Trump spurns science on climate: 'Don't think science knows'

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President Trump ignored the scientific consensus that climate change is playing a central role in historic West Coast infernos and renewed his unfounded claim that poor forest management is mostly to blame.

The president arrived at at Sacramento McClellan Airport to the powerful scent of smoke from the fires burning some 90 miles away.

“When you have years of leaves, dried leaves on the ground, it just sets it up,” Trump said. “It’s really a fuel for a fire. So they have to do something about it.” “It’s often hard to know what Trump means,” Balch added. “If by forest management he means clear-cutting, that’s absolutely the wrong solution to this problem. ... There’s no way we’re going to log our way out of this fire problem.”in July to boost investment in clean energy and stop all climate-damaging emissions from U.S. power plants by 2035.But as the wildfires rage, some climate activists have expressed frustration that Biden has not been more forceful on the issue.

“Donald Trump’s climate denial may not have caused these fires and hurricanes,” Biden said. “But if he gets a second term, these hellish events will continue to become more common and more devastating and more deadly.”


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The most anti-science, most anti-environment president and administration in our nation’s history!!

Yes CNN,rational people tend to ignore things that aren't true. These fires are caused by decades of poor forestry management,news flash tree huggers,dead trees do not produce Oxygen.

Against the unfounded claim that climate change is doing it

The only good thing is January 20 is coming to save us

Only modern man could be so arrogant that he believes himself the sole cause and savior of climate change. Lol how pathetic can you be to actually think man can control the climate.

Gov Newsom admits funds for 'fire prevention' were diverted to social programs. Climate Change didn't start the fires, arsonists. Why is there no mention of this.

Forest management should reduce the number of dead trees available to burn

His claim wasn’t unfounded. CA citizens have been begging state and federal officials, for years, to manage the overgrowth off their forests, especially the thousands of acres of dead trees. Fake News!

That’s bull shit there is no proof of that climate change has any thing to do with the fires. Poor forestry management and people careless with fire is the problem

Lefth the ones cont w nature propaganda let the climatologiest do the job every 500 years the nature change drastic from cold to hot so called El nino

If the climate scare is real then why have NONE of the predictions over the last 40 years been correct ? The Bible has a much better record

Scientific consensus also brought us extinct Coelacanths and cold fusion.

I thought arsonists and soon to be parents were causing the majority of forrest fires

One bad headline away from delete. Is this the NY Post or the once trusted AP. Be critical in the story. Why go for the grab. Journalism... look it up.

Arson is not scientific but it does play a roll in the climate. People aren’t stupid and believe everything you print. Poor management on the West Coast is to blame!

Why's this climate change affects only US? It seems to recognise borders.

That claim is hardly unfounded. You want to write half-assed editorials start your own paper.

well you do understand that the democrats governing the west coast is mostly who to blame for the poor forest management right?

So climate change caused the lightning strikes , how is that different from any other year. Furthermore why dont you bring up the poor management of our forest due to restrictions in California . AP. You guys have sold your soul try reading Epoch times they are real journalists.

No, the guy who wants to nuke hurricanes knows better.

Forestry management is only an unfounded claim to biased journalists LMAO its fucking there for everyones eyes to see

58% of forests in CA are FEDERALLY MSNAGED

a possible cause: pathological demand avoidance

Trumps fault? No! 'it takes a village' but Trump has discredited, igonored and/or down played this existential issue, Trump has purposely and strategically turned his back to science, and I think, brought us, and the world, back decades UNFIT

And don’t mention the lefty arsonists responsible for who knows how many.

So Trump set the fires right? If climate change was a thing, how in the world did Trump cause that too You guys are idiots.

For the douchenozzle who write, lack of forestry management does have a part in this

No bad policies, bad laws causing by the Democratic governors and conservationists , they caused overcrowded and over grown forest conditions. They should have allowed some logging if not Mother Nature will clean it up the natural way with fire. Nothing to do with climate

TrumpRally Trump will be handing out rakes to the first 1000 ppl to sign up for his next rally!

The AP press is supposed to be non partisan. This is a joke of a paper that is so blatantly trying to push the left’s agenda 😂

Every bit of science that shows climate change is negated by other science. Please with the bullshit.

hostile to both the poor and the world ..... !!!

“Unfounded claim”


Gavin Newsome concurred that more needs to be done in Forrest management.

Climate change. Translation: HAARP

Duh simple forest mgt would have solved it...but Gov Nonuts didn’t want to kill trees. They may feel pain

You have scientist calling arson climate change? What about the science about proper forest conservation? Should it be ignored?

Scientists who study this do not know but orange moron who look to solar eclipse with out sunglasses knows better.🤣🤣

The climate change seems to play a role. How do you know it plays a central role?


How about the 4 assholes that set some of these infernos and were arrested for arson and other crimes. The Associated Press is like CNN pathetic.

China and India are the biggest Polluter on the planet!! We have no control over them!! Fires every where!! History Repeat Its self! We should all be outraged!! Over what Obama and Biden did! To the forests management and the BLM

Why do these fires always stop at the Canadian border if they truly are caused by climate change and not other issues

God heip us if he’s re-elected.

Have you even seen the numerous arson arrests in California and Oregon

Sorry.I'm stuck on the notion of 'consensus' in science. Is that even scientific?

Cal forest has been burning for years way before Donald Trump. It was JoeBama’s 8 years ineptness that they have not done anything and continued poor forest management.

Pretty sure this has everything to do with forest management by humans that prefer animals over humans.

He’s absolutely right. I know of no scientific consensus concerning man made global warming, that’s were this BS is going. The actual fact is, the earth warms and cools. It has been doing that for millions of yrs. and will continue to do so. Manage forests.

MiaFarrow These hateful character aka shit face45 must come out of the WH

AP: You're out of touch! Poor forest management is not an 'unfounded claim'---in the West it is a known factor that has been tossed back and forth by the BLM and state forest agencies! That you think this is an 'unfounded claim' shows you don't know what your're talking about!

Pure Fascism!

Can anybody who reads this point me to the scientific evidence that shows that climate change is mostly to blame for the West coast fires.

That’s not what happened. Trump didn’t ignore anything, he agreed that there could be several contributing factors to the recent fires, & BOTH he and Newsome agreed to not discuss climate at this presser. Please report the news as it is.

LOL, he literally has highly paid climatologists working for him who would gladly give him a briefing if he would just skip an hour of Fox & Friends.

This reality TV show has to end already

A Molotov cocktail is “good” forest management? Or is that “social climate change”?

There is absolutely no scientific consensus that climate change has caused any fires. Fires need fuel caused by major forest mismanagement for decades, and most are started by arsonists.

So the new green deal state currently with rolling blackouts wants us to bankrupt our nation to slow temps by one degree over the next ten years (maybe) note: they have the fires

Science is not proven by consensus.

Anyone who votes for realDonaldTrump is doing so purely out of greed and self preservation. It’s not for love of this country, its people or the planet.

You forgot to put 'unfounded claim' in front of 'climate change'...

Unfounded Newsome admitted it was a huge problem. is a propaganda rag. Fake News!

Poor first management and arson. It isn't rocket science or climate science.

Apparently climate change activates arsonists.

Are there any fires in British Columbia? Canada?

I can promise the same area won’t burn next year. Why? Natural forest management


MiaFarrow Is there ANY subject that terrorist trump is NOT ignorant about

Forest management!

Poor forest management and repeatedly stopping natural fires over the course of decades and allowing fuel to build up ...yeah.

Thanks for this truthful framing

How does climate change start a fire. I know lightning can. How about poor management out there. I could be many reasons, stop putting everything on Trump etc..

snopes can you help out with their false reporting or are you hiding behind the same misinformation?

And of course Molotov cocktails and fireworks!

AP is now an opinion pusher?

It a major contributing factor and it’s been reputed a number of these fires were intentionally set!

He doesnt think science knows but there is ZERO doubt he knows anything. So if being a betting man do you bet on science which may know, or trump who 100% dosent. Choice seems easy to me.

Poor forest maintenance is already proven. Saving trees and forests in California created too much fuel for fires. They are a natural occurance. By not letting them happen and not de-foresting we have a big problem.

Who elects these west coast officials?. President Trump merely signs or vetos bills passed by two houses of Congress. Read that pesky document called the constitution...walkaway

thank u ranger donald.

Sometimes when I see the news. I wonder if South Park creators had a time machine.

This is a lie.

He’s right’s not

We confirm his statement.

Umm there’s criminal activity going on Mother Nature is not this organized

He pretends to not believe in science He wants 2B the only one Running the show.His gullible base believes he's a GOD that will lead them to the promised land. & his enablers are making it easy., they bow to his requests They R all very Wacko,May they all suddenly regain sanity

So AZ, NV and NM are all drier than CA, why don't they have climate change fires?

Lol. Unfounded.

Uneducated and almost illiterate Trump obviously thinks he knows more about the science than scientists... But his govt’s climate crisis denial and negligence will destroy the environment for future generations! voteblue

MiaFarrow I wonder if our country is even going to survive the last few months of his presidency. If he figures out a way to steal four more years I know we won’t survive that.

Sure thing, also by scientific consensus, BLM rallies offer no covid danger while trump rallies do.

This is what let’s Trump down; he KNOWS that it’s just not true. No one will admit that we are coming to the end of a pole shift somewhere between 2023-2025! This is why all these distraction are being played out NOW. With billions of people gone, pension pots are then managable!

Unfounded? Even Gavin Newsome acknowledged that they do a piss poor job at forestry management.

There’s no scientific consensus that climate change is playing a central role in the West Coast forest fires. Quit lying, fakenews

When it comes to our environment and environmental issues in general, Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. Nearly completely ignorant on all things related to our environment, the most anti-environment, anti-science president/administration in our nation’s history.

Much of west coast forests are federal land. So by that logic the Feds should step up.

AP is fake ass left wing bullshit

He’s too stupid to understand science

What else 🚂🚃🚃🚃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💨💨💨💨💨

Our tax dollars were wasted in having Trump travel all the way to the West Coast to announce that climate change is a hoax, that forest management is to blame for the ferocious forest fires there. shrug

Take the matches away from the arsonists and tighten up the forestry! 3 1/2 half years - please all Trump’s fault - BS!!

Lol. I guess no climate change in Canada. You guys are so fake.

A Rake recommending a rake.

MiaFarrow The federal govt. owns 53% of California’s forest acreage. What is HE doing to manage these lands. It is HIS responsibility. TRUMP do YOUR job. KamalaHarris

Because it is!

It’s not an issue of what caused the fires, people. Fires are destroying people’s lives and property. Empathy would be nice.

This is the dumbest headline ever. I can't even use better language to condemn it. It's just dumb.

This can be Melania's initiative for the next term? She can team up with Smokey Bear.

Climate change isn’t caused 100% by human created global warming. So maybe this is a combination of climate change and poor forest management? Like COVID, clearly we were caught off guard. Instead of constructively addressing that, we make it political and finger point. Sigh

Rump is one sick & sorry ASS H !!!!!!!!!

As usual, Trump won't listen to the scientists. He actually believes he is the smartest person in the world and it's the scientists who don't know WTF they're doing.

Hasn't there been several arrests of people setting the fires? Also, if they would manage the undergrowth there would be less fuel for the fires.

As someone who spent 20 years in and out of our National Forests, he is correct. Not letting it be grazed or properly logged as led to the biggest problem we have. Years and years of deadfall and layers of old grasses make the fires worse and burn hotter

Trump is surely one of the greatest ignoramuses on the planet!

The temperature change for California is only 3* higher in the last 100 years. Try mismanagement of forest, stupid gender reveal parties, mother nature,

Also to blame, maybe, is the Antifa infants riding their bikes and shooting roman candles into the dry brush?

Repeat! 😞 Trump STOP the BLAME & misinformation game! The federal gov. owns 58% of CA forest! Polarization. Fear Monger. Us versus them. Themes. Not details. Zero interest in Democracy. Moderates, Independents & Republicans are fed up with this.

what percentage of climate change is causing the fires?

How much tax money do we need to get the fires to stop?

😂. Climate Change

Why bother sending a moron to have an intelligent conversation with some of the most brilliant minds in the country.... It's like the have construction equipment and Trump bring play doh..

Blaming crying about CC is as lame as it gets. Sure we will still have some wildfires but not like this. Do more. Let Feds and Privates do more. Do ecology. Soil and water sponge. Encourage holistic grazing. Using CEQA against burns is idiotic. Also habitat lawsuits. Come on.

'renewed his unfounded claim that poor forest management is mostly to blame.' over 1/2 of forests in california are on federal land, donnie

So mismanagement of underbrush and a build up of dead dry fuels is an unfounded cause, but climate change.....never mind.

99% of the scientist LMAO

I heard someone say that the vast majority of the affected area is Federal land, so wouldn’t they (the feds) be responsible for the forest management?

To f’ing stupid to know he is hopelessly stupid.

Oh, and I guess he’ll provide the rakes?

Arsonists are adding to the mayhem. Four arrested so far.

'Scientific consensus?' How about Boy Scout common sense. Small pieces of dry dead trees burn quickly if your state doesn't remove them regularly.

I agree with Trump!

There is no scientific consensus! StopTheLies

🙄🙄🙄.. arson and very poor forest management is what you ignore🙄🙄.. California has always had wildfire season but now they have more arsonist setting fires to fuel the climate narratives!

You can’t manage dry forests in a dry season. You have to cut them down. If you don’t want to do that, you have to pump excess eastern water to the west coast. If we can pump oil sludge from Canada to Louisiana, we can pump water to the Pacific.

So the consensus is that climate change had a role in the fires and that poor forrest and ground management did not? Interesting that once again AP crafted the story to meet its political goals. How much of a role did climate change play? No consensus on that. Not much to some?

Why does feel qualified to say science is consolidated on this? Are their experts superior to Trumps?

MiaFarrow Surprised Trump didn’t call the wild fires a hoax.

To prevent fire we can either 1) Use known forest management techniques to prevent the spread of fires, which helps us now, or 2) Adopt expensive plans to reduce CO2, assuming other countries do too, in hopes that in a century the earth won't be as warm. Who's being unreasonable?

AP not even trying to appear objective anymore. Losers!

California has the largest number of people in Congress. I'm sure they could put legislation together that would address the Federal forests in California. Is there a reason this hasn't been done. Call Pelosi.

Just rake those weeds and needles and pick up the animal poop and the world will be good again...oh and while you're at it, Throw that POS out of the White House in November!!!

Maybe because he knows that they are being set by democrats violent arm of their party.

Not sure of exact count today but within the last month there were forest fires active in California and 14 other states. Curious whether “poor forest management” is responsible in ALL those states or only in California? (FYI......8 of those are considered “blue” and 7 “red.”)

He’s correct. Mostly. Curious why fires stop at the northern border. Hmmm Better forest management in canada i’d say.


Is it fossil fuel or too many people? The population of the Earth has doubled during the past 50 years. 3.9 billion to 7.8 billion. These are also arson fires

The daily negative Trump article. Is this it for the day?

Good grief now the AP is the DNC

MiaFarrow 57% of the forest land in CA is Federal. Maybe they can sign it over to CA, which holds 3% of it. The rest is privately held.

When are people going to wise up? Follow the money. Science doesn't pay but all kinds of industries do. So why do you think Trump ignores science in their favor?

Nice ad, Biden.

Well poor forest management AND arson........

Much of North America was covered by mile thick ice sheets just 15,000 years ago. Climate change made North America habitable, the world’s bread basket and formed the largest reserves of fresh water on the planet in the Great Lakes.

Did he bring his rake with him? 🤨

What is Trump doing about Hurricane Sally. Last I heard, he was trying to get a date with her!

And, Senator Marco Rubio just shrugs.

Prez is right!

Unfounded.... Look at you, using words you don't understand again.

No narrative here 👍🏻🤣

This guy is a real, deal schmuck. He does what he does purposely, with malice of forethought!

Then why don't you gutless reporters start calling him on his BS instead of just accepting his lies?

Come on . Controlled burns through forest management, has always been the way to control situations like these.

Arsonists *changed the climate. California's management left the tinder laying all around.

There is a difference between weather and climate. The flames have been fanned, but the fire was man made.

Green energy has failed California. It has failed everywhere it has been tried. It has that in common with Socialism.

For California, it’s the second time in a month that a host of unfortunate weather conditions have aligned in a way that has fueled a spread of wildfires at record speed. The rapid spread of fire was worsened in part by ClimateChange. USwildfires CAwx

Where did he get his degree in science or forestry to make such claims? Can we get an expert with a degree in Forestry Fire Prevention to weigh in on this? PLEASE!!!

How is it 'unfounded'? California has been blasted for decades for over use of water, over building, and dismantling fire and conservation areas to build profit centers. The climate may be a factor, but it's not the cause.

Lies lies lies. California not using Federal $ given to them to keep forest cleaned up, and arson, are the main problems! Maybe you should listen to the fite fighters on the ground and not your DNC talking points. misinformation propaganda

If someone speaks of 'scientific consensus', you know for sure, this person has no glue, what science is and makes propaganda.

All climate change over the last 50 yrs was on Biden’s watch

Look into Carbon Credits and who gets rich off of them. Climate Change operations are a money scam where certain people get rich camouflaging this to be for the good of our environment when it’s really lining pockets of a select few.

The AP of ass clowns didn't hear that the Governor of CA admitted poor forest management was part of the problem which we all know CA has been poorly managed by Ghettocrats for decades but they want to shift the blame to climate change

Because he is an idiot

Weather forecasters can’t get their predictions for tomorrow correct half the time. You want me to believe their projections for 30-50 yrs from now? 😂😂😂😂😍😍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Bullshit article.

realDonaldTrump is in charge of 57% of the forests in California. They are Federal land. If he wants to fix it he can but instead uses it as a diversion that it’s California’s fault. Trump punishes the blue states when they need fed help.

ap simping hard for biden here

Gov. Newsom said that 57% of the state is federal forest. (Federal ownership is 19 million acres = 57%.) Shouldn't the responsibility to 'management the forest' belong to the FEDERAL government, AKA DJT?!?

So, if climate is the causation of the fires, what is the excuse why the wild lands weren't managed? There is none.

Ignore that idiot. People are dying and he is lying. Same old crimes from the White House. Vote. And vote Biden.

Is climate change leading to an increase in gender-reveal parties?

He ignores the scientific consensus about COVID too. What else is knew?

The consensus is that Arson is the direct cause. Poor forest management is an indirect cause. The possibility that drought is inconclusively linked to a warming climate of which partly is caused by greenhouse gases only 9-26% is attributed to carbon of which 3% is man made.

Trump vote2020 ClimateCrisis CaliforniaFires

Unfounded? Your bias is showing, AP. In 2018, an independent state oversight agency found that 'California’s forests suffer from neglect and mismanagement, resulting in overcrowding that leaves them susceptible to disease, insects and wildfire.'

Where is the AP story on the arsonists arrested?

I LIVE here. Poor forest management IS mostly to blame. We haven't managed our forests well in Oregon for decades. That can be researched. Do your job. Stop sensationalizing

It’s Antifa... 🤫

We do not deserve an idiot POTUS . . .

We know that Trump doesn’t know TrumpdoesntKnow

Idiot that he has PROVEN to be!

Trump will continue to lie about democratic led states despite scientific evidence. Why bother going to California at all? He cares nothing about the devastation the citizens are dealing with.

There has been a slowdown of fossil fuels and smog in California and yet the fires get worse and worse! Tell us, you Climate Change gurus, what are you proposing to do about forest fires, hurricanes, tornados, floods, etc! What are you actually proposing to do? Talk is cheap!

AP lies. Bigly.

Think with me. realDonaldTrump has been in power for four years. And what did you do for Americans? In addition to promises, contradictory rhetoric, lies,embezzlement of public resources, letting thousands of people die and millions of others sick,... Trump is threat for USA

I have a question is that the area with Sequoyah trees?

Why isn't the entire world on fire? Why aren't all the forest of the world igniting? Why only USA west coast?

We see a harmless branch. Trump see's dynamite. That's why he's President!

Poor management of FEDERAL LANDS.

'Scientific consensus'. These are scientists who see their business model threatened by this realistic president.

“Unfounded claim” It’s so obvious what team AP is on. CaliforniaWildFire

Last two years of fires should make up for 40 years of poor forest management for next decade. US CO2 foot print has actually declined last two years to date and will continue over time through technology and states programs. Paris agreement is joke because China and India

Says the guy who wants to nuke hurricanes. TrumpIsAnIdiot

Hum gee clean ur Forest is the most logically solutions u fools

Is he blaming it on the leaves again?

Lol at this AP headline. Garbage stuff.

In the last 100 years, California has warmed by a total of 3 degrees on average... sorry but liberals can’t run their cities, or manage forests. That’s more likely the case than climate change

Trump being anti-science is not news.

Consensus? and Unfounded? This is not news reporting.


Oh give him a rake and let him do some work for once

Unfounded? It’s common sense. When you leave a bunch of dead trees laying around fire spreads easier. This isn’t rocket science.

How are the people doing that got arrested for arson? Did they get bailed out yet from any freedom funds.

yearly fires on the west coast have been going on for quite some time before Trump was born btw before the AP was born btw fuck facts though

His intellectual acumen is astounding.

Funny how that climate change suddenly stops at the Canadian border. Almost as if they manage forests better and do not have an army of anarcho-arsonists running around.

Nice to see the climate change warrior, Newsome, groveling with epic humility, for money. Of course.

Unfounded‽ Bullshit!

Or Arson.

The interesting thing about the fires is most of the land is federally owned in CA- realDonaldTrump has no one to blame but himself

I mean we haven’t had a year colder than average since 1976 or a month colder than average since 1984 and the ten hottest years on record have all been since 1998 but yeah, definitely nothing happening. Big brains those conservative.

Wouldn’t improved forest management be something we could do more of now, given that the climate issues won’t be solved by next year? Common sense is dead.

Don't worry everyone, our climate systems are just as gullible as Trump supporters and Trump will be able con us out of this problem.

Changing the narrative from calling military losers

Yeah he ignored it because there is more at play than climate change.

How is it unfounded? That is the reason.

are we supposed to ignore the obvious fact that arsonists are playing a central role in the West Coast infernos?

Adolf Hitler never told his crowd if you take on the world they will kick your ass....

Associated Propaganda

sCiEntiFic cOnSenuS

The climate changes all of the time, and mankind has little to nothing to do with it!

Arson is climate change?

An off topic alert! There must have been some semblance of reason for 3.6 million Americans to have clicked this video clip despite seeing its adverse caption beforehand. Conclusion? Its Biden on Nov the 3rd! 👇👇👇

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