Floods, tornadoes, snow in May: Extreme weather driven by climate change across US

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Climate scientists say this is only the beginning of what will be decades of increasingly dangerous and damaging extreme weather.

Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/05/29/severe-weather-across-us-driven-climate-change-trump-administration-new-jersey-kansas-dallas-fort/1271937001/.

Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/05/29/severe-weather-across-us-driven-climate-change-trump-administration-new-jersey-kansas-dallas-fort/1271937001/

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Blame China & India.

That climate change was good for the west this year...reservoirs are full, snow pack is deep. The weather changes and evolves and cannot be measures in years, decades even...a much bigger and longer range perspective is required to understand.

I thought 45 said global warming is BS!!!🤨

Really?What happened to California’s forever drought?

Total nonsense. Garbage reporting.

If my kids ever want to become climate scientists I'm going to tell them to put in for a name change while they're at it.

Reading the comments below of all the deniers is always reassuring to me. I'll be long dead by the time their spawn suffer the consequences of their willful ignorance. Humans are the only species that are deserving of the extinction they are bringing on themselves.

RobinBGrieve get your gumboots on mate.

Snow Doesn't Lie - But Climate Scientists Do 'Scientists keep making the same ridiculous predictions over and over again':

What happened to Global Warming scam? Climate changes all the time, good and bad, always has, always will. Planet is getting colder, Solar Minimum, screws with the Jet Stream...


Remember when 'scientists' wanted to spread black soot on the ice caps to melt them in order to stave off another ice age? Imagine would the Earth would look like today had we allowed them to interfere with nature like that.

Amazing level of bot/troll activity in the comments. Someone is paying out to bury the science.

Too bad international mandates and regulation oversight on CFCs aren't effective. stop blaming cow farts MSM

I think climate scientists would prefer those of us who live in climates that have very cold temps would have no heat & die from freezing to death instead of using fossil fuels to stay warm.

No. We dont believe you


But wait I thought we only had 12 years left? Decades wtf, this is when I tell you scientists you are full of shit! It should say we have been bullshitting the general public about climate change for decades

This prediction is worse than 'commercial fusion power is less than 20 years away' or 'flying cars are just around the corner'.

Has the great president addressed the tragic circumstances yet? I believe most people from those states voted for him.

oh bs... funny the world will end yet again..1980,1990,2000,2010 and now in 2019. stfu and stfd

What are they saying about all the severe weather decades before this?

Wow, we've never heard this before! Remember how, in the 70's, it was predicted the world would end in 10 years!?

Complete nonsense


Climate scientist should look at past weather patterns. They would see this has happened before and when it did there was no “global warming”

Except for the other climate scientists who call bullshit

Yes, worse flood since 1905, weather changes every day. Show me facts other than faked reports by the two scientists who get paid by liberals to claim man made climate issue. Never a mention os sun warming. How does man fix that?

“Tornado Alley” was coined before the Wizard of Oz was filmed. These same charlatans in 1989 said we had 10 years to fix global warming. Fact

I for one am about ready for the world to go extinct.

Yeah we heard thos same story 20 years ago, yet 'extreme' weather is on a multi decade decline. But only if you follow the facts. If its feelings you're after then yes be scared. Fear everything!

Climate Change my butt... People Wake Up!! Jesus is COMING BACK!! Read the Bible about the LASTDAYS

EvergreenArticle. I'm also a fan of your 'children aren't as tough as they used to be' article.

Don’t build a house on what’s been a flood plain since the end of the last ice age. Duhhhh


Lies,.lies and more lies. Read the King James Holy Bible and see for yourself what will happen

Fake news at best. Probably deliberate propaganda. A REAL news organization would be very skeptical of man made climate change. EVIDENCE does NOT support it.

Hey, global warming supporters: Snow in May is OUR evidence, not YOURS. GlobalWarming

But I thought the world was ending in 12 years

Really you guys are something else to blame every National Disaster on the Crazy & unpredictable Weather.

Hi ImMrMeseeks LookAtMe The Left: 'Climate isn't the same as weather!!!' Also the Left: 'If we didn't let people own yachts there'd be less tornadoes'

You mean like the prior 200 years?

Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit on this

Just stop.

it’s extreme arrogance & ignorance for humans to think they can control and/or change God’s power. But you don’t believe in a higher power other than some Weather Channel scientist. 😂 Carry on...

If we go back to horse & buggies & no air conditioning, no cows, outdoor cooking, etc. that will stop a big tornado & flooding? Just asking while scratching my head.

yeah the excuse of the little la nina dont hold water anymore . facts are facts mother nature is fighting back against the worse problem on the planet, HUMANS and we are going to bear the brunt we changed the weather patterns next will come the huge electrical storm and fires

We have had floods before. Stop with the climate hype. It’s ridiculous. Lol

But AOC was just joking when she said this stuff

Such BS. Present facts. No just more media attempts to bring down the US

We’re F’d in 12 years anyway...this will be great prep for aoc GCC apocalypse 😉👍

I thought the ice caps all melted decades ago and all the polar bears are stuck on ice floes. Nah, I think you alarmists are wrong. It's God's system, and He's in control.

There has definitely never been extreme weather in the 4 billion years that weather has existed. Nope. Not once.

Yes, yes, we get it. We need the west to give away all of its money and implement global socialism due to this existential threat. While the biggest polluters laugh at us and their science says the opposite. China is laughing their collective butts off at us.

Never heard that before

This isn't the first time we heard it.

You do realize floods have been happening since the beginning of time. Nothing new here.

Well of course they do. Keep us scared and you can increase our taxes and get more federal grants... please...

We'll keep rebuilding stronger and stronger.

the 'scientists' have been saying this for 20 years. Still waiting.

Hmn...dangerous & extreme weather and climate change that’s occurred for millions & billions of years on Earth...prior to any influence or actions of humans, cars, oil extraction or other human interference.

Those same scientists were absolutely sure that an ice age was building in 1975.

Uh huh. Let’s see, I’ve been on this earth for 50 years and this is nothing new. These “sky is falling” scientist make bank on this crap and we aren’t buying it.

Inundações, tornados, neve, em maio: climas extremos causados pelas mudanças climáticas. Cientistas do clima dizem que este é apenas o começo do que será décadas de perigosas e prejudiciais condições meteorológicas extremas.

Because floods are a very recent thing...

Go to and find out why the weather and climate are destroyed! Get your rubber raft ready because the new cons are planning to flood your ass out!

So now it’s decades? It was 12 years last week? What’s next?

So, we do have more than 12 years left? I wish you climate cultists would make up your mind already. 🙄

What will you guys blame the shifting of the magnetic poles of the Earth on. Looking forward to that one. Or could that have something to do with our weather.......

It’s election season climate change. Happens every two to four years.

This is an opinion piece

Why would they stop reporting on the Climate come 2040 if the climatologists and loony libs like Occasio claim we only have 12 years left? It's been over 30 years since the climate sharade started. Now it's hot topic since millennials eat it up!

Please!!!!!!! Weather is weather! We weren’t born yesterday but nice try!!!

Decades? But I thought the earth was ending

“Warming could cause more rain to fall from a storm by 1%” isn’t proof that these storms were make worse by warming.

That's Trump country, isn't it? Tornadoes, floods, tariffs... Karma.

Melting glaciers returning in flooding rain events

The jokes on them, we only have 12 years.


I grew up im tornado alley....nothing new there. And how quickly people forget the midwest flooding in prior years when it doesnt fit their narrative. I lived near towns that were relocated because of habitual flooding as a kid. Yall are full of it. Can I pls get waders?

Omg, it’s called cycles. Yes. We are entering a climate change. Suggesting a control of world climate is without validation and a god assumption.

Upheaval!: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States

Yeah we’ve never heard that before....

Load of crap.

They know because they're there ones causing it

Right in the middle of all the dire predictions in the article is this sentence: “The scientific evidence is not strong enough for a definitive link between global warming and the kinds of severe thunderstorms that produce tornadoes.” The rest is fluff.

Every 100,000 years it has been documented through science that the Earths climate changes sometimes dramatically. We will adapt without having government control our lives

You know why I have a hard time believing this bs? First, we were heading for an ice age, then it was global warming with the polar ice caps completely melting by 2015 (right algore ?), now we call it climate change so we can blame any violent weather effects on it 🙄

Please explain why tornado activity has been below average the last few years then.

Go pound sand. This has been happening for millennia, it's called weather. It will continue long after we are dead and gone and cares not for what your desired steady state is. Start accepting reality and not some dream folks fed you to manipulate and control you.

Republicans will all drown before they believe climate change is real.

And there is nothing man can do about it.. NOTHING


How many climate scientists say that? How many disagree? Balanced article?

Of course, if global warming is responsible for every piece of bad weather as Democrat scientists/media insist, then every gorgeous day is also to be credited to global warming. Super-gorgeous morning here in DC. Thanks humanity!

They've been saying this for a hundred years. It's all about controlling the populace through fear.

Leave the fackin planet if your worried about Climate Change. What happened to Global Warming?

We've been hearing this since the 1970s and the weather hasn't changed with any significance since the Middle Ages. Climate change alarmists remind me of Jehovah's Witnesses talking about the end of the world since 1914.

And there have been decades of extreme weather in previous periods of the US history. And overly active hurricane seasons too. NotNew

What caused weather before internal combustion?

CONservatives- “pfffst! Scientists, what do they know?” 🙄


What else would a climate scientist say? 'It's just weather & we're only a self-perpetuating science?'

Jeremiah 23:19 Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The innocent blood of unborn children is on the hands of the wicked in this country & still you find other avenues to not repent

not BigJoeBastardi ...

Ahem....where were these climate scientists 10 years ago?

“Scientists” now do not understand the difference between weather and climate.... the dumbification of academia is complete.

Used car salesmen are more honest.

Geoengineering? Dr. David kieth? Solar radiation management? Stratospheric aerosol injections? Weather modification? Climate engineering? Is that what u mean? We can see whats happening FAKENEWS

Climate change and weather are two different phenomenon. It is a conflation by Climate Alarmists (aka self appointed Climate Scientists) to use any short weather anaomoly as evidence of permanent climate change. Use EcoSenseNow for a non-biased response to CO2 and climate.


We were told we wouldn’t see snow anymore and drought was a permanent feature of the US

I thought insert year here was 'only the beginning'. What happened?

And the dumb ass republicans still think there is no global warming

Well weather does happen in patterns for the last million years or so

I find it interesting that these ‘scientists’ are so sure despite all their other predictions being wrong. Just like other scientists were so sure of the age of the universe until they found out they were wrong. This is simply politics at this point

I thought it began 20 years ago


Climate scaremongers? There are no true, independent scientists where this is concerned.

Decades Nah. We only have 12 years left, Right

I’m sure this administration will embrace the facts & be vigilant about protecting us... 🙄

The scientists who cried wolf.

I'm pretty sure that's why Noah built his ark many thousand years ago in preparation for science to predict bad weather. Oh wait a minute how did they miss read Pompeii?

They’ve been saying that my entire life. I’m 43.

They said the same thing after Katrina with hurricanes and guess how that turned out not anywhere close to what they predicted

lol finally took them long time to realize and such waisted time to get ready...

😂😂😂😂 Really? What was it in 1927? The beginning?

Remember when the hole on the ozone over the artic was going to kill us? Or el nino? Or when gore said we'd be under water in 20 years? You guys are a broken record across generations.

There is a huge difference between climate and weather. Check your dictionary!

I bet higher taxes will fix this right up.

Should be nice if the story was balanced

Of course, they would know. They predicted global freezing, then predicted global warming and now global storming Our earth has weather changes continually, from the ice age to the dust bowl to now.

the end is nigh... Since about 1940 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Miss anti-pollution crusades. That should be the real focus of scientists worldwide. And these scientists should prioritize solutions for China and India.

Wasn’t there a devastating hurricane that hit Galveston a hundred years ago that would have been epic today?

Maybe, after these same “scientists” struck out with (checks notes) Global Cooling (Ice Age), Acid Rain, Ozone layer, Global Warming, and now Climate Change, they’ll FINALLY get one right... maybe... or not...

Weather is cyclical and is affected more by the sun than man.

We’ve never had floods or tornadoes in May before. Damn global warming!!

They said that in 1980,1990,2000,2010 and now in 2019. Congrats!!

Because of weather cycles. Hmmm

Who are these scientists and why do they never do press conferences?

This has been happening forever.

Talk to me when they can predict the weather 10 days out accurately, then I’ll listen to what their claims about temps 50 to 100 years out.

Every bad weather this rears it’s ugly head.

Ratio scientists say you are spewing more garbage.

Climate’s been changing since “Big Bang” ...Change has been the only constant since “In the beginning...” Unless you can control the Sun, you have no hope of “Climate Control”. Be sure to let us know when you pull that off.

What about the last few years of hardly any tornadoes? You guys are nuts! Talking about pouncing on a tragedy and bad weather.

Like they have done for 50 years , algore made a Living out of the climate hoax...

Its God punishing us for putting the devil in the WH.

This is the same old extreme weather we've had for centuries. No you may not tax me more. No I will not give up my pickup truck. If you're so worried about it, pull it your pocketbook and you pay for whatever spitting you're selling.

Alright I'm convinced. Take all my money, my property and my first born! Will that please our climate gods?

None of this existed prior to 2019 apparently 🙄

I’ve never been told this 12 times in the past 4 decades. Hint, it’s never been true and isn’t now.

Half the United States used to be under water! Stop the nonsense. Climate change is normal and healthy for a grown planet. It’s not the planet’s fault humans are attached to material things.

I was told weather isn't climate

Oh, well if “climate scientists” said this then please take all my money and my freedom so I can virtue signal doing my part to combat something.


And now this from the Sky Is Falling Today.

The NOAA just predicted, like yesterday just predicted, a normal hurricane season for the Atlantic region.

Keep pushing your stupid agenda of climate, when just like this it's man made shit , mail system with adds . Waste of paper , causing more TRASH

How it works: Somehow when there is record cold somewhere we are screamed at: “THAT’S WEATHER NOT CLIMATE”. But when there is flooding or storms anywhere, weather is suddenly climate again.

And if we stop using plastic straws the weather will get better?

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

Decades? I thought we only had 12 years left...

Not unlike the previous centuries of dangerous & devastating weather? It’s not new weather, worse weather or climate change weather. It’s just weather.

What excuse will they use if we have a mild hurricane and tornado season next year?


To everyone in this thread, most of everyone throughout time couldn't understand climate, we made up stories about why the sun rose and set, and y'all are mad that scientists didn't get it 100% right the first time. We're closer to the right answer than we've ever been.

What percentage of the 79 “climate scientists”? 97%? 😂🔨 ClimateHoax


Weather/climate change are real, weather you believe it or not and they will take dangerous effect on our home earth whether as predicted or later. You don't need to believe it you need to accept it

This is God saying enough is enough.he is trying to warn us.everytime we kill a baby or the same sex gets married,we provoke GOD to anger. Rom 4:15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.we need to repent before GOD destroys us.

Guess we are F’d. Best thing to do is keep living life like normal and let the inevitable run its course.

Riiiiiiight. That’s what they said after Katrina, then hurricanes essentially disappeared for years. They can conveniently wait till the next big weather event to once again spew the same nonsense.

Remember the “Ice Age” I guess you can consider “climate change” why we are no longer in the Ice Age...


This is only “weather” and not climate. Interesting how alarmist scientists only use the junk science weather card to explain cold weather. Not long ago they were predicting severe drought and now the weather is doing the opposite.

LMFAO 😂 So what's the reason for all the dangerous weather from the beginning of time up until now?

Only the climate scientists behind the models which are the furthest from reality, though, as to be considered sensationalistic garbage, which you'd never tell your readership.

Unless you plan on firebombing the coal plants in India and China, IDGAF

Stop spraying chemicals in the skies to alter the pattern then.

Floods and tornadoes Is this a sci-fi movie What’s next, hurricanes Earthquakes We need to tax carbon dioxide like yesterday. 🙄

I've reached the conclusion that 'climate scientists' are about as meaningful as 'military intelligence'.

You mean like the centuries of dangerous and damaging weather before now? Oh noooos....what will we ever doooooo....😫

What a load of nonsense! We need a true unbiased research on so called man made global warming.

Great news for Kansas! If you only knew how many times we prayed for rain

I’m not a climate denier, but the more general fake news denier.

plenty of actual science that disagrees with your politically paid and inspired science...


If only we hadn’t been hearing apocalyptic warnings for the last 50 years that never turned out to be true... holeintheizone

But we ran out of fossil fuel in 2005...remember scientists telling us that? Peak Oil...

Oh crap. Good thing then that the number of extreme weather phenomenons like Tornados ober the last decade or so are getting less and not more.


Also from scientists:

From the article: “The scientific evidence is not strong enough for a definitive link between global warming and the kinds of severe thunderstorms that produce tornadoes.” And yet the article itself has so-called scientists saying exactly the opposite. These fools haven’t a clue.

Well that’s it. We’re dead I guess...UNLESS! Unless someone comes up with a new policy and new taxes!!! Yay, we’re saved by government again!!!

Ignoring science always leads to good things, right? It's painful to see the comments below from climate change deniers. How much worse do things need to get for they understand? They've been fooled by oil companies. Same thing with tobacco some years ago Just follow the money!

Last time they said this we didn’t see any major hurricanes hit US soil for ten years... These fools are always predicting the worst. And yet their predictions never seem to come true. Yet fools continue to believe them, and you media hacks keep pushing the false narrative.

Currently traditional Aircon is the major source of CO2 emission for home, office and factory, if it is powered by fossil fuel. It will also contribute more when the weather gets hotter. A positive correlation.

Snow. In the mountains. In May. Not unheard of

Climate scientists say 😂

I'll just leave this here FYI !

Fake News

Here we go FOH

I’m old enough to remember when we were all supposed to be dead and underwater in 1995, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2009, 2012, 2017, 2020 !

But what do real scientists say?

Been hearing this for 40 years. 😂😂😂

Is this a repeat article from 20 years ago?

But I thought climate and weather were 2 different things? How can weather be a reflection on climate?

Damn. I wish y'all were around to warn us before the glaciers that once covered the Midwest melted...or before the grand canyon dried up. Climate changes. Man doesn't influence it. This is a complete and total hoax.

Remember the Dust Bowl? The government and scientists agreed that plowing the plains grasses up in favor of wheat, would bring more rain. EpicFail ClimatePropaganda

FakeScientists make ridiculous claims every time we have bad weather.

What is extreme weather? Can you please explain?

AOC Meh...only 12 more years

You realize this happens about every 10-12 years? There will probably be some summer frost this year too

Can you guys please stop, I had to convince my 14 year old sons friend that the world wasn’t ending in 12 years. Ffs

USA Twelve Years from Now used to be legible —- oh wait —- naw, never.

... or in other words, natural weather trends!

You know they made a movie called the Wizard of Oz with a tornado in it? Right?

How come weather channel can't tell me what the weather will be like this weekend,,,correctly ?


It’s called ‘weather.’ Beautiful spring day in my town. 74 degrees clear and sunny.

Every red state being hit will still vote for Trump but cry and beg for welfare in the form of FEMA! What a bunch of hypocrites.

Climate change is real, but there is zero evidence any of this weather is because of it, and none of it is unheard of or that anomolous. Using fake science for good causes only hurts the cause. Stop it.

Fires=climate change Drought=climate change Floods=climate change Tornadoes=climate change No tornadoes=climate change Colder than average=climate change Warmer than average=climate change Species thriving=climate change Species declining=climate change

Yeah ... cuz there's NEVER been tornadoes in Oklahoma!

I assume it's not the same scientists as the NASA scientists that said this was down to the polar shift? Read The Bible people, and get right with God

You know how you get tornadoes? Hot and cold air mixing. Hot and COLD.

I feel like I’ve heard this horseshit before 🤔. Wait. What yeAr is this again?

What is wrong with people that they can't understand effects that aren't all immediate? It's the trends and the speed of the changes over the next century that are alarming.

Climate scientists say we've all been dead for 50 years.

Just like scientists and experts proclaimed a new ice age? Recall Newsweek (1975).

Horse hockey.

of course this was very clearly stated in the Bible but Bible deniers will have nothing to do with it


Got any willing to give their names.... You know for credibility or something........ Random dudes we found and call them scientizts say weather is bad.... Mmmmmmgay

Please 🛑 with the bull 💩

I'm still waiting for the ice age we were promised, way back in the 70s. Can we get an ETA on that, please?

Who are these climate scientists and who pays their salary to keep up the hoax

We must believe them because they've been so right about everything in the past!

Well I’ve seen this shit for 65 years so I’m not dumb enough to fall for this crap! I actually lived in a town that flooded almost every year! It’s called spring and with it comes bad ass weather.


We are technically still in an ice age. Of course it will be warming up and the weather will be extreme.

I call bullshit.

I thought weather wasn’t climate. That’s what I’m told when it’s unseasonably cold.

Why do they keep telling us this bs ? what do they exspect us to do ? is there some knob on the sun we can turn ?😂it's out of or hands we can't control everything .

Hahaha who seriously falls for this? What a scam.

Dang...if only this stuff hadn't been happening for like 10 decades...

I welcome human extinction

Heard this 30 years ago. Please supply the names of these supposed “climate scientists”.

🙄 ClimateScam FakeNewsMedia propaganda.

😂 They say the same bullshit every year.

oh please

Oh man. That is terrible news. Sell, sell, sell, sell, sell.

The dangerous condition known as Spring!😂😂😂😂😂


What caused the demise of dinosaurs?

It’s terrifying that there are so many people gullible enough to believe this nonsense.

Life is thriving here in Colorado.

Fear marketing... that is sooooo 1999.

Like these scientists?

Ohhhhhh nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! /s

who documented the severe weather incidents in the western hemisphere from say 1000 bc to 1400 ad?

They don’t have a dog in the hunt...nooooo. Predicting dire straights for all of us in an effort to fund their careers has nothing to do with funding their careers and all to do with the disasters they can twart with a few trillion....yeeeessss.

Said the same thing 30, 20, 10 years ago, all nonsense, etc, etc.

One more lie for the growing pile.

All this could be avoided if we get rid of our Climate denying President.

LOL It’s why you had to change global warming to climate change. Last year were severe droughts and you screamed “SEE? SEE? We’re all going to dry up!”

Climate is not weather.

No kidding!

What are the politics of the so-called 'climate scientists'? What are their agendas?

Can you name a couple of them? ..the climate scientists? Names

It's seems it has had the opposite effect in SEAZ. In 60 years I have never seen a May so nice and cool. NO Triple digits. very few days even in the 90's, snow 2 days ago on the mountain. It has been perfect weather. It's always hotter than crap by now.

Find the elevation of U.S. land mass that's RIGHT AT 245 feet above sea level. When the polar ice caps melt, completely, THAT'S where the beaches will be. That's as high as the seas will rise.

Thanks God I will die any soon

I live in Alaska and for the first time ever, I have allergies. Oh, and the permafrost is melting, and we have to move entire villages due to erosion. Nothing to see here though.


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