Tesla shares rise after Hertz says it will buy 100,000 electric vehicles

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Energy Energy Headlines News

Energy Energy Latest News,Energy Energy Headlines

Hertz says it is buying 100,000 Tesla Model 3s, a value of about $4.2B. Rentals are expected to start later next year. Lebeaucarnews has the details.

News of the deal brought Tesla's stock more than $975 in early morning trading, a new record-high, just one trading day after shares hit $900. The stock is currently up about almost 7%.

The deal, which will bring in a reported $4.2 billion for Tesla, is the largest ever purchase of electric vehicles,Bloomberg also reported the cars are slated for delivery within the next 14 months and will be available to customers in the U.S. and parts of Europe as early as November, according to the people.


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Lebeaucarnews So Telsa sold Hertz 100k model 3's worth 4.2 billion and the stock goes up a 120 billion?

Lebeaucarnews Individual bankruptcy=life ruined. Corporate bankruptcy=party time.

Lebeaucarnews Turn to Jesus, we've all sinned & we're all evil, we stand trial for the evil we've done in front of our judge who is God, no judge frees people for their good deeds, only perfect or forgiven people make it, stop sinning, he's coming back soon, he payed for your sins, God bless.

Lebeaucarnews Wish they had them right now. I don't need a rental car but I just want to 'have' one for a few days/week.

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