Thanks to Vladimir Putin, Germany has woken up

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Thanks to Vladimir Putin, Germany has woken up. It must reclaim its place as a stronger, bolder, more determined leader of a more united Europe

phrase from the late Emperor Hirohito, the war in Ukraine has developed not necessarily to Vladimir Putin’s advantage. It has sent Finland and Sweden bolting for the cover ofmembership. It has deepened Ukrainian nationalism, strengthened the democratic alternative Ukraine offers to Mr Putin’s own tyranny, and led customers for Russia’s energy to look elsewhere. It has also prodded a sleepy giant, Germany, rousing a country that has been both Russia’s best partner and its worst enemy.

That wretched situation was a product of another of Germany’s failings: a reluctance to question rosy assumptions rooted in its own happy recent history. Comforting notions, such as that trading with Russia would tame its belligerence, a theme beloved of Angela Merkel, a long-serving chancellor, allowed Germany to turn a deaf ear for too long to pleas from allies for more robust investment in its own and Europe’s defence.

The good news is the country’s challenges are manageable. Take energy. When Mr Putin invaded, Germany relied on Russia for 55% of its gas. Doomsayers warned that supplies would be choked off, German factories would close and families would shiver in their kitchens. In fact, even as Russia’s share of the German gas market has halved, stores of gas for winter are building at a normal pace. Industry says it can cut back use more than expected.


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Dear Germany,Our lovely British says you're ready to fight with Russia.😄😄

I believe every Country has awoken To stay asleep now is not an option Russia and China both in absolute opposition to the rest of the world Truthfully if we all worked together our planet would become magical World leaders are few but totally blinkered to the past SADLY

woke up rubbed eyes saw whats going on drew blanket over and went back to bed

Why sell your old car if you can't buy a new one? Why shut down old energy sources if there are no new ones. Where is the logic in that? Logic is dead, it seems to have been killed.

Why? They turning on coal mines? Wow what a victory for the environment

Uh oh

Wake-Sleep cycle to continue.

Quick! Grab a hose!

What? Gasmany has consistently put Europe at risk, and its stupid policy towards russia (Nord Stream, but not only) has effectively killed EU in todays format. Ger has no credibilty left for east EU and that couldn't be fixed It's getting worse with their policies during war.

We shouldn't just 'keep EU together', it's for boomers. We should change it into something actually useful - and here are Germany and France a major obstacle.

Long overdue

What you need to know This is the summary: Germans are not only vulnerable to the Kremlin’s energy blackmail, but have also been bankrolling Mr Putin’s invasion.

Yes, triumph of the will


Fourth Reich incoming Complete with camps for people who don't follow the narrative or 'the science'

How much you bet NATO's US Afghanistan arms dump ends up in UN hands (Germany's).

No, thanks. That never ends well.

Donc on est d'accord les pays européens sont les vassaux de l'Allemagne

La même histoire, les mêmes erreurs, encore et encore

The last time Germany did this, well, it didn’t exactly unite Europe did it

Yeah, that went pretty well last time I'd say.


LMFAO 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

This time we gona win.

So Germany is getting the axis back together? LFG!!!

Lol 😂

yes, germany needs some lebensraum. Oh and those wind mills are not going to build themaelves so germany needs to conquer some labour force.

Ohhh I can feel the nostalgia!!

Disarm them before they try to kill everyone again.

It feels so reassuring

are you f serious? you have completely no idea about current problems in Germany caused by sanctions! Yeah, free, strong and bold as Lithuania...


We won't make the same mistake a third Time

'We need Germany to be a pawn & take up our interests for a bit. Modern Germany is so docile, compliant, & integrated into our global corporate system that they'll totally do it for us.' Tell me you don't understand Germany without telling me that you don't understand Germany.


We see the result every day. NO THANKS.


Courting controversy is a good way to get clicks. They knew what they were doing.

Because that went so well the last time


Non merci. On a déjà donné et le résultat n'a pas été très satisfaisant. Une autre proposition ?

Bah voyons l’Allemagne prenant place du leader européen,une Allemagne plus forte plus vaillante plus déterminée,tout un programme…Par contre,il n’est pas nouveau ce programme d’éveil national allemand, pas nouveau du tout. Donc voilà le retour d’une Allemagne réarmée décomplexée

Usually when Germany 'wakes up' it's never good for peace in Europe and in the world. Greece still awaits war reparations, which now amount to 320 billion Euros.



Merci mais non merci


Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.

So, someone at “the economist” wrote this without checking history i guess… glorifying germany wanting to lead Europe, last time did not end well

Calm down The economist.. It's a little bit too much obvious. We almost see the mustache...

Should be 'If only Germany listened to Trump, instead they fucked around and found out'

What could possibly go wrong ?

Des pistes pour attaquer ce journal pour incitation à la haine raciale et incitation au genocide mondiale ?


Remember when the economist thought that invading Iraq was a great idea?

Yes, because it worked out so well the two previous times...

I saw the original movie and the sequel. Didn’t end well in both cases 🤣

1870 / 1914-1918 / 1939-1945... I say no, thank you 🇨🇵

germans aren't strengthening anything. The gas shortage, rationing has led to germans buying up wood burning stoves and returning to coal in preparation for the cold winter. I wonder if we'll be reading about the spike in monoxide poisoning later this year.

Remember last time.

Everyone in the comments :

arbeit macht frei

Ok, where do you want to start, WW1 or WW2 ?

Imagine thinking this is a good thing.

I wish. Unfortunately the current German government is irreperably cucked.


It’s time to try it again boys!

So... we fought the wrong enemy?

Uber alles

*Concern in french*

It didn’t end well last time.

Bougez pas. On va vous faire une omelette au béton.

winter can't come quickly enough 🥰

Can't wait 🤡

Thanks to The Economist for showing the reality of Germany today, with a German eagle that looks like a crow ready to feast on what will pass under its beak for its sole benefit... Europe.

Putain de nazi de merde

Ah shit, here we go again.

Time to load the Browning 10/22 just in case.

Was this written by the resurrected corpse of Herman Goering or something


Are you serious?

If the right side had won World War II then Europe would not be Islamic today.


Ok the Krauts just said 'fuck it thirds time's the charm'

Aw yeah bringing back German militarism, Belgium better watch their ass



Let’s hope they have woken up. Still seems some denial around.

German has become a joke.

UK will hate it somewhere in the future. It wouldn't age well.

What could go wrong?

the economist asks: can we please get another hitler

B-b-b-based germany

I hope they wake up for real again

A united Europe under German leadership with the approval of the infamous anglo saxons… seems like an old story one might have already read about somewhere else… Please tell me more about keeping Europe into Anglo Saxon custody for the century to come 🤡

Fourth Reich?

Don't forget about an old painter.

Germany still didn’t pay reparations for destroying Poland but they want to be a leader :))))

Last time they woke up we ended up with world war 2

The American occupation of Germany 1945-

Zieg-Geil zur erneuten Osterweiterung. Wiedermal Lebensraum schaffen. Jetzt mal unter falschem Deckmantel, mit neuem Namen!

It's almost like a normalization for war acceptance is happening. No wait, this is exactly what's happening. I wonder who is behind these articles.

I agree!


Alemania perdio las 2 guerras mundiales y ahlra que tiene menos capacidad industrial, de animo bélico y de suministros y materias va a poder con rusia y su respaldo de china y demas potencias xD

Ostias los anglosajónes como en los años 30 animando a alemania a militarizarse para luchar contra rusia, sabiendo como ha acabado la historia siempre xD

Germany should cut down all its forests and put up windmills.

the economist saying the quiet part out loud

Naw man we good


What can go wrong?



Here comes the winter and the eagle has no socks.

I totally agree.

As an American 1/2 half descent from Bavaria and Hesse who had two uncles my grandparents took out of college and sign up in WWII and one great uncle in WWI - all on the American side, no. Just no.

Ahhh. No

Será que cancela o The Economist como cancelaram o monark ?


🤣🤣woken? Germany is f*cked up…Russia will rise its flag in the Bundestag again!

It’s the EU that needs WAKING UP not just Germany

Ahahah yeah yeah

Oh no

Germany is no longer Europe leader, it’s turned out to be Putin’s rag, it lost all of its credibility in other European countries

Hey nice logo, how'd you think of that one?

How about maybe not?


Europe is dead

I feel like The Economist would have also sided with Germany against Russia eighty-five years ago

Ein joghurt! Ein salat! Eine allergie!


Yep, the last time everything were ok...

Not with that east side lean

You’ll need more than a match to light that fire but nice try.

Yikes dawg


We all remember what happened last time when they tried to do the same.

in reality they let the germans off their leash. it's not an 'awakening', it's the united states dictating a stronger germany. same thing happened in the cold war in the 50s.

aye chill out

Four wrongs don't make a right. And neither does a Fourth Reich.


The 4th Reich.

lol wut?


being a fit 19 year old male right now ain’t looking so good

Deutschland erwache!

I seen this movie, somebody warn Poland

I’ve heard this one before

Weimar 2.0 coming?

Last Time it was Fuehrin Merkel and she has flooded europe with illegal migrants who are now looting, pillaging, stabbing and raping through western europe's cities.

not__vee Dude, did you seriously quote Hitler?

Between this and the colour-coded vax-passports, I'm thinking we might need to have a chat with Germany.

Is deutschland going all uber alles again? uber alles in der welt?

Fourth Reich is coming

Putin is Germanys puppet!!

A 'new Germany' with the symbol of an eagle?

Oh yeah, last time that happened it went so well.

Hiel Hitler.

'Stronger Europe' LOL. LMAO. 'United Europe' Hungary says wat 'Woken Up' Not yet but there about to.

Love to see Germany rise to power for a 3rd time

Hasta que pillen reúma a base de duchas frías, si. ¿Llaman ser más fuertes a no poder calentarse y a que se los coma la inflación? No nos hacen falta Parlamentos, necesitamos cottolengos donde meter a los políticos.

Nobody in Europe need stronger Germany, the most pro-Russian state in Europe.

Y’all just said “fuck it” didn’t you? Nazi insignia on the cover then a quote from Hirohito in the opening line. Lmao WTF is wrong with you people?

IV R€ich 🔥🇪🇺🔥


Yeah that's never backfired ever.


Please no

You forgot to shout Heil Hitler at the end of the article.

That's beyond ridiculous. We will be glad, when they'll stop be so harmful for Europe.

You do not, under any circumstances, gotta borrow a phrase from the late Emperor Hirohito,

NO. germany must NEVER be allowed to flex again. it's bad enough the entire West is funding Ukraine Nazi's...the ppl of Europe will sweep this idea right off the table. deustchland gets NO MORE DO-OVERS. thankfully, all those RU sanctions are going to cripple them for years.

Has that ever worked out for the world?

Really. I wouldn't associate the words strong, bold or determined with Scholz and his stance on Russia.

Germany and foreign policy, or fine dining, it is not going to work.

The year is '22. The economist is promoting authoritarianism in Germany because of the leader of Russia. What century is it?

How come the 'Economist' always ends up sounding like the Fascist?

I’ll take “Things that have gone poorly in history” for 500

Once Nazi, always Nazi.

Where have I heard this before?

At this point, I'm pretty sure the guy in charge of the covers is doing an elaborate bit.

Germans are Russian collaborators, a true fifth column of Putin. We need Germans to ve anything but leaders of Europe.

Jesus fucking christ

'hear me out- the war in ukraine is bad, but theres a silver lining: we might get the nazis back!'

What could *possibly* go wrong

can i get a rewind

Not with Scholz


Poor nasis

nah we're good

yeah I think they tried that a couple of times before

yeah that sounds awesome guys, they should start thinking about dominating the world, that'd be sweet

Really? The eagle? Bruh.

Of course you would want a fourth reich to happen you filthy fascist supporters. Those genocidal barbarians must be kept down at all costs!

Have you learned nothing? Wasn't two times enough or do you really want a third one that badly?

Well historically speaking everyone should be scared if Germany wakes up or in other words feels ' threatened '

and they say our era resembles the 1930s! 🙃

No way, in fact Germany should be repartitioned.

No thank you. Hard Decline

This is why DDR should’ve won in 1989

Never forget.


CalvoCozar No, thank you. You know the past✨😉


Let's resolve the hot-shower situation first, then the LNG storage then maybe we can talk about a 'strong EU'.

So maybe Merkel shouldn't have turded up the place lol

3th time is the charm?


Despierta pero sin ducharse y sin exportar

how about no?

Oh no

Very non-subtle touch of Fascism to start the article by quoting Hirohito.

Promotion of Nazi Reich 🤢🤬😡🤬

Excuse me but what the entire fuck is this?




Guess who’s back?

Who paid for this piece? Scholz or Putin?

Diggi lass mal stecken

Let's goooooo

This you?

like in the 20th century? No, thanks, germans don't deserve anything from us.

Are You serious? After this war no other country wants Germany to lead anything. Shame for decade

Straight up just posting nazi shit now are we?

Yeahhh…lets start WW3 because Germany needs to look stronger, bolder and determined. Invasion has nothing to do with USA/NATO. Thanks for the nuanced input from MIC and their political partners in US-goverment goverment. Its so easy to see in Black and White-lets do this👍👍👍

Fucking WHAT

Except for the first trade deficit in decades. :)

Germany needs to do a whole less waking up. Last time it brought ruin to the entire continent.

Brilliant comment and way underrated:

Good to see you paying homage to Vladimir like you should have been doing long ago. Whether the German people are up for a rerun of 1933-1945 remains to be seen. I doubt it.

Yeah, all prices are up!

Guys, what the fuck. 😶

German 'leadership' has always been dangerous for Europe. Winston was right. They should be bombed with no warning every 50 years.

So they haven't given up on that Reich huh

This is clearly part of a PR campaign, paid by ze Germans. They are the last ones to notice the utter failure of the leadership in Europe. No other country in the EU, especially in the east will follow a failed leader, that only cares about German interests.

Third time's the charm, right? For real though, let's not leave anything left to 'awaken' this time around.

IVth Reich? Danke, NEIN!

Love how the country that started both world wars is perceived as a victim. The USSR beat the Nazis but hey lets side with Germans now!

Bro what

You smell that? It's the smell of desperate anglos.


G-d forbid!

Weird color pallete. Also eagle.

chill w the eagle damn

oh cool surely nothing will go wrong

LOL. Where?

Poland might want to start digging the trenches now.

L m a o

it failed once already. germany is doing great right now.

Look what happened last time Germany in ruins, millions displaced 60-80 million lost their lives I suggest we don't do that again


I dunno about this one

Germany 🦠 should never be allowed to rearm itself. Out of dignity for the Millions Murdered. Germans will never wear a dignified and internationally accepted uniform. No matter how much they want, people will never forget.

i know the kind of things you lizards actually believe in but seriously, what the fuck

Warmonger ass magazine

Hasn't this happened before?

No. No no no.


They're getting the Bundt back together!

Die Eier von Satan

Doesn't matter who is head of Europe or what European State emerges stronger as it will still be reliant on the U.S.A.

do you think we're fucking stupid

Conta outra piada; a Alemanha; não sabe se lambe as botas dos USA; ou se briga com a Rússia e fica sem gás e quebra

Here's your new logo.

Remind me, what happened the last 2 times they tried that?



The Fuhrer awakens!

Calling for the rise of the fourth Reich is a big yikes, chief!

Vous vous croyez meilleurs les anglais ,vous n êtes que les toutous des usa .



Mêlez vous de votre pays ,vous n êtes plus dans l UE, et la russophobie des anglais on d en tape ,vous n avez aucune leçon a donner , vous les complices des usa , l Irak ça vous parle ,🤡

HolodomorUSA economists absolutely can not get over their love of nazis

Click bait image, and in very poor taste.


You guys always been nazis or is this a new development?

So Germany 'wakes up' only when sends tanks to the East. Never ended well, don't see why it shd be otherwise this time

Not the best choice of image.

I feel like I've seen this movie, and it's sequel. Not looking for Part III.

HarmlessYardDog 👀👆

No better day than today to try Balut! 🍳

woken up to what, anything fancy they wanna do has to go through the EU. lol.


Might want to rethink this one

NATO, the US and Ukraine have shared values which are an anathema to the rest of the world. Now we know why Russia needs to save the world from these so-called shared values and the Rules Based Order.

Another angle on how the Ukraine War started. Russia invaded to protect Eastern Ukrainians from imminent slaughter by Ukrainian Nazis supported by the US.

Russia will bring peace to Ukraine after the Nazis are defeated once again. God bless Russia and its great people.

Wake up and drop suicidal Atlanticism. The future for Europe is Eurasian. Working with Russia & China.

We've been over this. Twice.

The New germany

Acordou com a Ursula ...a coveira dos europeus.

Why do you have to do it like this

United! Ha get a grip, there’s no unity, only diversity

A joke ? 🤡😂 The effect of sanctions and counter-sanctions and the gas crisis could well bring the German economy to its knees and the winter could be harsh if there is a lack of gas for electricity production and heating...

There shouldn’t even be a united Germany, much less a united Europe

Donald Trump warned Germany 4 years ago. They were so sick with TDS they couldn't understand a word he said. They just laughed at him. But as usual, Donald Trump is proven correct, again, but the MSM, also sick with TDS, won't accept it.

jesus fucking tiddy flying christ

Be your own country. Do not yield to third country's dictation esp on foreign policy. For all you know, you are being dragged to a war thats not yours. The hate of the other towards Russia is not yours to swallow. w/o NATO EU wl be n peace. W/o a threat, Russia wil be at peace2

This man is not gonna let It happen

you sure about that one? last time it tried to do that, it wasn’t so great tbh

I guess we're testing the ol' three strikes rule now...

oh god oh fuck


That cover remember me another one

Because nothing has ever gone wrong with a stronger, bolder, more determined leader in Germany /s Capitalists always align with fascists


Now way you all posted the eagle

Do you live in this reality or are you working for Marvel Comics interdimensional department?

This is a great cover guys

Hey I've heard this one before

Germans can't even keep themselves from freezing in winter. They can do nothing but deteriorate


Who wrote this garbage?

Wir führen. Europa folgt.

Your paper is old enough to have seen this happen two times before Perhaps you can open the archives and see what happened thereabouts 1933 and 1914 mayhaps.

We've already tried that. It didn't work out so well for Europe.

L o L , no wonder nobody reads your columns. You are pushing inconspicuous narratives.

the economist x the politics ✓🙄

Fuck no.

Speak on it 🫡

What's the reich count so far?

Good luck to everyone! They’re coming for us and there’s nothing we can do to stop it!

Germany's egg has cracked!?;!!?

Time to develop EU armed forces

I'll believe it when I see it.

What did they mean by this

what could possibly go wrong!

Quite the opposite. It cannot be allowed to be a strong leader.

worked out great the last two times

Deutschland erwache!

cremaetpill Jjjjjjjaaaajajajajajaa


In Poland, we have a saying: 'wake up with your hand in the potty', which means that you have found yourself in a situation when it is too late to prevent something from happening. This is how Germany woke up. 1/2

'We need another Hitler to recreate the post war conditions that the west last felt any kind of pride'


17 words instead of 14. Cutting it close don’t ya think?

The Economist, a journal that speaks for British millionaires, is pursuing a very instructive line in relation to the war. Representatives of advanced capital in the oldest and richest capitalist country, are shedding tears over the war and incessantly voicing a wish for peace.

Today, Europe - tomorrow, the world!

Yeah, that went so well last time


The British supporting the rise of Germany History 🤔

To be fair the British right supported the Nazi’s last time too. Right up until it was too late.

Never have I wanted the Berlin Wall put back up so much

now I’m no history buff or anything, but…

Germany is still dreaming, of sex and money and fun and leisure and everything that goes with it, while the outside world indulges in clichés from times long past. Both have yet to awaken.

Oh boy, is this a sponsored article? German 'leadership' is the reason why we ended up in this situation in the first place.

Euros wanna run it back? Hope your tanks dont run on gas

you said WHAT

Oh no look at the time: time to ruin Europe again!!!

Remember when they mocked people in 2018 telling them they were too dependent on Russia. I member

Right... see you this winter.

New Reich just dropped

writing this like

Minina que close errado, deleta.

:: it didn't happen ::

Can’t believe you guys thought that would be a good cover

uhhh... idk about this one

Huge fail on the graphic, guys.


Dreaming about the Fourth German Reich, eh?

tradermustafa38 Önce ABD ye direnebilecek, önce Almanya'nın çıkarlarını koruyabilecek güçlü bir lider seçmeliler. Şu an zor. Fransa için umut var ama Almanya için durum zor.

That’s crazy

If only we had some leader of the German people who would restore Germany's rightful glory, oppose the Bolshevik threat, and bend Europe to his will. Can't see how that would go wrong.

Oh dear.



I take back what I said about econ majors negrosubversive


isnt this just the first verse to 'springtime for hitler'

lol you've never been less relevant

Uh oh. Look out Poland!


Honey wake up! New hitlerite article just dropped


what the fuck


Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo

Rofl come on! Come on! How can you spin cope this bad

Part 2 incoming?

Must admit that Taiwan cover looks stronger than one about the New Germany.

I do not trust germans or Germany

Germany has not woken up. EUROASIA will rule the WORLD.

'Reclaim' it's place? 🤨🧐

ayo you good economist going psycho mode

how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man

I accidentally the bloodiest conflicts in human history. Help.

Ended well last time.

Sooooo… does that mean that German ppl may stop wearing braids and dreadlocks?


goebbels agrees

'The Case for Operation Barbarossa'

Didn't they do enough fuck ips over last 120 years? Why you you want give them one more try...?

thank you for this. we need adolf hitler 2.

Imho, after the failure of Germany as regional leader and in respect to foreign policy, I'd say it's Germany last hours at this ruling position.

Hahaha, new Germany? They are nazi, nothing more.

Germany has enormous potential, but its vassal dependence on Russia and the US prevents Germany from being itself. Germany could be a renaissance if a Bismarck-level leader emerges there.

Yeah... Europe doesn't tend to do well whenever Germany gets 'assertive.'

maybe should've doublechecked that one before posting

No that's not a N*zi eagle. Not even close to it. Very sus headline though still.

Germany won’t even be in the top five economies in the world in 20 yrs

jnkloona 😭


yeah what cld popssibly go wrong hey lads

Gagging for a 5th Reich is it lads?


Neo Nazis: like this Everyone: Move out

Germany should be reduced to parias state.....

hey man, idk about this one. its winter too…

That’s not new Germany, that’s old Germany

Heil Schultz? 😂

Took me like 30 second to figure out what the picture was.


Time to invade Poland?


They were wrong 100 times - that means they must be right the 101st. Right? Right? Germany Ukraine Russia war

They haven’t woken up coz they knew what they were doing all the time. Alliance with Moscow was the main part of GER politics continued over the years. Under slogans about EU solidarity and green transformation they were making business with criminal regime. Now they’ll pay 🤷‍♂️

Can I post this? Seeing the circumstances, I'm posting this!

Germany should have been broken up into its original principalities after the war

Germany should be a crater

But this time for sure, sure, they're not fucking everything up again?🤭

Nazis on the march once again how charming

You must be joking. Germany which with NS and weapon deliveries enabled putin's invasion should become stronger leader? No way. No one in Central Eastern Europe will allow for this to happen.

literally the entirity of europe is going to be suspicous

Yeah, Germany reasserting its power in Europe has NEVER gone wrong... 😐

We don’t need a new Germany we need a new Stalin

Nah... The last thing we need is 4th Reich.



Vi alemães sendo tratados como no tempo de Hitler Kkkk

Not with its current leadership it won't. Determined to destroy themselves for no good reason.


you thank to the terrorist countries formal boss?!!!!🤯😳😶

With our money from PIGS. 🙃

No doubt the trolls will come on here..putting Germany down... they are deluded if they think the western powerhouse ..Germany won't's whats made them the no.1 economy thru the decades.


Adolf strong you mean?

As in 1938? 😂👆🤡 Warmonger

Germany is currently in the middle of a purposefully self inflicted self destruction! This is not a rebirth, this is the dead cat bounce....

In short: Get rid of the Germany that amerkel57 built. Ok. Good. But starting with a coalition of Greens/SPD? I don't think so. Germany needs a Jair Bolsonaro kind of leader to reclaim its place.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Good dream bro good dream.

Liberal tears...

You missed the part where they shut down their last remaining nuclear powerplants during the worst energy crisis they ever faced in peacetime? If by 'woken up' you meant 'went batshit insane' then yes, you would be correct. Otherwise, not so much.

Pump the brakes there how about: build nuclear plants and have a realistic energy policy

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