Doctors say 'fossil fuel addiction' kills, starves millions

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Australia Australia Latest News,Australia Australia Headlines

Extreme weather from climate change triggered hunger in nearly 100 million people and increased heat deaths by 68 per cent in vulnerable populations worldwide as the world's 'fossil fuel addiction' degrades public health each year, doctors reported in a new study.

Extreme weather from climate change triggered hunger in nearly 100 million people and increased heat deaths by 68 per cent in vulnerable populations worldwide as the world's "fossil fuel addiction" degrades public health each year, doctors reported in a new study.

In the annual Lancet Countdown, which looks at climate change and health, nearly 100 researchers across the globe highlighted 43 indicators where climate change is making people sicker or weaker, with a new look at hunger added this year.In praising the report, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres put it even more bluntly than the doctors: "The climate crisis is killing us."

"Can I say that every bit of food insecurity is due to climate change? Of course not. But we think that in this complex web of causes, it is a very significant contributor and it's only going to get worse," said pediatrician Dr. Anthony Costello, Lancet Countdown co-chair and head of the University College of London's Global Health Institute.

The air pollution from burning coal, oil and gas also pollutes the air, causing about 1.2 million deaths a year worldwide from small particles in the air, the scientists and report said. The 1.2 million figure is based on "immense scientific evidence," Harvard's Salas said. Both air pollution and heat deaths are bigger problems for the elderly and the very young and especially the poor, said University of Louisville environmental health professor Natasha DeJarnett, a study co-author.


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Stupidest thing I've seen. Fossil fuels have allowed populations across the world to thrive.

Great. How much hospital equipment is built with petroleum product. The world knows fossil fuels are bad but the isn’t a reliable solution to solve the power crisis if oil went away immediately.

Geezus, you don't even try to change the headline.... Shut down you are a useless information source.

They mean the Industrial Revolution and that pesky addiction to eating.

Quick, check the ventilation system and the water supply! You clowns are being drugged.

Quit printing this crap!!!

CTV is out of control

You know what kills more people, no access to affordable and accessible sources of energy especially for the poorest nations. These are inconvenient truths for the anti fossil fuel crowd.

This is the most ridiculous thing I’ll see all day and it’s only 630 am

Have doctors not seen what is made from oil and gas in hospitals? How about the electricity that helps incubate premature born babies? Etc etc. This report is shoddy and misinformation. fossilfuture

Why do doctors ignore the benefits of fossilfuels when they make rubbish reports like this? You can't have an honest analysis if you completely.ignore the fact that fossil fuels support 3-4 billion people via Haber Bosch process and improve climate survivability by 50x.

OK, let's do Canada, how many would freeze to death without heat this winter, I'll wait...

1) She is not a Doctor, she is a Data Scientist. 2) If you had not copied and pasted the story you would have noticed... 3) .... doing your research first pays off.

Stop oil, starves Billions!

Without fossil fuels the world population doesn't go above one billion. So that looks like six billion or so, just 'gone'. Are these people volunteering?

Doctors that use plastic? Heat? Electricity? Ambulances? Lol

'...fossil fuel addiction kills, starves millions...?' Millionaires and billionaires kills and starves children!

They would, wouldn’t they?

Name the doctors...

Hidden camera caught the CNN guy saying everyone has 'covid fatigue' so they were going to start pumping out the climate change stories again. LMFAO... It's actually comical that these guys leaked the script to this shit comedy

Another fringe liberal carbon jihad masquerading as science

Your hitting new lows everyday. Practicing for when C-11 is enforced?

It’s now an addiction to wanting heat in the winter and fuel for transportation. Stop giving these nuts airtime.

It’s like a movie where the news is so outlandish you know it’s a fable. Can’t you see it?

I wonder what would happen if all fossil fuels are shut off to these developing nations, in these Doctors opinions?

Really?! Again 'the doctors'?! The same doctors who putted themselves in the service of WEF/NWO sanitary dictatorship. All this doctors, specialists, authorities etc. can go and go and so on... 'unde a-ntarcat Mutu iapa'(south-est european expression). Capisci, you fake news?

That’s funny because doctors don’t study fuel or anything to do with food.

What do doctors say about children working the lithium mines? 🤦‍♂️

Doctors of gender studies

Meanwhile in reality fossil fuels are feeding billions.

I prefer snorting fossil fuels. How does everyone else do it?

Wow, your lies are unbelievable. I hope you become jobless and starve like the rest of Cdns whose lives you have ruined

Significantly more people die annually from extreme cold every year vs heat related deaths. Why are we being discouraged, shamed and priced out of heating our own homes?

Jourbalisming so hard right now!!! Wow!

Without fossil fuels, millions will die

Oh yeah? And what does so-called 'green energy' do, aside from creating carbon credit markets for billionaire banksters?

Fossil fuel addiction? ctvnews are you high?

Doctors need to focus on their profession and not stuff they know nothing of such as gun control or climate control.


CTV says whatever the government tells them. They change with the tide

Doesn't that picture say it all? GTA

Why is CTV so 💩💩💩💩💩💩

CTV n cbc are out of control lol. Not even news anymore.

is this just clickbait or propaganda?

Doctors? You mean the ones who prescribe opioids? Pretty sure you can’t run a hospital without fossil fuels.

CTV misinformation kills more.

😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok 👌

Ha they should stick to medicine.

We're working on it so go away drama class. We have it covered.

Fake news has an addiction to our tax dollars. Defund them all.

Wrong, it brings thriving life to literally Billions. Without fossil fuels our human population would be in the several hundred millions not billions. But that's really what you want, isn't it? You genocidal fascistic eugenicists.

That is WEF agenda promoted be the Turdeau, and sold media

Unmitigated nonsense. Those fuels have allowed literally billions of humans to thrive.

Without fossil fuels, it would be impossible to sustain the global population of 8 billion.

bunch of quacks.

For the foreseeable future FF are powering and feeding the human race. The consequences without are apocalyptic, and there are no alternatives that would provide (increasingly) equal and reasonable energy.

Hahahahahhahahahahahahaha is this real? 😂🤡🤡🤡🤡


I feel manipulated by media, or at least that they are tryin to. I don't trust em, not anymore.

doctors of what? political science?

Fossil fuels save hundreds of millions every winter. Goodnight you fearmongering urinalists

why is the picture in this post of a nuclear power plant? I thought this article was supposed to be about fossils fuel?



Literally everything ctv does relies on oil and gas. Why does anyone listen to them anymore? Fossil fuels have saved millions upon millions of lives. Stop lying.

You’ve got the addiction wrong. In any case carbon based fuels are necessary to avoid a return to the Middle Ages.

I hear that farmers have quite the fossil fuel addiction, once they're gone I guess you city folk will be happy lining up for a loaf of bread or some bug protein smoothies.

Where will these doctors be without fossil fuels. How would they do their jobs without fossil fuels?

Lots of medicines are derivatives and components of petroleum and fuel production. Quite hypocritical dont ya think?

Just cut funding to CTV already, I'm so sick of their fear-porn and propaganda.

What Doctors? Dr. David Suzuki? 🤣🤣

LOL ... same group of people that think making firearms illegal will solve gun violence .. Geniuses the lot!!! Someone want to tell them?

Parody account?

Utter nonsense!

CTV shilling 🐄 💩 again! What a ridiculous article….

Do you think before you write or just pen furiously after the Trudeau phone call?

Lol after it keeps the other 6-7 billion alive. 😂

Here we go

Wow! The nerve! Who believes this BS

The Liberal party’s messages (CTV) are truly insane now.


Yet BILLIONS of people would starve without fossil fuels!

I'm also addicted to food and water.

It's rained most of the past 2 days here in New West, BC. My pretty little solar-powered butterflies, angels, dragonflies & hummingbirds could barely manage a few momentary blips of colour before shutting down. Imagine if solar powered my home's electricity.

ListComesForAll BenMorrissey16 Here's one for the list


The Rock says “know you’re role and shut your mouth.”

LMFAO... Where do you guys think of these things

Then these doctors should stop using the products derived from fossil fuels and go back to leeches.

The corporate media is the enemy of the people

Utter horse manure!

This is straight up misinformation

Wtf do doctors know about fossil fuels. Fossil fuels feed and warm billions.

FFS let’s just turn it all off for 2 weeks and watch millions thrive. What a crap take.

Can we agree that where people live and it gets down to -50c these people and areas should be expt from all virtue signalling stupidity regarding cutting back on heat and fuel and can we focus on places that never have winter as places that are better for carbon emissionreduction


This “article” is 💯 false - why is this NOT flagged as mis/disinformation When societies aren’t using natural gas or clean burning fossil fuel they tend to use wood or dung. Also, why show nuclear plants in the accompanying photo? Nuclear is 0 emissions. Get educated!

Energy ignorance kills. Legacy media continues its decline into narrative instead of news. Once the trust is broken it will likely never be restored. Hopefully more people are growing wise and will turn this garbage off. Cheap energy is the only thing that reduces poverty

What do the experts, critics, advocates and anonymous source say about this matter

Uhhhh, pretty sure it’s the opposite

Give up the covids already and on to the next grift. 😃💉

Interesting tweets this the same day CPHO_Canada posts about climate change & public health… it’s almost like they were told to… 🤔

They are clowns

Such sillyness deminishes the gravity of the title dr. and of the platforms that give voice to them. Public trust has eroded so far for better or worse.

You mean the same doctors that live in huge homes, have multiple gas guzzling SUV’s and travel the world by jet? Those ones? I think we’re done taking those guys seriously for now. They can take a seat and zip it.

Just driving through BC to Alberta and in Creston, those Tesla stations are backed up lol 😂

They lie.

Pure quackery As someone who lived with 14+ hour blackouts daily, for 2 decades, these doctors are full of 💩

Considering their incompetence in anything to do with addiction, and their gross abuse of an Rx pad, I'd suggest that these 'doctors' mean to treat this particular problem by euthanizing the patient. But reviewing the past 2 years, who will listen to them?

I’m addicted to not freezing to death 6 months of the year

Fossil fuels may have helped extend life expectancy?

Lmfao! Yeah let's all move back into caves then eh ctv?

Did they mention fact fentanyl is killing 10’s of 1000’s of our children every month? All because Chinese are manufacturing it & moving it across open southern border? A border opened up by Biden administration…Crickets? No priority is spending money on Ukraine Russian war? WTF?

Defund ctv

The advent of clean, abundant, affordable fossil fuels enabled human productivity, health and prosperity. The sooner we accept this fact, the better off we'll ALL be

Probably should start writing their “expert” articles on papyrus and distribute them by courier pigeons. They seem to have too much use of byproducts of fossil fuels.

Credentialed i.d.i.o.t. say 'fossil fuel addiction' kills, starves millions

More CTV BS, Energy has saved and liberated billions of people. This is another example of what the state media does on command for the Trudeau government 🤨

What embarrassing garbage. Pollen, ozone, wildfire smoke? You speak of food insecurity... but gloss over the fact that big agra and GM has been a huge player. An addiction Why not identify worst offenders, then? Trudy has a gas-guzzling motorcade and flies constantly. 0/10

'Starves millions'? Just a question, but how do you get your food? Must be a propaganda piece...has to be.

Can we trust anything that comes from CTV News? lol

Do any of these doctors use any petroleum products? Bike, car, etc.?

Vaccines? who cares. Narrative change. We must hate fossil fuels. The thing keeping us all alive. The Onion has better 'stories' than CTV at this point. fakenews

Oh, you mean PhDs. Not actual doctors. Good talk.

Those doctors are misinformed. None of them would be here or even doctors at all if it weren't for industrial civilization.

Ask the good Doctors what health effects will be felt by those forced to pay carbon taxes?

So reparations to people in warmer climates? I’ll pass.

😂😂😂. Worked fine for over 100 years ..

Says the dude tweeting from a fossil fuel product. Seriously?

The new 'green' approach to farming is what is going to starve millions, like Mark Rutte in the Netherlands destroying his farming sector over ideology. Interestingly enough Justin Trudeau another WEF member seems to have the same plans for Canada. Hello Fertilizer reduction!

Nobody talks like that.

Lack of fossil fuel starves millions, potentially billions.

Fossil fuels have risen billions out of poverty.

Oh fo

Fossil fuels are the number one reason we have more than 1 billion people on earth.

I’m so sick of CTV spreading such liberal garbage & as far as I’m concerned every last one of you should be jailed for reporting such garbage & that goes for all those loonie liberal Drs.🤡🤬🤡🤬

The exact opposite is actually true

Why are we not going all in on nuclear? We is the media constantly criticizing fossil fuels but never proposing an alternative that's actually viable. Wind and solar is not a viable substitute.

Doctors are as trustworthy as politicians these days. Fossil fuels run the planet. Without them we are back to the stone ages. Green power is pure BS and will be the end of civilizations

Doctors say the author Seth Borenstein kills and starves millions.

hydrocarbons are a gift from God

While said doctors live lavish lifestyles. They won’t make any sacrifices but want us to freeze… Liberal elite scum need to extinguished.

you never give up, do u? Lol

The ideal anatomy of a CTV journalist.


No it doesn’t. Quite the opposite actually.

This here thread is aging good but not for fake news

Do these doctors have any idea that w/o fossilfuels we are back to kitchen table surgery and boiled cabbage poultices? What a bunch of kooks! Like we said in 2015 Video: ableg abpoli abhealth Energy illiteracy is killing ppl.

This is a masterful propaganda shite-bag of nonsense --from The Lancet Countdown, funded by UN-control freak BillGates , humped by the Soros Open Society Foundation and pumped to the wef-fer spawn throughout the billy-club of racketeers and regimes.

Correct headline: Doctors kill, starve millions.

Burning fossil fuel produces Co2, which is food for crops, the more Co2 in atmosphere, the better crops grow, the more food we have on this planet, then less people get starved.

Fake news at its worst fossil fuels feed billions and much more

What a useless piece of garbage this story is.


Doctors say? Which doctors?

Actually far more people will die as climate extremists undermine the world’s energy security, especially the poor.

The exact opposite is true though. Starving cavemen is where these doctors want us?

You're still spewing what 'doctors' say what 'experts' say what 'scientists' say LMAO 🤣 YOUR mind games don't work - we buy nothing you publish. Propaganda machine pushing the covid cult + climate hoax narrative.. 😂

Is this CTV Pitchbot?

Get lost with your misinformation

I'm sure that the number who sniff gas isn't that high. For the rest of us, O&G has made the economy grow, increased the food supply, and is used to produce and transport nearly all of our goods. Without O&G, the world is screwed. MadMax


No fossil fuel will freeze millions. 🤨

Every single climate alarmist I know takes planes, goes on many vacations, buys tons of stuff. I'm going to guess MrBorenstein who wrote this piece, has travelled more than any of us. Their rule; plebs should be stopped from having things and enjoyment, only elite deserves those.

Yeah but they told everyone to get the Covid vaccine.

What happened to you, CTV? You might as well just merge with CBC.

Which Doctors?

Nice ratio for 'Fake News Friday' Harry__Faulkner

Next week's headline: Doctors say 'oxygen addiction' kills, starves millions

I'd like to not freeze in the winter. Guess that makes me an addict.

Well I doubt these doctors could tell us what a woman is, so... I'll toss this assessment in the bin.

Insane headline for the lobotomized.

Well im sure Danielle Smith will fire all the doctors now!!! Few openings at AHS, no experience or education required, just be able to read off of a prompter. Apply now!

Let’s follow the science. My new favourite term. How are batteries made? How are electric cars charged? How great is variable energy on a calm day? The millions who starve likely live in Saudi from unethical oil dirty production….follow that fuckin science dbags

Sounds like a bunch of quack doctors.

I’m addicted to not freezing to death in the winter.

Same ones that 2 weeks to stop covid or different doctors?

The populous says 'fake news addiction' kills, starves millions from actual news

Tell that to the Chinese….

Mainstream media is a fossil

Lol. They keep us warm in the winter.

If the pandemic has shown us anything, it's that doctors are liars.


Which bright doctors are spewing this bullshit? Zero credibility in the medical system Doctors oath ? What does that even mean? And MSM goes along with it! Simply disgusting

Smart people know that the end of fossil fuels is an extinction event.

Sure, and without it, guess what, millions starve and are killed. Soo..🤷‍♂️ I think your point is moot.

Glad I canceled my cable.

Cold, dark, brutal and short lives is what the Pol Potarian climate fraud cult Marxists have in mind for humanity.'Doctors say' is a FakeNews lie perpetrated by the bought and paid for leftist media.Just stop. CAGWFraud cndpoli

Actually, it’s brought hundreds of millions out of poverty.

Fossil fuels have made it possible to inhabit cold areas, travel, fertilize crops that feed our population and in general, thrive. Figure out how to limit the damage of fossil fuels without discounting all the good they have done and create hysteria.


Without fossil fuels most of us would be dead and by all metrics the effect of natural disasters on people is decreasing. There needs to be some balance in this type of reporting, as evidenced by the situation in Europe it can be dangerous to push the climate narrative.

Lack of fossil fuels is what kills people… we need heat, electricity, and the thousands of products made with petroleum.

I stopped shooting petrol years ago

Historians will look back at this period in time in disbelief at the communists and their propaganda arm and wonder wtaf were people thinking to believe such ridiculous and corrupt bull s h i t.


I can't. 🤣 please stop.

Have fun practicing medicine without fossil fuels 🤡🇨🇦

Doctors say climate change is behind the recent spike in myocarditis amongst the young

Big lies

“CTV Extremist News”

Does the bullshit ever end with you.

What a 🤡 world we live in.

That's an odd thing for doctors to say

Ask Europe how fossil fuel cold turkey is going for them

Millions would have died without access to cheap, abundant- dense energy sources via fossil fuels. That would be another way to put it.

So doctors are climate scientists now? 'Trust the experts!' 🤣

I will take you seriously when you start to use the term 'hydrocarbons' and actually understand what you're talking about. trying to dumb down the public one comment at a time.

It's not 'fossil fuels'. Those words were chosen carefully.

Same doctors that enjoys their high salaries and first class tickets on flights, meals, big homes with natural gas….who are they fooling?

Then get rid of all packaged processed food in the grocery store, as most contains plastic, made by fossil fuels....oh wait🙃

More BS

🤣🤣🤣 hey how much of their ppe, equipment and what not just to do their work involves production and by products of fossil fuels.

So doctors are now the climate experts. Trust the science 🙄

I think we have all had enough of “ “doctors” and “experts” for now, thanks…

After Covid I don’t trust or believe anything Drs have to say

Ha! Well of course, don’t drink it! Doctors say lots of things. Unless it’s about my individual physical health keep your ideas to yourselves doctors.

This again?! ClimateScam

Didnt you say Diwali fireworks cause climate change?

Society is where it is today because of oil and gas we wouldn’t be alive in sub zero climates with this size of population

then tell doctors to start taking the bus or start driving electric cars.

OMG , who brain wash those Dr.

Large percentage of things in the hospitals come from fossil fuels.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but don't fossil fuels run the farming equipment so the farmers who grow our food can harvest the crops and feed us our fuel?


slappy0417 So 'Science-y' sounding 🙄

You're a in it together. One pillar covers for the other.

maybe do a peice on EV battery grave yards .. oops .. renewable energy



Cut off the supply of electricity, natural gas, propane and water from doctor's homes (especially Suzuki's). As a kindness, we'd be saving their lives.

Those ppl are welcome to stop using fossil fuels. What's wrong with them? As for us here in Canada, the only reason we exist as a country is bc we have access to cheap, abundant, reliable, energy.

Be better CTV!

It also provides energy and food production for billions

No it doesn't. It keeps us warm and delivers our food.

If we stop using fossil fuels cold turkey billions would die within a few days. This argument is insane.

This is far from the truth, who write this misleading articles. CTV should be held accountable for spreading misinformation.

Who? Dr. Nick?

Are these the same fossil fuels that after its discovery, propelled humanity to where we are at today or they different ones?

Boat Captains say that fossil fuels are good for planet ….see how dumb this shit reporting is!! Elon musk says different and it’s not in his best interest… It’s just reality!!!

Doctors say that? Bhahahahaha

Wonder why the public is losing faith in governments, the medical community and the MSM?

Funny thing, doctors say a lot of stupid shit!

Did you know Canadian doctors are responsible for killing roughly 40,000 Canadians a year. Guns in america kill 30,000 a year.

Fake news. Listen tonCTV will kill

Nothing has done more to lift humanity out of poverty, starvation and climate related death than fossil fuels. Nothing.

How many millions do fossil fuels feed?

Trillions actually.

On the other hand it feeds them!

Hey , why do you hate poor people?

And now we see the pivot from Covid to Global Warming. Canadian MSM is a propaganda medium.

Other than being completely false, great point.

I wonder if these doctors know about how their life saving medical equipment gets manufactured.


Fuck da, I drive a propane forklift

Lol. No one trusts anything Doctors say anymore.

Fossil fuel does not starve millions. Paying Farmers to turn under their crops or dumping millions of gallons of milk into fields, that’s what causes starvation. Or in lament and terms - The love of power, control & the almighty buck. Focus on these atrocities first.

what doctors?

Give it up. Stop even trying.

LOL... new low ctv...well, no that's not possible... but still.

I think you might be confusing 'fossil fuels' causing starvation with the WEF causing them.

Fossil Fuels is another lie. oil regenerates, it doesn't come from dinosaurs (which aren't even real).

Well then park your Bentley😡ride a scooter

Apparently doctors can be paid to say a lot of things.

No. On the contrary. Fossil fuels are to be celebrated for having raised billions out of poverty. Period.

CTV propaganda.

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