Pence likens Democratic health-care and energy agenda to socialism

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Addressing CPAC, Pence likens Democratic health-care and energy agenda to socialism

By Anne Gearan Anne Gearan White House reporter Email Bio Follow March 1 at 11:19 AM Vice President Pence warned Friday that “socialist” policies embraced by Democrats, including presidential candidates, risk throwing the country into the kind of economic free-fall and autocratic grip ravaging Venezuela.

“Under the guise of Medicare-for-all and a Green New Deal, Democrats are embracing the same tired economic theories that have impoverished nations and stifled the liberties of millions over the past century,” Pence said. “That system is socialism.” Pence got louder applause for references to Trump’s promised border wall and antiabortion policies and also received sustained applause for declaring that anti-Semitism “must be universally condemned.” Trump drew criticism in 2017 for an equivocal response to anti-Semitic and white nationalist marchers in Charlottesville.


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Last albino is talking. This guy do not understand enything.

Go live in the wilderness by yourself and leave the rest of us alone!

He’s going to jail too

Socialism you say? Well then, ok call it what you will. But I’m all for single payer health care system. Let the private ins companies provide supplemental plans.

Trumpo IS the Socialist. He threathens people & takes their money. Other examples Bedford golf course paid for by taxpayers. All monies from that onto his pocket.

Pence, I once had faith in you. But now the only thing I know is that you are just like the Man In The WH

The gop dog whistle socialism pence a disgrace to the country

Satan in a suit.

Here is a man who held off on giving Indiana people's the Federal Medical money entitled to them... Before saying what you love about him .. get his background.

Give back your social security and your health care

Does he not know that Trumpers partake of that healthcare too. Did not Trumpers yell repeal and repeal Obamacare.I hear they've botched it but have no better, cheaper plan has been put in place. Social programs are SS, Disability, Medicaid & Medicare. You ready to give them up.

I’m liken Pence to stupid

As opposed to the President. Whom they send out to be the bad guy for majority while good for only true Caucasian like our 2 previous President Bush and Obama.

The health new bill is a fraud for many Americans that thought it will help them. It actually not the bill (The Obama care/affordable act care) itself. It's the people behind the health care and the housing crisis and loan.VP families has been quite quite about their Family life


Seems like Pence is saying healthcare belongs to those who can afford it; the rest of you can get sick and die.

I liken Pence to Eunuch-ism

Pence was shunned and received embarrassing silence standing on the international stage. Guess he figured the canned speech of MAGA rhetoric and lies would get a warmer reception from 3rd rate conservative quacks & wackos! Proving once again, a brain is a terrible thing to waist.


If we are not careful they’ll give us socialist grade school for all too

VP Buy a dictionary.

I can't help but notice that VP 'decent guy' Pence tells giant lies, often, and goes unchallenged. Let's start documenting each lie, ready to throw into his face when he runs for reelection in 2020.


Paying subsidies to farmers to cover for a failed trade policy is socialism.

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How Dare he! It's socialism at all! North Korea is and so is Venezuela

Health care is socialism? Is Switzerland or Sweden a socialist country? Maybe someone should explain VP what socialism actually is. For example: Paying farmers for produce they can't sell.


Yet Pence is a beneficiary of socialism with his govt funded health insurance, his fed govt salary funded by the taxpayers, fed govt residence funded by the taxpayers, free gas, travel, etc. What a hypocrite!

Who the hell would ever listen to a word you say? You, Mitch and Paul were at the front of the Trump castration line.

It is socialism.

Democrats need to get ahead of this Socialist stamp before its too late. 2020Elections

.VP can’t wait til the trumps are in cuffs and flip on you as an accessory.

That’s all the GOP extremists have to offer: the old “Leftist” fear tag.🙄😒

False Republican rhetoric by VP said over and over again does not make it true. Falsehoods are what they are...False. MeToo Democrats Trump

He reminds me of those marionette puppets from The Thunderbirds. But why should I insult The Thunderbirds?

Please join the 22st century and listen. New ideas may not be perfect, but we are stagnating on your old ones

Socialism seems to work well for politicians and military personnel.

I’m always amazed that Pence has the ability to speak.

Medicare and Social Security benefits are socialistic programs. Who wants to cut those?!

there healthcare is the same as they have in Europe that is the worst healthcare around. They forced obamacare on us knowing that parts where not legal. UK had the best healthcare until the EU took over

fun how VP, senatemajldr & realDonaldTrump will all be running in support of pre-existing conditions in 2020...

To the republicans everything that is for the people is socialism. But when they take from working people to give to the rich it is not socialism.


And Pence is a stepford wifey to Trump.

Why did then Rand Paul travel to Canadas to get an operation from their socialistic healthcare? That's one of your own boys not buying what ever lies Pence is spewing.

This is getting old. I will take Taiwans socialized health care for everybody over ours any day any time. This is just crony propaganda to keep the people under their power.

Go home to mother

VP 'silent man' talks & says nothing.

Awesome Tell that rotten NO GOOD SOB To not except the Free health care he'll get after leaving office or the pension, it's all SOCIALISM

Hey, it’s what Jesus would’ve wanted. As I recall, he was against helping others...🙄🤪


Try facts instead of talking points

I like this option better than their option.

I’ll trade a little socialism for no Trump & Pence any time.

This was said of LBJ and Medicare 60 years ago.


Such a decent guy hey JoeBiden maddow chrislhayes Lawrence draiochta14 jaketapper

A dumbo!

Washington Post likens themselves to journalists.

Pence & his Rep Posse scream socialism when they think they're going to have to fork over monies to help the less fortunate! These fuckers want to hold onto power and are using weaponized rhetoric to mislead their base. What the citizenry of the US will never accept is a dictator

So... what's the farmer's subsidies called? You know... the BILLIONS we are paying our farmers to make up for the BILLIONS in soybean contracts that went to Russia after the GENIUS, TRUMP Tariffs?

Pence doesn't want regular people to have the same benefits that he has i don't understand how anyone can vote Republican...smh feelthemfbern

It’s better than being run by Russia/Trump/Pence! VP

Better than his communism

Hate, hate this man!!!!!!!

U.K. has single payer healthcare and the governing party is the Conservative Party.

Heal pence the lapdog of dumb. Pence is a moron who can’t understand climate change or anything else. Go to New Zealand to see how glaciers have retreated due to global warming. The time is now.

Mike you make sick how you speak that you can not control your self around woman so your wife needs to go with to lunch with any woman

How about that $1.5 trillion welfare-for-the-rich last year? Corporate socialism okay, then?

All I can say is OMG. Pence should never move beyond VP. Once Trump is out, hopefully his political journey is done!

Ya I bet

And the govenor who bankrupted Indiana and burned his political career down until hooking up with our lying potus would know all about socialism. He should read the Sermon on the mount again. There's a bit about taking care of ur fellow man.

More GOP craziness


Fear mongers. It’s all they have.

It is socialism. If it’s not what do you think socialism is?

Maybe they are confusing Communism with Socialism ?

Supporting the Autocrat and his wealthy enablers is communism.

Because he’s clueless.

Big government is socialism

Then bring it in baby!

The buzzword you are trying to pin on NCDemParty won’t work VP !

These clowns have nothing else to stand on.


Like that’s a bad thing?

On other words- Pence likens to the Democrats socialist agenda to socialism

Of course he would say that. That is what Putin is paying him to do

It is!!!

Well, it's because it is

This is not a bad thing Canadas Universal Healthcare is Socialist and we are doing just fine Ps - Republican Campaign Fundraisers are A socialist Act Public Transport :socialist. Internet :Socialist Toll free roads are socialist More of everything in daily life: Socialist

Russia,North Korea,Saudi Arabia ?🤥👎🏼

A decent amount of what the GOP calls socialism (but isn't) is needed to rescue capitalism. Call FDRism for our day.

Go Home and beat off.

Take a drink, Mike! 🙄🙄

Stupid man. He must be lying, educated and all. 🏇🏿

If everything paid for by taxes in a civilized country is 'Socialism', where does that leave this guy and his job?

If DJT said he is for socialism today, Pense would b for it tomorrow. He no leader!

Pence plays to their imbecile base. Saying 'socialism' over and over as a terrible thing will effectively brainwash their zombies.

Demi’s want the American people to beholding to the government, to rely on the government, have no say! No thanks!

We already have socialism in the form of the Veterans Admin and social security , right?

That this guy graduated high school shows that socialism is alive and well in America.

Here's your conservative agenda.

Heres your Democratic liberal socialism.

Up yours VP go back to the real Church and learn what your responsibilities are here

Socialism in the U S: Public education, public transportation, public parks, rest-stops, fire/police departments, libraries, every military branch, roads/highways, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, public hospitals, the V.A. You know... Things we ALL use and benefit from.

this is the 2020 playbook. noted.

Socialism is a system that rich countries like the USA can afford more than most.

Well, they propose nothing but tax breaks for themselves, better to give it to the people!

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

Well Pence and most Republicans don’t really know what Socialism is by definition. So easy for them to speak on this false comparison.

Said vp

Says the guy with lifetime healthcare

Gop has no healthcare & cares nothing for environment

Just use the word socialism & everyone will run scared/and if it’s Bernie it’s over/the largest group who will run are those of Medicare/really

It’s gotten predictable 🙄

Pence is a robot.

Great for GOP fund raising, Kryptonite for 2020. Keep talking.

Living in fantasy! How long will the kingdom last?

Well, he’s not wrong.

It is.

Liken my Ass. it is

Likens? He was being generous.

That’s not what he said Leftists. Washingtoncompost

Do people really believe the spew their spitting out tween their gums or they just like to make the motion that they care about the rest of us? They know these things aren't true and they were against him as well what the hell

He nailed it. And you should rebrand yourself. From Washington Post to Washington Pravda.

So? Could you explain the problem? Our problem is Capitalism, NOT democracy. GREED from people like you and the slimebag in the WH.

So...told the truth? I mean, it’s not like they’re even shying away from the term themselves right? Knee jerk defenses out of control.

Totally not the same thing as giving farmers $7 billion because of failed trade policies, right VP and realDonaldTrump ,?

Who is Pence? Insignificant!

Pence needs a dictionary.

Fear and loathing is part and parcel of GOP rhetoric

It is

Trump supporters couldn’t live an hour without socialism

Let’s get this straight. He is condemning programs many REPUBLICANS benefit from. Is the VP expecting Republicans to bite the hand that feeds? Probably!

My fellow Americans need to travel more.

Social Media is so 1980’s. It is like a VCR in 5 years.

Uber stock is up you got to say something. Just remember, it was me, Al gore, the Army golden knights, and the my pillow guy. We jumped through the O-Zone where the hole is. It’s in the credit karma database. The government got rid of me because vaccines are becoming mandatory.

Pence can talk about socialism until the cows come home. We can talk about how his religion gets in way of using his logic. Personal religious beliefs belong to the one that makes it personal and not meant to use as a weapon of destruction.

They make it sound like Canada went down in flames. What a bunch of boobs!

Take away social security and Medicare for seniors. Then you will see an UPRISING!

VP is apathetic creep looking for a life(wife)! He has a motherson

Didn’t mike_pence VP get hand picked by Manafort? When will that little connection be investigated by the Special Counsel? Or has it already been?

Pence should disappear back to Indiana

Fear fear fear. That's how we'll keep the right-wing voter in check. Make cowards out of them. Guns ... huge military ... build the wall. This is too easy!

SOME analogies are true: 'You have damaged the reputation of public service and the public's faith in it. You operated under conflict of interests, you abused your authority ... and you corrupted public servants working under you.' Israel Attorney General re: Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's better than communizm!!!

Well it is SOCIALISM he’s just being nice by saying likened.

It is

Ummmmmm it is socialism

What are the cheques for the farmers called?

Americans don't even know what socialism is. Many Western democracies have elements of socialism that are working quite well. In fact 'socialist' medical systems cost less and give better service than the broken American medical system that is wealthcare not healthcare!

Sure. It’s how I feel about k-12 education and interstate roads.

Well it is so what’s your point?

WRONG, VP. they are not socialists. youse guys are FACISTS!

Hannity told him to say that...good boy

Is he going to take it away from the military, then? That is government-provided healthcare.


God spoke to him and told him to say this. No doubt.

He's a 20th-century fascist...

Americans fear it like the bogeyman without even knowing what it means. Hint: it doesn’t mean ‘not the status quo’.

Do he get health care on our dime?


So What?

Yeah. No kidding.

Pence talking

Shut up

Here's yet another good Christian speaker that Pence supports at CPAC. Look out! Open sex in the streets!

This is what they do. GOP operatives test contrived ideas of fear & hate on focus groups & come up with (insert dark, deep, foreshadowing voice here) 'socialism, wealth redistribution, class warfare.' People like Pence puke it out like they're told. THEY HAVE NO IDEAS. Just fear.

GOP still digging deep to find ways to demonize things that would be great for America and Americans. Why is having good clean energy and a healthy population, a bad thing?

Gulag here! If you read closely and understand the definition of socialism, you’ll see that Democrat’s plan are in fact socialistic in nature! So kudos for telling the truth I guess

Is that the best marshmallow bigot can do

And that’s pretty accurate.

This will be the clarion call and the 2020 strategy of the repubs, the dems are socialists, fear mongering and continued misrepresentation and and lies, lies, lies; don't be surprised if the repubs start McCarthy like committee hearings on 'un-American activities' by the left

So the man who gets comprehensive healthcare largely paid for by tax payers doesn’t think other people less fortunate deserve healthcare. Very Christian if you. Hope you need to use your health insurance soon but the doctors cannot save you

Reasonable government intervention to address market failures is not socialism. It's called governing.

Pence is a shell of a man, doing what he is told to do...Saying what he is told to say... Evangelical SatansSeeds

Truth hurts

tiny eyed shrew MikePence

Punts: you allow yourself to be used as a lapdog mouthpiece; therefore, you are irrelevant.

Like the GOP tax cut for the rich?

Maybe VP should come up with some viable ideas of his own before discounting the ideas of others. And he’s acting as if we have never had any socialist institutions before: social security, Medicare, Medicaid, GOPTaxScam, Farmer Subsidies, need I go on?

Polls must have shown that next to immigrants conservatives fear socialism. Dems need to swing back and keep saying R’s want to do away with social security and Medicare both programs that everyone has already paid into and there will be no refund.

Wax dummy.

They demonize words without any substance. There has to be a balance between Socialism and Capitalism. Capitalism harnesses this 'Greed is good' drive. Socialism pretends greed doesn't exist. Extremes on either side should be avoided.

Pence is a fascist traitor. He's working in government getting paid by tax payers. He can give up his free housing, free security and paycheck if he hates socialism that much.

REPUBLICAN party become a PUTIN lover.

But he’s fine giving the Uber wealthy a massive tax cut, sticking our children with the federal debt, destroying the planet, dividing the country, lying for his God, Trump, and giving a pass to murderous dictators.

Interesting rhetoric coming from CPAC this year. Well not really interesting just more be afraid, be very afraid language but nothing of substance.

Pence is not a very smart person. What he says in most cases is idiotic and this is a case in point.

That’s what it is. Government run Heathcare

Fear is all they have, socialism- the new Obama care, AOC- the new Hillary, without a scare card there doomed.

Pence is a Evangelical White Nationalist. Enough Said

and this is NEWS!

Yeah! Duh.

Of course he did.

Let's review GOP seize your bank accounts and distribute between 1% Democrats tax 1% and provide benefits to 99% GOP convictions 282 Democrat conviction 1 Not the same party. Most corrupt lies the most. Truth is bitter. Swallow it.


And don't forget, people...the vagina is Satan's snare!

You mean like the healthcare that Congress, President, VP, etc get? That “socialism”?

CPAC is the opposite of MENSA!

They think everything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is socialism

Let’s level the field a bit pence! If I don’t have medical insurance, you shouldn’t either. It’s that simple. The taxes I paid over 40 years should count for something. 🇺🇸☮️🇺🇸☮️🇺🇸☮️🇺🇸☮️🇺🇸☮️

Yeah, you wouldn't want to care for the sick and poor! That would be a sin! My gawd. You people are sick.

You mean like the corporate socialism of bailouts after Wall St, insurance companies, auto manufacturers and banks crashed the global economy and were offered blank checks at taxpayer expense for their reckless gambling habits? That socialist agenda?

Health care for ALL...... is much better system then health care only for the rich which is where we are heading......If health care as it is now was restricted to only those with coverage could receive care and if you where forced into bankruptcy or jailed if you couldn't pay

your portion.....that would be a true capitalist health care system...So what we have now has some socialist programs built into it........J.S. trump is a communist loving traitor....

'You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.' Abraham Lincoln

AOC must be pretty upset

Because he doesn’t have the intelligence to form an opinion of his own, he regurgitates tropes in a vain attempt to gain acceptance. Sad really 😏 Pence BillyNoMates Lonely TrumpFail

Says the facist antiamerican fuckboy with mommy issues. vp mikepence kimjongunfuckboys putinfuckboys isisfuckboys gop senategop housegop fuckingidiot

This man is such a fool.

NEWEST INSTIGATION & REPUBLICAN DIRTY 'DIRTY WORD' PLAY! Everyone Deserves Good/Great Health Care...NOT Just Politician$ & Wealthy Cronie$!

FuckPence and his bullshit rhetoric...

Because it is my God-given right to lose my house because I got sick and the insurance company dropped me so they could reap more profits.

Good to know he is against Medicare.

Will he stop mid-sentence when his battery runs out of power? 🤔

Um, it is.

Same old tactic by the GOP.


It's the new scare tactic used over and over by Republicans. Maybe they should run on policy instead. Oh wait they don't have any. GOPTaxScam

He's spot on correct.

Cool. I would like some socialism please.

Right wing loony!!

It is sad state of affairs,NO THANKS to the REPUBLICANS that the price of pharmaceuticals/meds & medical care is so COSTLY, that we have to consider traveling to other countries(e.g. Mexico,Canada,Europe, etc) for affordable pharmaceuticals/medication, surgeries and treatment.

These are the same people who call themselves Christians are saying these words

VP what do you have to offer?

While this administration spouts Fascist theory at every term.

Dare_Roh Throw me in the briar patch!

It is straight up Socialism...that is the nice way to explain it

Ide' rether be called a liberal Socialist than REPUBLICAN KKK FASCIST ANY DAY

But Joe Biden thinks he's a nice guy. ;)

The army of health insurance lobbiests bankrolling Pence here clearly.

I consider one cent of my taxes going to pay your salary to be criminal.

The Socialism ,and Liberal label are an attempt to demonize ideas and programs that actually bennefit them to creat false narratives about people wanting free stuff. Food, training ,educational grants, Sosial security payments are all paid by all of us!

And Biden calls this guy decent - Ha!

What are the farm bucks? Socialism. What are the air traffic controllers? Socialism. What is his paycheck & healthcare? Socialism. Hey middle class this dude thinks you deserve next to NOTHING from your federal taxes.

In other words, Pence correctly labels what the democrats are offering.


Hell yes, preach on my dude!

The health care system in the U.S. military could be compared to social medicine, as all service members, including all dependents have complete medical coverage. Many join the military because of this benefit.

yeah, he's a 'decent man'....😡

So Social Security and Medicare will be next folks

The end.

Socialism socialism socialism every GOP member is trotting this out to scare voters back to the crooked Republicans. There is a huge difference between 1% of the population owning 95% of the wealth and socialism What you have in the US is an oligarchy instead of capitalism

We don’t need no healthcare or lights

Kleptocracy and massive corruption is what has brought Venezuela to its knees, not universal healthcare and sane environmental policies that address a prime global danger.

Why are we listening to a Putin stooge who was selected by Manafort? Another Talibangelical who has no morals and is closer to the Anti-Christ than to someone who represents those values.

I beg to differ with our VP. Making it mandatory to EXECUTE infants after birth is COMMUNISM not socialism!

We would not be where we are as a nation without Democratic Socialism.

I would call Pence a hack—which he is—but that doesn’t convey the the depth of his triteness and sycophancy. He is just an absolutely pathetic person.

It is the worst form of health care. Ask a Canadian

From a man whose entire family is covered by comprehensive health insurance provided by the government and paid for by the US taxpayers.

If health-care is social then taxation is tyrrany! If health-care is social so is the the armied services, police and fire departments, public schools and roads. Nonsense! American is a socialist leaning country like it should be.

Medicare and Social Security are socialism. So what.

The Red scare is back.

Just because you are an Evangelical doesn’t mean you don’t ever lie VP Pence. They are just bigger when you say them.

They’re really trying to push this socialism talking point aren’t they...

He was s nothing but a gop stooge. Just spreading lies. I hope he knows Jesus is watching him.

This man is pure evil. I’m afraid what he’ll do as POTUS. We need to be rid of him and 45 at the same time.

What else would you call the curse of “Single Payer (Govt Rationed)”Socialized Healthcare

Caucasian People Afraid of Change whatdoesCPACreallymean

What a decent man!

Trump supreme asshat and dumbass Pence only concerned with socialism for the super rich GOPTaxScam biggest wealth grab in modern history and Trump tax cuts estimated to increase deficits by $1 trillion during the next 10 years yet

Really?That large amount of money that Trump gave to farmers,to help them because of the Trump tariffs were killing their sales,that’s SOCIALISM.Get a life Pence FACTS matter,at least the Democrats have a plans for health care &energy, Republicans in this administration have “0”

Because it IS

It’s always easy to destroy & hard to build Easy to be cruel but hard to be good It’s easy to impose sanctions & prevent treatment from the patients which mr. Trump did. It’s hard to give hope to the patients but parsisotope co, resolved these difficulties. I_ASK_YOU

Of course he does, he’s an errand boy of the rich and powerful

And corporate welfare is not Socialism?

There goes Pence, misusing polysyllabic words again.


Because it is

That's the boogieman they always use for things they don't like.

We now know the boogity-boogity conjuring word for the ‘20 campaign

Pence: not a nice guy.

No I would rather pay 2.5 times more than anyone in the world with results that fall in the bottom percentage!

How sad that men like Pence and Trump who have so much do not want others to have what they have - free healthcare !

He is right on.

Sadly, M4A and GND are socialist proposals establishing select committees for control of healthcare and green tech economies. Since these proposed projects do not address white-collar crime we expect extensive organized corruption. Socialists are hijacking the democrats

Pence is straight-up ignorant or playing dumb. If he’s scared of “socialism,” how does he feel about: Social Security; Medicare; insurance; police, fire & emergency services; public (esp. energy) utilities; US military; FEMA; roads, highways & interstate system; to name a few.

If there is one word that frightens the shit out millionaires is socialism,

Happy to hear he is willing to give up his health insurance, his fire dept, his police dept,his utilities, his library, schools and his garbage collection. Not to mention social security. Laughable how hard the GOP find neurotypical thinking. Connect the dots ppl.

And anyone with eyes and a brain likens Pence to a big ol' closet case.

and the issue with? this vs.. Rich Socialism.. or Socialist Capitalism... wow.. not very JESUS at KARMA to you ALL.. repent.

🤮 that is there new propaganda spin

My country Australia has Universal Health Care. We have had that since the 1970’s. We have allowed that to continue through many Right & Left Wing Govts. My country has a Conservative Govt in power AND Universal Health Care. Where’s the Socialist Threat in Australia? Pence = 🤡

Hmmm....that's because it is.

You mean like the tax payer funded government healthcare program that you’ll get VP? That kind of socialism?

as always

And the nerve of JoeBiden calling VP a “ decent guy.”

The Warmbier family should have advised their 21 yr old son,not to go to a rogue alleged country. Especially,a country in which the residents were at that time propagandize to hate Americans. The warmbier's,have to accept most of the responsibility for what a rogue country did

Of course he did. That’s going to be their buzz word to rile up their base up until the next election. Despicable.

And all those on ssd ssi Medicare Medicaid cheered?

He's not lying

Амеры'только сунь

VP Anything about Trump's gay love for Kim and the fact he blames Otto Warmbier for his own death because he wasn't a strong enough prisoner? C'mon Pence, surely that's a money maker from that crowd?

He’s saying “Americans, you don’t deserve help when paying to excruciating medical bills- that’s socialism and it’s here to destroy you” I guess.

Here we go again - every idea or concept that makes sense or God forbid - has the potential of helping people - is created by Satan in form of Socializm. ... keep hiding behind a demonizing terminalogy.... well to be fair, dumb sayings, for dumb audiences....

Yeah but per historians..this is what else they reverted to that for:

Confused Paranoid Ancient Conservatives.

Idiot, the environment is the biggest disaster we are facing as human beings!

And that is bad..... how?

It’s the moral thing to do.

He's right.

They're really going all in.

Imagine your party’s platform being dirty energy and not wanting healthcare for your citizens.

We liken Pence to what comes out the back of a Bull

Nobody at CPAC even knows what socialism is.

Acting as if he will be running for President in 2020.

We need a little socialism in this country

Jesus was a Socialist. Pence hates Jesus?

I do not think that word means what he thinks it means?

Buzz Light Year found his batteries. What a walking ethical lapse.

Exactly right...A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE...! Beat the God Damn Neocons over the head with THAT Lincoln quotation!


Can trump fire pence? Pence is acting like a stooge that is afraid he might get fired if he does not dance to trumps tones.

Take away VP ‘s luxury healthcare plan. See how he survives.

Give us all a break! If you weren't so ignorantly funny, this would be very sad!

I think most Americans (esp the morons on the right) don't know shit about socialism, or that they live with it day after day in this country. America is doomed, it's just a matter of time.

And? These aren’t Kennedy Democrats. They are Lenin Democrats.

F^* pence

He is what native Americans call the coyote, the trickster.

What a scoop, an empty-headed Teddy Ruxpin doll with a Most Mendacious Hits tape inserted into him vomits up reactionary nonsense for low-information nihilists at a giant clown car of a convention.

Dems call themselves socialism

GOP, protect the unborn since everyone should have to suffer through their insanity.

You had a room in your tweet to point out that he is wrong.

Is that a bad thing? Socialism isn’t good on many levels but when it comes to healthcare, it is.

VP interesting comments from a failed politician who was resurrected by realDonaldTrump

Know who else likens their policies to socialism? Democrats.

b.c it is d.a.

Bailing farmers out.

And yet we're supposed to take the Space Force seriously?

I likens GOP agenda as dictatorship. 🙄

The same health care that Steve Scalise used?


You'd think the socialism boogeyman would stop working after so many decades of Medicare, Social Security, and the 40-hour workweek, but there they go again

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