University of Georgia’s (UGA) Atmospheric Sciences Program. Dr.

Beryl swept through the area on July 08, 2024 in Houston, Texas. Tropical Storm Beryl developed into a Category 1 hurricane as it hit the Texas coast late last night. Unless you have been living deep inside a cave with no communication access, you know that it is election season. Candidates are on the campaign trail, social media debates are raging, spam messages are flowing, and television commercials are teaming with political ads. My “lane” is weather, climate, and science.

“My biggest fear is that an issue that is critical to the survival of humankind, critical to human rights, and in our hands to mitigate will again be relegated to political sides rather than treated as the all-encompassing issue it represents. Just as I believe that every classroom must be a climate classroom, I believe that every human being should be a climate advocate.

“We need to accelerate investments in real climate solutions, period. And good federal leadership on this issue is crucial. Plus, as we see more disasters linked to climate change, we need federal leaders who understand and respect science.”"The thing that worries me the most about climate change specifically related to the upcoming election, is continuity in the historic investments that have been made into climate action in recent years.

Clearly, this group of experts have synthesized important guidance for any candidate, but I think my wise colleague from Alabama sums it up best as you navigate the next several months. She get’s the last word. Catherine Coleman Flowers, CEO and founder of The Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice.Center, inspects a satellite image of Hurricane Beryl, the first hurricane of the 2024 season, at the National Hurricane Center on July 01, 2024 in Miami, Florida. On Monday afternoon, the storm, centered 30 miles west-northwest of Carriacou Island, became the strongest hurricane this early in the season in this area of the Atlantic.


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