Australia must stop ‘exporting climate change through coal’: Hanson-Young | Sky News Australia

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Energy Energy Latest News,Energy Energy Headlines

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young says ‘we can make a huge difference to the world carbon footprint if we stop exporting climate change through coal.’

South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young says Labor has no serious plan to tackle climate change without a strategy to abort Australian coal. Senator Hanson-Young says ‘we can make a huge difference to the world carbon footprint if we stop exporting climate change through coal.

’ Senator Hanson-Young points to her home state as a shining example of what a renewable-adopting Australia could look like, telling Sky News that the whole of South Australia is powered ‘some days’ with ‘something in the vicinity of 80 per cent renewable power.’ The party’s climate policy puts forward a goal to move Australia to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.


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This woman has no idea how economics or its affect on society would be by just stopping exports.

She needs exporting

And of course we would stop importing things made from coal or using coal right Sarah?

SHY talks deluded Ganggreens - RUBBISH ! its the SUN that controls our climate NOT the worlds 0.04% Co2 in our atmosphere. 😡

How many billions would Australia lose in doing this? If we don’t some other country will. Typical Greens BS.

and the lost revenue will come from where?..... or what are you going to cut from the budget? You people are crazy.

Sarah Hansen-Young with more parlour room chatter. She has everything a first world country can offer but doesn’t think we should let those living below the poverty line improve their lives with clean cheap energy options ie coal.

Why do The Greens hate people in the developing world?

Time to do some learning SHY it isn’t carbon that heats the planet. Sun & water... not sure how you plan to change that 🤣

Sure. But she should have been asked does she know where our coal exports rank from a GDP point of view and if the transition is not planned and gradual what the impact will be on Australia’s economic footprint? sarahinthesen8


And our economy would tank over night. Yes we need to do more but the extreme rubbish that rattles out of this girls head is dangerous.

“There is no climate change!” I know this is true because I was there when a Walrus jumped off a cliff and he yelled this as he was falling.

She obviously hasn't looked at the numbers.

And how do we replace that sizeable export

S.H.Y. is a dangerous lunatic.

Will miss her jokes when she disappears in a couple of weeks

And SHY will be secure in her Gov paid mansion w solar panels and batteries while those people who voted for her will enjoy the dole that Australia will no longer afford. Why do people vote for these idiots.

I am from SA and apologise in advance for this women being voted in again, as she is the only Greens on ticket here we are doomed, she is by far the worst in the Senate!

Tell her to go back and live in her tent

She’s got no clue about economics.

Can't argue with that logic. However, should alcoholics blame the producers, distributors and retailers of alcohol? Same question for smokers and drug addicts. Guess what? Take responsibility for your actions. Find alternatives to coal. Then demand will reduce.

Talks easy when your a public service bludger

She’s a very dumb woman and just can’t be taken seriously.

Carbon dioxide is used by plants. Did she do basic science at school? Its not the real problem its a colourless odourless gas that without it our plants will all die. Can we get some common sense please.

So that would mean no steal or aluminium to be used to make wind farms, electric cars or solar panels which we import? Let alone the $65bn missing from the economy. Can but hope SthAustralians vote her out.

Let me know when the Senator has worked out how to control any Indonesian volcano.

I wonder how much does coal export contribute to our revenue, would SHY be happy to cut her salary by the same percentage if we stop exporting coal?

What does she actually do? Talks a lot of shit with no contribution to society. At least I'm a landscaper planting trees etc. I'm actually doing something. Still I don't support the LABOR /GREENS COALITION. auspol ausvotes2019 Greens LiberalAus AustralianLabor labor_trash

What are we supposed to live off when the Greens cripple the economy and everyone is out of productive work.

Some facts. CO2 is 0.04% of the Atmosphere. Human beings are responsible for 3% of that same 0.04%. Australia is responsible for 1.3%, of the 3%, of the 0.04% of all CO2 in the atmosphere. So if we cut 100% of ALL Australia's emissions we’d cut Global CO2 by 0.000156% 🧐

Sarah Sea-Patrol says a lot of things best ignored or better still, mocked.

Speaking of carbon footprint. When people from 3rd world countries migrate to the 1st world their carbon footprint increases 60×. What's the greens policy Sarah? greens frauds


“Exporting climate change....”. the meaningless catch phrases just keep on coming...

We can make a huge difference by cutting the mass-immigration population Ponzi of adding 400,000 annually to our high emission per capital population. Greens back this also as do LibLab.

SHY trying go play God. Not wanting 3rd world countries to have the pleasure of cheap electric. Keep burning the wood and shite to cook and keep warm peasants SHY has spoken

Oh dear she has nothing to offer Australia. A Weak girl

What’s more disturbing is there are enough believers, to vote the woman in for another term. (god help us)

So how’s our massive less than 1% of total carbon footprint going to help save the planet Sarah? At what cost? While China, India and Japan open up more and more coal fired plants. You, and us for even listening, are the idiots.

Could we please export SHY?

It's time she visited India.

Sea Patrol to enforce.

Then we won’t be able to pay you .........

Bubble girl! 🤪🤪

It's a wonder she isn't crying again like in parliament. She doesn't have a clue. You can stop coal exports but what is answer to tge economy, jobs etc. Things don't change overnight with click of fingers like she thinks.

Yep you doom third world countries to stay the same

The Greens are reaching peak purist policy again. They are stubbornly uncompromising.

Never trust any wealthy politician when they say we ‘need’ to act on climate change. As it’s low income families, pensioners & small business that will bare that cost. The elites can afford the cost of this so called ‘action on climate change’. But we can not! greenfail

While boating on her Patrol Boat ...

When your economy collapses, where is a good place to buy real estate?

I bet she has a nice house with electricity, lights, heating and cooling going? I bet she uses gas or electricity to cook her meals, I’d like to see her try to live like those in the third world with no electricity & cooking with wood fires living in the dirt! She is a joke!

This village idiot never fails to deliver SeapatrolSarah

Powered some days with 80% renewables!,what about the other days proof pls All I have read is about theblackouts and high price of power in SA. Bye bye stupid.

Just go back to being a hooker

Such an embarrassment

Let's export SHY in a leaky boat

Yeah she got that suggestion watching 'Sea Patrol' dumb as SHY

Before that occurs we will need to stop paying the political person making these comments as the community will not have the money to pay


We can export unicorns and rainbows

I’m so proud of our Sarah. Finally a lefty who don’t want to have it both ways.

Sarah is a pollutant 😒

Coal is a demand driven commodity.

Seriously deserves one word .....Moron. Labor greens AusVotes2019

Yes we can sell more sheep and wool

Let's export SHY's instead? We won't make much, but we'll be much better off.

Acrylic and free patented ideas steam generator for power and water highly profitable better than solar panels new solar alternative welcome to the forever patent

Easily of the stupidest politicians this country has ever produced... Utterly useless

So... we not only drain the coffers of fuel excise when consumers switch to EVs, we also stop exporting coal. While we're at it, shouldn't we end the cattle, dairy, wool and wine industries too?

I can't get a picture out of my head of SeaPatrol trying to get some iron ore up to 1400 deg with a magnifying glass in the sun because she needs some steel to make herself a new electric car... Although she could go for the all plastic model, which is made out of oil and gas....

This is absolutely the role that Australia can and must play, time for us to stand up and take responsibility. Coal RIP

Don’t forget to stop breathing too. Human expel tons of carbon a day through their mouths and noses. Why not just plant more trees?

We can keep exporting as much coal as we can because it’s impossible to have an affect on something that doesn’t exist!!

Senator hanson-youngs carbon footprint would be 200 times bigger than mine. Just saying

The saddest thing about this woman is she has reproduced....her kid has no chance to be normal

A perfect example of an “oxygen thief” so the other big coal users China & India will get it elsewhere . How this clown is still in parliament

You might want to speak to the Queensland premier about that!! Who votes for these people

She should turn the power off in her house drive to a solar powered veggie burger shop in her electric car and stay there with Bullshit Bill Shorten.

President Trump will have WV coal ready to fill the gap. Australian trade balance, AUD and economy will decline significantly.

All under control. Climate change is fake

Just when you thought we’d achieved peak stupid, SHY keeps raising the bar. Does she think no one else will sell coal to China and India?

Quite simply the most inane politician in the last 50 years on any side, one of the dumbest woman ever to represent, the most farcical excuse for an elected representative and perhaps the most ill-informed person to ever espouse a scientific position.

Where do they find these idiots?

Sarah Hanson - young 😳😴🧐

And if we stop exporting our high grade coal, countries who need coal will source lower efficiency coal from somewhere else. Cost us export dollars/jobs/tax revenue, while increasing world emissions. Nice job Greens 😜

And how does this idiot propose to cover the multibillion loss in exports and tax revenues? Greens are insane

Let hope you aren’t returned


And bankrupt the economy! Ffs

It takes coal to build the wind turbines the greens want at $400,000 plus a pop for just one. We must have coal to survive, fact

Exporting climate change? Wtf is she on about

how stupid

She'll have comforting words for the unemployed in lieu of her lofty noble politics. There's the dole & this is all in a good cause, we're saving the planet. She smiles piercingly with those porcine brown eyes, waves goodbye & drives off to the airport in her chauffeured Mercedes


Full on wacko

Time for Sarah to come clean and actually produce the facts surrounding CC. Like BS she will be speechless.

Huge refers to a large measurable difference. Huge isn't anywhere near the word that would describe Global warming if we reduced our CO2 emissions to nil. Wouldn't make a cows fart of a difference

Stop mining, stop exporting minerals, stop immigration, cancel all work visas and send them home and raise taxes to support all the out of work miners, transport workers, small town communities and every other support industries. Thank you Greens!

Let’s just screw our economy for some fairy tale don’t forget in 1980 these same climate change clowns were saying we were heading to another ice age that couldn’t be turned back it’s farcical How do people keep believing this crap

Go and stop Mt Etna spewing out all it’s Co2 smart ass, by the way get the Italian government to pay us we should be getting carbon offsets for that one..

Facts never her strength. Greens vote thrives on ignorance auspol

Maybe exporting something else as well?

Exports of iron ore were worth almost A$63 billion in 2016-17 and accounted for nearly 17 per cent of total exports of goods and services. They were followed in the ranking of our top exports by exports of coal, which were worth more than A$54 billion and accounted for 14.5 %

The million dollar traveler wants us to cut our fossil fuel use.

She's a leader. Economists and all the world's climate change scientists agree with sarahinthesen8. LiberalAus The_Nationals want to cook the planet with for a short term profit for their coal buddies. VoteThemOut

Bull shit! Boot these snake oil salesmen from Parliament!

Will the senator resign and forfeit all benefits if Australia cuts back on coal exports but the other countries buy coal from other sources. Ie, no decrease in greenhouse emissions.

No. Our coal is the best. You stop they just burn the shit

This women is beyond stupid and anyone who votes for her has to be a mindless automaton

Only if you resind China and India's 100 year free pass to pollute and the west as a whole puts large import duties on global monopolies that manufacture there. Pollution isn't reducing because it's been off shored for cheap labor green socialist charity is the strange bedfellow.

I wish we could export Sarah

Bullshit again

Yes. Stop exporting coal and let’s start burning it here again. 🤣

See ya! SHY

Please let’s all hope she loses at the election........what a tosser.

What planet do the LNP voters think this minister is on after this story has broken

This is true, C'mon anyone can see this is true. We should use our own coal in our own country instead of selling it off to China for cheap and then charging our own people exorbitant prices for electricity.

what level of emissions does SHY believe will be generated during the creation of wind turbines, solar farms, pumped hydro systems etc in order to achieve her zero emission target? Make your mind up Greens, you keep telling us we need to reduce emissions NOW not ramp up industry

Why am I not surprised that a Greens politician says something moronic?

To much money in coal that will override climate change

Get the feeling SHY can’t even open a spreadsheet of numbers. Such a luxury to scream from the sidelines.

Not factually correct. Coal buyers have other supply options. Australia is not the exclusive vendor of coal.

Anything about increased taxes to make up for no coal royalties in a fully costed paper from SHY? Thought not. Shut down coal industry will make no difference as market gap will be filled by others. Nuke power has merit but SHY will choke at clean power from that source

Australian standard of living if we stop exporting coal.

What a great idea ! Im sure the Chinese will just shut down all those factories. Idiot.

I wouldn't let SHY look after a dead cat let alone our climate policy

Any more idiotic ideas senator young

This is actually true. Developed nations emit the least amount of carbon into the atmosphere. May as well get Adarni up and running GoAdarni

Does she have any idea how important those coal imports are to our economy and jobs? And to the needs of our coal customers? I guess there was no Sea Patrol episode touch8ng on those questions.

yeh lets close down hospitals a schools - money not required

Idiot we will go bankrupt besides we need to use our coal to build power stations and you need to get past the climate narrative and see the bigger picture. It’s a hoax

Well Sarah, you can't. Even if you stopped all coal exports it would have no impact at all, and would be swallowed up in a week by India's emissions

It would send the nation broke for no gain in the environment as the world would just get their coal from elsewhere!

Pity we couldn't export her.

Such rubbish ,CO2 has no effect on the climate ,why should we deny developing nations the use of our high calorific value clean coal. Coal fired electricity is helping lift people out of poverty the same way it helped Australia become the affluent nation we are.Credlin

Unfortunately the anti-coal mob don’t seem to realise no one should chuck their job in until they have another job to go to. All you will achieve is being cold, hungry and broke. Coal is no different, how many ppl in the 3rd world will freeze in the interim ?

Maybe export her she is a hot windbag.

Hello...they will get it from somewhere else and we will loose the revenue ....Greens=CANCER

That will put a fair dent in our economy as well.

Facts. Show us the Facts

She could make a bigger difference by riding a bicycle.

How can anyone be so fckg stupid, even SHY who is not bright must know this statement is a farce

So what sort of jobs would you recommend those in the coal mining industry to take up?

We need to move beyond coal and create jobs in the renewable energy sector.

Wow that's pretty stupid

How about we export her Instead?

all these economic slaves are like but the money it generates and the jobs we’ll lose. Gotta question the efficacy of the economic system in which no longer needing to do certain jobs because they’ve been automated is a bad thing.

2/2 By the way Sarah , Coal earns Billions in Royalties , employs thousands of Australlians , pays Group Tax , GST , Company Tax, Payroll Tax , FBT , Levies , exices some of which is wasted on YOUR SALARY & Benefits Sarah please ldon”t get Re-Elected in May


Go away

We can make a huge difference to the Intelligence Average of this Country by Exporting YOU SARAH ! Australia produces 1.3% of the Worlds emissions , Electricity accounts for about 0.03% of the 1.3% ! You do realise that if Oz didn’t Export Coal someone else would !


Export the Greens. Too much carbon 💩- need a whole forest to offset their BS

She has no understanding of markets, supply and demand .. so it’s not really her fault she believes she is correct.. I blame the lack of learning about critical thinking within the education system

SA got a lot to answer for voting for giving SHY a platform to spruik such drivel

She is the Devils concubine. auspol

You’re such a dill SHY

Let's hope we see the back of this ratbag once and for all at the next election

You honestly can't script this shit.

Yep we do that, might as well migrate somewhere else.

SHY and AOC must be sisters to sprout the same lame game SLG.

Theres no climate change due to humans stupid!! The only problem is plastics in the oceans!!😡 Work on that!!

This toxic Green would have us,as you say in caves burning cow pats to cook grass

She can have a huge impact on Australia by emigrating. Neither is likely to happen though.

I picked up a dog turd before.... Twice as smart as shy...... Better looking as well

If they don’t but it from us there are plenty of other countries selling it. It’s stupid to think if we stop selling coal countries will stop burning it

This is the absolute idiocy of sarahinthesen8 and the Greens. They would prefer all the coal fired power stations around the world to use high CO2 emmitting low quality coal. Australia has very high quality coal and the greens have their bigotry and blinkers on.

oh yeah and here's a coool like hack Take a picture of the sun and then in the dark at night, use that picture to light your way...

South Australian voted for these idea last time hopeful they will rethink their decision this time. Coal is one of Australia's biggest industries, and generates billions of dollars for Government. Without this revenue, they may have to shut South Australia.

it's 2019, I am sure we can do better than letting mining companies owned by other countries dig up our coal and sell it over seas. Coal is not the future, we need to be prepared for this future.. when ever that may be. We use to call ourselves the clever or the lucky country...

Can we export SHY instead?

When her parliamentary career is over (soon I hope) she and her cats can piss off to another country.

Maybe I agree we could stop exporting coal on the sole condition that all Greens are exported to Syria !

Bahaa that intellectual power house SHY.😂😂

What little people losing their jobs. They don't need jobs in greenland.

Can someone please muzzle this unit!

How do these people get elected?;Are people crazy, voting FOR such ideas?;Don’t they understand they are voting to destroy our economy?Don’t they understand they voting to destroy our way of life?Don’t they understand we will become a poor country with an unaffordable lifestyle?

She’s a special kind of stupid isn’t she?


So does burning the coal and manufacturing everything overseas not count towards the footprint? Maybe SeaPatrol thinks overseas is a different planet..

Suck eggs Hanson _young

Lala lala seedpods.

China produces 45% of the world's coal. Australia about 6%. Try for some perspective.

She doesn’t care because she has a bullshit job and couldn’t care about anyone else. I really hope she gets kicked out of the senate as I would imagine that she would be unemployable outside of the Greens.

Polluting the environment is different to changing the climate. Stop pollution but it won’t change climate

Tell that to the 350,000 taxpayers who will lose their jobs!

LOL. 'Exporting climate change'. I guess every parliament has to have a village idiot.

Here’s an idea... let’s export Sarah Hansen Imbecile

So who will pay your wages

They will buy it from elsewhere. 🙄

sarahinthesen8 That’s right, what has coal ever done for us anyway? (Add sarcasm emoji here) auspol

These people are from another planet

Yep, let’s start just using it here to gain an important edge over our competitors. “Cheap Affordable Energy”..

right wingers foaming at the mouth in 3.....2......

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