Where is your climate change plan? Liberal ministers ask Scheer

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Where is your climate change plan? Liberal ministers ask Scheer cdnpoli

Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna and Finance Minister Bill Morneau began their day criticizing their main opponent for his lack of a climate plan. Meanwhile, Scheer was elsewhereAt issue specifically for the Liberal ministers: Scheer’s lack of a climate change plan, despite his consistent attacks on the government's imposition of a federal price on carbon -- up to $50 per excess tonne by 2022 -- in provinces who don’t implement their own.

This weekend, Scheer said that his party’s yet-to-be-declared approach to combatting climate change would be unveiled before June 21 when Parliament is set to adjourn. Speaking alongside her, Morneau said that the cost of not doing anything to tackle climate change is already being borne by Canadians, citing the record flooding happening across Eastern Canada.


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Here a question all Canadian should be asking: where is the money going from these high tax hikes? Not to climate change that is for sure!!! So what is the Liberal plan?

gone october 2019

If you have been watching the news Scheer announced he will be unveiling his pan in June.

Its still better than your plan.... 'I know... we'll still people's money. Then try to convince them we'll I've it back ' take your stupidity somewhere else.

And the Liberal plan is more oppresive tax on Canadians and exempt their friends - the big polluters - so corrupt and dishonest

Climate change and protecting the environment are different things imo. At all costs we should protect our water and land and air from toxic pollution and contaminated garbage. Doing something about climate change is like trying to slow rotation of the earth to add hours in day

Liberal deflection from failed policies and scandals.

Scheer doesn't have a plan. Disturbing.

Hey climate barbie, he doesn't need to announce a plan yet. The official opposition isn't running the country dim wit! That's your job, which you are failing miserably at.

Well ministers I bet it won't have a tax in it that puts the prices on everything up.

Where’s your brain Canadians ask Liberals.

What the F**K is their plan? Take more money from taxpayers and give it to billionaire oligarchs, illegal immigrants and returning ISIS fighters, while dumping raw sewage into the water and dragging garbage to the third world and leaving it for them to deal with? Great plan!

Don’t you think there are more pressing matters to worry about - like our economy.


And Climate Barbie where is yours? Now that is the real question.

What is a good leader the PC's should ask the Libs? Not Trudolt they may reply! And how in the heck is Canada going to change the climate? Efn Liberals. The World is pretty big people!

What is your ‘balance the budget’ plan? Canadians ask Liberals. Or fix the economy, take care of Vet’s and elderly, Oil & Gas, Auto, Forestry, First Nations, education, infrastructure, or immigration. Seem to have money for everyone else - except Canadians. It WAS your job.

Once the Liberals are booted out the climate in Canada will change for the better. 🤯🤬🖕

Liberal federal government is the biggest scam since in office making up tax to drain hard working citizens and giving away taxpayers money to loblaw and isis . Time for a change next October election

Scheers climate plan is to hire a blonde bimbo to go around & spread propaganda!

Hope it’s not the Liberals tax the poor people so they have no money to live

Wheres the Liberal climate plan? They don’t have one. Liberals have a tax and spend program, it’s the Liberal Elite way.

Lyndamathews25 Why is Catherine asking for the conservative climate plan? They are not running the govt yet! Where is her plan? The unredacted version!!!

A Carbon Tax and sewage in our waters how’s that for a plan.

He's taking his time to get it right. The Liberals' useless carbon tax is getting it wrong.

It's a good sign when someone doesn't have a climate change hoax plan.

She never had a climate action plan. Just piggy backed on what conservatives did while she drinks fine wine and flies around the world

Where is the plan from the CURRENT government...or is taxing us to death supposed to make everything better?

I``m going to Palm Desert next Winter, that`s my climate change plan! Nothing else will work!

Where’s yours cathmckenna? Simply taxing Canadians for using oil and gas is not a climate plan, it is a tax grab. Phasing our carbon based products without viable, affordable alternatives is not a climate plan, it is suicide. Cdnpoli

His climate change plan is probably not for the better.

Sheer has none “yet”.

When you attack the opposition because your own 'plan' is just a tax that isn't doing anything for the environment.

Where is the liberals ethics, their honesty! Trudeau is corrupt. No one cares about the fake climate change


She's just hoping somebody will tell her how to do it right

It won't involve the liberal lies that you have told us that's right Shame Shame on you Shame Shame cathmckenna

Coming, wanna bet it won't include over-taxing Ontarians who have already accomplished, 22% leading the country, reductions you can't produce- and we did so at great cost already.

Scheer has no credibility on this issue!

Dont show your hand

Catherine, you are looking a wee bit pekid and strained. Climate change getting to you

There isn't any. Because it's all a hoax. Climate changes all the time. There is nothing we can do to stop it. It's cheaper to do nothing. We will be fine. Liberals are thieves!

We know the Liberals plan is to steal from the poor and give to the rich.

AndrewScheer announced last week that he will unveil their plan in June. Stop telling mistruths! cathmckenna

Anyone else find it ironic liberals are concerned what Scheer plan is with still 6 months to go before election? Obviously liberals plan does not work. We have had more fires, floods and disasters and even crime under liberal gov't. Perhaps McKenna should worry about her record!

Scheers plan is in his butt, full of hot air

Ahhh cathmckenna The Plan will be presented for Canadians to decide in the Election along with the other Parties. Have you dropped the writ yet Why don’t you get back to work and quit Whinging🙄

His plan is to out all you clowns in Oct. Climate change cannot be edited. So why bother taxing what we cannot control. Canadians are not that stupid. Are they?

Maybe trudeau would fair better if he would get the pipeline built and do his fricking job to get the canola sold. His climate plan is costing the western provinces big time. Our oil companys have done everything he wanted and we still get screwed.

“Government holds opposition accountable”. Complicit bought-and-paid-for media enable.

Conservatives want fossil fuel no plan sorry guys

AndrewScheer - where’s you climate action planClimateActionNow

Hoping it is better than yours

Scheer has already told Canada when he will release his plan! So why are liberals making noise about it?.. TimesUpTrudeau

cathmckenna your constant yapping is turning more Liberals into Conservatives. The voters are tired of your lies.

The Liberal plan is to tax and smear. The Governments feet is to the fire, no one wants this tax, Canada does not need this tax. What Canadians want is truth and Trudeau can't provide it.

'I don't plan to change the climate; I'll just run the country. Mother Nature has her work, and I have mine.' AndrewScheer

He said June asshats!!

Why would the conservatives openly release any of their ideas about this or any other major issue when not in power, so the Liberals could implement their ideas and claim the credit?

And where is yours?

If the Conservatives can put together a well thought out, effective climate plan without taxing middle class Canadians, then they have my support, otherwise, I will refrain from voting. I look forward to seeing a CPC climate plan before Election Day.

I think he released a statement already stating end of June it will be presented. Try to keep up. Suggest you guys rework yours into something that makes sense in the meantime.

Liberals actions on weather change is to tax the hell out of it

The blue tsunami is coming don't worry October is fast approaching

Bigger question is what is the LIE-berals climate plan? And NO your carbon tax does NOT count as a plan.

Scheet can just simply respond 'I'll create another tax, just like all liberals would'.

What is the Liberal's climate change plan? Other than adding a tax to everything i don't see any action. A tax doesn't remove pollutants from our environment.

Climate change suppose to be about the whole world. What difference does it make when the biggest culprits are the Asia countries & no one holding them accountable?

Liberals plan is to tax tax tax . Like I’m going to change my life because of a few dollars . Money will NOT save the planet, but it lines the Liberals pockets .

No plan is the best plan.

Problem here in Canada is you all believe in parties.. L or R . No difference. Except one is inept and one is racist

Scheer during climate change

Maybe they are taking time to think it through first like you should have.

Why did Justin allow the Ottawa river to flood.? Did he allow this flood to happen to prove his climate change arguments? Why would he allow so much damage just to try and prove his fake point?

Where is your conscience (on Marleau's mistake)? environmentaljustice environmentalsensitivities HumanRights cdnpoli lpc

Wake up dinosaurs, fossil fuel industry must change and adapt, time for clean energy

This fall, Canadians will have a choice. There's AndrewScheer ‘s plan to rebuild the economy, return lost jobs and investment, scrap the job killing fraudulent Carbon tax or Trudeau’s plan based on secret backroom deals with SNC Lavalin, And Terrorists. The choice is clear.

Cause we all know how the liberals is working,,,the only thing missing from the robbery is your doing it under the premise of fixing something that has been broken for so long it can’t be fixed, winsomcalled unproven products that we say are eco friendly

Like the one you have flying in Indiana Jones to tell us how Oil and Gas is bad hypocrite

Cause ours is stupid! And will break the Canadian economy

Implementing laws and restrictions That what will impact climate change. Not collecting a tax and saying you support it What the F BS support is that

Where is your waste treatment plan cathmckenna. We didn’t think dumping millions of litres of raw sewage into our waterways was an actual plan. And besides a carbon tax...what exactly is your plan? Did I miss the conversation on geothermal energy development? LPCCorruption


I wish they’d ask for his donor list.

The Liberal plan: Carbon tax, give some back maybe in some idiot rebate that’s clearly an attempt to save an election, and give some to wealthy corporate donors (Loblaws freezers) that only pads huge profits. Hard to imagine Scheer could screw it up anywhere near as bad the Libs.

Whare it belongs in the trash

Why do you care if he does or doesnt announce one? You're not campaigning yet. No election has been called.

Let the games begin. climatechange

Just because you a plan doesn't mean it's a good one.

Taking our money won’t help Liberal thieves!

Plan? Where we're going, we don't need no stinkin' plan!

No plan is better then Liberal wealth distribution to the rich raping the poor. BLUE WAVE!!

If the Cons come up with a plan.....any plan, they’ll have my vote. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending climate change doesn’t exist is really starting to annoy me. And I’m a conservative!

God she looks totally miserable in her job!

Yours is not a plan it is a tax Climate Barbie

Liberal plan doesn't tax coal which is the single largest contributor to GHGE. As well Saudi oil gets a free pass. Liberals are greenie hypocrites.

McKenna you will see one soon and it will be better than yours and also it will make shut up.


I am really hoping Mr. Scheer has NO plan to change the climate. I hope he has a plan to help Canadians understand and adapt to the changes in climate that are INEVITABLE - for the next 170 years! This ain't science; it's history. Global cooling really is coming. It's cyclical.

Liberal plan is to CARBON TAX middle class Canadians while giving wealthy Loblaws $12 million ! Conservative plan is likely to NOT CARBON TAX middle class Canadians while NOT giving wealthy Loblaws $12 million! TrudeauIsBananas lavscam

Scheer has been shooting his mouth off for months against the Liberals. When will he start telling us his plans for the country if he even has any or is his platform to just insult the other political parties. If Scheer's plans are the same as Doug Ford's we are screwed.

Still waiting for “Scheers’ Con plan”, it will probably be as strong as the Harper years plan...😳

Cons base don't give a flying fuck about climate change...

tax credits for reducing carbon, not carbon tax.

ALL Liberal Ministers know is to TAX,,THAT is there climate change plans...they have no idea.....

Where is your balanced budget, Mr. Morneau?

Where is your proof a Carbon tax reduced Carbon!

Says the environment minister with no plan herself

The tar sands are a big worry. The world must covert, let's say to electricity.

They ask after he made a statement about the release date...🙄🙄

Conservatives climate plan is burn more coal. Pollute the earth. Strip the planet of its resources. Cut funding for planting trees and natual disasters like flooding. Make as much money as possible cause if climate change is real we'll all be dead anyway. Great plan🤔🙄

Corporate polluters pull the Conservative strings.

Lets work on differentiating ugh um ah between ahhh China and ugggh Japan first please. Not once but twice. What kind of idiot couldn’t have that figured before he sat down with them for very a important meeting/talk?

cathmckenna listen I know that you’re pretty annoyed that the conservatives haven’t given us his plan to deal with climate change but I would just be a little patient and wait for his plan and when it’s out SUCKER PUNCH IT!! (not physically though)

Scheers plan is to get rid of the Liberal party, the climate will change as soon as these Aholes are gone!

And your plan is to Tax the Hell out of everyone. Come on October get this Garbage out of here.

Holy shit! I mean...if her only rebuttal to everyone's criticism of her climate plan is ...'Hey Andrew, where's your plan?' ...then all you are doing is showing how weak your plan is. If it stands on its own merits then so be it. Other than that...stop acting like a teenager.

Tax is not a plan , vote them out !

First, give us one fact that proves Canada is responsible for climate change. Canada has a proven record of responsible environmental regulations. Canada is one of the cleanest in the world. Stop your lies. cathmckenna Bill_Morneau cdnpoli onpoli

Another example on how JustinTrudeau and his ministers don’t listen. AndrewScheer said it would be out in June..... he said that just last week. If he releases it to early all you liberals will steal it and claim it’s your idea.

Still waiting. Zzzzzzz

He doesn't need one political climate change is a scam and liberals are scam artists.

Liberal ministers are a little slow on the draw. Scheer already announced he will address the issue in June. Final nail in Turdeau's coffin.

If the Liberals are wondering why they are sinking in the polls - it's BS like this that is doing it.

cathmckenna Where is the Liberal climate change plan....you have already admitted that your CarbonTaxScam will NOT meet the Paris Climate goals....It will do nothing for the global CO2 so I guess we will call it what it is........ just a TAX GRAB

It's not really surprisng that the Trudeau 'Liberals' believe Canadians are stupid enough to think that extortion is a climate change plan After all their base continually reinforces that belief

How is taxing a plan? All it does is erode the middle class and create a larger divide between wealthy and poor. So if your end game is to control Canadians by virtual economic submission, then you're doing a great job. Say hello to Little Castro

Justin Trudeau lui il voyage avec son jet privé sans se soucier de la pollution.

What is the Liberal plan? Tax us to death! TrudeauMustGo

Idiot he said by June. Open your ears and listen

Stop forcing the climate change file down our throats! There are much more pressing issues to debate, especially with the upcoming election. No worries - we don't count on MSM to supply anything credible except propaganda for Libs.

Libs don’t have climate plan, they have a revenue-generating tax plan, which conveniently ALSO increases their GST revenue

Maybe because they are trying to get to the canola issue or the Canadians being held in China (or is that Japan). Conservatives owe either McKenna or Morneau an explanation for anything till election is called. Could two ministers look more ridiculous. Bad photo

Since the Liberal are willing to blame and tax Canadians for the pollution of other Countries, I believe that they do not have the concern of Canadians. Any plan that does not tax Canadians but rather improves Canada is what I would support.

Sounds like Katie called. What kind of a moron thinks a carbon tax in Canada is going to alter the planet's climate?

I’ve got an idea. Stop fretting over what the CP does, and worry more about how your carbon tax in strangling our country’s economy. No plan is better than a terrible plan, eh? 🙄

Liberals climate plan is smoke and mirrors. They keep pushing it so people dont see how shitty of a job they’re doing running the country.

Our government can do what they want to fight climate change but if the biggest admirers don’t follow suit then it’s a waste of time

Where is the carbon tax money going?

Whats your business climate plan?

And not giving away millions to China an economy that dwarfs ours!

It's because the Regressive Conservatives have no plan to deal with climate change.

Hey CTV here's what JustinTrudeau campaigned on - NO carbon tax / cap & trade. Many provinces had good plans to meet or exceed emissions targets & they were ALL rejected if they didn't have an INCREASING tax grab. READ the MB interview CLOSELY & compare to what Trudeau said.

Where's the balanced budget? BillTheCoin

I'm sure it will be better than yours.

Since when does the govt look to the opposition for ideas There is no election right now so why a demand to hear what the opposition would do if they were in power? That will come out in the campaign.

All Canadian Political Parties...

He doesn’t have one. That’s all we really need to know to write off this clown, scheer. Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time. And he doesn’t have a plan...because the conservative really don’t give a damn about climate change.

cathmckenna Where is you plan that looks at urban planning, water mgmt, land mgmt, forestry mgmt, etc?

She seems pretty concerned about something she has zero control over. He owes her nothing. All in good time Cathy.

It was yesterday's news that AndrewScheer will be releasing the CPC_HQ plan in June of 2019, ahead of the federal election. If you want to see it now, tell CanadianPM JustinTrudeau to go visit GGJuliePayette.

ctvnews think Canadians won't notice them cheering on the Liberals. Because 'journalists' are unbiased and totally objective. I honestly wish our msm would look at themselves critically. But my guess is they won't. Sad and embarrassing. cdnpoli cdnmedia.

If it involves not taxing everything that moves or heats our homes (plus GST of course) & not dumping millions of gallons of raw sewage into our freshwater rivers etc. then I'd say their plan is will be a huge improvement over Trudeau's plan.

Your idiotic Liberal plan seems to be to make gas so expensive that it finally becomes cheaper for people to cross the border and buy gas in US thereby burning more gas and polluting more, while doing nothing to the real polluters. Sorry if next gov takes time to table real plan

I see the media is doing the Liberal's bidding on the climate change file.

Exactly!: where the hell is it?, Maybe it's in you!- Scheer!

We hear so much about a climate change plan. A real hot button topic. How about unethical trade practice such is the case with our substantial and risky investments in COMMUNIST COUNTRIES like China.

No plan is better than any liberals plan 🧐🦃

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Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer promises detailed climate plan by end of JuneConservative Leader Andrew Scheer says he will present his party's climate change plan by the beginning of summer. He is a shill..political climate change is a scam! The climate has been changing since the dawn of time.. multiple ice ages and they melted.. the earth gets warm the earth gets cold it does that all on its own. You're being duped by criminals. It's fake! He should unleash a 20% fake news tax on the media. Then give the money to the homeless.
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