Greens call for Murray-Darling royal commission after fish deaths | Sky News Australia

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.ScottMorrisonMP: I don’t want to see the disturbing scene that we’ve seen, in relation to the fish deaths, trigger some sort of pre-election political game being played with a very important area of environmental management. MORE: newsday


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ScottMorrisonMP I don’t know if he pretends to be stupid or actually is, I can’t even ... This man sounds ridiculous, so many points that need addressing as a matter of URGENCY! But Cook’s re-enactment is at the top of this PM’s list of things to fund- these corrupt inept muppets need to go!

ScottMorrisonMP You mean environmental and yr government should go to prison for this

ScottMorrisonMP Just call the ELECTION NOW & put Australia out of it’s misery

ScottMorrisonMP In other words actually stating: “I don’t want to see anyone use the environmental disaster that we created against us in the next election.” Keep hoping, mate! Auspol

ScottMorrisonMP I don't want to see masses of fish deaths and whole towns running dry caused by mismanagement of water resources. I also don't want to see my Prime Minister ask me to look the other way for his convenience.

ScottMorrisonMP You only understand deliberate environmental MISmanagement for profit

ScottMorrisonMP What a stupid thing to say.

ScottMorrisonMP If the waters of the Murray, Lachlan, etc actually got to the sea we might see fish deaths at sea scenes. Can we p l e a s e, I beg you, have a coherant thought on something, anything?

ScottMorrisonMP He doesnt want to see [again] a scene he [we] have already seen, in relation to fish deaths. I have seen scenes OF fish deaths, but what are those that relate to this that should not trigger a political game?

ScottMorrisonMP Are these dad jokes or is the PM being fair dinkum

ScottMorrisonMP Mate! It’s too late. You and your team are full of it. Stop! Using words that mean nothing. Get on with the job or get out. So over it!

ScottMorrisonMP $13 Billion into the MDBP (that's 13 thousand million) & as a result we've got millions of dead fish, no money, no water& all gov can do is blow a few bubbles. The ATM-LNP gov is the worst in AustralianHistory. auspol Ecocide ElectionASAP AusVotes AusVotes2019


ScottMorrisonMP ... I've changed my glasses again you know ... (Is this some bizarre attempt at disguising himself - sort of a Superman/Clark Kent approach, but with added glasses?).

ScottMorrisonMP Scumpo, we don’t mean to ‘carp’ on about it, but ... “ .... trigger some sort of pre-election political game being played with a very important area of environmental management” ... that YOUR Grubberment has totally mis-managed !

ScottMorrisonMP How about it triggers a royal commission into the mismanagement of Australian water ways and usage (think Adani and their massive licence to draw from the GAB). Only you won't have to vote 26 times against this one cause you won't be holding power.

ScottMorrisonMP Its your political games that have helped create the issue ya muppet

ScottMorrisonMP Is this like the ostrich sticking it’s head in the sand. What you don’t see you don’t have to do anything about

ScottMorrisonMP The PM does understand that these poisoned waterways are also connected to the mainland's drinking water supplies Without action, it's a matter of 'when' our drinking supplies are toxic and undrinkable. That is pending disaster.

ScottMorrisonMP Well when it’s mismanagement of the water system then it I’d say it is political. Ask your mate Barnaby what he has actually done to improve the Murray Darling River

ScottMorrisonMP If it’s very important why aren’t you protecting it?

ScottMorrisonMP The fish kill is not a political is total mismanagement on behalf of the Libs/Nats...VOTE LIBS/NATS OUT!

ScottMorrisonMP You mean the one you took advantage of with that coffee shop death

ScottMorrisonMP Peter, would you like to be Prime Minister, you are so damn critical of EVERYTHING they do, by the way I won’t vote for you!

ScottMorrisonMP Is PM serious ? He needs to be out there now . He is unable to be a PM . No idea . No policies . No support for farmers or climate science . He must go and quickly and take all his greedy mates with him .

ScottMorrisonMP Simple, it is your COALition who fucked this up. The drought did not help, but it is your COALition not releasing enough water because Cubbie station needs 20000 liters of water per 1kg of Cotton yield in the DRIEST continent on earth. Growing cotton in Australia is a crime.

ScottMorrisonMP In other words 'please refrain from reporting on the fish deaths and mismanagement of the MDB in the lead up to the election because I and my government will rightly be blamed and will deservedly lose.

ScottMorrisonMP ScottMorrisonMP Do your job. Ensure your ministers do your job. You get paid to do your job. That’s all Australia wants right now.

ScottMorrisonMP In other words Mr Morrison ...I want this disaster to be forgotten and our culpability in mismanaging our precious water resources to be passed over. I don't want to face the disappointed and angry residents of the Murray /Darling and tributaries.

ScottMorrisonMP No. You just want Australians to be quiet.

ScottMorrisonMP MurrayDarlingBasin is a prime example of LNP incompetence, environmental vandalism and corruption and the best you've got is don't talk about it and pray for rain. A useless carpetbagger, that's all you are! ICAC auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Beware of politicians specifying issues that should not be politicised

ScottMorrisonMP I'm told that suburban Five Dock in Sydney has more parking inspectors than then MDB has water inspectors There is practically no regulation covering small dam construction and bugger all water theft prevention. But let's not make this political.

ScottMorrisonMP blah, blah, blah

ScottMorrisonMP What are you doing about Joyce and climate change ? If you don’t make Joyce accountable for his actions and make a coherent strong policy on climate change the LNP will be decimated at the election. Instead of shouting and blaming Labor for everything try listening to voters

ScottMorrisonMP That water minister BeetRooter did not do his job.

ScottMorrisonMP Don’t get irony do you PM? ScottMorrisonMP


ScottMorrisonMP What an arsehole....

ScottMorrisonMP speaking of dead in the water..

ScottMorrisonMP Thoughts and prayers will fix it eh SloMo?

ScottMorrisonMP He’s vile and out of his depth. He’s a marketing spin Dr without any realism. The electorate can’t stand him

Oscarthefarmer ScottMorrisonMP Triggered.

ScottMorrisonMP He looks uncomfortable in his own skin.

ScottMorrisonMP Empty, glib, hypocritical. You don’t want it politicised? Hollow man.

ScottMorrisonMP I knew it....I said it weeks ago......THEY ARE BLAMING now it's Labors research that caused all of this wankers

ScottMorrisonMP Hey Sky, what about this

ScottMorrisonMP Firstly - why not? It’s exactly the playbook he would have used had his political opponents been responsible for such gross mismanagement and negligence. 2nd - most of us would have been sacked for this corruption and incompetence by our employers. 3rd - now fix it!!!

ScottMorrisonMP Shorty McShoutface back on form. Representative democracy in action?

ScottMorrisonMP I am sure you don't as it exposes the complete failure of the LNP government and your Ministers, head in the sand of a depleted river system is not going to save your skin. The LNP's lack of concern for the environment is staggering! Ministers hiding in cupboards!

ScottMorrisonMP The current acting PM again fails to act anything like a PM, most notably regarding current government induced crisis. callanelection politicalburnttoast

ScottMorrisonMP This is your government's FAULT ScottMorrisonMP plain and simple. Pathetic

ScottMorrisonMP What a lame response. This happened because there has been no 'environmental management', just plenty of water theft. I don't want political games either but you seem to be the one playing them each and every day ScottMorrisonMP .

ScottMorrisonMP But what you haven't done is send one of your ministers or somebody anybody along to reassure the people in the basin that you are doing something about it personal proof that you care about them not a sign of it not a single sign of it.

ScottMorrisonMP If you fix it, it won’t be a political issue

ScottMorrisonMP The real disturbing scene is this stand in making decisions a future government will be stuck with. Oh Jerusalem, you're a Trumplite fool auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Another gem from Scotty. If you say stupid stuff, people will call you stupid.

dazza_double_u ScottMorrisonMP Yes, if we are very quiet and we hold our breath as we tiptoe past this one, we won't even know it happened.

ScottMorrisonMP Cod's in his heaven and all's right with the world

ScottMorrisonMP This NONG is the PM ? Are we on drugs ?

ScottMorrisonMP Just do your bldy job oh that's right you don't know how💩👎

ScottMorrisonMP Says he doesn’t want it to become politicised, and in next sentence points to the plan being based on former Labor government actions!!!

ScottMorrisonMP Do nothing is a their only policy.

ScottMorrisonMP Really hate his smug face. Wish I could smack him.

ScottMorrisonMP Head is up his bum as usual. His coalition government is to blame. beetrooter is the one responsible for pushing bad water policy thru. grubs auspol

ScottMorrisonMP so Morrison dose not want people to see just how bad the water management under this sick LNP Govt is.

ScottMorrisonMP So what’s this thenoron?

ScottMorrisonMP You really have reached ‘peak, head up ones arse?

ScottMorrisonMP You politicise everything else I guess you cant point score off this disaster, so now you wanna play nice Fat chance mate This tragedy lays at the feet of successive LNP juntas, starting with howard thought to you with joyce playing a massive role in this destruction auspol

ScottMorrisonMP The death of these fish and the degradation of the Murray-Darling system is not a ‘game’, you environmental troglodyte. The electorate yearns for a chance to rate your performance. Call it now!

ScottMorrisonMP Let's just sweep it under the carpet then and focus on what migrant gangs should wear to Australia day sausage sizzles then? The LNP have avoided any accountability on so many matters over the last 10yrs, what's another one going to matter? FU Scotty! auspol muppets LNPfail

ScottMorrisonMP Grinning idiot.

ScottMorrisonMP Your failure to acknowledge clear scientific evidence of climate change was always going to

ScottMorrisonMP I don’t mean to wo-mansplain but you meant to say environmental MISmanagement.



ScottMorrisonMP We can see why you don’t want any scrutiny, your inaction and incompetence on environmental issues is worse than shameful. Lets not draw attention to the blatant corruption regarding water theft either.

ScottMorrisonMP Shouty McBlurta just doesn’t get. His mob kill rivers for short-term profits for vested interests (mates?). Royal Commission now. LiberalAus The_Nationals M_McCormackMP Barnaby_Joyce NationalFarmers smh D_LittleproudMP DeadFish auspol

ScottMorrisonMP “Let’s not talk about bad stuff when bad stuff happens”

ScottMorrisonMP Shorter version; We don't want the voters to know the Nats have been giving away MurrayDarlingBasin water to their mates.

ScottMorrisonMP Scottno Water Policy !!!

ScottMorrisonMP ScoMo “our policy is not to speak about on water matters where there is no longer any water to rave on about.... but look over there at all those illegal boats Bill Shorten is sending! Oops, Pete old mate, I told them to keep hiding them until the day after the election” auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Well do something about it rather than just spout useless guff!

ScottMorrisonMP Gee Scotty, it'd be good if it just triggered SOMETHING

dazza_double_u ScottMorrisonMP D Grade spin control. Go talk to Warney🤣

ScottMorrisonMP ScottMorrisonMP do you have any spare 100 year old Murray Cod? ecology crymeariverCc: kayak4earth pgarrett

dazza_double_u ScottMorrisonMP ha, ha, ha ,ha

ScottMorrisonMP OMG 😲

ScottMorrisonMP How about you and Dutton fix the problem, instead of handing over help overseas and go on business trips. Fix our problems first. 😤😤😤

ScottMorrisonMP Vote these muppets out.

ScottMorrisonMP In other words - “Nobody’s allowed to talk about or discuss the corruption, lack of stance on climate change and bad management our government puts forward”

ScottMorrisonMP Have we given you enough rope yet? Well you know what to do

ScottMorrisonMP The way your LYING RORTING LNP treat our WATERWAYS and our Towns that rely on them our NATIVE FISH that you think you can replace with prayers for rain is the CLASSIC EXAMPLE how you treat us with your DENIAL OVER CLIMATE CHANGE. To you we are NUMBERS not people you are a GRUB.

ScottMorrisonMP Darling River Fish deaths have finally registered with PM SnowMo - just a week or so late. However, this PM has bartered his responsibility for water management to NP. No integrity & no responsibility.

ScottMorrisonMP The game started in your court some time ago NOW FIX THE MESS THAT YOUR MOB CREATED.😡

ScottMorrisonMP That will be the very important area of environmental management that you have mishandled and destroyed through corruption and neglect. bitlatenow mdba auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Does pre-election political game = policy? auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Only somebody with multiple tongue use could perform the way Creeping Jesus does...sorry to JC but this bloke reckons he speaks for you...please a sign🥺😤😡

ScottMorrisonMP Are you an idiot? This is a massive political talking point for all Australians. It sickening me that your government has dropped the ball through mismanagement or corruption most likely both. I demand a royal commission into this ASAP

ScottMorrisonMP Bullshit. If the fish died on Labor’s mis management watch, he’d be balls deep in condemnation.

ScottMorrisonMP Says the man who politicised asylum seekers so much that a decent discussion can’t take place!

ScottMorrisonMP Just pathetic. Just completely, totally and utterly pathetic.

ScottMorrisonMP Yes, Environmental vandalism by a federal and state government. I wonder who they are?

ScottMorrisonMP Translated as “ We aren’t taking any responsibility”


ScottMorrisonMP Scomo: let's not play political games Scomo also: immigration, Australia Day, dress code, Labor destroy everything etc etc etc Can you see why no one trusts you. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP WHAT 'ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT'?! This is the fault of Liberal policies, cover ups and corruption. Sack Barnaby Joyce now! He is a millstone around your neck.

ScottMorrisonMP It is a political issue! Politics is involved with all aspects of the MurrayDarlingBasin plan. It is politics that must find solutions in partnerships with stakeholders which includes the environment.

ScottMorrisonMP You couldn't make this stuff up! But then again... What a farce this government is. Bring on an election now auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Tough! It is political, the LNP went to war on the environment and this is the result auspol

ScottMorrisonMP NeoCon own goal expertise makes Malcolm Fraser a cert as next Lib leader - bonus being immunity to any stabbing in the back.

ScottMorrisonMP You do with Black Africans 😠

ScottMorrisonMP The guy has similar impact to a gastric fart in the way of a fan. Can we please get rid of the infection that is the lnp?

ScottMorrisonMP $5 Million will not even make a dent in the destruction the LNP have caused, Joyce & his mates needs to be charged over this matter....

ScottMorrisonMP What environmental management? The absence of? auspol

ScottMorrisonMP ScottMorrisonMP U two-faced hypocrite - I am sorry 2have to say this,but I just 'see red'.After all the nasty slurs&lies&innuendos&false accusations&vicious verbal attacks on any of the Labor MPs/leader, right from the time Abbott became OL .U/yr IPA Coalition hv bn relentless

ScottMorrisonMP All happening under your watch Scottie.

ScottMorrisonMP Morrison, the Prime Smirker.

ScottMorrisonMP The 'Environmental & Food Security Equation' in an Australian drought is such that our rivers cannot sustain cotton crops, for duration of the drought. Best flows in normal rainfall time, begs the question as to cotton, LET ALONE drought. :| hugh_mcdermott MurrayDarling Auspol

ScottMorrisonMP He has to be joking... he is a joke

ScottMorrisonMP ScottMorrisonMP exists only because of political game playing.

ScottMorrisonMP 'An important issue' ... Not important enough to actually care for the Murray/Darling.

ScottMorrisonMP In other words, let's sweep this under the carpet, because it can ruin us in the coming election. You must think the electorate is stupid, Scott.


ScottMorrisonMP You have to be kidding me.

ScottMorrisonMP nogoscomo! What planet do you live on?

ScottMorrisonMP ... that they fucked

ScottMorrisonMP This ain’t no game you f’n muppet

ScottMorrisonMP Your lot made it political by taking the donations, and then making the rules accordingly. The stretch of your government is far worse than the dead fish. Auspol

ScottMorrisonMP That would be right, you just want it swept under the mat, in the hope it will just go away.

ScottMorrisonMP The vile LibNats are responsible for this environmental damage. The lying LibNats are rotten to the core and completely unfit to govern. Oh and Sky non News is garbage. Put the Libs last and boycott murdoch propaganda wherever possible.

ScottMorrisonMP Translation: I don't have a policy on climate change and do not want to debate it before an election. auspol climatechange

ScottMorrisonMP Your mobs fault for the fish deaths. This is something you can't blame Labor for now isn't it.

ScottMorrisonMP You might not want that, but I fukken do.

ScottMorrisonMP Royal commission.

ScottMorrisonMP Tossa ...just stop talkin''re not helping ..

ScottMorrisonMP Because you'd have to take responsibility?

ScottMorrisonMP In other news Rolf Harris has requested people stop talking about the crimes of Rolf Harris.

ScottMorrisonMP 'Environmental management' - now there's an oxymoron coming from Morrison's mouth!

ScottMorrisonMP Political game Political game go and stay a couple of days with the people living this reality shower and wash in that filthy water it's not just the fish kill it's the whole ecosystem Not one of you leaches on the taxpayers has the guts to go see smell taste this disaster 😠😠

ScottMorrisonMP There's no game. You killed a bunch of ancient fish through corruption and neglect.

ScottMorrisonMP Pre election? Call one then. I only see your LNP government obfuscating all the issues we care about. The health of our rivers and environment has been an ongoing concern.

ScottMorrisonMP I'm talking about the fish. You don't get to tell me what issues I will address.

ScottMorrisonMP Scott you don't want to talk about it because you're party and the The_Nationals are primary causes of the problem. We in rural areas know the truth of your actions against the river and the environment in general. Farmers are the first humans to be impacted.

ScottMorrisonMP More lies and obfuscation from our temporary PM

ScottMorrisonMP As a temporary PM you are now way beyond a joke ScottMorrisonMP Whose political coalition has refused to acknowledge climate change, who brandished coal in our parliament, and which party has refused to act to ensure flows in our waterways?

ScottMorrisonMP How’s the ostrich approach to environmental policy working for you?

ScottMorrisonMP A very important area of environmental management that the PM chooses to continue to ignore, preferring to focus on culture wars. His only policy response to date is to pray for rain. He'd make a good snake oil salesman. Oh wait, that was his profession right?

43a6f0ce5dac4ea ScottMorrisonMP That was the biggest load of rubbish from a hypocrites mouth I've heard in decades. Don't politicise it? Should have thought about that before LNP government drained the Menindee lakes twice in the last 4 years with little or no inflow. You would have swept this under the carpet.

ScottMorrisonMP The Australian electorate is absolutely certain that's exactly what you don't want. That is, to be seen as utterly incompetent and that observation is pointed out by Labour. Sorry, but you broke the rivers: you were it politically & electorally. More Morrison government madness!

ScottMorrisonMP So important he hasn't bothered to pm. Go figure..dead man walking. Like dead fish in dead river.. won't get past may before he smells like the fish..

ScottMorrisonMP You & yours played that political game & it goes back many years to Barnaby & overseas interests. The MurrayDarling is fkd thanks to you lot people are suffering & you just pontificate you bloody clown. Whatever God you kowtow to will get you for this one way or another

ScottMorrisonMP Political game? A few Nats should be looking at prison time. This aint no game. Lucky aussies are stupid eh?

ScottMorrisonMP How is you Jeezuz going to walk on that swamp water?

ScottMorrisonMP “ I’m the only one allowed to trigger pre-election political games.”

ScottMorrisonMP The LNP's idea of environmental management is to destroy it if it's of value or in the way. Don't pretend to care Rapture Man auspol climatechange reefgate

ScottMorrisonMP On display what does he care about - the political damage not the Darling

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP Rejecting politics and political activity? When it suits you Scumo

ScottMorrisonMP If no political games are to be played. What the hell are you and your disfunctional, corrupt party going to do all day? auspol VoteThemOut JokeGovernment LNPLiars

ScottMorrisonMP Environmental mismanagement.


ScottMorrisonMP No, using events as a political game is something you would never stoop to! *cough* Victorian election, Bourke St tragedy *cough*

ScottMorrisonMP Of course you don’t. It’s a political “game” you can’t win. It’s political since you decided to trash all reasonable efforts to fix the environment in order to win a few votes and unless you start admitting you got it wrong you are heading for political oblivion.

ScottMorrisonMP Or you could just put an Elvis suit on and do bad Elvis impressions. That might help

ScottMorrisonMP What a woeful response.

ScottMorrisonMP Go to Menindee take Barnaby_Joyce M_McCormackMP with you. Should be a hoot. Take your wife and children she'll love washing herself and her white clothes in the brown water that your party thinks is okay.

ScottMorrisonMP 'I don't want people to talk about my government's incompetence'

ScottMorrisonMP Enviromental management. Please PM, no swearing. This is sacrilege coming out of your mouth

43a6f0ce5dac4ea ScottMorrisonMP What he really means, 'Sorry, I don't want to have to think about stupid things like fish and ecology - as Barnaby said, we don't need any more 'goanna water'.'

ScottMorrisonMP Then Sir Moron should have been paying attention to environmental issues long ago instead of finding new fatuous ways of blaming Labor for his government’s ***kups


ScottMorrisonMP doesn't matter what he wants.. it is what it is...a disaster and it happened on their watch after they were warned repeatedly of this likely outcome ...

ScottMorrisonMP 'I don't want to see our profits from corrupt environmental vandalism dry up'

ScottMorrisonMP I ran this through my Bullshit to English translator: ScottMorrisonMP: I don't want people realising that Barnaby did to the river what he did to his staffer...Or do anything meaningful to actually fix things so will claim anyone even talking about it is playing political games

ScottMorrisonMP So his leadership on the issue of the ecological disaster that is the Murray Darling River system is to remind everyone, wait for it because it’s an unusual position for the LNP, that... it’s Labors fault. The LNP are in their 7th year of Govt BTW. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP And so to paraphrase ScottMorrison ...'When it's time to vote at the next election, don't hold the LNP govt responsible for the shocking mismanagement of the MurrayDarling' auspol AusVotes2019

ScottMorrisonMP Well you now have a big election issue that you cannot win unless you dissolve the coalition and shed The_Nationals now. How long can you carry their corruption for?

ScottMorrisonMP Love the supercilious grin...actually no

ScottMorrisonMP Another Passing the buck everyone else but you call the election.

ScottMorrisonMP votehimout

ScottMorrisonMP I don't want to see my government's massive shortcomings exposed pre-election...

ScottMorrisonMP Given what has happened is directly related to corruption &/or incompetence within YOUR government it IS political. Barnaby_Joyce , D_LittleproudMP & M_McCormackMP all have a case to answer to the Australian people & their electorates, as do you. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP So very droll.

ScottMorrisonMP Aah yes, the very important area of environmental management. I suppose that's why government spends less than 0.5% of it's budget on environment.

ScottMorrisonMP Easy solution. How about transparent independent investigation into the matter. Whoevers at fault gets kicked out parliament. Bye Banarby seems the most likely scenario

ScottMorrisonMP Well fix it then your job, deal with the corruption and lies

ScottMorrisonMP A pre-election issue highlighting LiberalAus The_Nationals corrupt incompetence scumo? Maybe highlights why Barnaby_Joyce is unfit for parliament? We will punish your environmental vandalism at the ballot box electionnow Auspol VoteThemOut MurrayDarlingBasin

ScottMorrisonMP Shorter Scooter: I do not want the election fought on any political issues ... just vote for me auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Remember when GladysB's did not want to see homeless people from her office window? In the upcoming elections the voters will be seeing both of these morally bankrupt governments out. We dont want to see either of them again. ElectionsNow

DuchessFrida ScottMorrisonMP I want your mob held to account.

DuchessFrida ScottMorrisonMP I want to see it.

ScottMorrisonMP I don’t think it can be called a political game when you so badly mismanage something that literally millions of animals die. Try not to shoot yourself in the other foot Scott


ScottMorrisonMP That’s the way Morrison. Say that investigation of this environmental disaster which can be traced largely to Joyce’s corrupt mismanagement of the water portfolio will politicise the matter. Smart tactic saying black is white and expecting people to believe you.ScottMorrisonMP



ScottMorrisonMP .ScottMorrisonMP Auspol AusVotes2019 The story is out there and was for days before you now say this. Hopelessly managed to cause the fish kill and an even more hopeless response now. To boot these are the ramblings of Beetrooter NDL 140119

ScottMorrisonMP Of course you don't because it will show up more corruption in your government and loose you even more votes.

ScottMorrisonMP How about you have a go at taking responsibility for fixing it asap? Give a go, get a go - just fix it at the source. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP You should have taken Scott Morrison to task when he said 'environmental management', mismanagement is the word.


ScottMorrisonMP Here is white hot anger in the electorate about LNP corruption, mismanagement and incompetence that has led to death of our major river system. You will feel the heat on Election Day you BASTARD AusPol

ScottMorrisonMP So bloody well do something. Something intelligent. Barnaby_Joyce D_LittleproudMP auspol

ScottMorrisonMP In other words, Scott is trying to tell us that his government doesn’t smell of dead rotting fish... when clearly it does.

ScottMorrisonMP Gone by May. Thank heaven. auspol

Of course you don't. Deaths of 100 year old creatures killed by your `minister` not your problem eh ScottMorrisonMP auspol

ScottMorrisonMP In other words, Morrison demands the freedom to do nothing about the DarlingR crisis...

ScottMorrisonMP Hypocrisy 101 from the Chief Muppet

ScottMorrisonMP You should have thought about that before the LNP decided to drain the river and kill all those fish, against the warnings of scientists and experts.

ScottMorrisonMP the biggest problem is rain and the greens and labor

ScottMorrisonMP In other words 'Don't use this ongoing poor management and corruption against me'

ScottMorrisonMP It has taken this muppet weeks to comment on FishDeaths & MurrayDarling disaster, of his rorting incompetent Governments making! Too right it bloody political! LNP mismanagement from the day Nats took over Water Joyce &Co rorted the rivers. GetUp EddyJokovich davrosz

ScottMorrisonMP While Scott Morrison claims John Howard’s chosen date is the only option for Australia Day, it has been held on a wide variety of dates including some that do not insult the original inhabitants of the land.

ScottMorrisonMP How dare u,, of course it's a political issue Your the one who bought lump of Coal in to the people's house our Hor So did u make coal political Sorry , but our water can never be taken for granted ElectionNOW

ScottMorrisonMP The Menindee Lakes, Darling River man made catastrophe doesn't need a sober response it need a state of emergency to be declared immediately the million fish deaths will soon be a billion this needs an immediate military style response to prevent permanent damage to the Darling

ScottMorrisonMP In other words, the policies that contribute to environmental damage, prosecuted by the Liberal government, are off limits. If it's an oil spill that happened because they issued a permit, it's 'political' to criticise the event? nomoscomo auspol oppositiontotheopposition

ScottMorrisonMP So another 'image' change re the glasses, but same old same old dodgey bullshit re substantive issues.

ScottMorrisonMP Can we get rid of this guy already. Morrison is completely useless.

ScottMorrisonMP Jesus Christ, what?

ScottMorrisonMP Or lack thereof!

ScottMorrisonMP SmugMo

ScottMorrisonMP 'very important area of environmental management' ScottMorrisonMP NO that's not environmental management It's Environmental Crime AusFedPolice Need 2 investigate& prosecute immediately This is the reason you're unfit to be in Parliament let alone PM

ScottMorrisonMP It's game over already mate. Fair dinkum, you are only our current Prime Minister for a few more months. You and your party are zombies.

ScottMorrisonMP So what's with the supercilious grin ScoMo? Who do you think you're superior to apart from Spud and Abbott?

ScottMorrisonMP Which bit of the ‘very important part of environmental management’ has been actually well managed in this very important part of the environment? Because we’d better stop that very important part of environmental management right now, immediately, & straightabloodyway. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP So just do what always has been done, nothing...

ScottMorrisonMP I bet you don't Scrote bearing in mind that it was your mob of PuppetMasterMurdoch / insidiousIPA / bigoilcoalgasminingbank controlled corruptLNP corporate-puppet COALition Govt criminals at the helm! onthetake LNPcrimefamily LNPscum VoteThemOut

ScottMorrisonMP If you think your govt's environmental mismanagement of the MurrayDarling is beyond political reproach, you're going to be sadly mistaken. hubris + arrogance = yourbiggestfatalflaw

ScottMorrisonMP This made more sense watching with the sound off.

ScottMorrisonMP the LNP nave more worries than the fish sager it is only one of the meany fuck ups they have made in the last 6 years. a bad one admittedly but when you add them all together it is pure incompetence

ScottMorrisonMP Hahahahaha!

ScottMorrisonMP Death by fish

ScottMorrisonMP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Like Whyalla wipeout, Pink Batts or raiding the savings of pensioners

ScottMorrisonMP What a disgrace!! Call. The. Election.

ScottMorrisonMP You are the dead fish Scott you and Dutton

ScottMorrisonMP Australia has outgrown the liberal party

ScottMorrisonMP Com'on ScoMo, breading and restocking programs... pfft! Mate these were 100 year old murry cods show some sincerity, humility and above a respect. The people want to hear that you intend to have a full investigation and will hold those responsible to account for their actions.

ScottMorrisonMP Scott, and his Liberal colleagues like to use words manage, manager and management. No idea what they mean but they've got 'man' in them. Just like manure. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Too bad ScottMorrisonMP, the voters of Australia want a government which will look after our environment in a responsible manner, and actually believe the scientists when they inform you on issues like climatechange and the GreatBarrierReef. auspol


ScottMorrisonMP National Party killed the Murray Darling, especially the Darling. Qld has all the water anyonebutnats auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Your useless muppetfucking government has no environmental management...

ScottMorrisonMP 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Scotty mate, you'd better have a chat with the old beetroot then to find out how much shit you're really in. It all catches up with you eventually. Thoughts & prayers.

ScottMorrisonMP Global Warming. Not a Political Game.

ScottMorrisonMP This is definitely a pre election issue ,it's not a game .

ScottMorrisonMP SCOMO the FIXER: He's is going to give '5 million towards the preservation of a species' plus talk to some bureacrat in NSW who 'after all are in charge of waterflow' and its all going to be 'bypartisan' because it shouldn't be politicized. LOL. auspol MurrayDarlingBasin

ScottMorrisonMP Are you suggesting someone killed those fish to score political points? You have to be kidding if anyone is going to believe that. Clown.

ScottMorrisonMP I wonder why..

ScottMorrisonMP I'm sure Argentina didn't want the invasion of the Falklands politicised either. What a dud PM!

ScottMorrisonMP Without a hint of irony.

ScottMorrisonMP No the PM wouldn’t want the environment to become a significant election issue. It would spell oblivion for his government auspol MurrayDarlingBasin

ScottMorrisonMP Hmmm, science matters it seems in the case of the management of the MDB, but not in the case of climate change. Not sure you can cherry pick science, certainly not in the long term. He's not very credible, is he.

ScottMorrisonMP The Liberals have no policies on environmental management. That’s a sick joke. Their only policies involve deliberate environmental mismanagement.

ScottMorrisonMP Translation: I haven't figured out how to use this to my political advantage because I can't blame it on Labor

ScottMorrisonMP Does this mean ScreaMo wants to run an election on his government's environmental record? Coz that would be bonkers...

ScottMorrisonMP It's an election issue whether U like it or not, Sky enabled these dickheads in tearing away any sort of decency when you promoted their lies and disgraceful behaviour towards Gillard. It's their actions that have done this to the Murray. I hope there's an RC into this. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP No you wouldn't sunshine, but bit late for that eh?

ScottMorrisonMP That right there is political fear. Or sun stroke?🥵

ScottMorrisonMP Don’t worry ScumMo, not even the smell of a million rotting fish in the Darling River will hide the stench of corruption, mismanagement and cronyism emanating from your government of climate criminals. Australia knows how it is going to vote. MDB auspol ClimateEmergency

ScottMorrisonMP A national disaster and the main issue is pre-election negative reactions. That is a concern! Positive reaction would require a plan. Where?

GCobber99 ScottMorrisonMP Most irrigators work within the rules , some don’t ...allowing a few favoured friends to be patronised by Joyce and Littleproud stains the whole industry . They can’t be trusted . The real farmers need to reclaim their social licence from the corporate raiders .

ScottMorrisonMP smug c_nt

ScottMorrisonMP Is everything Bill Shortens fault?

ScottMorrisonMP What about WOMEN’S DEATHS? Unarmed because of socialism? EndGunControl!!

ScottMorrisonMP To late dickhead it’s already political!!

ScottMorrisonMP Bugger he left the new specs on the plane.

ScottMorrisonMP So the environment is a 'game'? Like raising Newstart was 'making whoopee'?

ScottMorrisonMP Omg, what a surprise. Let’s blame labor for the LNP’s and mainly Barnaby_Joyce failure to manage the water system leading to the disaster we’ve witnessed this week auspol LNPfail

ScottMorrisonMP WTF ?

ScottMorrisonMP We don't want to see the Fed LNP & NSW Libs trying to pretend that THEY aren't responsible for the death of the Murray-Darling, and fish deaths. If any group is playing politics, it is the Liberal/National Coalition. narcississisticwankers

ScottMorrisonMP I will put this in large print so it gets through the thick skulls of our city based politicians. THIS COUNTRY IS NOT SUITABLE TO GROW COTTON AND RICE! Both these crops are water thirsty and should only be grown in countries awash with H2O.

ScottMorrisonMP What a Muppet.

ScottMorrisonMP The stink of all those dead fish that ScottMorrisonMP and his dodgy government are responsible for is nothing compared to the stink of ScottMorrisonMP and his dodgy government. Go hide in a church and drown out the sounds of reality with happy clapping.

ScottMorrisonMP DO Something about The Waterways Then!!!!😞😡😠

ScottMorrisonMP 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

ScottMorrisonMP environmental management under scomo.... auspol MurrayDarlingBasin

ScottMorrisonMP I knew I had seen that shit eating grin before..

ScottMorrisonMP We can’t wait to wipe that smile off your face. Your fired!

ScottMorrisonMP Of course you don't want to take responsibility for LNP water mismanagement that has led to a massive environmental catastrophe in the Darling river. But we will make sure you're punished for it. Scumo

ScottMorrisonMP What you worried the NP will lose some seats at the Federal Election.Let me explain their as corrupt as the LP Happy to see the end of the LNP in March or is April or is May .The longer you leave it won’t matter You’re done and dusted .Towke will be happy after you stole his seat

ScottMorrisonMP Let him eat coal.....


ScottMorrisonMP Clown. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Shorter Morrison: I'm doing nothing about this.


MyFirstCousin ScottMorrisonMP Or....drumroll please...

ScottMorrisonMP Scott honey it’s environmental mismanagement. You n that beetle Barnaby have a lot of explaining to do. Once election night comes, don’t leave town. The commissioner is going to want to talk to you

ScottMorrisonMP Unlike the boats, the boats.

ScottMorrisonMP 'I don’t want to see'......really...... since when were you made dictator.......

ScottMorrisonMP Well if your government had managed the river in even a remotely competent fashion, there would be no need to politicise it. It is a disaster and was mostly within your control. Rightfully, a lot of heads should roll in yours and the NSW (maybe Qld) governments.

ScottMorrisonMP He'd rather talk about the problems that his party have complete control over. A very suspicious level of control. Like when Artemis Fowl poisoned a fairy's drink and used the cure as a bargaining chip level of control.

ScottMorrisonMP Smirking vandal.

ScottMorrisonMP What?

ScottMorrisonMP Too late. ScottMorrisonMP you have no plan except to save the corrupt. River people all along the Murray-Darling have putrid=no water. National emergency, your Gov't is in disgrace auspol

ScottMorrisonMP no sie, result of corruption in the management !!

ScottMorrisonMP Given this happened on your govt's watch, with your govt's policies, your govt has to be held accountable along with your NSW counterparts. No one needs to play pre-election political games, your mob were already on the nose & this just makes the stench a little stronger.

ScottMorrisonMP Stop allowing Joyce to give licences to cotton growers.

ScottMorrisonMP 'Environmental management'...'environmental stewardship'...and 'ecological sustainability'...all concepts alien to the LNP Coalition...which commodifies everything...and everyone!

ScottMorrisonMP Hey mate, call out these far left Marxists for their lies. It's as hot now as the heat waves of 1939. So where's this warming trend? It's also a lie to suggest dead fish & bushfires are new. Our flora and fauna are adapted to drought and fire. That takes millions of years.

ScottMorrisonMP A one in a hundred year storm caused blackouts in Adelaide and it was Labor’s fault. Fish dying due to water theft and let’s not politicise it?

ScottMorrisonMP Delusional. Enough said.

ScottMorrisonMP if the plan is so important why did the Fed and state LNPgovt remove monitors and turn a blind eye to water theft that was only exposed by the ABC

ScottMorrisonMP Save your breath. You are finished.

ScottMorrisonMP 6 years Coalition federal govt. Man up Scott you are entirely and personally responsible

ScottMorrisonMP Hahaha - you mean like the pre-election political games you play such as 'border control'

ScottMorrisonMP It's environmental MISmanagement, and it's on your LNPFail govt's head, and it needs to be discussed. If you don't like that, then I don't care, but your the one playing political games. Just put yourself out of our misery and call an ElectionNow auspol menindee

ScottMorrisonMP WTF ! ScottMorrisonMP 's primary concern is that the MurrayDarling Not be politicized. The most important issue? His govt shouldn't be held accountable for this environmental disaster ClimateChange BarnabyJoyce Cotton PoliticalDonations auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Our un-courageous PM 🙄 🙈 I don't want to see anything yucky or sad 🙁 🙉 I don't want to hear any negative comments from mean, noisy Australians ☹ 🙊 I don't want to comment on anything substantial or uncomfortable 🤫 It's time for you to frackin' grow up 😤

ScottMorrisonMP Seriously ScoMo - we are not fools. This is not a political issue - it is a governance issue and your lot have failed - monumentally

ScottMorrisonMP ..because I prefer doing nothing while my mates take the water.

ScottMorrisonMP That sounds like the NRA argument that we should never talk about gun regulation after mass shootings. “When fish are being killed is not the time to talk about the causes of massive fish kills” FishySpinScomo

ScottMorrisonMP You mean it's actually not Bill's fault this time?

ScottMorrisonMP Just in case scott doesn't know that hypocrite means

wendoureeswans ScottMorrisonMP The reason he doesn’t want discussion of it is that his Coalition partner, The_Nationals have their fingerprints all over the crisis in the MurrayDarlingBasin

wendoureeswans ScottMorrisonMP You know the Government has royally stuffed up when they say 'it's not time to play politics on this issue'.

ScottMorrisonMP Among his first acts as PM Tony Abbott abolished the position of science minister. And disallowed the Labor govt declaration of threatened ecological communities in the Murray Darling basin as endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Great Scott ... the failed marketeer & wearer of funny caps can't even sustain eye contact ... tosser.

ScottMorrisonMP That disturbing scene is all the LNP's fault, and if you don't like people pointing that out, well bad luck. It's not a political game pointing out incompetence and corruption. Just call an ElectionNow so we can move on. lnpfail auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Because Barnaby Joyce and the LNP are responsible aren’t they, Morrison?

ScottMorrisonMP Nice to know that he is more worried about 'political games' rather than having the guts and integrity to do the right thing and admit what has really happened. People will quickly forget this soft boiled egg.

ScottMorrisonMP Ummm....when can we talk about it then?

ScottMorrisonMP Scotty,

ScottMorrisonMP Too late and it's YOUR Fault

ScottMorrisonMP Morrison's getting very tiresome with his continued demands about what he 'wants'. His parents should have told him 'wants don't get.' As he'll discover at around 7pm on election night.....auspol

MorpheusBeing ScottMorrisonMP No games! You are joking aren’t you. From the man with nonsensical two word slogans who brings lumps of coal into parliament. You act like a clown. I’m sure political games in your mind means criticism of your government. I can’t wait to vote you muppets out.

ScottMorrisonMP Then how about making public the secret deals you make with the NP every election? Anything about water and putting Barnaby_Joyce in charge of water in them? Talking about that, how are the prosecutions for water theft going?

ScottMorrisonMP This bloke is freakin hopeless!

ScottMorrisonMP Pre election political game We call it corruption ! Is this the real reason you are out of the country when the shit hits the fan ? A Labor NIC is coming for you and all your mates , and it will be retrospective . Stay away loser.

ScottMorrisonMP No wonder Australian Political satire is dead on television...

ScottMorrisonMP Wow even for Scummo that's some pretty hot hypocrisy

ScottMorrisonMP Why not the fish are the canaries in the coal mine

ScottMorrisonMP Sober ? Call an Election 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

ScottMorrisonMP Scomo media adviser...

ScottMorrisonMP Surely he actually meant 'mismanagement'.

ScottMorrisonMP Shorten, Shorten, Shorten. What's more! - Shorten, Shorten, Shorten .... where the fuck is Beetrooter? He got me into this! Shorten, Shorten, Labor Shorten, but let's not play politics! Shorten, Labor, their fault, Shorten. Auspol billshortenmp Shorten_Suite

ScottMorrisonMP Death on this scale is a indicator of catastrophic systemic failure of the Plan. Jnless of course tonnes of dead fish are just collateral damage until you can turn more rain into commodity $? pubtest Scott?

ScottMorrisonMP What about doing something, smarmy smile doesn't cut it, actions do.


ScottMorrisonMP Liberals are Cray Bait.

ScottMorrisonMP Maybe your concerns for fish could extend to humans, Satan?

ScottMorrisonMP 'I don't like that people might hold my party of environmental vandals to account.'

ScottMorrisonMP You will not dictate the agenda for the coming election. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP He's so bloody STUPID

ScottMorrisonMP Any seat with a river and a Nationals sitting in power is in danger of losing the seat for too long people in the bush have not been looked after multi nationals taking water which should have been flowing down River it's time for a change in the bush FishKill drought auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Hang on. Your ministers went against the advice.

ScottMorrisonMP Just call an election so we can boot out the most incompetent in our history

ScottMorrisonMP Response to an environmental disaster? 'our opponents better not use it point out what an awful job we're doing'

ScottMorrisonMP Now THAT is a very big pile of porky pies

ScottMorrisonMP Suggest you try that line if you ever grow a spine and go talk to the locals

ScottMorrisonMP Its so 'important' that you say nothing to fix it. your govt has done nothing to stop this happening. No wonder people will not vote for your govt again

ScottMorrisonMP Do us a favour and keep his mug off the screen.

ScottMorrisonMP Environmental management? That's the point! There has been a complete lack of it.

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP He makes about as much sense as Trump. I need an interpreter.

ScottMorrisonMP That’s political speak for “Shit I’m going to lose more votes.”

ScottMorrisonMP That's a shedload of 'Yes Prime Minister' hollow double speak, peppered with sprinklings of a basic mistruth... that is that the Murray Darling plan hasn't been corrupted and that the science has been followed through. Call the election so the adults can take charge.

ScottMorrisonMP Yeah........, and I've gone through the dress code for citizenship ceremonies with the PM, although no one from here will need to worry about that; it's a good christian country. Even my wife feels safe here, although I did leave my good Malcolm-style glasses at home.

ScottMorrisonMP What happened to the Clark Kent glasses?

ScottMorrisonMP But you had no problem instigating “political games”over the Melbourne terrorism incident

ScottMorrisonMP FauxMo is a deluded plonker. He doesn't get to decide what is up for discussion and debate, particularly when it is his pack of losers who have overseen this disaster. Stop broadcasting bullshit.

ScottMorrisonMP 💬IPMSM wants nobody to question why his Gov’t let this ecological catastrophe happen. $$$

ScottMorrisonMP From the seat warmer PM who uses refugees as pre-election political games. 🙄

ScottMorrisonMP Too late for that, PM. Your government should have done their job. They didn’t. Now face the consequences.

ScottMorrisonMP As ever Scott Morrison is more worried about his tiny reelection chances than being accountable for and fixing the ecological disaster created by his government.

ScottMorrisonMP But it’s absolutely fine for pre-election political games being played about boats coming to Australia? Or the NBN? Or the budget? 🙄 hypocritical

ScottMorrisonMP Nah, let’s talk about the fish.

ScottMorrisonMP You are a failed government and a failed prime minister. This is your responsibility, you are accountable and you have failed.

ScottMorrisonMP No one is 'Political Point Scoring'. You're kicking own goals because you have put no value on the Murray Darling. Besides looking after Cotton growers. You truely are incompetent

ScottMorrisonMP Scott, your party’s mismanagement of this means it is political. You are delusional if you can’t see this is a man made event

ScottMorrisonMP Then why does ScoMo keep obstructing action on climatechange.

ScottMorrisonMP I’m sure you don’t Scotty. BTW it’s called mis-management. See you at the election. auspol

norfer40 ScottMorrisonMP Ahhhh, to late

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP So bloody important that neither you, your Deputy PM Elvis nor the NSW Premier have bothered to go to Menindee to bear witness to this significant environmental DISASTER! Nor to offer support to the local people. Pathetic! And Barnaby....Also MIA!

ScottMorrisonMP If you mention corruption, I will put my fingers in my ears.

ScottMorrisonMP As Joyce would say 'CARP! CARP! CARP!' ... he meant to say 'CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!'

ScottMorrisonMP You only have your government ... and Barnaby Joyce ... to blame. You have killed the river system.

ScottMorrisonMP Doesn't want t ok see this politicised because they are to blame

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP I bet you don’t! It’s not a good look for you. negligentmismanagent pocketsofbigbusiness ignoringevidence justbecausehategreens milkionfishdesd putridwater cubbiestation

ScottMorrisonMP A pity you and your federal and state LNP ministers ignored the fact that this was 'a very important area of environmental management' before they turned a blind eye to illegal and corrupt behaviour that contributed to this disaster.

ScottMorrisonMP The 'political game' ringmaster BarnabyJoyce needs to front a RC along with Scottie himself !!

ScottMorrisonMP The destruction of the Murray Darling isn't a political game. It's due to incompetent water & environmental management by the LNP over the last 5 years. Backhanders to mates & corporations in exchange for donations will be made public with an RC. I hope criminal charges are laid.

ScottMorrisonMP They're not fish.Those are Liberal Party ideas floating on the Darling. Bloated ,foul smelling,falling apart.

ScottMorrisonMP Translation: 'I have no idea how to deal with this crisis of our making...' LyingNastyParty fail. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Well, Mr Interim PM, what's your plan to fix the disaster & stop it recurring? Please don't say 'pray for rain'. It's a little late for you to develop a ClimateChange plan, so I suggest you get out of the way and let a competent govt act. ElectionNow VoteLNPOut auspol

ScottMorrisonMP SmugPrick

ScottMorrisonMP You lot in the LNP boys club had a long time to get your management credentials up to speed.this is worth arguing about it's an absolute disgrace

ScottMorrisonMP Says the man from the political party that brought us the ‘children overboard’ deceitful pre-election political game. How about you have a go at doing something positive for this country for a change?

ScottMorrisonMP Hey Scott - why shouldn't mismanagement of the environment be a political issue in an election year? Oh, that's right. It's because the (some might argue corrupt) mismanagement has occurred on your watch. Shhh. Don't mention the war.

ScottMorrisonMP Of course he'd rather not see it.

ScottMorrisonMP waffle

ScottMorrisonMP How about it triggers help for these devastated communities... and action on water theft and over extraction.?

ScottMorrisonMP Of course this is going to be political, absolute mismanagement by your lot.

ScottMorrisonMP If that is the case, why do your ministers blame it solely on drought, when water theft and climate change are also part of the picture?

ScottMorrisonMP What dams, levees, water rights, clean drinking water, rivers flowing over state boarders ain’t political? They all affect the environmental flows of all our river systems. Geeze he says some narrow simple minded ill-conceived crap.

ScottMorrisonMP Your actions are contributing to this on steroids. Do you know a scientist that will talk to you? Wake up.

ScottMorrisonMP Your Coalition, the NSW GladysB Coalition, share enormous responsibility for this disaster. You guys deny climate change, the Nationals support unsustainable agri-business & excessive water allocation. To blame a past Government, now 3 terms ago, is outrageous. Don't lie sir.

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP Yeah, three word slogans anyone?

ScottMorrisonMP Translation - I won’t accept responsibility for my Party’s failure over the Murray Darling

ScottMorrisonMP Fix the darling and fix the need for multiple dams in qld to help farmers in qld nt and nsw Demand greens and labor stop holding up any attempt to build dams with red tape. We need to green up more inland

ScottMorrisonMP Environmental management is not a LNP strong point. In fact, they stink at it - as is evident. And Scomo - it isn't a game.

ScottMorrisonMP Jesus what a deadshit.

ScottMorrisonMP If you dont want political games, enact a good environmental solution that improves ecosystems and the quality of life for those communities which depend on them.

ScottMorrisonMP Call the election

ScottMorrisonMP Morrison doesn't want some sort of political game being played with Menindee fish kill, .....BUT is more then happy to play political games with Boats

ScottMorrisonMP You and your mob are responsible for this Morrison! Own up to that fact and you might....just might scrape back some dignity. Next election don't let the door hit you on ya way out 🖕😡🖕

ScottMorrisonMP So are political games now only OK when LiberalAus instigates them? Poor form in reporting even for the preferred network for out of touch rich white men

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP Zero clue

ScottMorrisonMP Its 2019 what has your government done in the last 6 years NOTHING but AID WATER THEFT. You want this to be SWEPT under the rug with everything else YOUR government has RUINED it needs to be HIGHLY POLITICIZED and you SCUMBO aint GUNNA STOP IT

ScottMorrisonMP Pre-election political games are only to be played by .LiberalAus & .The_Nationals. & they will make the rules & standards up as they limp along, while dragging Australia behind in their LNPfilth-y, turgid wake. auspol-icy void. FishKill heatwaves MurrayDarling ICAC

ScottMorrisonMP Diatribe!

ScottMorrisonMP hahhahhahha...hahhahahahacougharghhahahhaarorthahahaerkkk... Now you're concerned with environmental management?! Pardon me for concluding your policy was Burn-it-with-fire. So, why did federal govt not provide experts to SA MDB RC, given 'its importance to all Australians'?

ScottMorrisonMP No clue!

ScottMorrisonMP Neither do we. That's why we demand a FedRC to determine accountability. auspol monitoryDemos MurrayDarling abcnews

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP Are Fish and River Deaths now a Canberra Beltway Issue?

ScottMorrisonMP Sir, it is not game.

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP You and Turnbull should of thought of that before the Water Portfolio was irresponsibility given to the National Party

ScottMorrisonMP How exactly are Joyce and NSW following that plan?

ScottMorrisonMP Wasn’t it labor that canned a plan to divert water from North Queensland into the Murray darling basin in 2010 had this been adopted then it would be finished and the river system would be healthy


AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP He should be made to eat one of those fish.

ScottMorrisonMP Of course you don’t, because your coalition are the ones that have knowingly neglected the environment and are about to be held accountable for it. Your legacy will be one of the most shameful Australian politics has ever seen

ScottMorrisonMP Mr Political Games 101 before the Wentworth byelection: - Israeli Embassy shift - Tax cuts - Millions to Bronte Surf Club - $50m for Capt. Cook monument What a shallow, reactionary bag of flatus this guy is. Piss. Him. Off.

ScottMorrisonMP Huh? This was Barnaby’s fault!

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP Surely you are joking, aren't you, Scott? This is not a bleeding game. You are supposed to govern the nation for all Australians, not just your donors. The Royal Commission will sort you out. Your lot are environmental vandals.

ScottMorrisonMP Ffs this GOV I tell ya all concerned about their own survival and not a bloody grounded response to fish deaths BUT yeah ok I’ll show up turn up give it a go in the Pacific & the bloody Oz day auspol sick to death of ya Elections2019 now !

ScottMorrisonMP Yes we all know the LNP don’t stoop to those low levels! 😉

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP

ScottMorrisonMP You can see the moment he realises he doesn't want to answer this so he comes up with the political games, science! lines. He rattles & rattles on. Why is this allowed?! Bipartisan plan?

ScottMorrisonMP 'A pre-election political game'. Huh.

AnthonyCole68 ScottMorrisonMP An important area of environmental management. do they know what that even means? the rivers are a mess if you could call them rivers, dried up water holes after the cotton industry has finished with it.

ScottMorrisonMP Ignoring the obvious signs again Temporary PM.

alyxei1 ScottMorrisonMP Yeah ... Israeli Embassy anyone ?

ScottMorrisonMP When he finally speaks, it’s to utter this shite. Can’t wait to hear your concession speech, Scumnuts.

ScottMorrisonMP Absolutely agree! 👏👏👏

ScottMorrisonMP you’re a dead fish Scott

ScottMorrisonMP Does anyone actually believe our Prime Minister said this? To quote Adlai Stevenson ‘A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation’. This statement has attained that level of hypocrisy...

alyxei1 ScottMorrisonMP 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

ScottMorrisonMP On this we agree. Then do something meaningful about it!

ScottMorrisonMP Not a game champ. Serious mismanagement issue & disregard of scientists, environmentalists and stakeholders for profiteering worthy of corruption commission investigation. Good luck in the docks.

ScottMorrisonMP The only reason you don't want a political game played is because your government is up to your ears in it.

ScottMorrisonMP What environmental policy is that slo mo.. Does the LNP have something like that?

ScottMorrisonMP Ironic considering Morrison has spent his entire prime ministership playing Haven't Got A Cluedo.

ScottMorrisonMP You’re the only one playing games you dismal failure. Get out of politics for the sake of the nation. Auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Says the man without a clue. As a reminder:

ScottMorrisonMP This is very disengenuous, there are 8 seperate Government reports saying management is way below what it should be. If you kerp ignoring the well documented facts it will blow up on you.

ScottMorrisonMP You're Gov't are corrupt environmental disasters cronies

ScottMorrisonMP The Libs pretending they care about environmental management, now there's a new one! It's no surprise they want to keep this door shut, there are too many skeletons waiting to fall out of the cupboard. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP LOLOL what a joke. newsday how is that pre-selection political game going for you? ..and how did you get your seat Morrsion? By defaming the most popular candidate. auspol Election2019

ScottMorrisonMP Fair call. Let's not make it a game. Let's make it a serious reflection on the incompetence of the Govt and a demonstration of how, for them, business rates higher than the environment. That sounds much better than a political game.

ScottMorrisonMP You can't seem to handle african gangs maybe carp are more your speed?

ScottMorrisonMP Scotty it's no political game, there has been water mismanagement under your watch that's no game! You are the one that wants to make everything a game instead of taking responsibility! Do what's right for Australia CALL AN ELECTION!

ScottMorrisonMP well maybe the govenement should release more water down the Murrray !!

ScottMorrisonMP Let’s drain the smelly swap in both NSW and Canberra. We have the chance in 2019. Let’s do this princesses.

ScottMorrisonMP ‘I prayed for loaves & fishes!’ Got 1 million dead fish!


ScottMorrisonMP If it’s so important, do something about it. Sick of the platitudes. Sick of the hypocrisy. Sick of the deceit. auspol water MurrayDarlingBasin electionnow

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