Check out NASCAR’s first electric race car prototype

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Electric Vehicles,Electric Racing,Race Tracks

Cheyenne is Engadget’s weekend editor and covers a little bit of everything. She’s particularly interested in emerging technology and niche gadgets, climate change, space, privacy, and internet culture. She’ll talk your ear off about Tamagotchis if you get her started.

) was developed in partnership with ABB, Chevrolet, Ford and Toyota to call attention to sustainability efforts under the NASCAR Impact program and show what EVs are capable of.

” The prototype, which has been driven by NASCAR driver David Ragan, has three STARD UHP 6-Phase motors, with one in the front and two in the back. This is all powered by a 78-kWh liquid-cooled battery. According to NASCAR, “its tunable powertrain can generate 1,000 kW at peak power.” It’s built on a modified Next Gen chassis.NASCAR’s sustainability plans include adding EV charging stations and switching to 100 percent renewable energy at its race tracks by 2028.


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