No change to Canadian climate plan as report warns of losing global warming battle

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According to a new report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world is going to blow past its most stringent climate goal in less than a quarter century.


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Perhaps someone should have informed you sooner; there is absolutely nothing that Canadians can do of any significance about our ongoing climate change. That could have saved us $billions or even $trillions...

And Carbon Tax isn't the solution JustinTrudeau people are tired of bullshit politics and thier politicians. Trans mountain pipeline is a big mistake.

I think more Canadians would be willing to listen if there wasn’t so much hypocrisy. So much focus on saving the planet and humankind, but do we consider if man is worth saving?

Keep digging Justin...keep digging, 19 mths can't come soon enough

AlbeertaStan GOOD

allthecdnpoli Of course not. Let's open another oilsands mine, build another pipeline and a massive LNG export plant because that's how Canada fights climate change. Oh...and we are all expected to pay a carbon tax so that private corporations can keep polluting.

michael_house9 The tax is a farce, just another money grab disguised as something supposedly good.

` OldMEN hanging-on to their TOXIC OiL empires OiL IS LIQUID COAL💥 OLD TECHNOLOGY EU Offshore WindFarm🌪️ —to power 8OMIL homes 🌞Solar Wind Hydrogen are powering cities & Electric Cars Trucks Ships Trains Tractors⚡️ TOpoli ABpoli ClimateChange cathmckenna

I’ve never believed in this global warming foolishness from the beginning. There are cycles of changing weather and climates that the earth goes through, it is nothing less, nothing more. There is money to be made off of “global warming”, think of that.

Whatever they will pay a year from now.

Carbon dioxide does not pose a threat, as history has proven. Humanity has much more important issues to worry about.

Climate barbie will be looking for new work next year..

CathyMcKenna17 you are losing! tonythetiger18 Elduderino_420

Global warming is happening since 4+billion years (ice age) and entire Canada’s contribution to total global pollution is merely 1.6%, so talk some productive lines and stop burdening Canadians!!

It would certainly help if the Canadian gov't expected corporate polluters to do as much as the citizenry. That said, unlike AndrewScheer & the CPC_HQ fordnation & other regressive Premiers, they are at least admitting that climate change is a serious issue. cdnpoli onpoli

The question to be answered is -how much progress has been made in reducing carbon emissions to date?

climatebarbie is a sad example of the diversity and equality Liberal failure. Put into a position she is unqualified for, left to virtue signal talking points and drinking expensive wine on company jets. TrudeauMustGo

It is fake to begin with. Dinosaurs and heat, Ice Age, etc, Ozone layer in the 80s. Even if it were true Canada is like .0001 of it all. Even if you believe it and we did not exist it would make no difference at all - China, India, US, etc etc produce so much more

We lost it along time ago. People only care about things making them is why we are destroying our planet. Humans are experts at one thing destruction

Hgr ClimateChangeFormerlyKnownAsGlobalWarming is a farce.

Maybe try something else other than taxing people.

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