Pair arrested for trying to steal an electric gate motor

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Energy Energy Headlines News

Energy Energy Latest News,Energy Energy Headlines

'They tried to steal the gate motor. They lifted the gate off the track and they had all this housebreaking equipment.'

"The suspects derailed the gate and attempted to flee the scene by running through a field. The reaction officers chased the suspects to a nearby garage, where they were arrested," SCP Security said on its Facebook page.

Valerie Khan, managing director at SCP, said:"They tried to steal the gate motor. They lifted the gate off the track and they had all this housebreaking equipment. They have been taken to the Sophiatown police station." Khan said the suspects had been spotted in the same neighbourhood last week attempting to steal an electric gate accessory.


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Good, go directly to jail!

I bet they white, this is how u normally report white bandits...

Bongani_SP Lol lock them up

They were probably trying to fix their own... electric gates aren't reliable you know.

crime... we got too many battles on our end but sad thing is easy money don't pay. Hard to bonny&clyde 😉😯

Mischievous biased media covering up for white thieves, God save South Africa. Why on earth are these white scoundrels faces painted black as if they associate crime with black people. Nxa sies I hate this Time Live photo editor.

Why are you hiding their faces

The reason they were caught is they were not b. e.e compliant!!!

Tuk koppe 😟

Why are their faces hidden

They must have confused the profilers.....

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