Climate change: How to talk to a denier

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Tips about how to engage with people who think climate change is a 'hoax'.

Prof van der Linden believes that changing the minds of climate deniers is impossible without affirming - to some extent - their worldview.

"You can't convince someone if they perceive that there's a power differential," says Prof van der Linden. "The whole point of a conspiracy is the idea that there are these powerful elites conspiring against us." Prof van der Linden believes that thinking you'll win someone over with a single, one-off conversation is simply not realistic: "You have to be content with small wins, and compromise."Abbie Richards researches the spread of misinformation on social media.Abbie Richards is sceptical about the merit of arguing with climate change deniers

On TikTok, she debunks disinformation about climate change, but says she's given up trying to engage with hardcore conspiracy theorists: "I don't want to waste my energy on debunking more of their disinformation."


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Lol how bloody patronising

How will history treat the psychopaths who chose to work at, and spread the propaganda of the once esteemed BBC at this pivotal time?

Pure comedy.

That’s a lot of people to talk too have you got the time

Covering for pedophiles BBC: How to talk to a denier

Is this along side 'the Denial conspiracy' stuff of late - clumsy at best. Why don't you try & offer proof, rather than double down on the panic...


Show them this ⬇️

You should keep telling them that if they give more money to billionaires then we can turn down the temperature of the sun. If they ask for evidence just call them 'racist' and run away.

Translation… to tell someone they aren’t allowed a different opinion


Answer is this

With that sort of arrogant attitude, it's no wonder people don't listen.

How to talk to a BBC drone

I’m not a denier but you can see from scientific evidence it’s not a crisis….

How to debate someone who looks at facts and context and doesn’t spout the compromised nonsense of the bbc.

As usual, the BBC adhering to its strict charter imposed impartiality requirements as a state broadcaster. mariannaspring

You're sounding like crazed zealots. Oh, that's right. You are.

Oh... just go away and take your alarmist nonsense with you please. You've already been reproved for pushing false eco-news. Your Climate Editor, Justin Rowlett tells lies. No surprise that his sister is part of Insulate Britain. You really are a grubby organisation.

Tsek jou poes

Can the BBC offer advice on how to talk to doomsday cult alarmists?

Brought to you by the nudge unit

Or.. alternately a sane voice.


Don't bother talking to me. I can't bear imbeciles 🙄.

critcalthinker2 Try giving people both sides of an argument. You know, something democratic and impartial.

More credible than anyone the bbc could muster up.


Start with this: Hey guys, if you like to piss the bed, you will love the new red we use on weather maps. Scary, no?

Show them a geological survey.....

Please explain the current levels of Greenland ice cover or last winter's record ice cover in Antarctica, bbcnews. In fact, dont explain. Just report it

👇 not those funded by Gates to push yet another narrative

Climate change: how to talk to a cultist Ask them for evidence categorically proving the climate is warming up long-term,that it is caused by human CO2 production, and how exactly human CO2 production,which is only 3-4% of total CO2 emissions, is enough to tip the balance anyway

Ugh typical bbc bias

Here we go. First it was the bollocks 'Unvaccinated' where the BBC used some actors to infiltrate the unvaccinated group and a so called 'expert' who was actually affiliated with Pfizer, trying to convince people the Covid Bioweapon was safe now they are pushing the Climate shit!

There's that word again 'Denier'!

Tell them they’re right, the climate crisis is a hoax

How to talk to a BBC agenda driven lefty lunatic.

How to talk to a Climate Denier: I’m sorry, you were right all along, I was hypnotised by Government propaganda

The clearest proof that the climate scare is a hoax is provided by the claims being made about methane. They claim methane has 85 times the warming effect of CO2. One look at the IR absorption spectrum shows this is nonsense.

We all know the climate is changing, always has and always will. But, it’s not because of the industrial revolution, and youse know it. Don’t deny it!

A 'denier'. At last the BBC comes clean and admits that Climate Change is not science but religion. There's no real evidence, just claims that selective perfectly natural events 'support' their ideology. Like ancient religions claiming significance for eclipses and comets.

Hi should I use confirmation bias thanks

Keep telling them that the ‘science is settled’ Over and over and over and over 🙄

What next ? BBC advocating the reporting of ‘deniers’ so that they can be sent to education camps. Goebbels would be proud. The demise of a once great institution is a national disgrace !

Climate catastrophising. How to talk to chicken little...

Some serious money to be made in the global warming game 💰

Perhaps not using the word denier would be a good first step.

It’s a load of bollox climate change

Wow 😆😆😆

How to talk to a climate cult reality denier.🙄 You cant. The poisonous Marxist Lysenkoist ideology has been marinated into their brains by a corrupt media and bought and paid for consensus 'scientists'. No skepticism allowed.CAGWFraud

Who's denying what? You're the denier of the detrimental geoengineering, stripmining and forest fires, while pointing fingers at everything else.

People are being gaslighted with their own money lol not me! DefundTheBBC

The problem you have is that the hoax is too obvious! Lol.

If a Climate Cultist calls you a “denier” you have every right to treat them as the genocidal maniacs they are.

Stop watching a step towards saving planet ClimateCrisis

The climate changes about every hour in the UK. BUT there is no climate emergency, net zero is an ideology. The planet has been around for over 4 billion years, I think the planet is more than capable of looking after itself.

It’s called thoughtful discussion and debate.

Up until the late 20th century the BBC were seen as a bastion of impartial and insightful reportage. Now it’s a sordid analysis-free propaganda machine. It’s actually sad to witness the demise in real time.

It’s a cult

BBC attacking those who question and labelling them.Surprise! Let's talk about the BBC - funded by BILL GATES. Protected Jimmy Saville and Martin Bashir. TOTALLY untrustworthy and utterly biased. Bought out, WEF mouthpiece. Clear off with your fake news and propagandist bullshit.

The Beeb doesn’t half come out with some rubbish. Nobody *denies* that the climate changes. What people *question* is: a) if it’s the serious problem that some make it out to be b) what can be done about it if it is

How to talk to a believer:

Climate change is someone somewhere making a shed load of money.....

Been meaning to cancel my TV Licence for a while.........ahhh that's better, one less direct debit

Just more excuses to make us believe the more we pay in tax the less pollution we will have lucky us

The blind leading the blind

Chinese Cultural Revolution 101, turn children against their parents.

The next scam

'Remember don't think , let the experts do that for you, and an 'expert' is someone who says what the BBC wants them to say':

From covid denial to climate, indeed,there’s lot to be sceptical about, like Boris parties, whilst best friend wasn’t allowed to see his dying mum, endless lies coming out of officials mouths, alas has become one sided news outlet, peddling their sponsors only narrative!

Usual activism from the partisan BBC

How patronising DefundTheBBC

If you were impartial, you would give these genuine climate experts airtime.

No such thing, your turn

Mmmm it didn’t ……..

Why do you say Climate Change when you mean man made climate change. Stop being dishonest. Climate is obviously real and it does change over years naturally. The argument is about human effects on long term climate changes. But then the BBC has banned opposing opinions on that.

This is such an interesting BBCNews article, and problematic at many levels. Firstly, authors MerlynThomas and Marco Silva (MarcoLSilva) are Climate Disinformation reporters. What kind of journalist is this, my Journo School colleagues, who seeks to correct our Wrongthink?

Do 10 minutes of research (something that is meant to be part of a journalist's job not just copy and pasting press releases) into the climate of the planet beyond the last 100 years. Such as Greenland ice cores going back 100s of k years ago to see actual climate change.

Absolute bullshit being promoted by the BBC, the UK's main (for the moment) broadcast provider. Eventually the truth will come out. But it won't be the BBC releasing it.

😂😂😂😂the bbc😂😂😂

Very, very slowly.


Time to ditch the TV license.

I prefer a more direct approach

How do we know that this is the hottest climate the Earth has ever experienced?

The TV licence should be abolished.

A denier. A word to stop all debate. BBC. Vaccine death deniers.

This sounds exactly like the Jehovas Witness' guide to brainwash people.

Climate grift propaganda, anyone with half a brain can see straight through it,you must try harder.


How to talk to a denier?.. So now the bbc have posted that condescending claptrap would it be too much to expect them to address the climate evidencing scientific data to prove the opposite?... No, i thought not.

Yeah, I’ve got the poster

SECOND SERIES: Climate Loons: How to get them help, to deal with their Green anxiety, and delusions

The crappy bbc adding more fuel to the fire. Not long now

You’re really going to end up getting some poor sap punched in the mouth.


BBC: How to get it to f*ck off.

right now.

the problem is the climate debate is a false dichotomy, if you're not with the 'Alarmists' 100% you're a 'denier' and vice versa. currently there can be no objective or honest debate on the climate whilst one or the other controls the narrative, currently that's the 'Alarmists'.

Ofcom Will you look at this, the BBC showing bias once again,


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So glad I chucked out the TV

It is necessary propaganda for the masses to enforce the new world order. You will own nothing and love it.

The climate has always changed and always will. Whether removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and ending life on earth is the solution is debatable. Elevating hysterical prognostications of doom to the level of religious dogma isn't massively engaging.

More patronising nonsense. Climate change denier or accepting it doesn’t change the reality that the average person can’t afford the new cars/boilers ect that they want us to have

Deniers exist because alarmists never proved anything. There's no such thing as man made climate change.

The BBC is no longer a impartial broadcaster interested in asking questions about brexit,lockdowns or climate change they just seem to be parroting government policies.

What is a hoax is those that push climate change as if it hasn't been going on for millions of years and say recent climate change is all down to human activity. In Canada the government can't even run airports/immigration smoothly, so there's no chance managing the climate.

Wow these propaganda articles gets worse by the hour.

TrustTheScience TechnocracyNow

This message brought to you Climate Change™️

“Global warming”

Step one: Stop referring to people as “deniers”

BBC telling everyone what to think. This is authoritarian brainwashing. The organisation needs to be defunded - defundthebbc


Always divisive

Talk to them like you would anyone else - with respect for their different perspective. Have a brew & a biscuit and then talk about something more interesting instead. People are allowed different opinions.

The smuggery!!!

How patronising,, how pathetic,,,, how very bbc ,,, DefundTheBBC

This is activism. You're meant to be an impartial organisation. Of course, we all know you have no regard or respect for your obligations.

Ah:… back on this one are we? You see there’s your problem… the Covid hoax was so obviously bollocks that it got millions of people questioning things & as a result belief in the climate hoax is at an all time low… you only have yourselves to blame BBC …

The BBC are guilty of censorship regarding the theory of man made climate change because they have banned guests who call out the man made climate change scam. You only allow climate alarmists on the BBC.

Bore off lad

To be a climate change denier you have to assume climate change exists. Whether it does or not is open to debate, but you, BBC, only ever put one narrative forward. Look forward to seeing both sides of the argument instead of you belittling someone who doesn't follow BBC gospel.

Friendly reminder to cancel your TV licence if you haven't already.

We're still waiting for all this to happen🤷‍♂️

no one denies climate change it’s been here forever 🙄

Maybe show them this. Exactly what they have been spraying into our skies for years, destroying our eco system and then blaming it on us 🤔 might be a good place to start 👍😄

To state the word 'denier' is not only inflammatory, but also insulting. Maybe it's time the BBC had a talk to itself. 'BBC climate editor.. made false claims on global warming including worldwide deaths..'

Bullshit in every way. You people need restraining legally.

Wow, the replies on this thread are really depressing.

This isnt news. This is fearmongering propaganda.

Who denies the climate changes?

Well, this is awkward.... 👇👇

Loool. Your game is over!

If you are far left, or a fool, you will believe in man-made global warming. Wear the badge 'denier', proudly.

anthropogenic climate change is a scam to tax and subjugate you.

I’ve talked with a range of climate scientists and there is no consensus about the effects of AGW. It’s impossible to talk to believers , so I don’t bother.

Is this because your « Unvaccinated » propaganda didn’t unravel us all as flat earth conspiracy theorists?

Or how to ralk to a scripted globalist? The climate changes all the time, apparently scientists haven't worked it out cos it doesn't fit the agenda.

BBC were always climate conspiracy loons, from 16/11/74 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ DefundTheBBC now!

Who denies the climate changes ? Its been doing it for 4.5 billion years and no amount of communism will change that !!!

Perhaps a book on 'How to deny your staff are pedos' is more within your skill set.

Sounds like a job for SusanMichie and her Centre for Behaviour Change.

You sadly cannot. Unlike Covid, the effects of climate change are VERY slow, way too slow for an immediate threat to denier’s life. We can only appeal to take measures for the sake of their grandkids and beyond. Because by that time it’ll be just too little too late. 😔

‘Don’t use evidence’ (because there isn’t any 🤣)

Also be sure to thump your copy of 'Silent Spring' as you preach.

Just show the evidence!

So basically the article only states; trust the govt chosen scientists . Ignore every scientist who do not concur . For gods sake don’t go thinking the govt may have a agenda where this helps . With censorship at an all time high to vilify highly accredited white coats… help!

Don't bother... I've been subjected to 'climate fear' since I started school over 50 years far, feck all has save your breath. 🤨

Show him the fires in America even if he/she isn't interested in France,Spain or Britain.

Boot lickers

Anyone who leaves it up to the BBC to tell them what to think is in dire need of a red pill.

Now he'll have to change his dad's mind on the stigma of Monkeypox.

It does not matter if people can prove the false narrative if the majority believe it. Tell people something over and over again they will eventually believe it.

Your summers getting hotter- well I’m sitting here wearing a jumper in summer, waters rising- we’ll not here in Scotland it’s not, there’s a water shortage-no there isn’t. There’s a hose ban- oh no there isn’t. Crops are failing-except they’re not! Fkn bollocks!!!

jayvanbavel This is a good article & there's some sound advice within. MerlynThomas MarcoLSilva One thing I'd like to offer for your consideration is davidmcraney's recent book 'How Minds Change' as it goes further into unlocking the mystery of that question using the latest in science

Please show me just one person... Just one will do, that denies climate changes. Anyway here is a free picture for your next episode of fearporn.

More patronising garbage. What, precisely, is a 'climate change denier'? Can you define it? And, are you going to throw a jar of jelly beans on the table to try to make any point?

Spoiler alert: they're American

Is he talking to china about there coal fired power stations? BBC bullshit!

Embarrassing. Not denied it’s changed. But it’s more to do with the chemtrails you tried to debunk already...

Is this like the UnvaccinatedDocumentary you had. Where you try brainwashing unvaccinated.

Could we have an article on how to deal with the wokery the beeb seems to put out these days.

Explain then how in the past there was not one, but several 'Ice Ages'. The climate has always changed, it always will - the Earth hasn't stopped spinning yet... When it reaches equilibrium, then billions will die...

The best way to tackle climate deniers is a strong campaign and support from the government towards ClimateAction. Understanding that the real changes come with educating the population too. Just like Qatar has been doing.

Easy. Don't talk to them. 😂

Bills Broadcasting Corp

The Climate CHANGES ALL THE TIME .....

The BBC sticking to the script as usual:

I remember when they told you how to approach those that didn't want the COVID vax too 😂. If they don't share your views, here's how to talk them down 😂

At this point, I just wish we’ll all day due to climate change

- Here’s an idea for a programme. Ask a panel of climate experts to sift through all the sceptic/denier comments on this post and determine whether they have a valid point or not. The make up of the panel should prevent any one expert making obviously biased points.

‘Propaganda: How to talk to a believer’ would be of immensely more utility to people.

Just congratulate them on being able to see through BS propaganda.

Firstly. Don’t listen to the BBC.

George Carlin on climate change - YouTube.

The climate crisis is a scam, and we are all having to pay for it through ridiculously high energy prices, food prices and forced to buy very environmentally damaging car which will cause a huge shortfall with electricity. CO2 accounts for a minute 0.04% of the atmosphere.

I was in a shop the other day and overheard a conversation where one of the people said their son - a man of 27 years old - can’t stop crying because of climate change.

It is happning but im getting angry at posts about it because most try their best and i feel like its not helping and pointless.

I’m gonna start with the best way is for the BBC not to get involved, you’re not the most trust of news organisations anymore!

Changed it for you : How to talk to China…


Also the BBC… This was the “science” nearly 50 years ago.

Climate change. How to talk to a state sponsored propaganda zombie.

Skip article. Nexxxttt

This is fact too.

Governments will not make people change because change cost lots of money and no one is prepared to make it happen Planning permission for a large sola farm denied because the rich people did not want it in their back yard and our local MP agreed

This guy is a denier, and he seems to know what he’s talking about

Thank God I chose to no longer pay for a TV licence or make use of any BBC services. I’d hate to think that a portion of my hard earned cash would be going to fund the salaries of people who work as “Climate Disinformation Reporters”. Propagandists would be a more accurate phrase

No one says the climate doesn’t change. NO ONE. The planet is in a constant state of flux and we only exist because it reached a point where humans could survive in the conditions. The BBC had us believing we would freeze to death not that long ago.

All this nonsense we were fed by the BBC over 2 days warm weather was ridiculous! If climate activists were so worried about climate change or their future they wouldn’t be dropping off kids at school every day in cars or taking family holidays in planes in their millions!

There are lots of misleading or conspiracy articles out there. Learning to identify those as false is important also.

I'm sure the BBC will want to be even-handed about this, so I look forward to their next article... How to talk to a climate change cultist. 🤔

DefundTheBBC I would dismantle the BBC into non existance.

Been listening to the same bullshit for 50 years none of the crap they predict as come true ,2000 was the year all coastal towns would be under water ice cap melting ,that never happened.

The UK's 1% of the 2% of man made co2 that contributes to the total 0.04% of co2 in earths atmosphere. Its total bullshit.

TheFreds top tips for you lads 😂🤣

What happened to the hole in the ozone layer? Are the Maldives under water yet?

The climate has always changed so here’s a question, before we came along with our carbon emissions 🙄what caused it to change ?!

It is not think it is know it in a con and just natural progression of the earths circle .

Please explain how even the language used in this article is balanced and impartial.

You love to use the words climate deniers even though you know its the cause of climate change that most people have issues with why.

if you don't believe in climate change that's fine, but sooner or later more hungry fires will come. We perspire normal oxygen, but then we breathe an air of incessant smoke that already has an escape route that encloses us like exhaling toxic gases

I won't talk to a denier, everybody is responsible for their own future.

Did the BBC’s credibility die of covid or with covid? Or did it have a heart attack caused by climate change ?

How to talk to a 'Critical Thinker'? Engage with them. Be curious about their sources and where their opinions come from. BBC not really the peeps to offer relevant advice on this. 'Trusted News Initiative' cancel culture and all that....

Maybe treat them to a review of MSM's warnings over the past several decades ... here are some to get you started!

Does the BBC use the same criteria to define and treat 'a climate change denier' as it does an 'anti-vaxxer'? And why do we need this organisation to teach us how to talk to *anyone*?

'Every time my father drove me to school' - perhaps he could have walked, or cycled, to school if this young man really wanted to start making those changes. Just a thought.....

Culture wars aren’t helping. Climate change denial is often part of a wider collection of beliefs attached to a political stance.

We can ask the same “how to talk to a lunatic that believes climate change”

How about how to talk to an elite reminds everyone about CC all the time and uses private jets and lives an extravagant lifestyle themselves lol 😆

Does ClimateScam have a pronoun?

The sooner the bbc is DefundTheBBC the better.

Ten years ago in the UK. The variation between magnetic north and true north was about 4 degrees west of true north. Today that variation is zero. In another 10 year's time it will be so many degrees east of true north. So obviously things will change. Nothing we can do.

Climates change but you spread shit

UN/IPCC theory of 'global warming' depends on atmospheric CO2 absorbing IR energy. Asked 100s of times to climate scientists, IPCC participants how 4 CO2 molecules in 10,000 of the atmosphere could absorb enough IR energy to increase the temperature of all 10,000. Never an answer

oh shush the media are always fear mongering TRUMP - COVID - WAR - CLIMATE CHANGE - MONKEY POX.

Next article, 'climate change, how to talk to a climate nut job who believes man can actually make a difference' ? DefundTheBBC

Can we move on from BRExIT.. the deniers are creating more 💩 than 🐄

The scientific world just announced today that now the air is cleaner than it was in 2000. That is the reason for slightly warmer temperatures.

LOL. 'When he drove me to school'. Like this little snot bubble of a millennial gives a rats ass about climate change.

Tell the climate cult that the world is 5 billion yrs old and has changed thousands of times

Mainstream media: how to talk to a believer

Didn't you done of these nonsense for what you called 'vaccine refusers'? You really are the lowest form dross

This is what ClimateAction means to the world: spending of billion$$ to support unreliable energy, while making life less affordable to the average person, who pays for that 'clean future' with more taxes! ClimateChange is a fear mongering hoax to keep grabbing $$ cdnpoli

We are still in an ice age

Why waste your time? They're not going to be swayed by facts do why bother getting annoyed when I could do something more productive, like going on a date or flushing debt collection letters.

Yeah, like they're going to sit and listen to your drivel.

Climate change: How to talk to someone who hasn’t fallen for the narrative.

How about we allow people to have their own beliefs and opinions without trying to change them. Wild concept, I know!

Complete waste of energy. A vaccine against stupidity is urgently required.


First, tell the deniers that the government’s statistics - they ones the government pays for with your tax dollars - are the only valid statistics. Second, try to stop the denier from laughing his ass off.

Most who you call deniers really don’t deny climate changes and has been changing continuously since the earth formed. It’s just the hysteria promoted by climate/political activists had resulted in a complete loss of their credibility.

Sceptic not denier. Accusing somebody of being a denier implies that they are at best delusional or at worst deceitful. Or is that the BBC’s intention?

Absolute joke journalism….propaganda posting!

How should we talk to believers of this cult?

I want to know why we aren’t still in the first ice age as it’s man made climate change. Or why the UK still isn’t as tropical as we once were. Or why the polar caps have melted and reformed repeatedly since originally forming. Or even why they formed in the 1st place.

Nobody is denying climate change. It's the WEF, great reset, man made climate change, we're questioning. Follow the money.

What an arrogant, closed-minded and infuriating organization the B.B.C. has steadily become. If the believer won't consider the denier's views, preferring to automatically rebut them, then he shouldn't be surprised if the denier won't consider his! And where does that get anyone?

Avoid big words.

Climate was always going to change- earth has been getting warmer for the last few thousand years. What man has done is accelerate that enormously.

I remember the good old days when the BBC was a news organization and presented both sides of an argument.

Climate change: How to talk to a PU$$HER

Denying there has been 5 ice ages?

With respect because they are correct and you are talking faddish batshit. Biased BBC

Just don’t

It’s called “weather”. 😂🤡 ClimateEmergency HOAX

I generally say to them, 'get the f*ck off the internet, you thick Muppet! And stop believing the b*llocks told to you by some bloke called Dave on Facebook! Pull yourself together, fella!' I go for the direct approach

It’s the big corporates that need talking to. How about starting with Google, Amazon & Meta about the savage amount of energy consumption in data centres . Move onto Manufacturing in China then all the Global haulage firms dragging that shit around the globe

Watch BBC all day, belive every lie ever created.

Climate change is REAL but it is filled with scam artists including politicians trying to make a buck from Govt funds. Grow up and act ethically…

Slowly and with pictures

The simple answer is 'don't'. People who genuinely don't know about / understand the science behind it are worth talking to, and they're great to engage with. But actual climate change deniers are just idiots. You have better things to do than waste time on them.

By asking him or her why the sea levels were higher during the Roman period?

What if you like the change? Wish the heatwave lasted a lot longer than it did.

“Nan, for the love of god stop reading the Daily Mail!”

Like the same shit for brains way the talk about the anti jabbers

Fed up listening to climate change

You can firmly believe that the earth's climate changes, and still wonder why every proposed solution involves paying more taxes to fund more bureaucracy.

& you wonder why people think journalism at the BBC has gone shite.

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