More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change

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About 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two-thirds of Republicans believe the same thing. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a 'very serious' problem, according to a new Monmouth University poll


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Socrites said the masses can be wrong... That is true today... OUR SUN is in control of our climate .... Do the Energies then will know truth....

Victy169 Which means one thing: the brainwashing of Americans is working. No one could prove man made climate change if their lives depended on it.

So what's wrong with Donald Trump.

Humans have destroyed the earth tree population without replanting by almost 65% or so..... Trees not only provide clean air for us to breathe but also they help in many other ways

I often think some Americans believe we are the only living beings on this planet. Global warming is happening, and it is not jyst happening in America. It would take everyone to make a difference yet some people choose to ignore the scientists. Except for the solar eclipse.

It may well be but a lot can be avoided by underbrush containing and negligent people disposing cigarettes and campfires improperly. It doesn't take much to start a wildfire. I know you are looking at other things as well but something's you just cannot hardly control.

Trump is more greedy than he is smart. Unfortunately!

Boycott Politics for firing marclamonthill for hos views on the Palestine and Israel question. You have Alan Dershowitz and other very pro Israel voices on cnn and they express their pro Israel views, they are never fired? CNN is not honest or truthful

what if someone asked you 'do you Believe in gravity?' it is the 21 century folks


So why is there any doubt.

ChrisCuomo Come on CNN, the debate is whether the changes are man made or part of the earths natural cycle.

So Piss Motger Earth, Gaia and she will strike back. Or simply roll over and change the client like she does oh every 10K years on the grand scale with a few adjustments in between. That is what she does. Climate change is real and there are big $$$ to made on it.

Doomsday is near, LMAO.

Climate change is happening. The earth is a living system. The earth breathes, moves, reproduces, restores itself to health. The greenhouse effect is no joke. Warning comes before destruction.

Not me

You're showing a picture of the Cal fires. Mismanagement from Jerry Brown. Just ask the experts, Cal Dept of Forestry and Calfire.

Dunce, climate has changed since earth formed, not same as global warming. Check methane production by species.

A new poll out said that 7 out of 5, believe the CNN polls are right 3 out 2 times.

10 out of 10 think CNN is just below National Enquirer

Their is no climate change you freak,

I know the left is doing this, you crazy freaks, you won't clear underbrush, thin forest, for easier access if forest is burning, you crazy freaks,. You won't bring water down from Northwest, that is going to ocean, to help put fires out. It's the environmentalist fault

Pretty biblical to me head's up

No they dont.

It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam. It’s a scam.

FakeNews CNN

Oh for the record PEOPLE cause wildfires much more frequently that WEATHER...

No one asked me what I thought. That POLL should say majority of those POLLED and 54% of THOSE POLLED. Here in the business world THAT is false advertising. Bravo

soledadobrien At least one knuckle head in high places denies it.

Because you Demonrats blame everything on climate change. Truth be told idiots with matches start these fires. Also just as California has asked the Federal government to give money yearly to cultivate the previous years fire however the money just vanished Everytime.

Who cares? No one has a plan to change it so it just al hype

And this is how Universities make money next grant will say things have changed it’s not if it’s getting warmer we are in a warming cycle it’s just how much faster is all we need to know

Finally! Now let’s do something about it. That $717 billion for the. Pentagon should be used to save the earth, that is the war worth fighting! Imagine solar, electric cars, helping companies make clean environmental products,...

How do you all come up with your crap numbers. Maybe 8 of 10 people that you surveyed not all Americans. Spreading lies again


Utter brainwashing. The old saying that if you say it enough, people will believe it. When libs say climate change they intentional leave out the 'man-made' phrase, but that's what they mean 100%. Zero proof of that.

Nope mother earth was warm before the ice age Alaska had warm weather plants and Africa had water so stop trying to turn people your way

ChrisCuomo Facts first

Show me the PROOF!!!

Too bad Trump has his head in the sand or would that be a sand trap? No time for golf? Another campaign lie!

But your président think that the climate is getting better because sometime its raining 😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so ridiculous I hope one day american Will open their êtes and their heart

Uh, I think you skipped the evangelical south?

How come al gore doesn’t blame any government agencies for the climate change or cern or harp hypocrisy

Climate change is the religion of globalists, and global industries such as CNN.

Only Democrats use polls to guide their policy decisions.

Let's put it this way, if it was as bad as they say don't you think they'd stop it? But they don't, why? Because it's easier to scare you into believing bullshit and take your donations and charge and tax you for even more money. Nothing is being done but money collecting.

Climate changing, yes. That man is solely responsible for the change, wrong. The planet goes through cycles, that is actual science.

Yes... ang the Earth is round. Welcome to rational thought. Trump shamelessly panders to his uneducated base who have no comprehension about data acquisition and scientific method. They're morons and he counts on them being morons.

Climate change is constantly occurring...I don't think that is your question.

Yes Paul Joseph Goebbels is alive and well in the media feeding this crap to Americans with false stats and false reports from the false 97% BS. No wonder

ChrisCuomo We always act late and with we i mean 🇺🇸 US. If we act the rest follow us, but when we don’t than the outcome is disappointing. Let hope for some changes from our government.

Everyone is aware of climate change over the last 100 hundreds of years. The cause is the point of discussion. Very dumb poll.

ChrisCuomo This is fakenews. It’s from cnn. Enough said! CuomoPrimeTime jimaccusted

2 out of 10 people need to get informed. The CIA has admitted Geoengineering for a long time. That’s as man made as it gets.


There is a serious placement issue with this photo. The first to spot it wins the internet for the day.

Every day raises the number of people who believe the climate is changing. Last week it was 5 out of 10. Facts are always the one thing missing.

ChrisCuomo Anthropomorphic climate change should not be believed it should be based on a consensus of scientists who have analyzed the data. Based on a consensus of 97%. I choose to accept the facts. If you were told a 97% chance your house would fall would stay there

If you don’t believe, you need to go back to your cave, hibernate, and wake up when the believers are all gone due to climate change, it won’t be a long sleep.

I think it is funny that any of you actually believe a poll that publishes since MOST American believe that is biased towards the left anyway. I for one do not watch them and when I see them on SM, I get my digs in. CNNisPathetic BoycottCNN

ChrisCuomo Any comment CNN about the woman abuser or anti semetic commentators you guys employed? ChrisCuomo adored avenatti so much he had him on for stuff he had no clue about. Guess we now know CNN will hire anyone just so long as they bash Trump. Fake news

Now we have to endure fake weather to go along with your fake news?

Absolutely but nothing will be done and most of world population will die !!!

Read your Bible !! Man has nothing to do with “Climate Change” !!! Man’s “Wisdom” is “Foolishness” to God !!!!

ChrisCuomo Of course most of us believe its changing. It's the direction its changing and how much man has to and can do about it.

You might want to ask Kentucky about their opinion of Monmouth wildcatsby90 KYBballFans

I didn’t think anyone denied climate change. The argument is the cause of the change. And whether or not the change is permanent.

ChrisCuomo Stop the lying. No generation on earth has had any power to stop any climate change unless God demonstrated his power. Hoax. Is the word I keep hearing in order to control what you eat, buy, houselived in, car ushould buy, etc... Think!Nowmorethan halfbelieve

ChrisCuomo The pollsters should have asked each person in the poll if they were driving less or buying a more fuel efficient car or using solar or converting to LED lighting or turning off lights or ...or...or. The last extinction is happening now and we are responsible for it.

ChrisCuomo all a testament to false advertising , I dare you to interview this guy

ChrisCuomo But Christopher, what do we do about India, CHina and places like Nicaragua where they burn plastic 24/7?

Wake up realDonaldTrump

ChrisCuomo Trump doesn't believe it b/c he knows of a couple diabolitical entities who might be playing around w/earth's climate? Nasty little Darth Vaders! Could also be part of military defense research project... not ours. I sound looney but we all now know how far troublemakers will go.

ChrisCuomo 9 out of 10 say polls are cheaper than research and just as accurate.

We’ve already suspended enough CFC into the air to destroy the ozone’s protective layer 200 times over. What we’re trying to do is prolong our lives expectancies by slowing our additions to the problem. We know people will over populate our world resources but how do we stop it?

Yes and Adolph Hitler said, 'if you tell a big lie often enough it becomes fact!' Or was that Goebbles his propaganda chief. It was one of them and they so admired the American Democrat Party in their day for its stance on race using some of it against the Jews. nytimes

soledadobrien And yet the GOP does everything to deny it.

We differ on the cause.

And most Americans believe it’s caused by bad practices in other countries & not the USA. Environmental conditions won’t be fixed until those countries do something & it also doesn’t require the US taxpayers to foot the bill.

It’s unfortunate the WH isn’t onboard. How shameful.

According to climate tologists we had 10 yrs to change our ways and repent 30 yrs ago, and then again 20 yrs ago, 10 yrs ago and now another 10 yr window. Why dont u just go away with your tales of worry to pretend a global government is the answer. Scam

The fireman looks like he’s peeing on the fire.

Just shows how many ignorant people there are.

Not enough knowing, hands into action needed, ASAP!!!!

Never hear CNN report this! DEAR LEFTIES: THIS IS WHY WE WANT 2 STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION‼️ MeToo⁠ ⁠ WomensMarch WomensEmpowerment Border agents find 6 year old girl in a pipe left for dead. Took her to hospital where the DNA of 30 men was found inside her.

Just saw a dinosaur walking beside I-15 just outside Jackpot near the border

God destroys nations using natural disasters! Rain, hail, snow,earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes & droughts are God’s weapons of mass destruction! ClimateChange is the cover story! Alaska California Florida NorthCarolina Arizona Virginia Alabama SouthCarolina

The harmful effects of group think. I wonder what percentage of people believed the world was flat? Love the word”believe”, sounds like they swallowed a tall tail.

That’s probably because we know climate changes (see Ice Age). What we don’t agree on is that it is man made because we know it happens regardless.

If only they had CNN a long time ago they could have made up polls to try to stop the ice age! Because that could have been stopped right? Right?

Are you sure? Please show us the exact source of these dates.

Enventually we reason

CNN reporting FAKE NEWS again!

Meh. I’ll be long gone before we see any serious effects. Once I’m dead, I don’t care.

The other 2 believe in HAARP

Yet more than 2 out of 10 voters support Trump. If they know he is lying why are they supporting him. Need to investigate why. Maybe your numbers aren’t accurate

A new poll shows that 100% of the puplic doesn't believe CNN.

Fake news. No such poll or data.

Caption under image is funny: “More Americans and most Republicans...” Maybe “most” should be replaced with “including.” Or are we saying Republicans are not Americans? If so, I’m good with that: I believe since Drumpf was elected, most GOP are not Americans.

Please save the Earth.

Trump Will address it when the whole planet is gone...

Trump dismissed the Climate Change Report prepared by experts as wrong without showing any scientific basis to disprove the report. Almost all right thinking americans are somehow concern about the serious effects of climate change except Trump.

Weather is caused by the 'Sun'.

Except for the orange haired buffon who thinks it's a Chinese hoax

Instutions are held hostage to fabricate and p hack data or risk losing federal funding and grants. I reject climate change theories based on the obvious biases, and the fact that there is no decent allowed without condemnation.

And humans are responsible for less than 3 % of carbon emissions. So if the entire world cut emissions in half it would still be meaningless.

soledadobrien Too late.

What's the point? . The climate is obviously changing. Why is this poll important? The big problem isn't that there's climate change, it's that New York City is not under water. People have no faith in experts because they make ridiculous clams.

Yup, realDonaldTrump is wrong on this one. The environment is our most precious resource and should be protected vigorously.


Sure...and according to a new poll... Hillary in a landslide.

This poll only had a sample size of 802! I agree that opinion is shifting, but the sample size is too smart be meaningful.

No we don't.We do however believe CNN is a lying news organization

soledadobrien What we believe does not change reality. It changes how we act on problems we are willing to acknowledge.

I ask people regularly about this subject and have found it is about 8 out of 10 DO NOT BELIEVE IN GLOBAL WARMING.

Did that mean brain washing is working? I like it better when it was called Global Warming and especially when it is really cold outside. It would be interesting to see what folks think Climate Change really is and the difference with Global warming? realDonaldTrump

soledadobrien And most of us thing guns are a problem and we should have some stricter gun safety but that hasn’t mattered to the GOP either.

soledadobrien Good thing Trumpy’s gut won’t let him buy into this nonsense. TrumpySux


Who funds this “poll”? ... 🤔

Did you ask if man was the sole cause of climate change. Or is the climate also changing as it has for millions of years

It shows just how effective your propaganda has been in convincing people something that clearly is false is true. All it took was over thirty years of relentless effort on the part of the media to achieve it.


How many times must you retweet this?

Only the extremely ignorant stand with their heads up each other’s a$$ and deny climate change. realDonaldTrump please pull your head out of Putin’s a$$ and say one intelligent comment in your whole lifetime and admit you were wrong about climate change!!!

Yes it's happening, however taxing the hell out of busy and citizens is not the answer

FakeNews CA wildfires caused by DEW stop lying to the people

Two bad the president doesn’t...but hey at least he believes in other dumb conspiracy theories, just not ones that matter, lol.

Please choose the year with the correct temperature.

I really believe in Trump's theory, he's smarter than any scientists!

The weather changes all of the time so that is not a hard one. I don’t know of anyone except leftists that think we can control the weather.🤣🤣🤣

Monmouth University as in the one from the Left Wing bastion New Jersey? Sure, I believe their “poll” Hahahahaha

Articles like this are what keeps CNN at the top of the the 24 hour news network ratings and adds validity to the idiot they along with the other networks put in Charge .A real Paradox of sorts.

It's like when someone ya know serve Jesus for 50 years then start practicing magic an shit because ii they scared to die 🙊👽

It’s science. What’s not to believe?


Translation 80% are swallowing a Hoax!

How many times are you going to retweet this

Climate change is certainly not a thing worth spending time and money worrying about. Rather be concerned about meeting God with your sins not covered by the blood of Christ. Perhaps God may have mercy on you before you pass from this earth (it's too late afterwards)

Wrong millions don't believe! !

Even more believe its changing, we didnt cause it, and theres nothing we can do about it. 90% of the species that EVER existed are now extinct. How absurd to believe humans are going to beat those odds.

Which proves leftist propaganda is working. In France, gas taxes levied due to the hoax is now $7/gal. To what degree do you want to punish yourselves to a lesser standard of living? Server farms generates enormous heat-are you going to stop using the internet?

soledadobrien Yet nothing is done due to corporate and political greed.


Effective propaganda. How many actually believe we can do anything about it?

Politics versus real science.

But some one believes it's hoax and does nothing. Seeing is (not) believing ?

What absolute lies you publish!

Of course it is, but Republicans are more likely to blame it on natural cycles or God's will and claim there is nothing we can do about it and if there was something it would either be too expensive or give other countries some sort of competitive economic advantage.

The climate is continually changing uncontrollable always has and always will. Uncontrollable by humans.

Why the fuck is everyone taking this so personal? The planet has hit a new low. You don’t feel it? As human beings connected with energy of the universe; y’all honestly don’t feel a change in our planet? Look at the animals.

The problem is so serious that nothing else really matters. If another country had killed so many and wrecked so much property we would spend trillions on war against them.

Climate change yes! Man made climate change no. Sorry faked data and model projections are not proof of man made climate change. If it was, all the so called experts who push this narrative would also mention the technology that reverses pollution. From trees to carbon scrubbers.

The climate has always been changing.

The climate is changing all the time this is of course a fact. The question is whether humans are expediting the changes. ClimateChange


Do you want to be a real journalist? Trail the money that fuels the “Anti Climate Change” and you will have the answer. Stop with quick and easy news

Here we go with the misinformation and Propaganda created by Political Rhetoric put out by far less than Qualified PR persons.

But we have to beat down every last skeptic before anything is done about it. Because no one wants to be held responsible if it turns out not to be true. “You made us do it(taxes on carbon,emissions reductions etc).”

You brainwashed people are amazing, you believe anything these CNN idiots tell you without question. The CO2 emissions industries put out is absolutely DWARFED by the earth's natural output, the planet is warming SLIGHTLY but there is NOTHING we can do about it

The problem is you only need one man on side and he isn’t even remotely interested.

Only humans think we can escape this undeniable fact. Our species will face an inevitable force of nature that will consume us, and then renew the Earth again.

Call me

“Believe” is an interesting word. “Have been coerced into thinking” is probably a better choice. Read the report! There are 100s of models.

soledadobrien Isn't that interesting considering CNN wouldnt even talk about for decades. Seems your sponsors didn't want you to and now you have no choice because progressives like OAC forced you to.

2 of 10 must me seriously left out of the loop, then.

How many times are you going to push this tweet? I have seen it at least 3 times in the last 24 hours.

You need to stop using the phrase 'believe in climate change.' The correct term should be 'understand climate change.' Climate change is a fact. Would you publish an article headlining the amount of people that 'believe' in gravity?

Why do we need polls about this Climate change is happening whether people believe it or not. Mother Nature doesn’t care what we think.

8 in 10 believe climate is changing - Belong to the vision of Trump. 2 in 10 Do not believe - These are fake people who believe in CNN , the fake news channel!!!

But not the dotard in the white house

Or, they probably remember the past global cooling warnings, and a couple of other scandals

Just more propaganda from CNN.

Fake News.

“believe in climate change” is not the dispute, it’s attributing climate change to humans which is disputed..

To fill a lake over here you must first empty a lake over there, Understand? If the people OF THE WORLD! cared about the WHOLE PLANET then everyone needs to stop and change, and we now that's never going to happen!. even if you change 1% it's still going to happen, good luck!

The climate is changing...I don't believe human activity is the cause though...prove me wrong!!

That Monmouth poll is full of it.

I don’t think many reasonable people deny climate change, but it’s fair to question the extent and what we need to do about it

Hi, I am number 9....

I hate this crap. Climate change ...get it.. climate change...get it

FullCountMedia Of course climate change is real! It’s been real since the planet was new! Man made climate change is a hoax! LiberalDumbAsses

Climate agitprop works, then. Well played, Communists. Well played.

Disingenuous. Yes, climate changes. It always has, always will. But what's causing it? Mother nature...and can we fight Mother nature? No! We had near ice ages in Europe just a few centuries ago. Logic people, not self absorbed whining

Don't trust anything CNN posts. I verify everything.

tanzinavega Meanwhile the Citizens’ Environmental Protection Agency’s Acting Administrator’s pushback on climatechange looks like this..?

I guess I keep missing the memo on this, but what does that mean? “So and so believes in climate change.” And? What comes after that?

hummm polls=UUGGHH

If you push your agenda long enough it will become the facts.

Start planting trees then.

Yup been happening for a million yrs , not going to stop now, where did all the ice go 10 thousand yrs ago that used to cover planet , climate change not man's fault🤔

8 in 10 people, when tortured enough, will eventually give up to make it stop.

I think us as humans are really arrogant to think we can actually hurt this planet by emissions alone. People are split because there is not 100% factual proof behind climate change. And those numbers are wrong. There is not a set accuracy on the split.

More people drinking the koolaid daily

If the climate never changed we wouldn't be here.

soledadobrien About 2 in 10 Americans are ignorant fools.

Depends who the 10 people are that you ask. Out of the 10 u asked 8 were progressive climate change believers. It's called propaganda

The climate is changing. But it's a natural occurrence. When I was a kid I was told that by the year 2000 the Florida weather would be in NJ. It isn't.

Wild fires are not a direct cause of climate change. When is the last time you seen a tree spontaneously combust because it was too hot outside, let alone a whole fucking forest!


Et Trump reste sourd !

It's global concerned, especially US, China,Japan,India,Germany etc. Countries with high technological innovation,industries & population.Reduces the CO2 emissions & changes to environmental friendly just like what Madrid did(spain ).

Sure the climate is changing. I don’t think anyone disputes that. Is CO2 the single control know of warming and is an extra 100 ppm driving climate? Not too many scientists (other than Al Gore) believe that.

How many continue to drive their cars anyway with the attitude it's a very serious problem that someone else has to fix?

Is it specified on, global warming (man made)orclimatechange (scientificallyproven andself evidentin all of history?)Phrases matter media/politicians.Get it correct.Yes man impacts climate and we can do better.Weare also OVERDUE for majorevents.Climate manipulation does nothelp!

realDonaldTrump RepStevenSmith SenateGOP HouseGOP HeartlandInst yeah you keep spreading that fake news about that un ipcc climate fraud cnn

How many think you can actually do anything to make a difference? We live in very volatile space.

soledadobrien If only there was some sort of international agreement, where all countries agree to lower co2 emissions

Maybe if you only ask liberal democrats in California. Nobody in the heartland believes that garbage.

You used to use the term 'Man made climate change' . Wonder why the change? Just maybe because it can't be proven and you know it. Climate change has been happening for billions of years. Fear mongering doesn't look good on you. Maybe 50th article this week with diff. slant!

Of course the climate is changing...the issue is that you morons think it shouldn’t change, and that Man can stop it from changing.

Who’s two American Trump and?

Not the best angle

“Believe in” is not an appropriate response to a scientific theory. People can either accept or reject one. So You can accept climate science and its consensus as a correct explanation for climate change. It’s not religion. Nature does not care what you believe in!

Self-Reported 28% Republican 38% Independent 34% Democrat ummmmm the numbers just don’t jive here?!? Ohhhh but report it anyway! goodjournalism apple facts 🤔🤔🤔

But trump is within the 2 out of 10

But Trump is smarter than the scientists and he doesn’t believe it. Therefore it must not be true. 😡

Those numbers just show how bad the education system is in America.

Now it is up to the Republicans to convince realDonaldTrump

maybe the other 46% need more flames to made theyr minds...


Tell China and India to lower their CO2 production like the USA has. if you think that is the problem

And the same Americans are so brainwashed by media financed by Military Industrial Complex that have voted either for Trump or another idiot and crooked Clinton

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