2020 is team oil vs. team climate change. There's no middle.

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Energy Energy Headlines News

Energy Energy Latest News,Energy Energy Headlines

Voters in 2020 can choose President Trump, who brags about oil production -- the fact that the US is now the largest producer of oil on Earth or the Democratic candidate who will likely take aggressive action on climate change

Voters in 2020 can choose President Donald Trump, who brags about oil production -- the fact that the United States is now the largest producer of oil on Earth. Or voters can opt for the Democratic presidential candidate, whoever it ends up being. All of them agree that humans contribute to climate change -- which is nearly universally described as an existential threat -- and that the US must do something about carbon emissions immediately.

Much of that money would be given to states, perhaps gaining some GOP support. But he'd use some of the proceeds to invest in renewable energy research.He argues that his plan is more feasible than those of some of his Democratic counterparts pushing more drastic proposals. Appearing on MSNBC on Friday, Delaney said that is the difference between him and Inslee."Yeah, my plan is better than his because it can get done," he said.


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The middle is that technology has been eliminating green house gasses! What CNN don't tell you is that even tho our population has doubled in 50 years, our emissions have been cut in half by green technologies! The fact that these radical groups are trying to retread policies-

So all you fools thinking welfare for all is gonna be great get ready for the government telling you wait a year to get treatment or lay down and die

I would rather be a prosperous nation then a socialist nation where are government controls every aspect of my life ..I don't want to wait on a list to see if I qualify for cancer treatment ..many will die like in the VA because of waiting lists

Drill baby drill!!!

We shouldn’t rely on or pay other countries for oil; we can produce our own & pay our own.

Oh! Now you're worried about climate change! Do you want to elaborate more on that besides Networking with the Democrats to try and bring down Trump? • What should we do? • Should I watch Lil’ Dicky’s Earth video? • Can it be stopped? • Is it FAKE NEWS? • Out of option?

I'LL take climate change over oil every day of the week. Oil isn't going to be worth a plug nickel if the planet is unlivable.

Oh, I half to think about this one. Let me see. So we should stop using fossil fuels to stop climate change Stop flying. Stop driving cars and so on. OK, I get it Nope sorry I support Oil independence. We can make them cleaner That is the answer doe doe's

Per Trump we can continue to pollute earth or take care of our environment and have quality of life.

Trump 2020


No question President Trump. This climate change fiasco is fake news just like CNN. President Trump has made America great again and the Dems are trying everything to dismantle it along with FAKE NEWS media.

You know who’s going to win. That’s why you’re in an unhinged panic mode.

1: Climate change is an actual hoax, just like your 'news' operation. 2: Half of your viewers have finally fled, realizing your are propaganda. 3: President Trump has proven you wrong at every turn. 4: 2020 will be blood red.

Hey u hypocritical lying Liberal Nazis! Start getting rid of all things that involve fossil fuels then! “Do as I command, not as I do!” is the your hypocritical mantra! Liberals are the biggest polluters on this planet!

Well that is an easy choice. Be a part of a country that is the best in the world and out produces every other country, or one that the lights go out at night or when the wind stops blowing. Pretty easy choice.

Who said you can’t be working on both? Change is often progressive, not sudden.

I’ll go with the oil✔️

Once again, CNN and fake news. Here in Florida our prices are much lower than last year at this time. But we know CNN could care less about facts.

TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!

Agenda driven news! Very sad 😢

So lets see, the choice is to be energy independent OR go back to relying on the Middle East? Boy, that's a hard one to decipher? Gosh I guess we should all vote for being at the mercy of those who hate us, right?

Yes the Dem who will take aggressive action, handcuff American businesses with extra costs while the rest of the world doesn't do their fair share and plunge America into another recession. By all means let's vote for that candidate. This cnn tweet sounds like a DNC ad.

Climate change is a hoax.

Yeah, the choice is clear,MAGA TRUMP2020 Best president EVER!

Trump 2020!!! Drill baby drill!!!

............................... 2020 👍😄😄😄

Trump 2020!

How about the one that believes in life ! Life should be the most precious platform so school age children and adults see that life matters and you just don’t get ‘rid of a baby’ by death and throwing in a trash can!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Gee, let me think.

CNN is partisan but with your harsh opinions and criticism if Trump which by the way makes him even more popular he will win 2020 straight Mari my word.

Voters will vote for realDonaldTrump as he restores our country to greatness. The US is CUTTING emissions while China and India keep on polluting. Climate change is NOT our greatest threat - it’s liberals undermining our country and changing voting rules to support themselves.

Seriously 😐

CNN as much as you hate POTUS and his supporters do you really think we give a hoot about what you say? TRUMP all the way!

We love our POTUS! Trump2020

We don't believe in climate change hoax! You and your fake news can say whatever!

Trump 2020

Well if we want the facts we won’t watch

I like my car.

Trump 2020 😍😍😍

Mr President carry go ooooo

Our air quality and overall environmental consciousness is 100% better today then it was 20 years ago. If you’re worried about the environment you should look no further than India or China they’re the ones destroying the environment with pollution.

2020 is a slam dunk for Trump. He has done way more than his predecessors, and the democrats only have ideas that will never work...at least until physics catches up


Or, creepy joe, Do nothing Bernie, Bauble head Pete?

CNN is turning out the anti-trump stuff hopefully nobody listens to it since it's ratings are so low

A stupid Democrat who can not answer some simple scientific questions.1} How does tectonic plate movement effect climate?2}How does the earth change in the tilt of its axis every 10k effect climate?3}How do the continents changing positions effect climate?ETC

One of your regulars....... Ratings

Can’t wait to vote for my first time in 2020. It will obviously be against our moron in chief who thinks Climate Change was created by the Chinese😂 idiot

Sure he’s so aggressive on climate change that he ends bills that limits the amount of gases that go into the air and how much pollution they cause if that’s the way he helps us he should stop while he’s ahead because he’s an idiot

Well, since oil still makes a shit ton of money and climate change doesn’t, guess which way this will go.

Anyone who stope this Country from oil production is a fool and has no business in Government.

President Trump wants American jobs. Democrats want Chinese and Mexican Jobs

Trump 2020! MAGA!

President Trump wants Jobs. Democrats want people on welfare including illegal immigrants that do not pay into the system. Vote smart Trump 2020

No one is falling for your climate alarmism. I suppose CNN and the radical left would have us buy all our oil from dictators who are killing gays and oppressing women?

I’ll go with the oil team. Life as we know it is dependent on oil.

Team real vs team fake BS

Sooo being energy independent is a bad thing now. Ok got it

Freedom or socialism. FIFY.

Prosperity v. misery.

Yep. And that is exactly why he will be elected again.


Aggressive action = taxes .

Climate change has been happening for thousands of years and mostly affected by the sun and the earth’s orbit, wobble and rotation. Man doesn’t control climate change so any “aggressive action” is disingenuous. I’ll take Trump over fake promises of man controlling the climate.

Now, this tweet doesn't look a campaign ad against Trump and for the Democrats, does it?

Exactly, 2020 election is about jobs/prosperity or destroying the economy and poor/middle class based on failed climate policies, NONE of which will have any impact on the climate.

You can choose a president who looks out for America first, or a President who will sell us down the river. I’ll stick with President Trump thank you

Go Trump.

Oklahoma and Texas are booming rn.

Well, get a life! You want to do something about Climate change you are living in the wrong country! You need to move to India or China and change their perspective. Adios! You won’t be missed! MAGA!

This “article” is a pile of pandering pap. Why not write the hard truth? We can either become a world leader in addressing climate change and invest in our security, or we can do nothing and watch climate change cause US and worldwide population displacement, famine and war.

Jobs or high unemployment, high taxes and democrats corruption.

CNN BIASED. CNNisfakenews

Why are you delivering political messages and not reporting the news. You dont see FOX putting messages like this out. You all really dont see the problem in this?

American people are not naive that Trump's propaganda will fool them.

The way you framed that is Sooooo wrong and almost anti Democratics: Oil production, which some will see as creating jobs v Climate change, those people will see as a jobs killer. The narrative for either is wrong, but that’s what will play in people’s minds. It’s about old v new

'2020 is Team Apocalypse vs. Team Maybe Let's Try to Leave a Livable Planet for Future Generations'. Fixed it for you.

Since climate change by humans is a hoax, I’d go with Trump.

Team oil vs team NO-ENERGY-PLAN Fake headlines. There are presently no viable alternatives to fossil fuels, nor will there be as long as the government is involved (Solyndra anyone?)


whatever our politicians/elected officials want to do, we must never allow other countries to take advantage of us, we the american ppl, in trade, agreements, climate change specultions, etc. it must be america n america-first, common sense first.

Or they can choose to watch a news station that has all the wrong facts and gets there news leads from Twitter feeds


CNN is nothing but enemy of people with their fake news. TRUMP2020 KAGA

CNN or DNC interchangeable in their effort to promote all things Dem/Leftist/Socialist! You have not been a “News” station since November 8, 2016. You are an advocate and supporter of the Dems! At least be honest about that! Prove me wrong if you can!

The Green Deal Democrats will turn America back to the stone age. A veterinarian stone age, remember Cow Farts pollution?

CNN has low IQ employees bad news

Bunch of rhetoric! The media cheering committee for the DNC! Shame on this skeleton of a network.

Trump2020 blexit lexit standwithisrael Cnn fake and propaganda outlet.

Ok.... NO BRAINER THANKS!! I was on the fence.... EASY DECISION NOW TRUMP 2020!!!

Climate change and oil Production are Mutually exclusive events Solar Cycles have a larger effect on climate than man just an FYI

We will keep our oil and jobs, thanks. ManMadeClimateChangeIsAJoke


He should brag about his 'magic wand'

Yeah, keep running with THIS happy horseshit, !! 🤮

You can’t make solar panels, turbines, or a Prius without oil.

I'm going with: 'The fact that the US is now the largest producer of oil on Earth.' Thanks for reminding me. Sincerely, The Deplorables P.S. Trump2020 MAGA

Climate change is bs

Climate changes daily with or without people. Oil production is a fact. We do produce a large amount of oil and hopefully will continue to do do. Without it factories would close cities would be in darkness and our way of life would be destroyed. No cars or transportation.

Trump will be winning in a landslide. Aaand we will be watching the voting to make sure Democrats arent rigging the system any more. Congratulations CNN, you have become Putins Puppets.

No Dem will actually take action. They'll say they will...but they wont.

Geez, your not even pretending to be neutral anymore! CNN has been as shill for Dems for years and denied it but it took a Trump to finally break their backs and now the truth has come out. Fake news.


A lot of issues in election 2020, immigration, globalization, oversea wars, medical insurance, etc. climate change is not the most important for voters.

Viewers can choose , who is the leader in fear mongering and promoting baseless speculation from politicians & self-proclaimed political experts, or The Cartoon Network, which you’d expect to make you laugh & never take seriously.

I’ll take oil over botched science

Go out of business please

We will never solve the Climate Change problem as long as the Left uses it as a wealth transfer scheme! China the last few years has consumed 1/2 the coal burned on the planet! Per the Paris Accords China can increase their CO2 emissions until 2032 making dirty products for us!

Democrats are not anti-oil. They want renewables to be increasingly used as an alternative because our ability to produce oil will diminish

Wars will be fought over clean water and air and all the oil in the world will not be worth the ingredients of life.

There has got to be a middle ground. Climate change needs to be addressed but has to be compromise which is the problem with our country right now. ON BOTH SIDES.

I vote for smart use of oil and petrochemical products, there disposal, and ideally their recycling.

How I see headlines there is no middle Ados Reparations

As usual, an action is stated without stating what the action is. What IS “aggressive action” on climate change? Sanctions against the largest polluters (China & India)? I bet not. These idiots think it’s a uniquely American issue, and it’s just all about us.

I support President Trump. The Dems 'aggressive action' will be against Individual Freedoms, as usual. Everything else they have done has been to take our Freedoms.

Voters in 2020 can choose a president who lowers taxes, creates jobs, protects US borders, supports US military, and works 24-7 to reduce a multi-trillion dollar deficit.


When will the Democrats get true to their climate change message? If they were honest about it they will Cancel the airplane flights and campaign via FaceTime or Skype!! Flying and telling others to save gasoline is vey hypocritical

It won’t be for the liarInChief !!! Over 10000Lies ! He is a disgusting conman! lowlifecriminal LIAR! He belongs in jail! taxfraud taxcheat fraud fraudUniversity fraudfoundation FRAUD

Energy needs are real, human impact on climate has yet to be proven. He’s got my vote

Plenty dems will be doing this

Clean energy for our future generations. Cleaner air, water, food.

“Democratic candidate who will likely take aggressive action on reparations” fixed it ADOS

And murica will vote oil


Yeah!cause if the wind stops blowing your lights go out !

Trump 2020 all the way.

Good point, I pick Trump.

Dems, PLEASE have climate change as the centerpiece of your platform. That and late term abortions.

Climate changes, nothing we can do about that. Humans causing climate change is a hoax, with the goal for more gov't control over our live, elimination of our liberty, and selling out our national sovereignty to global, authoritarian institutions.

Trump 2020

TRUMP 2020!! He’s my President and doing a great job!

My pick is President Trump first, do foremost and always!

Yeah, global warming and more CO2 are so bad they're increasing crop yields and making weather less extreme .. as inferred by Brown University in 1972! BrownUKnew

This seems like media interference in our election... why is ok ?

We need a brain change in the Dems party bunch of idiots. Snow in May. Sorry can’t help mentally disturbed people who won’t let others help them

Energy produced by oil, which is real, vs the Leftist hoax of “Climate Change.”

Yep Dems destroy economy

Old fossil talks about fossil fuels...LOL

Trump it is then.

And we are paying top dollar for a gallon of gas. The prices were much lower during Pres. Obama Administration .

Time to get my oil changed, my car has gone 5,000 miles.


Now he wants to frack in Yosemite This president must be stopped if you gullible people vote for him again your signing your grandchildren's death sentence didn't you see Bill Nye this is very serious

Oil. I take oil

The use of fossil fuels are the most effective way to bring nations out of poverty.

That’s an easy choice - Trump!! The Dems are political nitwits.

I’ll stick with President Trump.

I’ll take Trump, why? Because CNN and the crazy libs can’t handle his success. Climate change is a hoax designed to give more power to the government and rich people that the left says it hates. It’s all about control.

Show more of your bias CNN!! If our founders knew what freedom of the press has become they would no doubt have changed it. Your left wing propaganda channel is all that is wrong with the media. You day is coming.

Go Trump 2020 we don’t need baby killers and women that are men and men that are women running our country ! We don’t need our Texas borders opened and daughter and grandchildren raped and killed! Secure America First Trump 2020

I will choose Trump.

Left is chaos 🔥DANGER🔥

Trump 2020 or we can vote for record low unemployment, 3.2% GDP, manufacturing jobs on the rise, or socialism. I’ll take Trump!

I’m for Trump and oil 100%! With me?

You can have money by leveraging natural resources, it you can be poor. Choose wisely.

Trump 2020! Maybe your 25 viewers want a Democrat, but the rest of America prefers someone who will actually do things to help America. If you actually reported facts instead of 24/7 Trump bashing you would know this..you might even get 25 more viewers.


Easy! MAGA Trump2020


I'll go with Trump again

Sorry, I have to drive so I need to facilitate that, but I also do everything in all parts of my life to help the environment. There is a middle just like w/everything. But I won’t vote for stupid which 45 is. Repubs can come up with someone else to fill their agenda.

No Trump who supports Israel & doesn’t murder babies or Democrats the off the rail party of infanticide- not a hard choice .. isn’t your network off air yet? yourratingsarelaughable

I choose President Trump any day. Our earth has always changed climates long before humans or industry. Fossils of aquatic life are found in deserts all the time. Are you trying to sell me that we, the US, did that too? Seriously?

Well, since climate change is fake and oil proceeds are tangible....gonna vote for Trump...again...LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

You could tell ppl about trump's oil production/anti-climate change position or you could tell ppl the truth, climate change is a cover story to get us off oil because the U.S. is running out of oil, ergo fracking & electric cars. U.S. oil reserves 35 bil/ use 20 mil=supply5 yrs

Lmao you guys seriously think most of us give a shit about this. The vote will be determined by memes.

I will vote on policies, not on a party line. There is nothing wrong with the US being the largest oil producer on earth. CNN people know where you stand when it comes to party lines.

Fake news is more damaging than fake climate change.

The Paris Climate Agreement Won't Change the Climate

Uhhh...pretty sure oil production increased dramatically during the Obama Administration. Democrats just pretend to love the environment to get votes.

This is an easy one. MAGA

yes exactly you can produce wealth or you can drive the country into poverty - this is your choice america keep building prosperity or go back to recession and food stamps it's p to you America don't forget we must overcome millions of illegal's votes

This opinion brought to you by the hacks at CNN, who still think you’re stupid enough to think they’re unbiased

frey_gail I’ll take the brag about oil production. Trump 1

2016 was also about oil production, and the Koch’s and Mercer’s of the world, along with Putin’s backing made their decision.

The only choice is President Trump Thank you sir for your service Thank you sir you’re saving America God bless you and your family

We shouldn't have to depend on other countries for things we have right here in America. We r hurting America with throwing trash everywhere. Look at land fills full of disposable diapers that never decompose. Ppl dont think abt that when it come to clean environment.

Fake news!

Hmmm, energy independence or global warming hoaxes? Where should we focus?

ClimateDepot I’m going with Trump. Super economy, abundance of jobs, and producing our own oil. noDoubt

CNN be balance in your news reporting.

I’ll VOTE for oil independence! I’ll VOTE for USA oil production I’ll VOTE for .realDonaldTrump BEST .POTUS ever!!!!

Enhorabuena por los EE.UU. y su presidente que sabe cómo hacer negocios, gran ejemplo para todos.

I love how CNN remains neutral ... wonder who they are pulling for in the upcoming election ? Trump2020

If that’s my binary choice, I’m going with the candidate that’s helped make America the largest producer of oil and made us a net exporter of oil. That lowers gas costs and I still drive a gas powered car and “climate change” has zero effect on my life.

We need to get CNN taken off at airports. They're a biased opinion based chat station that doesn't fairly represent American values.

Let’s think about this.Trump and we get oil which generates; prosperity, growth, wealth, jobs, strength & dignity or Democrats with climate adjustments which generates debt, poverty, starvation, dependency, insecurity & corruption. I’LL TAKE realDonaldTrump EVERYTIME MAGA2020

So you’re predicting Trumo’s re-election?

Faced with the most likely scenario of Trump winning by landslide in 2020, CNN must work 24/7 spinning propaganda, creating rhetoric, twisting and turning everything Trump says and does! There heads are probaby ready to explode! kayleighmcenany dbongino FoxNews SarahPalinUSA

Republicans= making jobs Democrats= killing jobs

ClimateDepot Team Capitalism vs. Team Socialism

You Can Not stop humans from polluting Earth is just on loan to humans and we didn't pay a damage deposit when we started using her It's TO LATE to start over we can ONLY use it less But to feed Humans they need JOBS, so I have to VOTE TRUMP! SORRY but POVERTY is worse,

I’m on team oil! Trump2020 climatefakecrisis

And still US is the country who had reduced its carbon dioxide emissions, so, go and convince Indonesia to do something to reduce such contaminants. Dems are doing everything to lose again the election.

If global warming is such a slam dunk why did TheDemocrats scientists have to fake the statistics?

So either the we’re ruining the environment candidate or the one that would like to give future generations a fighting chance with the environment for y’know breathing clean air and stuff. MemorialDayWeekend2019

Voters will choose Trump!

Not a big choice there, the democrat has nothing to run on and all of them are losers.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣is that the newest attack on Trump now?🤣🤣

If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one to hear it, is it news?

Interesting way to frame it. Looks like you've given up on a Democrat winning.

Maybe Try Electing someone who has a Brain?...Not Greenback Blood!What do you Oil Magnates care?As long as you can keep oil over sixty Dollars a Barrel!

You mean we can choose between Prosperity vs. Taxation. A robust Economy vs. Welfare States. American power vs. A subservient America to the UN. Yea, choose wisely my friends

I choose climate change..we are killing this planet and our children wont have a place to live

So Democrats want to kill jobs and exports? Vote republican 😂

CNN help destroy our country

I am not in denial of climate change, but when you refuse to speak about it FACTUALLY , instead of anecdotal fear mongering , cherry picked hysteria... That is propaganda

This not even an issue that shows up on any polling numbers

Can you never find anything good to print of the President? Only fake garbage! Trying to Turn USA into a banana Republic with the crazy Dems..

What a biased headline.

Or better: A choice between Trump, the most corrupt president in US history, known for his attack on Us values, his praising of dictators, criminal past and present, and a Democratic candidate who isn’t any of that.

Still no explanation by any scientist or politician how they are going to stop climate change. After the failure of Obamacare why should we believe anybody in DC can actually do something rite! Stuuuuupidty is norm for DC dwellers

What cnn doesn’t realize is that the dems will waste billions of dollars and get zero done.

trump please!

If this is true, then why has oil jumped up a $1 in the past few months Why aren’t y’all covering this?

And the band continues to play as the Titanic sinks. CNNisFakeNews

Give everything you can to AOC!!!

Well that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. No middle? So you can't be for oil production AND climate change? Y'all need to stop smoking that stuff over at , it's obviously killing your brain cells.

Two things wrong with this statement. One, CNN doesn't have facts when they say ' will likely' and forgot to say the Democrtatic candidate raise taxes, increase government regulations and restrictions costing Americans more money.

Absolutely correct CNN. The decision in 2020 is between a PROVEN LEADER realDonaldTrump who has fought hard for America and the American people. And a party TheDemocrats and Liberal media who has fought to DESTROY the Country everyday since 2016. Simple Trump2020Landslide

So we are all voting Trump then? This wasn't as hard as you intended.

And Democrats can keep fawning over AOC who hasn’t done squat.

Vote for Pedro

Or they can vote for a pres that will make America become a world economic superpower. Or they can vote for a Dem pres who will continue to sell us out & make our country broke again. Or they can vote for a pres that will secure our borders or a Dems who will make us vulnerable.

CNN! the Conservative Negation Network

PeteButtigieg 🇺🇸 2020 A crystal clear agenda for America.

The only thing Obama could brag about was throwing you in jail for not being healthy, oh and killing cops

You don't have a middle ground when you only have 2 parties of questionable ethics. Maybe America should try PR, along with a few other pseudo democracies, like the UK, who still use FPTP with limited choices. Also, the electoral college needs to go.

Oh a DEMOCRAT!! Let’s go back to higher taxes, reenact regulations, spy on fellow citizens, tax business where they’re not competitive, have closed door meetings!!! Better yet have CNN, MSNBC, Democratic media LIE to us on how good it is!! BS

I love melted dinosaurs or fossil fuels. Also love global warming or summer. 🤣😂🤣😂


In this episode it becomes clear what CNN’s goals are for the election, to continue on being a media campaign contributor to the DNC.

Oil is very real. The dangers of climate change over the next 1000 years is not. I’ll be voting for reality and common sense.

He doesn’t give a rats ass about the climate or the future, it’s all about the here and now and how much money he can make, he doesn’t give a shit about what state he’s leaving the earth or the country in, because he’ll be gone

Actually.. a vote for Trump is a vote against liberal media lies.. Trump 2020.

He looks so impressed with himself.


Idiot.. he sais there is no such thing like climate change.. go live on an island and you may see for yourself what happens.

CNN such a wonderful unbiased news story. Atlanta should be embarrassed to have you.

I'm sincerely trying to find the journalism here but all I can see is activism. 💁‍♂️

Fake news, keep on doing this and risk business closure. Tick tock.

Clean Energy is cranking in California this weekend.

'Clean coal?!?' LMAO


Climate change. Lol.

But l know Trump will still win the 2020 election

It's very simple climate change is bullshit. The world was going to end soon do you think banks would give mortgages

So CNN just showed the world and the American people which side they're on. Wake up people CNN is a communist news and you're being brainwashed

You are so partisan I can’t understand why you don’t call yourself the Democratic National Chanel. Everyone knows it so simply step up and own it already.

Until the alternatives to oil can completely replace it we are stuck with it. This way the US can move towards self sufficiency and not depend on having to dance with the devils that now supply it with oil.


Trump it is!

You can do both cnn. It's not a zero sum game.

That's a no brainer. He's a lock for re-election.



Has it not be always so? Hmmm God help us

And they will rightly choose Trump. You're going to hate it so I am very happy.


CNN who will win the 2020 elections in your really bad opinion

It’s time for ACTION to be taken on climate change

I’ll take the jobs and production. If we don’t do it someone else will.

Some ones going to do it why not be on top , you think Russia China Saudi Arabia Iraq are going to listen to AOC and her💵 new deal. Nope not a chance.we stop bankrupt the country they don’t stop world revolves every 24 hours so will get their pollution every day.

Is it not better than your climat change hoax. Just report news and stop beeing partisan. The more you attack Trump the more we like him

Keep your “man made” climate change religion to yourself.

burning all that oil causes health issues on millions of people... lets go Democrat and extend the life of the Planet...

Fake News CNN!

More fakenews from the communist news networrk! climatehoax

11 years 8 months AOCEndOfTheWorldCountDownClock

climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the left as a power grab, tax grab. The sky is falling the sky is falling....right Al Gore.

Does climate change make my car go faster? Nope? Team oil for me I guess...

The choice is between one that would put food on the table and the other that will take it away.

Keep BS... people don't believe you anymore

Let’s go Oil... 👏👏 👏👏👏 Let’s go Oil... 👏👏 👏👏👏 Let’s go Oil... 👏👏 👏👏👏

Climate change is a hoax



I’ll take Trump

The biggest oil producer. That means America has power LOWER FUEL PRICES! If you care so much about climate change STOP USING YOUR CAR. Single user bottles, & other plastic goods, NO ✈️. NO Barbecues! List goes on HYPOCRITES


No way. Donald is nuts.

That's a pretty dumb tweet.

Such a biased report...are you really reporting or pushing

Give me a break CNN! U r not a news organization but rather a propaganda machine for the left. Thats why I stopped watching u. I was not fooled by ur so called objectivity. Trump has exposed who u really r and what u stand for. Ur people r out of touch with most Americans

Trump 2020

I’ll take oil.



CNN is a group of worthless corporate leaders that live for anything against our President and great American way of life. BOYCOTT CNN

It will also be the pro life versus pro murder election

Morons think alike

Very divisive. But if anyone is still looking for a good democratic candidate, Seth Moulton is your man. He’s a moderate Democrat, a veteran, and he wants to bring the limitless power of nuclear fusion into this world. He’s arguably the most qualified for presidency. Look him up.

Easy peasy. Trump

Team oil itis then. Because screw Saudi Arabia & screw Russia.

The democrat who will crush your jobs and make you a slave to their handouts.

Or... If Bernie Sanders isnt the Democratic nominee, ill be voting 3rd party. Fuck Neoliberal centrists with their right wing policies.

So why does Gas keep rising?

Climate change restrictions will take jobs out of the US to places like China and India.

I am not even a Republican, but are so slanted in your views I decide to quite watching you


We will always need oil....the fantasy that you are creating is just that.

Boycott cnn

Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed, And then one day he was shootin at some food, And up through the ground come a bubblin crude.Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea. Well the first thing you know ol Jeds a millionaire

Wow so THIS is why CNN will go bancrupt!

Climate change is another way to control us

CNN campaigning again...or still..

You misspelled “take aggressive action on economic and human prosperity”

Are you lying about what president means? The cops grabbed our airways, cuz this doesn't sound like a free country. Time flies when you're having fun. Okay you ever been in a fight? Calender and clock means, not really.. Not real.. you know CHILD?

King Oil!! Plus, you guys seem to know absolutely nothing about oil. Why are you putting oil and climate change together? Two totally separate items.

Trump 4 the win

katsuyatakasu きっとフェイクでしょ

The PTB's are breaking laws non stop for their own greed, because they know the world as we know it is ending very soon and they are trying to grab all they can, its survival of the fittest. This weather we are having now, is NOTHING compared to hell that is coming VERY soon.

However if you want to discuss the REAL issues of climate change like 4 billion people needing to be removed from the equation for planet sustainability or the FACT that is EXACTLY what mother nature is going to do to heal the planet then lets talk.

'The Democrat candidate who will likely take aggressive action on climate change' and destroy the US economy, destroy healthcare choice, destroy (for the few who left working) disposable income, destroy the housing market, destroy the US banking system. Look forward to SOCIALISM!

EVERYTHING that can be done about climate change is already being done, seed and gene vaults, science art and cultural vaults, underground geothermal powered lifeboats. Highly toxic lithium battery production/disposal is poisoning the planet worse than strip mining coal would do.

No! It would be much better to depend on Countries that hate us!

Democrats need to simmer down a bit and not go full ridiculous liberal, otherwise Trump is gonna win.

Aggressive action against a natural solar and planetary 25k year cycle of our planet that there is nothing we can do to change? You mean like lying to idiots for the corrupt criminal green energy lobby that uses child slave labor to produce its products?

I'll take oil

Team oil!

oh, no, you are not bias at all lol

So question: what’s “team climate change” going to do about China, India, Russia, Africa, and Europe… it seems that “team climate change“ is really more like “team wreck American industry“. CommunistNewsNetwork

Are you a news network anymore? Because this isn't written like news. (I already know the answer. You haven't been real news for a long time.)

Weird flex, but okay.

Yeah, I’m going to the oil! KAG

Is this reporting news or taking a political stance and furthering an agenda?

Of course....energy production first!...because we the human being by nature can always adopte to any climate change. Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Your anti Trump campaign Will fail again... 🤣

The free market will take care of clean energy, it's the reason USA has made the most progress, this isn't an either or situation. You are energy independent AND cutting emissions, while the suckers in the Paris Accord are worse and they shipped money to global polluter China.

Donald Trump, did you know the state of residence, if I don't get food stamps and something special that state can't vote! Check Delaware voting ability since I'm in different state!!!

pollbuster Psst, America was already the largest producer of oil during the Obama Administration when we were tackling climate change.

Ok CNN.....

..the fuel has not gotten any cheaper at the pump...

I love it . $100/bbl oil..leading to 7% inflation... resulting in the Fed raising rates to 6%.. causing recession..leading to layoffs..resulting in 8% unemployment.. and we're back to 1% long term GDP..and the poor get poorer while the rich get richer

So why gas prices are increasing all the time ? How did this help regular Americans?

Lets see not depending on the middle east, or worry about some phony ass climate change. I'm going with not depending on others.

Drill 👶🏿 Drill 👶🏻Drill 👶🏼 Drill 👶🏽 Drill 👶🏾 Drill 👶 Drill 👶🏿 Drill 👶🏻Drill 👶🏼 Drill 👶🏽 Drill 👶🏾 Drill 👶 Drill 👶🏿 Drill 👶🏻Drill 👶🏼 Drill 👶🏽 Drill 👶🏾 Drill 👶 Drill 👶🏿 Drill 👶🏻Drill 👶🏼 Drill 👶🏽 Drill 👶🏾 Drill 👶 Drill 👶🏿 Drill 👶🏻Drill 👶🏼 Drill 👶🏽 Drill 👶🏾 Drill 👶 Drill 👶🏿 Drill

Trump it is then

Climate Change is a hoax promoted by the UN to get the One World Order implemented and to transfer wealth out of America.

How about taking on serious issues like homelessness, the opioid crisis etc.etc.

Take the one that offers cheaper gas next question

Why do anything .... we will be dead 💀 in 12 years according to AOC.


Or better put, who’ll vote for a president who brought gas prices down to $2.50/gal or the Party that’ll raise it to $6.00 a gallon. Remember how the DNC cares so much for the little guy? Well who gets hurt worse with high gas prices.

Well, since you put it that way... Trump2020 MAGA

I choose oil,energy independence and Trump2020

I’ll vote based on a candidates stance on a broad range of subjects instead of their stance on a single issue(no matter how big it is), thanks

You can’t win with 40% favor ability!

He is The President so why not take on all sides


All the while while drinking imported coffee from your plastic Starbucks cups. Seriously, a stand on climate change? The change to consumer hydrocarbon production is the causative of the up tick in CO2. Energy CO2 production has been mostly stable for a century.

Climate change not a winner ! Regular folks are concern on economy than climate change. Can u tell AOC she can eat her cauliflower 😊😊😊

Oil please!

So the choice is between one of the most reliable energy sources known to man,good paying jobs and energy independence OR a GOVT power grab designed to destroy jobs,weaken the economy,raise taxes all in the name of combating a natural process that can't be stopped. 🇺🇸TRUMP2020

The truth is people are selfish and don't gaf about the planet. Then they'll be the first to complain about all the climate refugees when parts of the planet become uninhabitable and the first with their hands out when their home is flooded.

I wonder if I will ever hear Trump thanking President Obama for the stability of our country and of the strong financial institutions he inherited, because I've never heard Trump say he lost money with Obama in office just thinking

Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. The climate has been changing for millions of years. That is how the earth works.

Not to many people depend on oil for anything. That’s just crazy talk.

What is the deal about CNN losing its broadcast license? Hope it’s true. CNN should not have a license to broadcast their fake version of news.

Stop being stupid. It’s coming from somewhere. Might as well be us. Create something better or sit down and shut up!

Do not re-elect Trump. We need to look for alternative energy sources.

CNN why should anyone believe you? You're FAKE NEWS!

Or they can vote capitalism or communist socialism. Vote to live free or under the control of the government. Rely on yourself or rely on the goveent for everything.

Shit headline

He is looking particularly orange in this picture.

So you can vote for someone who does something or for someone who wastes time and money on bullshit. Hmm. Tough choice.

CNN = CIA. About to get caught, same organization with the same people. Bye

Trump in 2020! Voters won’t choose an economy killing manufactured crises over reality.

I like my car. Thank you Trump

Go Trump the democrats have no super star candidate Trump hands down

That’s quite an objective tweet from a news organization. Biased and stupid is no way to go through life.

And the dems will drive gas prices to record highs. Remember what happened the last time gas prices were out of control.

Oil bro. Be the best

Thanks for your permission CNN!

.Voters in 2020 will & can choose a President, who cares about our Environment & our kids future -- the fact that the US is now the largest producer of oil & w/a Democratic candidate who will take aggressive action on climate change 2 save our planet is awesome! BIDEN2020!

Paris Climate Deal: The United States withdrawals and is the world leader in lowering emissions. China remains and releases 7,000 metric tons of illegal gases. I am thankful ⁦realDonaldTrump⁩ got us out of that mess!

Gee jobs or taxes? I’ll take jobs. TRUMP2020


This headline right here is exactly why CNN is junk and often fake news.

And since only 10% of the US public believe in climate change, I think Trump’s chances are quite good.

We don’t produce oil -=the earth does - so stupid

Trump. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

No. The democrats will campaign on that subject but just like all the other dems, theyll do the direct opposite. Telling ya America, if ya want socialism, vote democrat. If ya still wanna live free under the constitution within a republic, vote conservative. Plain and simple

Climate change deniers love money more than life ClimateChangeTheFacts

I’m Voting Blue No Matter Who.

I will take oil

Hey Morons at CNN no bragging Required Trump Economy Speaks loud and Clear Jobs Jobs Jobs America First Yes!!

Climate scares have been a tactic from the left for decades to launder money and control the masses. Whether its acid rain, melting glaciers, ozone depletion, or Carbon footprints, none of their fears since the 80s have come to fruition

Team Oil vs Team Socialism. Oil will win. Oil is American as Texas, apple pie and Chevrolet. The Left's climate change bullshit is just a prescript for Big Government, and voters see this.

Well there is the ice age factor that ends all civilizations and wipes out humanity every 40,000 yrs soooo I’ll go with trump and a rich future now. 👍

Is this a commercial for President Trump? maga2020

And lithium minkng cuase mote damage if you ever seen mining pit of lithium

What a country! MAGA!!

Fact: Climates change. Myth: Man changes climate. Correlation doesn't imply causation. You, I, nor the rest of society can't change climate. To think otherwise is egotistical.

CNN Lays Off Almost Entire Division, Surprises Employees As ‘Crazy Rumor’ Comes True

When will CNN be charged with campaign violations for all this free advertising and promos they give the Democrat Party? FEC

.As a Republican & a former Marine I can say👉JoeBiden is the right leader that American needs!! BIDEN2020!!

Has anyone else heard of H.A.A.R.P?

A study done said Americans weren't even willing to pay $10 extra for 'climate change' stuff. So good luck with that.

At least he shows results cNN Democratic News Chanel


If you don't like oil you are going to have to give up a lot of every day products

This should be: Team oil (=team climate change) vs Team climate preserve?

are you endorsing any democratic candidate sure looks like it from this tweet? What happened to news agencies being impartial?

Is this a weirdly written headline?

We can re-elect realDonaldTrump and see our economy continue to grow or we can elect a communist and watch our country be destroyed

NEW: Finally, The Angry 'Trump Must Be Impeached' Video You've Been Waiting For (WATCH NOW)

earthlobbyist Methane surged last year, jumping 50% in 2013-2018. It’s either an increase in emissions (permafrost) or a decrease in natural loss, Global methane levels were nearly stable from 1999 through 2006, but since then have increased significantly

There is always room for middle. Don't let people say you don't have free speech. If you don't care as long as the cars work, say so.

No. They will vote on abortion. That way they don’t have to actually think or care about other people. 🙄

Bernie Sanders 2020 that's who we need in the W/house.

I am voting for jobs and not the crazy Democrats. All they have is vote Trump out this is getting boring.

VOTERS can choose realDonaldTrump who created jobs for ALL or they can vote Democrats who destroy jobs, tax the poor with Higher Gas Tax, Electricity to pay for Climate Change policies that don’t apply to the Progressive Elitists: Clooney decaprio, AOC who prefer Jet travel.

Oil wins every time

Oil kings yes! I mean climate change fighters!(I don't know where that came from.)

This is a Paid Advertisement by the Socialism Party of America.

Yeah we're the largest oil producer in the world and our gas pump prices in Northeast shouldn't be hovering around $3 per gallon. A joke.

Trump 2020

Trump all the way👍🏻

Looks like is still living in their fantasy world. trumpderangementsyndrome

You have no credibility, so shut it.

Hard choice

The USA hasn’t been self-sufficient in oil in half a century. Yet in two years the nation has become an exporter of oil. That reality brings back wealth, jobs, makes America great again, and protects the American nation. Donald Trump did that.

We know his trolls will vote for him even if they get drafted to go die in Iran. So just let them be. You can´t fix stupid.

Fracking has done more to lower carbon emissions than anything else. Your premise is false.


How is the rating lately?

Voters 2020 will vote for Trump in record numbers. Climate change, no way to stop it.

I’m voting for Trump, and jobs.

Fake news network

He won't make it this piece of 💩 trump will be arrested. Old dog is like 100 yrs old lol won't make it ;)

The guy who puts people to work or the candidate that will try to destroy our economy.

Easy choice. MAGA

I choose trump and my $2k tax savings

CNN why are you so bad at this? You are either going to vote with somebody who has weakened us internationally and obstructed justice to keep himself out of trouble OR you vote Democrat

Trump totally incompetent corrupt unethical guilty of obstruction of justice re-iterated by over 900nonpartisan prosecutors Who used Russian help to become president should be impeached not even worthy of running for office!

I bathe in oil

America can choose to be beholden to Middle East countries that hate us or we can be independent and chart our own destiny. Slavery or freedom- I choose freedom

Instead he might brag for something else.... Trump is not easy to predict...

That's a pretty easy choice. Glad you dopes at CNN finally realized how obvious the right choice will be.


Apparently, electric car sales will triple in 2020. What will you do with all that oil you can’t shift? Maybe it’s time to look to the future, no stay in the past

We will keep POTUS TRUMP in office after 2020. Democrats have no agenda other than garbage to destroy our country and way of life.

Where does CNN stand? Lol I just don’t understand how cnn calls itself a news station. A shame to see cnn such a shill.

Why are you campaigning for the Democratic Party?

Ill stick with Trump

Oil is so... yesterday.

Trump it is!

Why is oil price going up?

Didn't most of these US oil production changes begin under President Obama? Didn't gas prices plummet under President Obama? Aren't gas prices going back up? What's wrong with being kinder to the planet? If we have cheaper, cleaner & safer options why the devotion to oil?

Yeah, CNN says choose death of all mankind or vote Democrat. We only have 12 yrs to live !!!!!! So remember folks it's death or Democrats.

This headline is meant as a negative but it sounds positive to me! The US is the largest producer of oil! I’ll take that!


Energy independence...get it right...and yes I’d brag about that too...rather than giving Iran oil dollars to fund terrorism...seems like a good trade off don’t ya think?

Choosey Americans choose realDonaldTrump

We have 12 years to reverse climate change, after that, it’s game over! Nothing to do! If you keep supporting oil companies and politicians who receive money from them, you’ll see the consequences and the end of life in the planet. I feel sorry for my daughters and grandchildren.

I pick oil production. I was told 30 years ago as a kid that there would be no beaches left by now.

Easy choice...oil, bcz the other choice is massive government oppression & 90% poverty rate. Climate change as imminent death without massive government control of climate is a lie.

Climate Changers are so misguided! 60,000 died last year from auto accidents, 70,000 from drug overdoses, and 20,000 of suicide in America!! And in the entire world those who died from tsunami, Volcano, Tornado, Flooding, Hurricane, Cyclonesfrom Climate change was 10,000! Duped!

Trump 2020!! Good try though, CNN! 🙄

Can anybody tell me how much value the Dollar will have on a dead planet, that’s all I wanna know?

Yeah. Let's support the decline of the internal combustion engine.

I’ll take energy independence vs self obliteration...thanks.

As an Earthlobbyist I will meet climate change deniers where they live and vote.

Fake news



Hey what happend with this collusion thing I was hearing about for the last 2 years. Mmm must have ran out of oil.

Thanks. I choose

Trump 2020

ImpeachmentHearingsNow PutinsGOP ContemptOfCongress LockJuniorUp LockLindseyUp LockMnuchinUp LockPenceUp LockIvankaUp LockJaredUp LockKellyanneUp LockTrumpUp LockRudyUp LockMitchUp LockBarrUp ReplacePelosi BoycottFoxNews LockCarsonUp LockMillerUp BluTsunami2020

Well this is shit framing.

Phttt...CNN, the network of Michael Avennatti, Julie Swetnick, Dr. Ford, and a whole bunch of other liars. Does anyone take the seriously anymore? FAKE NEWS!

Drill baby Drill and then Frack it 😃🇺🇸🇺🇸

Yep, I love oil.

Going green is a fiscal and effective disaster. Germany just found that out the hard way. Vote Res these guys are playing you for fools

Good luck.

taxes and going back to the stone age or even death of all humans won't stop the fucking climate from cycling. we've also been cooling for the past decade and are much cooler than roman or other warm periods. Propaganda of fear is BS. Fuck narrative - look at the data and science

BTW-this article is crap.

I'll vote for America TRUMP2020

Until theres a better alternative that sounds pretty great to me. Thanks CNN.

The world hopes we choose what ever makes us weaker. That would be the dems. I like the fact that we're strong and will not apologize for that..if the world followed our example on clean energy it would be a lot better place


Voters can choose a dead planet or a living one-there is no middle.

So we just let every other country use all the oil they want No thx

Who brags. Really? Climate change. The sky is falling. CNN wins Pinocchio award. President Trump is by far one of the best I have seen in 40 years.

I'm going with oil - all day - every day!

Is this a paid commercial by the National Democratic Party? Or is CNN just another wing of the party? I’m concerned about the environment, but I’m also concerned that we have no non-biased source of balanced news coverage. 😞

Approximately 90% of the plastic in the ocean and the CFCs damaging the ozone are coming from two countries, neither of which are the United States. But keep on advocating for banning cow farts and commercial air travel.

Trump. F cnn

Oh ToxicBiasMedia keep up the good work. UsefulIdiots

Trump is not going to last until 2020. He’ll have resigned.

Climate change politicians are completely full of BS !

Morgan was the original 'Trump'. He withdrew his support of Tesla cause he would not make money off it.

TRUMP 2020 !

President Trump it is!

Friday، 24 May 2019 11:40 PM Air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition yesterday killed at least 10 civilians in the embattled province of Taiz in south-western Yemen, The Saudi-led jets bombed a fuel station in that children were among the dead.(who is responsible) “

Yet gas prices are back over 3$ a gallon. Seems strange.

Sorry, I’m not crazy about Trump but the Democratic clown car leaves me no choice but to vote for hi.

seems like zbyronwolf and cnn have already picked their side as instructed by Zucker

Bernie2020 GreenNewDeal

If Trumpers existed in a earlier century, they would vote against electricity because it put candlemakers out of business. It’s embarrassing how ignorant these people are.

The climate changes. It does. The people who push that humans have this insane control over the entire environment tend to be completely crazy. Be good stewards of the environment, work toward more sustainable sources, but don’t ruin the economy in the process.

If we produce the most oil, then why the hell are we paying so much for it?

Is this the news or opinion section

He really knows how to tell jokes.

That's easy. It's Team Death v Team Life, Team Choke v Team Breathe, Team Past v Team Future. No question who wins. The problem is TheDemocrats want it both ways. They won't commit because they're pushing Joe B and other Turd Way Corporatist neoliberals.

This is why your fake news. You don’t report real news. Your ratings are a direct reflection. Report real news like real networks. Garbage tweets from fakenewsCNN

Americans always vote with their pocket book. Trump is as dumb as a rock , but they bought his lies about coal....etc.

Why do you hate a successful America?

Nothing you do will stop the phenomenal that is Trump 😂

In a transition period we need to let the military have oil while we transition from oil to another energy base. Why would they? Because they know it is unsustainable and financially out of the question. Using oil to fire our military while we create a different energy base ?Cool

The Only Reason Countries continue to rely, promote & exploit Oil reserves is Greed. Greed of the Old Guard unwilling to accept change & embrace the future. If All We haf was Solar, ot would take ONLY 6% of the Worlds Land mass to Empower All. 6%

Is this an opinion

Shame on you CNN that's not true with either party. There's a bigger picture here and I'm sure we all see it except for CNN. You're just trying to simplify the truth and I get it.

CNN bla-bla-bla

Climate change is real.

CNN is a joke.


Best President!!

Let's at least choose someone he is not senile, has the intelligence of a real college graduate and does not have the temperament of a toddler.

VOTE TRUMP! He's doing an amazing job!

Americans care about results and economic health. You don't win elections by shaming people. This is why CNN is in a death spiral. Never about the facts only about Propaganda and lies FakeNews FakeNewsMedia

How about someone who doesn’t consider my body an incubator?

Or just choose someone who knows what the hell they're doing.

Biased much? 🤔


I choose our children and grandchildren.

No one who voted for POTUS will ever vote for a Democrat ever again. Democrats have went full progressive rip the baby out at 9 months, open borders, illegal aliens on welfare and voting start plumb crazy.

NeverAgain Trump

Yeah. It’s Good vs. Evil. Get it straight.

Democrats want us to go back to being energy dependent.

Man he looks Xtra orange in that still pic

Which Side Are You On For The 2020Election

I choose oil

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