Light at the end of the tunnel as first 100MW private supplier gets go-ahead

  • 📰 SundayTimesZA
  • ⏱ Reading Time:
  • 15 sec. here
  • 2 min. at publisher
  • 📊 Quality Score:
  • News: 9%
  • Publisher: 51%

Energy Energy Headlines News

The announcement comes as Johannesburg mayor aims to add an extra 500MW of alternative energy to the grid

The National Energy Regulator of SA has approved its first 100MW power-generation projects in the private market.A subscription gives you full digital access to all Sunday Times content.Registered on the BusinessLIVE, Business Day or Financial Mail websites? Sign in with the same details.

The National Energy Regulator of SA has approved its first 100MW power-generation projects in the private market...A subscription gives you full digital access to all Sunday Times content.Registered on the BusinessLIVE, Business Day or Financial Mail websites? Sign in with the same details.

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